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it's theirs by right

  • 1 droit

    droit1, e1 [dʀwa, dʀwat]
    1. adjective
    2. masculine noun
    3. feminine noun
    le tiroir/chemin de droite the right-hand drawer/path
    garder or tenir sa droite to keep to the right
    candidat/idées de droite right-wing candidate/ideas
    droit2, e2 [dʀwa, dʀwat]
    1. adjective
       a. ( = sans déviation, non courbe) [barre, ligne, route, nez] straight
       b. ( = vertical, non penché) [arbre, mur] straight
    être or se tenir droit comme un i to stand bolt upright
       c. ( = honnête, loyal) [personne] upright
    2. feminine noun
    droite ( = ligne) straight line
    3. adverb
    [viser, couper, marcher] straight
    aller/marcher droit devant soi to go/walk straight ahead
    aller droit au but or au fait to go straight to the point
    droit3 [dʀwa]
    1. masculine noun
       a. ( = prérogative) right
    droit de pêche/chasse fishing/hunting rights
    droit du sang/du sol right to nationality based on parentage/on place of birth
    avoir le droit de faire qch (simple permission, possibilité) to be allowed to do sth ; (autorisation juridique) to have the right to do sth
    avoir droit de regard sur [+ documents] to have the right to examine ; [+ affaires, décision] to have a say in
    de quel droit est-il entré ? what right did he have to come in?
       b. (Law) le droit law
    droit civil/pénal civil/criminal law
       c. ( = taxe) droit d'entrée entrance fee
    droits d'inscription/d'enregistrement enrolment/registration fee
    droit d'auteur ( = propriété artistique, littéraire) copyright
    droits d'auteur ( = rémunération) royalties droit de cité
    avoir droit de cité parmi/dans to be established among/in droits civils civil rights
    condamné/délit de droit commun common law criminal/crime droits de douane customs duties
    « tous droits (de reproduction) réservés » "all rights reserved" droits de succession inheritance tax
    * * *

    droite dʀwɑ, ɑt adjectif
    1) (pas courbe, pas tordu) [ligne, route, barre, cheveux, mur, nez] straight; ( pas penché) [écriture] up-and-down

    se tenir droit — ( debout) to stand up straight; ( assis) to sit up straight

    s'écarter du droit cheminfig to stray from the straight and narrow

    3) ( honnête) [personne] straight, upright; [vie] blameless
    4) ( sensé) [jugement] sound
    5) ( en couture) [jupe] straight; [veste] single-breasted
    6) Mathématique [cône, angle, prisme] right

    adverbe [aller, rouler] straight

    aller droit au but or fait — fig to go straight to the point

    ça m'est allé droit au cœurfig it really touched me

    marcher or filer (colloq) droit — fig to toe the line

    venir tout droit de[expression, citation] to come straight out of [auteur, œuvre]

    nom masculin
    1) ( prérogative) right

    avoir des droits sur quelqu'un/quelque chose — to have rights over somebody/something

    avoir droit àto have the right to [liberté, nationalité]; to be entitled to [bourse, indemnité]

    il a eu droit à une amendeiron he got a fine

    avoir le droit de faire — ( la permission) to be allowed to do; (selon la morale, la justice) to have the right to do

    à bon droit[se plaindre] with good reason

    ‘à qui de droit’ — ‘to whom it may concern’

    j'en parlerai à qui de droit — (colloq) I'll speak to the appropriate person

    faire droit àto grant [requête]

    3) ( redevance) fee
    4) ( en boxe) right

    crochet/uppercut du droit — right hook/uppercut

    Phrasal Verbs:

    se tenir droit comme un i or un piquet — to hold oneself very erect

    * * *
    dʀwa droit, -e
    1. adj
    1) (= non courbe) straight
    2) (= loyal, franc) upright, straight
    3) (= opposé à gauche) right
    2. adv
    3. nm
    1) (= prérogative) right

    On n'a pas le droit de fumer à l'école. — We're not allowed to smoke at school.

    être en droit de — to have a right to, to have the right to

    à bon droit (= justement)with good reason

    2) (= lois, sujet)
    3) (= poing)
    4) (= taxe) duty, tax, [inscription] fee
    4. droits nmpl
    1) (= prérogatives) rights
    2) (= somme d'argent)
    5. nf
    1) (= ligne) straight line
    2) BOXE (= coup) right
    3) (= opposé à gauche) right

    à droite (position) — on the right, (direction) right, to the right

    4) POLITIQUE right, right wing
    * * *
    A adj
    1 (pas courbe, pas tordu) [ligne, route, barre, cheveux, mur, tour, nez] straight; ( pas penché) [cône, cylindre, prisme] right; [écriture] up-and-down; le tableau n'est pas droit the picture isn't straight; se tenir droit ( debout) to stand up straight; ( assis) to sit up straight; tenir qch droit to hold sth straight; le droit chemin fig the straight and narrow; s'écarter du droit chemin to stray from the straight and narrow; descendre en droite ligne de to be a direct descendant of;
    2 ( contraire de gauche) right; le côté droit the right side; du côté droit on the right(-hand) side;
    3 ( honnête) [personne] straight, upright; [vie] blameless;
    4 ( sensé) [jugement] sound;
    5 Mode [jupe] straight; [veste] single-breasted;
    6 Math right.
    B adv [aller, rouler] straight; droit devant straight ahead; se diriger droit vers to make straight for, to make a beeline for; la voiture venait droit sur nous the car was coming straight at us; continuez tout droit carry straight on; file tout droit à la maison go straight home; aller droit au but or fait fig to go straight to the point; aller droit à la catastrophe to be heading straight for disaster; ça m'est allé droit au cœur fig it really touched me; marcher droit lit to walk straight; marcher or filer droit to toe the line; regarder qn droit dans les yeux to look sb straight in the eye; venir tout droit de [expression, citation] to come straight out of [auteur, œuvre]; je reviens tout droit de chez elle/de l'exposition I've come straight from her place/the exhibition.
    C nm
    1 ( prérogative) right; connaître/faire valoir ses droits to know/assert one's rights; avoir des droits sur qn/qch to have rights over sb/sth; de quel droit est-ce que tu me juges? what gives you the right to judge me?; être dans son (bon) droit, avoir le droit pour soi or de son côté to be within one's rights; de (plein) droit by right(s); de droit divin [monarque, monarchie] by divine right; cela leur revient de droit it's theirs by right; c'est tout à fait ton droit you have every right to do so, you're perfectly entitled to do so; avoir droit à to have the right to [liberté, nationalité]; to be entitled to, to be eligible for [bourse, indemnité]; vous avez droit à une boisson chacun you're allowed one drink each; les spectateurs ont eu droit à un beau match the spectators were treated to a fine game; on a eu droit à ses souvenirs de régiment iron he treated us to stories about his army days; il a eu droit à une amende iron he got a fine; avoir le droit de faire ( la permission) to be allowed to do; (selon la morale, la justice) to have the right to do; elle n'a pas le droit de sortir le soir she isn't allowed to go out at night; j'ai quand même le droit de poser une question! iron I suppose I am allowed to ask a question?; j'ai le droit de savoir I've got a right to know; elle n'a pas le droit de me juger/d'exiger ça de moi she has no right to judge me/to demand that of me; avoir le droit de vie ou de mort sur qn to have (the) power of life and death over sb; il s'imagine qu'il a tous les droits he thinks he can do whatever he likes; être en droit de to be entitled to; on est en droit de se demander si… we are entitled ou we have every right to wonder if…; ça te donne droit à… it entitles you to…; à bon droit [se plaindre, protester] with good reason; ‘à qui de droit’ ‘to whom it may concern’; j'en parlerai à qui de droit I'll speak to the appropriate person; faire droit à to grant [demande, requête];
    2 Jur ( ensemble de lois) law; le droit français/anglais French/English law; faire son droit to study law; étudiant en droit law student;
    3 ( redevance) fee; acquitter/percevoir un droit to pay/receive a fee; droit d'inscription registration fee; passible de droit dutiable;
    4 ( en boxe) right; direct du droit straight right; crochet/uppercut du droit right hook/uppercut.
    D droite nf
    1 ( opposé à gauche) la droite the right; la porte de droite the door on the right; être/rouler à droite to be/to drive on the right; tourner à droite to turn right; tenir sa droite Aut to keep (to the) right; à ta droite, sur ta droite on your right; à droite de to the right of; deuxième couloir à droite second corridor on the right; il ne connaît pas sa droite de sa gauche he can't tell (his) right from (his) left; demander à droite et à gauche ( partout) to ask everywhere ou all over the place; ( à tous) to ask everybody; être critiqué de droite et de gauche to be criticized from all sides ou by everybody;
    2 Pol right; voter à droite to vote for the right; de droite [parti, personne, gouvernement] right-wing; être à or de droite to be right-wing;
    3 Math straight line.
    droit administratif administrative law; droit aérien Jur air law; droit des affaires Jur company law GB, corporate law US; droit d'aînesse Jur birthright, primogeniture; droit d'antenne broadcasting right; droit d'asile Pol right of asylum; droit au bail right to the lease; droit canon Jur canon law; droit de cité Jur (right of) citizenship; fig acceptance; acquérir droit de cité fig to gain acceptance; avoir droit de cité to be accepted; donner droit de cité à to accept; droit civil Jur civil law; droit commercial commercial law; droit commun ( prisonnier) nonpolitical; de droit commun [prisonnier] nonpolitical, ordinary; [[taux, régime] ordinary; droit constitutionnel Jur constitutional law; droit coutumier Jur common law; droit écrit Jur statute law; droit d'entrée Comm, Fisc import duty; ( pour une personne) entrance fee; droit d'étalage Comm, Fisc stallage; droit fil Cout straight grain; fig main line; dans le droit fil de fig in line with; droit fiscal Jur tax law; droit de grâce Jur right of reprieve; droit de grève Pol right to strike; droit immobilier Jur property law; droit international Jur international law; droit maritime Jur maritime law; droit de passage Jur right of way GB, easement US; droit pénal Jur criminal law; droit de port Fisc port dues; droit de poursuite Jur right of action; droit de préemption right of preemption; droit privé Jur private law; droit de propriété right of possession; droit public Jur public law; droit de recours Jur right of appeal; droit de regard Fin right of inspection; gén avoir droit de regard sur to have a say in; droit de réponse right of reply; droit de rétention lien; droit du sang right to citizenship by virtue of kinship; droit social Jur labourGB law; droit du sol right to citizenship by virtue of birth in a country; droit de timbre Fisc stamp duty; droit du travail Jur labourGB law; droit d'usage Jur customary right; droit de veto right of veto; droit de visite Jur right of access; droit de vote Pol right to vote; droits d'auteur Édition royalties; droits civiques Pol civil rights; droits de douane Comm, Fisc customs duties; les droits de l'homme human rights; droits de quai Fisc wharfage; droits de reproduction reproduction rights; tous droits de reproduction réservés all rights reserved; droits de succession Fisc inheritance tax; droits de tirage spéciaux, DTS Fisc special drawing rights, SDR.
    se tenir droit comme un i or un piquet to hold oneself very erect ou upright.
    ( féminin droite) [drwa, drwat] adjectif
    1. [rectiligne - allée, bâton, nez] straight
    2. [vertical, non penché - mur] upright, straight, plumb (terme spécialisé) ; [ - dossier, poteau] upright, straight
    être ou se tenir droit
    droit comme un cierge ou un i ou un piquet (as) stiff as a poker ou a ramrod ou a post
    3. [d'aplomb] straight
    4. [loyal - personne] upright, honest
    5. [sensé - raisonnement] sound, sane
    6. [vêtement]
    manteau/veston droit single-breasted coat/jacket
    [couper, rouler] straight (adverbe)
    après le carrefour, c'est toujours tout droit after the crossroads, keep going straight on ou ahead
    aller droit à: j'irai droit au but I'll come straight to the point, I won't beat about the bush
    aller droit à la catastrophe/l'échec to be heading straight for disaster/a failure
    droite nom féminin
    ( féminin droite) [drwa, drwat] adjectif
    [ailier, jambe, œil] right
    nom masculin
    droite nom féminin
    1. [côté droit]
    la droite the right (side), the right-hand side
    à droite locution adverbiale
    1. [du côté droit]
    à droite et à gauche (figuré) here and there, hither and thither (littéraire & humoristique), all over the place
    à droite, droite! right wheel!
    à droite de locution prépositionnelle
    to ou on the right of
    de droite locution adjectivale
    1. [du côté droit]
    la porte de droite the door on the right, the right-hand door
    les gens de droite rightwingers, people on the right
    [drwa] nom masculin
    le droit [lois, discipline] law
    avoir le droit pour soi to have right ou the law on one's side
    droit civil/commercial/constitutionnel civil/commercial/constitutional law
    droit commun ou coutumier common law
    droit privé/public private/public law
    2. [prérogative particulière] right
    dans cette entreprise, le droit de cuissage est monnaie courante sexual harassment is very common in this company
    droit de voirietax paid by businesses who wish to place displays, signs etc. on the public highway
    le droit de vote (the) franchise, the right to vote
    avoir droit de cité [idéologie] to be established, to have currency
    ils se croient tous les droits, ces gens-là! these people think they can do what they like!
    3. [autorisation sociale ou morale] right
    de quel droit l'a-t-il lue? what gave him the right to read it?, what right had he to read it?
    être en droit de faire to be entitled ou to have the right to do
    reprendre ses droits [idée, habitude, nature] to reassert itself
    a. [explications] to be entitled to
    b. [bourse, indemnité] to be entitled to, to be eligible for
    c. [reconnaissance, respect] to deserve
    a. [comptabilité, dossier] to have the right to examine ou to inspect
    a. [généralement] to be allowed ou to have the right to do
    b. [officiellement] to have the right ou to be entitled to do
    j'ai bien le droit de me reposer! I'm entitled to some rest, aren't I?
    4. [impôt, taxe] duty, tax
    5. [frais] fee
    dans mon/son (bon) droit within my/his rights
    de (plein) droit by rights, as a right
    droits nom masculin pluriel
    1. droit
    a. [prérogative] rights, copyright
    b. [somme] royalties

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > droit

  • 2 revenir

    revenir [ʀəv(ə)niʀ, ʀ(ə)vəniʀ]
    ➭ TABLE 22
    revenir is conjugated with être.
    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━intransitive verb
       a. ( = venir de nouveau) to come back ; [calme, ordre, oiseaux] to return ; [soleil] to reappear ; [fête, date] to come round again ; [thème, idée] to recur
    pouvez-vous revenir plus tard ? can you come back later?
       b. ( = rentrer) to come back, to return
       c. ( = retourner) revenir en arrière to go back
       d. ( = coûter) ça revient cher it's expensive
       e. ( = cuire) faire revenir to brown
       f. (locutions)
    revenir à qch ( = reprendre) to return to sth ; ( = équivaloir à) to amount to sth ; ( = totaliser) to come to sth
    j'en reviens toujours là, il faut... I still come back to this, we must...
    cela revient à dire que... it amounts to saying that...
    ça revient à 100 € it comes to €100
    à combien est-ce que cela va vous revenir ? how much will that cost you?
    revenir au score to draw revenir à qn [courage, appétit, parole] to return to sb ; [droit, honneur, responsabilité] to fall to sb ; [biens, somme d'argent] to come to sb ; [souvenir, idée] to come back to sb
    ça me revient ! it's coming back to me now!
    là-dessus, 100 € me reviennent 100 euros of that comes to me
    elle ne me revient pas du tout, cette fille (inf) I don't like that girl at all revenir à soi [personne] to come to
    revenir de [+ surprise] to get over ; [+ erreurs] to leave behind
    je n'en reviens pas ! I can't get over it! revenir sur [+ affaire, problème] to go back over ; [+ promesse, décision] to go back on ; ( = rattraper) to catch up with
    * * *
    ʀəvniʀ, ʀvəniʀ
    verbe intransitif (+ v être)
    1) ( fréquenter de nouveau) to come back; ( venir une fois encore) to come again
    2) ( rentrer) [personne, animal, véhicule] to come back (à to; de from), to return (à to; de from)

    revenir sur terrefig to come down to earth

    revenir de loinlit to come back from far away; fig to have had a close shave

    en revenant du bureau — ( en route) coming home from the office; ( à l'arrivée) on getting home from the office

    je reviens tout de suite — I'll be back in a minute, I'll be right back (colloq)

    mon chèque m'est revenumy cheque GB ou check US was returned

    3) (reprendre, retourner à)

    revenir à — to return to, to come back to [méthode, conception, histoire]

    revenir à la normale/au pouvoir — to return to normal/to power

    revenir à ses habitudes/aux frontières d'avant la guerre — to revert to one's old habits/to pre-war borders

    4) ( réapparaître) [tache, rhume, mode] to come back; [soleil] to come out again; [saison] to return; [date, fête] to come round again GB, to come again US; [idée, thème] to recur

    le mot revient souvent sous sa plume — the word keeps cropping up in his/her writing

    le calme est revenu — calm has been restored, things have calmed down

    5) ( être recouvré) [appétit, mémoire] to come back

    revenir à quelqu'un, revenir à la mémoire or l'esprit de quelqu'un — to come back to somebody

    ça me revient! — now I remember!, now it's coming back!

    7) ( coûter)

    revenir à 20 euros — to come to 20 euros, to cost 20 euros

    ça revient au mêmeit amounts ou comes to the same thing

    revenir surto go back over [question, passé]; ( changer d'avis) to go back on [décision, promesse]; to retract [aveu]

    revenir deto get over [maladie, surprise]; to lose [illusion]; to abandon [théorie]

    la vie à la campagne, j'en suis revenu — as for life in the country, I've seen it for what it is

    je n'en reviens pas! — (colloq) I can't get over it!

    revenir à quelqu'un, revenir aux oreilles de quelqu'un — [propos] to get back to somebody, to reach somebody's ears

    revenir à quelqu'un[bien, titre] to go to somebody; [honneur] to fall to somebody; ( de droit) to be due to somebody

    les 10% qui me reviennent — the 10% that's coming to me

    s'en revenir verbe pronominal liter to return (de from)

    verbe impersonnel
    1) ( incomber)

    il me revient queI recall ou remember that


    revenir à soito come round GB, to come to

    * * *
    ʀ(ə)v(ə)niʀ vi
    1) [personne] (en un lieu) to come back

    Elle est revenue du Japon le mois dernier. — She got back from Japan last month.

    revenir à qch [études, projet] — to return to sth, to go back to sth

    revenir de qch fig [maladie, étonnement] — to recover from sth, [engouement] to be over sth

    Il est revenu de sa période bio. — He's got over his organic phase.

    n'en pas revenir; Je n'en reviens pas. — I can't get over it.

    revenir sur qch [question, sujet] — to go back over sth, [engagement] to go back on sth

    2) (sujet chose) (= coûter) to come to

    revenir à 100 € à qn — to cost sb €100

    Ça revient cher. — It costs a lot.

    3) (= équivaloir à) to amount to

    ça revient au même — it comes to the same thing, it amounts to the same thing


    revenir à qn [rumeur, nouvelle] — to get back to sb, to reach sb's ears, [part, honneur] to go to sb, to be sb's, [souvenir, nom] to come back to sb

    Son nom m'est revenu cinq minutes après. — His name came back to me five minutes later.

    ceci lui revient (à lui) — this is his, this goes to him, (à elle) this is hers, this goes her

    * * *
    revenir verb table: venir
    A vi (+ v être)
    1 ( fréquenter de nouveau) to come back; ( venir une fois encore) to come again; un client mal servi ne revient pas a dissatisfied customer won't come back; elle revient chaque année en France she comes back to France every year; elle revient en France cette année she's coming to France again this year; nous fermons, revenez demain we're closing, come back tomorrow; tu reviendras nous voir? will you come and see us again?; revenir (pour) faire to come back to do;
    2 ( rentrer) [personne, animal, véhicule] to come back, to return; revenir à/de to come back ou return to/from; revenir de Tokyo to come back from Tokyo; revenir chez soi to come back ou return home; revenir sur terre fig to come back to earth; revenir à sa place to return to one's seat; partir pour ne jamais revenir to leave never to return; revenir de loin lit to come back from far away; fig to have had a close shave; son mari lui est revenu her husband came back to her; en revenant du bureau ( en route) coming home from the office, on the way home from the office; ( à l'arrivée) on getting home from the office; je reviens tout de suite I'll be back in a minute, I'll be right back; il en est revenu vivant he got back in one piece; elle est revenue en vitesse à la maison she rushed back home; mon chèque m'est revenu parce qu'il n'était pas signé my cheque GB ou check US was returned because I forgot to sign it; ⇒ galop;
    3 (reprendre, retourner à) revenir à to return to, to come back to [méthode, conception, histoire]; revenons à notre héros let's return to our hero; revenir à la normale to return to normal; revenir au pouvoir to return to power; ça revient à la mode it's coming back into fashion; la livre est revenue à 1,6 euro the pound has gone back to 1.6 euros; revenir à la politique to come back into politics; revenir à ses habitudes to return ou revert to one's old habits; revenir aux frontières d'avant la guerre to revert to pre-war borders; pour (en) revenir à mon histoire/ce que je disais to get back to my story/what I was saying; revenir à de meilleurs sentiments to return to a better frame of mind; n'y reviens pas! ( ne recommence pas) don't let it happen again!; ( n'en parle plus) don't start that again!;
    4 ( réapparaître) [tache, rhume, douleur] to come back; [soleil] to come out again; [saison] to return; [date, fête] to come round again GB, to come again US; [idée, thème] to recur; [mode] to come back; cette idée me revenait souvent the idea kept occurring to me; le mot revient souvent sous sa plume the word keeps cropping up in his/her writing; le calme est revenu calm has been restored, things have calmed down;
    5 ( être recouvré) [appétit, mémoire] to come back; l'appétit me revient I'm getting my appetite back; sa mémoire ne lui reviendra jamais comme avant his/her memory will never be the same again;
    6 ( être remémoré) revenir à qn, revenir à la mémoire or l'esprit de qn to come back to sb; ça me revient! now I remember!, now it's coming back!; cette journée me revient en mémoire I remember that day; si le nom me/te revient if I/you remember the name, if the name comes to mind;
    7 ( coûter) revenir à 100 euros to come to 100 euros, to cost 100 euros; ça m'est revenu à 100 euros it cost me 100 euros; ça revient cher it works out expensive;
    8 ( équivaloir à) ça revient au même it amounts ou comes to the same thing; ce qui revient à dire que which amounts to saying that;
    9 ( reconsidérer) revenir sur to go back over [question, différend, passé]; ( changer d'avis) to go back on [décision, parole, promesse]; to retract [aveu]; ne revenons pas là-dessus don't let's go over all that again;
    10 ( sortir d'un état) revenir de to get over [maladie, frayeur, surprise]; to lose [illusion]; to abandon [théorie] ; revenir de ses illusions to lose one's illusions; revenir de son erreur to realize one's mistake; la vie à la campagne, j'en suis revenu as for life in the country, I've seen it for what it is; je le croyais honnête mais j'en suis revenu I thought he was honest but I've seen him for what he is; être revenu de tout to be blasé; je n'en reviens pas! I can't get over it!, I'm amazed!; je n'en reviens pas qu'il ait dit oui I can't get over the fact that he said yes, I am amazed that he said yes; je n'en reviens pas des progrès que tu as faits I'm amazed at the progress you've made;
    11 ( être rapporté) [propos, remarque] revenir à qn, revenir aux oreilles de qn to get back to sb, to reach sb's ears;
    12 ( être attribué) revenir à qn [bien, titre] to go to sb, to pass to sb; [honneur] to fall to sb; ( de droit) to be due to sb; le titre leur revient à la mort de leur père the title goes ou passes to them on their father's death; ce poste pourrait revenir à un écologiste this post could go to an ecologist; ça leur revient de droit it's theirs by right; les 10% qui me reviennent the 10% that's coming to me; la décision revient au rédacteur it is the editor's decision, the decision lies with the editor;
    13 Culin faire revenir to brown [ail, oignons, viande].
    B s'en revenir vpr liter to return (de from).
    C v impers
    1 ( incomber) c'est à vous qu'il revient de trancher it is for you to decide;
    2 ( parvenir à la connaissance de) il m'est revenu certains propos certain remarks have reached my ears; s'il leur en revenait quelque chose if it reached their ears, if it got back to them; il me revient de tous côtés qu'on me critique I keep hearing that people are criticizing me;
    3 ( être remémoré) liter il me revient que I recall ou remember that.
    revenir à soi to come round, to come to; revenir à la vie to come back to life; il a une tête or un air qui ne me revient pas I don't like the look of him.
    [rəvnir] verbe intransitif
    1. [venir à nouveau - généralement] to come back ; [ - chez soi] to come back, to come (back) home, to return home ; [ - au point de départ] to return, to come ou to get back
    enfin tu me reviens! at last, you've come back to me!
    a. [dans le temps] to go back (in time)
    b. [dans l'espace] to retrace one's steps, to go back
    b. [elle a eu de graves ennuis] she's had a close shave!
    2. [se manifester à nouveau - doute, inquiétude] to return, to come back ; [ - calme, paix] to return, to be restored ; [ - symptôme] to recur, to return, to reappear ; [ - problème] to crop up ou to arise again ; [ - occasion] to crop up again ; [ - thème, rime] to recur, to reappear ; [ - célébration] to come round again ; [ - saison] to return, to come back ; [ - soleil] to come out again, to reappear
    3. SPORT [dans une course] to come back, to catch up
    4. [coûter]
    revenir à to cost, to amount to, to come to
    6. (familier) [retrouver son état normal - tissu]
    revenir à verbe plus préposition
    1. [équivaloir à] to come down to, to amount to
    ce qui revient à dire que... which amounts to saying that...
    ça revient au même! (it) amounts to ou comes to the same thing!
    2. [reprendre - mode, procédé, thème] to go back to, to revert to, to return to
    on revient aux ou à la mode des cheveux courts short hair is coming back ou on its way back
    (en) revenir à: mais revenons ou revenons-en à cette affaire but let's get ou come back to this matter
    bon, pour (en) revenir à notre histoire... right, to get back to ou to go on with our story...
    j'en ou je reviens à ma question, où étiez-vous hier? I'm asking you again, where were you yesterday?
    et si nous (en) revenions à vous, M. Lebrun? now what about you, Mr Lebrun?
    y revenir: voilà dix euros, et n'y reviens plus! here's ten euros, and don't ask me again!
    il n'y a pas ou plus à y revenir! and that's final ou that's that!
    revenir à soi to come to, to come round
    3. [suj: part, récompense] to go ou to fall to, to devolve on ou upon (soutenu)
    [suj: droit, tâche] to fall to
    tout le mérite t'en revient the credit is all yours, you get all the credit for it
    la décision nous revient, il nous revient de décider it's for us ou up to us to decide
    4. [suj: faculté, souvenir] to come back to
    ça me revient seulement maintenant, ils ont divorcé I've just remembered, they got divorced
    il me revient que tu étais riche à l'époque (soutenu) as I recall, you were rich at the time
    revenir à quelqu'un ou aux oreilles de quelqu'un to get back to somebody, to reach somebody's ears
    il m'est revenu que... word has got back to me ou has reached me that...
    5. (familier) [plaire à]
    revenir de verbe plus préposition
    1. [émotion, étonnement, maladie] to get over, to recover from
    a. [guérir] to come ou to pull through it, to recover
    b. [échapper à un danger] to come through (it)
    je n'en reviens pas qu'il ait dit ça! it's amazing he should say that!, I can't get over him saying that!
    quand je vais te le raconter, tu n'en reviendras pas when I tell you the story you won't believe your ears
    2. [idée, préjugé] to put ou to cast aside (separable) , to throw over (separable)
    [illusion] to shake off (separable)
    [principe] to give up (separable) , to leave behind
    revenir de ses erreurs to realize ou to recognize one's mistakes
    moi, l'homéopathie, j'en suis revenu! (familier) as far as I'm concerned, I've done ou I'm through with homeopathy!
    revenir sur verbe plus préposition
    2. [décision, déclaration, promesse] to go back on
    ma décision est prise, je ne reviendrai pas dessus my mind is made up and I'm not going to change it
    revenir sur sa parole ou sur la parole donnée to go back on one's word, to break one's promise
    s'en revenir verbe pronominal intransitif
    nous nous en revenions tranquillement lorsque... we were slowly making our way home when...

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > revenir

  • 3 по праву

    [PrepP; Invar; adv]
    justifiably, deservedly:
    - (have) every right (to do sth.);
    - legitimately.
         ♦ Они хотят только привилегий, которые, как они думают, принадлежат им по праву (Зиновьев 1). "They want only the privileges which they believe are theirs by right" (1a).
         ♦...Мои крупицы [ слова и выражения из моих рукописей], даже в искаженном виде, помогли ему быстро сделать блистательную карьеру, и теперь без зазрения совести он потреблял плоды славы, которые по праву принадлежали мне одному (Терц 4)... The crumbs from my table [words and expressions from my manuscripts], even in distorted form, had helped him rapidly to achieve a brilliant career, and now, without any qualms of conscience, he was consuming the fruits of glory which by rights belonged to me alone (4a).
         ♦ Кязым по праву считался одним из самых умных людей Чегема (Искандер 5). Kyazym was rightly considered to be one of the smartest men in Chegem (5a).
         ♦ Умел Александр Иванович держаться достаточно твёрдо, знал, когда казнить, а когда миловать, и мог по праву этим гордиться (Ерофеев 3). Alexander Ivanovich knew the fine art of keeping to a steady course, he knew when to punish and when to forgive and had every right to be proud of this knowledge (3a).
    [PrepP; Invar; the resulting PrepP is adv]
    1. по праву кого utilizing the prerogatives or entitlements specific to one's position: exercising one's rights as; as; on the strength of (being a [NP])
    ; it is one's privilege as (s.o.'s [NP]).
         ♦ По праву родственника тесть вмешивается во все наши дела. Exercising his rights as a family member, my father-in-law interferes in all our affairs.
         ♦ "Хорошо, что ты приехал, Сергей Миронович", - говорил Сталин, усаживаясь по праву хозяина во главе стола... (Рыбаков 2). As the host Stalin sat at the head of the table. "I'm glad you came, Sergei Mironovich" (2a).
         Потом... потом, по праву и обязанности жениха, он привезет невесте подарок... (Гончаров 1). Then., then it would be his privilege and his duty, as Olga's fiance, to bring her a gift (1b).
    2. по праву чего owing to sth., because of sth.:
    - on the strength of.
         ♦...[Харлампо] отрицательным движением головы показывал, что он не собирается таким коварным путем овладеть любимой девушкой. Возможно, тут сказывалась его затаенная под лавиной унижений гордость, его уверенность, что он, столько прождавший, в конце концов, законным путем получит то, что принадлежит ему по праву любви (Искандер 5)....[Harlampo] shook his head again to show that he had no intention of using such guile to possess the girl he loved. This may have been his pride showing through, buried though it was under an avalanche of humiliations - his conviction that in the end, having waited so long, he would receive by legal means what belonged to him by right of love (5a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > по праву

  • 4 П-490

    ПО ПРАВУ' PrepP Invar adv
    justifiably, deservedly
    by right(s)
    rightly rightfully (have) every right (to do sth.) legitimately.
    Они хотят только привилегий, которые, как они думают, принадлежат им по праву (Зиновьев 1). "They want only the privileges which they believe are theirs by right" (1a).
    ...Мои крупицы (слова и выражения из моих рукописей), даже в искаженном виде, помогли ему быстро сделать блистательную карьеру, и теперь без зазрения совести он потреблял плоды славы, которые по праву принадлежали мне одному (Терц 4)... The crumbs from my table (words and expressions from my manuscripts), even in distorted form, had helped him rapidly to achieve a brilliant career, and now, without any qualms of conscience, he was consuming the fruits of glory which by rights belonged to me alone (4a).
    Кязым по праву считался одним из самых умных людей Чегема (Искандер 5). Kyazym was rightly considered to be one of the smartest men in Chegem (5a).
    Умел Александр Иванович держаться достаточно твёрдо, знал, когда казнить, а когда миловать, и мог по праву этим гордиться (Ерофеев 3). Alexander Ivanovich knew the fine art of keeping to a steady course, he knew when to punish and when to forgive and had every right to be proud of this knowledge (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-490

  • 5 Д-294

    СВОЙ В ДОСКУ СВОЙ ПАРЕНЬ В ДОСКУ both highly coll NP often subj-compl with copula (subj: human usu. this WO (1st var.)) genuinely close (in convictions, values etc) and trusted, accepted by the group in question
    one of our (your, their) own
    one of the gang (the guys etc) one of us (you, them, ours, yours, theirs) (all right).
    Тут мы собутыльники... А за дверями Павильона мы социальные индивиды, устраивающие свои делишки. Тут ты свой в доску парень. А там ты активист. Карьерист, точнее говоря (Зиновьев 1). "We're all drinking companions here....But as soon as we get outside the doors of the Pavilion we're social individuals going about our own little affairs. In here you're just one of the lads. Out there you're an activist, or rather a careerist" (1a).
    Дважды уже мимо Пантелея прошли дружинники... «Боятся, что иностранец», - подумал Пантелей... «Который час, не скажете?» - спросил дружинник. Решили, наконец, выяснить - иностранец или наш. Сейчас он им покажет, что в доску свой, несмотря на длинные волосы и замшевые кеды. «У вас рубля случайно не будет, папаша? — хриплым голосом ответил он вопросом на вопрос. - Душа горит...» Дружина испустила вздох облегчения — свой парень! (Аксёнов 6). ( context transl) TWice already a group of vigilantes had walked past Pan-telei....They're afraid I'm a foreigner, thought Pantelei...."What's the time, please?" asked one of the vigilantes. They had finally decided to find out whether he was a foreigner or one of ours. He would now show them that he was one hundred percent Soviet, in spite of his long hair and suede sneakers. "You wouldn't happen to have a ruble to spare, would you, dad?" He answered their question with another question in a hoarse, desperate voice. "My soul's on fire..." The vigilantes gave a sigh of relief-he's one of ours all right! (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-294

  • 6 свой в доску

    СВОЙ В ДОСКУ; СВОЙ ПАРЕНЬ В ДОСКУ both highly coll
    [NP; often subj-compl with copula (subj: human); usu. this WO (1st var.)]
    genuinely close (in convictions, values etc) and trusted, accepted by the group in question:
    - one of our (your, their) own;
    - one of the gang (the guys etc);
    - one of us (you, them, ours, yours, theirs) (all right).
         ♦ Тут мы собутыльники... А за дверями Павильона мы социальные индивиды, устраивающие свои делишки. Тут ты свой в доску парень. А там ты активист. Карьерист, точнее говоря (Зиновьев 1). "We're all drinking companions here....But as soon as we get outside the doors of the Pavilion we're social individuals going about our own little affairs. In here you're just one of the lads. Out there you're an activist, or rather a careerist" (1a).
         ♦ Дважды уже мимо Пантелея прошли дружинники... "Боятся, что иностранец", - подумал Пантелей... "Который час, не скажете?" - спросил дружинник. Решили, наконец, выяснить - иностранец или наш. Сейчас он им покажет, что в доску свой, несмотря на длинные волосы и замшевые кеды. "У вас рубля случайно не будет, папаша? - хриплым голосом ответил он вопросом на вопрос. - Душа горит..." Дружина испустила вздох облегчения - свой парень! (Аксёнов 6). [context transl] Twice already a group of vigilantes had walked past Pantelei....They're afraid I'm a foreigner, thought Pantelei...."What's the time, please?" asked one of the vigilantes. They had finally decided to find out whether he was a foreigner or one of ours. He would now show them that he was one hundred percent Soviet, in spite of his long hair and suede sneakers. "You wouldn't happen to have a ruble to spare, would you, dad?" He answered their question with another question in a hoarse, desperate voice. "My soul's on fire..." The vigilantes gave a sigh of relief-he's one of ours all right! (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > свой в доску

  • 7 свой парень в доску

    СВОЙ В ДОСКУ; СВОЙ ПАРЕНЬ В ДОСКУ both highly coll
    [NP; often subj-compl with copula (subj: human); usu. this WO (1st var.)]
    genuinely close (in convictions, values etc) and trusted, accepted by the group in question:
    - one of our (your, their) own;
    - one of the gang (the guys etc);
    - one of us (you, them, ours, yours, theirs) (all right).
         ♦ Тут мы собутыльники... А за дверями Павильона мы социальные индивиды, устраивающие свои делишки. Тут ты свой в доску парень. А там ты активист. Карьерист, точнее говоря (Зиновьев 1). "We're all drinking companions here....But as soon as we get outside the doors of the Pavilion we're social individuals going about our own little affairs. In here you're just one of the lads. Out there you're an activist, or rather a careerist" (1a).
         ♦ Дважды уже мимо Пантелея прошли дружинники... "Боятся, что иностранец", - подумал Пантелей... "Который час, не скажете?" - спросил дружинник. Решили, наконец, выяснить - иностранец или наш. Сейчас он им покажет, что в доску свой, несмотря на длинные волосы и замшевые кеды. "У вас рубля случайно не будет, папаша? - хриплым голосом ответил он вопросом на вопрос. - Душа горит..." Дружина испустила вздох облегчения - свой парень! (Аксёнов 6). [context transl] Twice already a group of vigilantes had walked past Pantelei....They're afraid I'm a foreigner, thought Pantelei...."What's the time, please?" asked one of the vigilantes. They had finally decided to find out whether he was a foreigner or one of ours. He would now show them that he was one hundred percent Soviet, in spite of his long hair and suede sneakers. "You wouldn't happen to have a ruble to spare, would you, dad?" He answered their question with another question in a hoarse, desperate voice. "My soul's on fire..." The vigilantes gave a sigh of relief-he's one of ours all right! (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > свой парень в доску

  • 8 de

    1 of.
    el coche de mi padre/mis padres my father's/parents' car
    es de ella it's hers
    la pata de la mesa the table leg
    La casa de mi padre The house of my father [My father's house]
    2 from (procedencia, distancia).
    salir de casa to leave home
    soy de Bilbao I'm from Bilbao
    de la playa al apartamento hay 100 metros it's 100 meters from the beach to the apartment
    3 (made) of (materia).
    un vaso de plástico a plastic cup
    un reloj de oro a gold watch
    4 about (asunto).
    hablábamos de ti we were talking about you
    libros de historia history books
    5 as.
    trabaja de bombero he works as a fireman
    trabaja de nueve a cinco she works from nine to five
    de madrugada early in the morning
    a las cuatro de la tarde at four in the afternoon
    trabaja de noche y duerme de día he works at night and sleeps during the day
    7 with (causa, modo).
    morirse de hambre to die of hunger
    llorar de alegría to cry with joy
    de una patada with a kick
    de una sola vez in one go
    de tres en tres three at a time
    8 if.
    de ir a verte, sería este domingo if I do visit you, it'll be this Sunday
    de no ser por ti, me hubiese hundido if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have made it
    9 to.
    Está ansiosa de obtener ese trabajo She is anxious to have that job.
    1 letter d.
    2 SD, standard deviation.
    3 ED, dose of erythema, erythema dose.
    * * *
    1 (posesión, pertenencia) of
    2 (procedencia, origen) from
    la niña de ojos castaños the girl with dark eyes, the dark-eyed girl
    4 (tema) of, on, about
    5 (materia) made of, of
    7 (uso) for
    8 (oficio) by, as
    9 (modo) on, in, as
    10 (tiempo) at, by, in
    de día by day, during the day
    12 (precio) at
    13 (medida) measuring
    14 (causa) with, because of, of
    15 (agente) by
    * * *
    1) of
    2) from
    3) in, at
    4) than
    5) by
    * * *
    1) [relación] of

    la carretera de Valencia — the Valencia road, the road to Valencia

    2) [pertenencia]

    la señora de Pérez — Pérez's wife, Mrs Pérez

    3) [característica, material]

    este modelo es de electricidad — this model uses electricity, this is an electric model

    4) [contenido]

    una copa de vino[llena] a glass of wine; [vacía] a wine glass

    5) [origen, distancia, espacio temporal] from

    los de Madrid son los mejores — the ones from Madrid are the best, the Madrid ones are the best

    de... a...
    6) [causa]
    7) [manera]
    de... en...
    8) (=respecto de)

    estar mejor de salud — to be in better health, be better

    9) [tema] about

    un libro de biología — a biology book, a book on o about biology

    10) [uso]
    11) [cantidad, medida, valor]
    12) [con horas y fechas]

    a las siete de la mañana — at seven o'clock in the morning, at seven a.m.

    son las dos de la tarde — it's two o'clock in the afternoon, it's two p.m.

    el 3 de mayo3 May ( leído May the third {o}2} the third of May)

    13) [tiempo]
    14) [proporción]
    15) [uso partitivo] of

    ¡había una de gente! — * there were loads of people there! *

    16) [autoría] by

    un libro de Cela — a book by Cela, a book of Cela's

    17) [como complemento agente] by

    el rey entró seguido de su séquito — the king entered, followed by his entourage

    18) [en aposición a sustantivos o adjetivos]

    el bueno/pobre de Pedro — good/poor old Pedro

    19) [en comparaciones] than

    más/menos de siete — more/less than seven

    más de 500 personasmore than o over 500 people

    20) [con superlativos] in

    el más caro de la tienda/mundo — the most expensive in the shop/world

    21) + infin
    ser de ({+ infin}8})
    22) [dependiente de formas verbales]

    de esto se deduce que... — from this it can be deduced that...

    ¿qué esperabas de él? — what did you expect from him?

    23) [uso condicional] if

    de haberlo sabido no habría venido — if I had known, I wouldn't have come

    de no ser así — if it were not so, were it not so

    de no LAm (=si no) otherwise

    * * *
    1) (en relaciones de pertenencia, posesión)

    la casa de mis padres/de la actriz — my parents'/the actress's house

    no es de él/de ella/de ellos — it isn't his/hers/theirs

    su padre de usted — (frml) your father

    es un amigo de mi hijo/de la familia — he's a friend of my son's/the family

    [de is also part of certain surnames like de León and de la Peña]

    Sra. Mónica Ortiz de Arocena — ≈Mrs Mónica Arocena

    los señores de Díaz — (frml) Mr and Mrs Díaz

    las señoritas de Paz — (frml) the Misses Paz (frml)

    ay de mí! — (liter) woe is me! (liter)

    3) (expresando procedencia, origen, tiempo) from

    es de Bogotá — she's/she comes from Bogotá

    de... a... — from... to...

    4) (al especificar material, contenido, composición)

    una inyección de morfina — an injection of morphine, a morphine injection

    5) (expresando causa, modo)

    de dos en dos or (CS) de a dos — two at a time

    de a poco/de a uno — (CS) little by little/one by one

    a) (introduciendo cualidades, características)

    ¿de qué color lo quiere? — what color do you want it?

    la chica de azul/del abrigo rojo — the girl in blue/in the red coat

    de niñoas a o when he was a child

    7) (indicando uso, destino, finalidad)

    ¿qué hay de postre? — what's for dessert?

    a) (al definir, especificar)

    ¿qué tal vamos de tiempo? — how are we doing for time?

    es fácil/difícil de pronunciar — it's easy/difficult to pronounce

    ¿quién de ustedes fue? — which (one) of you was it?

    lo encontré de viejo...! — he seemed so old!

    qué de coches! — (fam) what a lot of cars!


    pagan un interés del 15% — they pay 15% interest o interest at 15%

    cuesta más de £100 — it costs more than o over £100

    un número mayor/menor de 29 — a number over/under 29

    12) ( en calidad de) as
    13) (en expresiones de estado, actividad)

    estamos de limpieza general/fiesta — we're spring-cleaning/having a party


    de + inf: de haberlo sabido, habría venido antes if I had known o had I known, I would have come earlier; de no ser así no será considerada — otherwise it will not be considered


    ser de + inf — (expresando necesidad, inevitabilidad)

    es de esperar que... — it is to be hoped that...

    * * *
    = across, in respect for, of, off, out of, from, featuring.
    Ex. This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.
    Ex. The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation, that is, the writer of a text, the illustrator in respect for illustrations and others responsible for the intellectual content of a work.
    Ex. These institutes brought together some of the most influential people in the field.
    Ex. Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.
    Ex. However, out of the enormous abundance of information produced, only 50% is new while the rest is redundant.
    Ex. From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.
    Ex. The exhibition also contains a group of ink drawings featuring self-portraits and portraits inspired by classical sculpture.
    * abogado de oficio = legal aid.
    * actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.
    * alabanza de boquilla = lip service.
    * alabar de boquilla = give + lip service.
    * autorizado de antemano = pre-authorised [pre-authorized, -USA].
    * cambiar de una vez a otra = change from + time to time, vary + from time to time.
    * comenzar de nuevo = start + all over again.
    * de... a = through.
    * de abajo hacia arriba = bottom-up.
    * de abolengo = well-born.
    * de abordo = in-flight.
    * de absorción = absorptive.
    * de acá para allá = back and forth, to and fro.
    * de acceso público = publicly accessible.
    * de acceso rápido = fast-access.
    * de acceso restringido = closed access.
    * de acción = action-centered.
    * de acompañante = in tow.
    * de actitud = attitudinal.
    * de actuación = for action.
    * de actualidad = topical.
    * de acuerdo = okay, granted, all right, in concert, in agreement, okeydokey! [okidoki], in consort.
    * de acuerdo a = according to.
    * de acuerdo con = according to, as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, consistent with, in harmony with, in accordance with, in concert with, in keeping with, in line with, in step with, in tune with, by, pursuant to, in concurrence with, based on, in agreement with, as far as + Sujeto + Verbo, in consonance with, in accord with, judging by, to judge by, in conformity with, in + Posesivo + view, judging from.
    * de acuerdo con el tema = thematically.
    * de acuerdo con este documento = hereunder.
    * de acuerdo con esto = accordingly.
    * de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres = on a string search basis.
    * de acuerdo con la estación del año = seasonally.
    * de acuerdo con la ley = according to law.
    * de acuerdo con la tendencia hacia = in the trend towards.
    * de acuerdo con + Nombre = going on + Nombre.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + parecer = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + bolsillo = according to + Posesivo + pocket.
    * de acuerdo con + Pronombre = in + Posesivo + opinion, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de adaptación = adaptive.
    * de †frica = African.
    * de Africa occidental = West African.
    * de agua = water-based.
    * de aguas profundas = deep-sea.
    * de ahí = therefrom.
    * de ahí que = hence.
    * de ahora en adelante = from now on, from this point on.
    * de Alaska = Alaskan.
    * de Albania = Albanian.
    * de alcance estatal = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * de alcance nacional = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * de alcohol = spirit-based.
    * de alguna forma = in one way or another, one way or another.
    * de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.
    * de alguna otra forma = in any other way.
    * de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.
    * de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.
    * de algún modo u otro = of some sort.
    * de algún tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.
    * de algún tipo = of some description.
    * de algún tipo u otro = of some sort.
    * de alta alcurnia = well-born.
    * de alta cuna = well-born.
    * de alta densidad = high-density.
    * de alta energía = high energy.
    * de alta fidelidad = hi-fi.
    * de alta mar = offshore, sea-going, ocean-going.
    * de alta potencia = high power.
    * de alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * de alta productividad = high-performance.
    * de alta resistencia = heavy-duty.
    * de alta tecnología = high-tech, high-technology.
    * de alta tensión = heavy-current.
    * de alta velocidad = high-speed.
    * de alto abolengo = well-born.
    * de alto ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de alto nivel = of a high order, high level [high-level], high-powered.
    * de alto rango = high-ranking, highly placed.
    * de alto rendimiento = high-performance, heavy-duty.
    * de altos vuelos = high-flying, high-powered.
    * de alto voltaje = high-voltage.
    * de altura = high, top-notch.
    * de altura regulable = height-adjustable.
    * de aluvión = alluvial.
    * de ámbito estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * de amplio alcance = broad in scope.
    * de antaño = of old, age-old, old-time, of yore, of olden days, of yesteryear, bygone, gone by.
    * de antemano = in advance (of), beforehand.
    * de antes de la guerra = pre-war [prewar].
    * de antigua generación = low-end.
    * de antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * de apariencia = cosmetic.
    * de apariencia engañosa = meretricious.
    * de aplicación específica = special-purpose.
    * de aplicación específica a un equipo de ordenador = hardware-based.
    * de aplicación general = general-purpose, of general application.
    * de apoyo = enabling, supportive.
    * de aprovechamiento = exploitative.
    * de aquel entonces = of that day.
    * de aquí para allá = back and forth.
    * de aquí te espero = tremendous, enormous, humongous [humungous], gianormous.
    * de Arabia Saudí = Saudi Arabian.
    * de archivo = archival, archive.
    * de armas tomar = redoubtable.
    * de arranque = bootable.
    * de arriba abajo = from top to bottom, from head to toe, from head to foot.
    * de arriba hacia abajo = top-down.
    * de ascendencia + Adjetivo = of + Adjetivo + descent.
    * de asesoramiento = consultative.
    * de aspecto = looking.
    * de aspecto antiguo = old-face.
    * de aspecto complicado = complicated-looking.
    * de aspecto delgado = lean-looking.
    * de aspecto digno = dignified.
    * de aspecto impresionante = impressive-looking.
    * de aspecto nuevo = new-looking.
    * de aspecto poco profesional = botched-up.
    * de aspecto profesional = professional-looking.
    * de aspecto ruinoso = run-down.
    * de aspecto solemne = dignified.
    * de atención básica = preattentive.
    * de atención primaria = preattentive.
    * de atrás = rear.
    * de atrás para adelante = back and forth.
    * de aupa = royal.
    * de autodesprecio = self-deprecating.
    * de autogestión = self-managing.
    * de autoprotección = self-protective.
    * de autosuficiencia = self-satisfied.
    * de baja calidad = poor in detail, low-grade [lowgrade], low-quality, third rate [third-rate], low-end, trashy [trashier -comp., trashiest -sup.].
    * de baja intensidad = low-intensity [low intensity].
    * de baja ralea = ignoble.
    * de bajísima calidad = shoddy.
    * de bajo consumo = low energy.
    * de bajo contenido en grasas = low fat.
    * de bajo crecimiento = low-growing.
    * de bajo nivel = lower-level, low-level.
    * de bajo precio = low-priced.
    * de bajo riesgo = low-risk.
    * de balde = for free.
    * de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].
    * de bienvenida = salutatory.
    * de boca en boca = word-of-mouth, by word of mouth.
    * de bodas = bridal.
    * de Boole = Boolean.
    * de bote en bote = packed to capacity, choc-a-block, chock-full, densely packed, packed, packed to the rafters.
    * de broma = humorously, teasingly.
    * de bronce = brass.
    * de buena calidad = good-quality.
    * de buena disposición = good-natured.
    * de buena fama = of good repute.
    * de buena fe = bona fide, in good faith.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de buena reputación = of good repute.
    * de buenas = on good terms.
    * de buenas a primeras = right off the bat, suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that.
    * de buena vecindad = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buena voluntad = in good faith.
    * de buen corazón = kind-hearted, good-hearted, big-hearted.
    * de buen grado = willing, good-humouredly, good-humoured, good-naturedly.
    * de buen gusto = tasteful.
    * de buen humor = good-humouredly, good-humoured, in good humour.
    * de buenos modales = well-mannered.
    * de buen vecino = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buen ver = good looking.
    * de bulla y corriendo = in a rush.
    * de caballo = huge, humongous [humungous], massive, gianormous.
    * de cabo a rabo = lock, stock and barrel, from head to toe, from head to foot.
    * de cachondeo = teasingly.
    * de cada día = day to day [day-to-day].
    * de cada + Número + veces + Número = Número + times out of + Número.
    * de caderas anchas = wide-hipped.
    * de cajón = no-brainer.
    * de calidad = authoritative, qualitative, quality, well-made, high-end, quality assured, value-added.
    * de calidad inferior = low-grade [lowgrade], substandard [sub-standard], low-end.
    * de calidad superior = best-quality, top quality.
    * de camino = on the way, while we're at it.
    * de camino a = en route for, on + Posesivo + way to, en route to.
    * de campo = free-range.
    * de campos fijos = fixed-field.
    * de campus = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * de capa caída = at a low ebb, in (the) doldrums.
    * de capa y espada = cloak-and-dagger.
    * de capital importancia = momentous, of cardinal importance.
    * de cara a = face-to-face [face to face], facing.
    * de carácter = in character.
    * de carácter público = state-owned, government-owned, state-run, government-run, publicly owned [publicly-owned], publicly supported, publicly held.
    * de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * de carne y hueso = flesh-and-blood.
    * de castigo = punitive.
    * de casualidad = by accident, by a fluke, by chance, accidentally, by a stroke of (good) luck, by luck.
    * de causas desconocidas = idiopathic.
    * de cerámica = ceramic.
    * de cerca = at close range, at close quarters.
    * de chiripa = by a fluke, by a stroke of (good) luck, by chance, by luck.
    * de cierto tipo = of a sort, of sorts.
    * de cinco años = five yearly [five-yearly].
    * de cinco días de duración = five-day.
    * de cinco estrellas = 5-star [five-star].
    * de cinco meses de duración = five-month-long.
    * de civil = in plain clothes.
    * de clasificación = classificatory.
    * de clausura = cloistered.
    * de clausura de congreso = end-of-conference.
    * de cobre = cupric.
    * de cojones = badass.
    * de colegas = collegial, buddying.
    * de Colombia = Colombian.
    * de color = coloured [colored, -USA], non-white [nonwhite], full-colour, in colour.
    * de color crema = creamy [creamier -comp., creamiest -sup.], creamy [creamier -comp., creamiest -sup.], cream-coloured.
    * de color de bronce = brassy.
    * de colores = full-colour, multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * de colores vivos = colourful [colorful, -USA].
    * de colorines = brightly coloured.
    * de color marroncillo = brownish tinged.
    * de color rojo = red-coloured.
    * de color rosa = rose-coloured.
    * de color verde botella = bottle green.
    * de color verde oscuro = bottle green.
    * de color y textura parecidos al carbón = carbonaceous.
    * de comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = earliest + Expresión Temporal.
    * de cómo = as to how.
    * de compañeros = collegial.
    * de complicidad = knowing.
    * de comportamiento = behavioural [behavioral, -USA].
    * de comportamiento impecable = prim and proper.
    * de conceptos = concept-based.
    * de conceptos múltiples = multiple-concept.
    * de conducta = behavioural [behavioral, -USA].
    * de confianza = reliable, trusted, trusting, reputable.
    * de confirmación = confirmatory.
    * de conformidad con = in compliance with, in keeping with.
    * de conformidad con eso = accordingly.
    * de conífera = coniferous.
    * de construcción básica = brick and frame.
    * de construcción sólida = solidly-built.
    * de consulta fácil = scannable.
    * de consulta mediante órdenes = command-based.
    * de consumo = consumptive.
    * de contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * de contrabando = bootleg.
    * de contrapunto = contrapuntal.
    * de Corea = Korean.
    * de Corea del Sur = South Korean.
    * de corral = free-range.
    * de corta duración = short term [short-term].
    * de corte + Adjetivo = of a + Adjetivo + nature.
    * de cosecha propia = home-grown [home grown/homegrown].
    * de costa a costa = coast-to-coast.
    * de coste cero = zero-cost.
    * de costumbre = usual, usually.
    * de creación = authorial.
    * de crecimiento continuo = steadily growing.
    * de crecimiento más rápido = fastest-growing.
    * de crecimiento rápido = fast-growing, fast-evolving.
    * de cría intensiva = battery-caged.
    * de crianza intensiva = battery-caged.
    * de Crimea = Crimean.
    * de cristal = glass.
    * de crucial importancia = crucially important.
    * de cualquier forma = in any event, in any way [in anyway], in any case, in any way at all.
    * de cualquier forma posible = in any and all ways.
    * de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].
    * de cualquier modo = however, either way.
    * de cualquier tipo = in any way [in anyway], in all forms.
    * de cuando en cuando = every once in a while, every so often, every now and then, every now and again.
    * de cuatro días de duración = four-day.
    * de cuatro estrellas = four-star.
    * de Cuba = Cuban.
    * de cuerpo largo = long-bodied.
    * de deficiente calidad = poor-quality, of poor quality.
    * de delante hacia atrás = front to back, fore and aft.
    * de densidad doble = double-density.
    * de dentro hacia fuera = inside outwards.
    * de derechas = right-wing.
    * de derecho = de jure [iure].
    * de derecho pero no de hecho = in name only.
    * de desarrollo = developmental.
    * de desarrollo autónomo = self-evolving.
    * de desarrollo rápido = fast-evolving.
    * de descargo = exonerating, exculpatory.
    * de desconexión = cut-off.
    * de descubrimiento reciente = newly-discovered.
    * de desecho = discarded.
    * de desempate = tie-breaker [tiebreaker], tie-breaking [tiebreaking].
    * de desguace = written-off.
    * de despedida = valedictory.
    * de día = in the daytime, during the daytime, during daytime.
    * de día a día = from day to day.
    * de diámetro = in diameter.
    * de diario = everyday.
    * de día y de noche = day and night, night and day.
    * de diesel = diesel-powered.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * de diferentes tonalidades de gris = grey scale [gray scale].
    * de difícil solución = intractable.
    * de dinero = well-to-do, well-off.
    * de dirección = directorial, administrative.
    * de diseño abierto = open-plan, open-planned.
    * de diversa índole = kaleidoscopic, of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de diversos tipos = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de diverso tipo = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de doble cara = double-hinged, double-sided.
    * de doble filo = double-edged.
    * de doble hoja = double-hinged.
    * de doble sentido = double-edged, two-way.
    * de doble uso = dual-use.
    * de dolor = in pain.
    * de dominio público = publicly owned [publicly-owned].
    * de donde = whence, whence, from whence.
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?, where else...?.
    * de dos caras = two-sided, two-faced.
    * de dos días de duración = two-day [2-day].
    * de dos en dos = two at a time.
    * de dos letras = two-letter.
    * de dos niveles = two-tier.
    * de dos páginas = two-page.
    * de dos partidos políticos = bipartisan [bi-partisan].
    * de dos patas = two-legged.
    * de dos piernas = two-legged.
    * de dos pies = two-legged.
    * de dos plantas = two-storey [two-story].
    * de dos tonalidades = bitonal.
    * de dos tonos = bitonal.
    * de dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * de duelo = in mourning.
    * de duración limitada = timebound [time-bound].
    * de Ecuador = Ecuadorian.
    * de edad = elderly.
    * de edad avanzada = over the hill.
    * de edad escolar = school-age.
    * de edad mediana = middle-aged.
    * de edad universitaria = college-age.
    * de elaboración de políticas = policy-forming.
    * de ello = thereof, therefrom.
    * de ellos = theirs.
    * de embalsamar = embalming.
    * de emisor a receptor = downstream.
    * de encaje = lacy.
    * de enmienda = amendatory.
    * de ensueño = dream-like [dreamlike], picture-perfect.
    * de entonces = of the day.
    * de entreguerras = interwar.
    * de entre los nuestros = in our ranks.
    * de entretenimiento = recreational.
    * de envergadura = heavy lifting.
    * de época = vintage.
    * de epopeya = epic.
    * de esa época = of the period.
    * de escándalo = outrageous.
    * de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.
    * de eso = thereof.
    * de espaldas anchas = broad-shouldered.
    * de especial importancia = of particular note.
    * de espíritu cívico = public-spirited.
    * de espíritu comunitario = public-spirited.
    * de espíritu libre = free-spirited.
    * de esta forma = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de este modo = accordingly, by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.
    * de este modo, de esta forma, de esta manera = in this way.
    * de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.
    * de Estonia = Estonian.
    * de esto y de lo otro = about this and that.
    * de estructura de acero = steel-framed.
    * de estructura de madera = timber-framed.
    * de Europa del Este = Eastern European.
    * de Europa Occidental = Western-European, West European.
    * de evaluación = evaluative.
    * de éxito = successful.
    * de éxito asegurado = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de éxito garantizado = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de éxito seguro = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de expansión = expanded.
    * de explotación = exploitative.
    * de extensión = in length.
    * de extensión normal = standard-length.
    * de extremada urgencia = serious.
    * de fabricación casera = homemade.
    * de fácil acceso = easily available, over the counter, handy.
    * de fácil alcance para = within easy reach of.
    * de fácil manejo = liftable.
    * de facto = de facto.
    * de fama = of note.
    * de fama internacional = of international renown.
    * de fama mundial = world-renowned, internationally renowned, world-renown.
    * de felpa = plush.
    * de fiar = legit.
    * de fichas = card-based.
    * de fijación de normas = standard(s) setting.
    * de final de año = end-year.
    * de final de mes = end-of-the-month.
    * de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX = turn-of-the-century.
    * de fin de año = end of the year.
    * de fin de milenio = millennial.
    * de forma = in form.
    * de forma abrumadora = overwhelmingly.
    * de forma aceptable = adequately, acceptably.
    * de forma adecuada = adequately, fitly, appropriately.
    * de forma alternada = in alternating fashion.
    * de forma alternativa = alternatively.
    * de forma anónima = anonymously.
    * de forma aplastante = overwhelmingly.
    * de forma apreciable = markedly.
    * de forma apropiada = properly, fitly, appropriately.
    * de forma audible = audibly.
    * de forma autónoma = autonomously.
    * de forma caprichosa = capriciously.
    * de formación = formative.
    * de forma clara = clearly.
    * de forma cognitiva = cognitively.
    * de forma colegiada = collegially.
    * de forma combinada = in combination.
    * de forma competitiva = competitively.
    * de forma complemenetaria = complimentarily.
    * de forma completa = in full.
    * de forma completa, en su totalidad, completamente, por extenso = in full.
    * de forma concisa = concisely.
    * de forma conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * de forma considerable = considerably.
    * de forma continuada = continuously.
    * de forma cuadrada = squarish, square-shaped.
    * de forma deductiva = deductively.
    * de forma desastrosa = disastrously.
    * de forma deshonesta = dishonestly.
    * de forma diferente = differently shaped.
    * de forma digital = digitally.
    * de forma divertida = funnily.
    * de forma económica = cost-effectively.
    * de forma errática = erratically.
    * de forma escandalosa = outrageously.
    * de forma especulativa = speculatively.
    * de forma estructurada = in a structured fashion.
    * de forma exquisita = exquisitely.
    * de forma extraña = oddly, funnily.
    * de forma federal = federally.
    * de forma general = widely, bulk.
    * de forma global = holistically.
    * de forma graciosa = funnily.
    * de forma gratis = on a complimentary basis.
    * de forma gratuita = on a complimentary basis.
    * de forma grotesca = grotesquely.
    * de forma heterogénea = heterogeneously [heterogenously].
    * de forma heurística = heuristically.
    * de forma humorística = in a humorous vein.
    * de forma imaginativa = imaginatively.
    * de forma indirecta = circuitous route.
    * de forma inesperada = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * de forma innata = innately.
    * de forma irregular = erratically.
    * de forma lamentable = miserably.
    * de forma lógica = in a meaningful way.
    * de forma mágica = magically.
    * de forma mecánica = mechanically.
    * de forma mordaz = pungently.
    * de forma mordaz, mordazmente, con sarcasmo = pungently.
    * de forma muy parecida a = in much the same way as.
    * de forma muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de forma negativa = in a negative light.
    * de forma neutral = neutrally.
    * de forma notoria = markedly.
    * de forma opcional = optionally.
    * de forma óptima = optimally.
    * de forma personalizada = on a one-to-one basis.
    * de forma poco ética = unethically.
    * de forma poco imaginativa = unimaginatively.
    * de forma poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de forma poco razonable = unreasonably.
    * de forma positiva = in a positive light, constructively.
    * de forma práctica = pragmatically.
    * de forma precisa = precisely.
    * de forma provocativa = provocatively.
    * de forma puntual = occasionally, when necessary.
    * de forma que = in ways that.
    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.
    * de forma rara = oddly, funnily.
    * de forma recíproca = reciprocally.
    * de forma rentable = cost-effectively.
    * de forma residual = residually.
    * de forma ridícula = grotesquely.
    * de forma saludable = healthily.
    * de forma sana = healthily.
    * de forma significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.
    * de forma sistemática = in a systematic fashion.
    * de forma sofisticada = sophisticatedly.
    * de forma subconsciente = subconsciously.
    * de forma sublime = subliminally.
    * de forma suscinta = in brief.
    * de forma terapéutica = therapeutically.
    * de forma tosca = in crude form.
    * de forma trágica = tragically.
    * de fotograma completo = full-frame.
    * de fotograma doble = half-frame.
    * de frente = head-on, frontal.
    * de fuera = outside, off-side.
    * de fuera de la ciudad = out-of-town.
    * de fuerza = forceful.
    * de funcionamiento = operating, operational.
    * de fundamental importancia = of prime importance, critically important.
    * de gala = gala.
    * de Galileo = Galilean.
    * de Gambia = Gambian.
    * de gas = gas-powered.
    * de generación a generación = from generation to generation.
    * de generación en generación = from generation to generation.
    * de geofísica = geophysical.
    * de gestión = managerial, back-office.
    * de gestión del museo = curatorial.
    * de Glasgow = Glaswegian.
    * de golpe = in one lump, all at once, all at once.
    * de grado básico = junior grade.
    * de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de gran belleza = scenic.
    * de gran calibre = high-calibre.
    * de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.
    * de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.
    * de gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * de gran corazón = big-hearted.
    * de gran efecto = wide-reaching.
    * de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
    * de gran formato = oversized, oversize.
    * de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].
    * de gran influencia = seminal.
    * de granja = free-range.
    * de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.
    * de gran lujo = top-class.
    * de gran potencia = high-powered.
    * de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.
    * de gran talento = talented.
    * de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.
    * de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.
    * de gran venta = high selling.
    * de guardia = on duty, duty + Profesión, on call.
    * de guasa = teasingly.
    * de habla afrikaans = Afrikaans-speaking.
    * de habla alemana = German-speaking.
    * de habla francesa = French-speaking.
    * de habla inglesa = English-speaking.
    * de habla portuguesa = Portuguese-speaking.
    * de hace años = of years ago.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * de hace mucho tiempo = age-old, long-lost.
    * de hace siglos = of yore.
    * de hace varios siglos = centuries-old.
    * de hasta + Número = of up to + Número.
    * de hecho = actually, as a matter of fact, as it happened, de facto, in actual fact, in effect, in fact, indeed, in point of fact, in actuality, as it happens, as it is, effectively, for all intents and purposes, to all intents and purposes, for that matter.
    * de hierbas = herbal.
    * de hierro = iron, ferric.
    * de higos a brevas = once in a blue moon.
    * de hoja caduca = deciduous.
    * de hoja perenne = evergreen.
    * de hojas largas = long-leaved.
    * de Homero = Homeric.
    * de hongos = fungal.
    * de horticultura = horticultural.
    * de hoy = present-day.
    * de hoy día = of today.
    * de hoy en adelante = as from today.
    * de hoy en día = of today.
    * de huelga = striking.
    * de humor = funny [funnier -comp., funniest -sup.].
    * de ida y vuelta = return, round-trip.
    * de ideas afines = like-minded.
    * de igual a igual = as a peer.
    * de igual forma = in like manner, in a like manner, in like fashion, in like vein.
    * de igual longitud = of equal length.
    * de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).
    * de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein.
    * de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).
    * de igual + Nombre = equally + Adjetivo.
    * de ilusiones vive el hombre = We are such stuff as dreams are made on.
    * de imitación = copycat.
    * de importancia = of note, of consequence.
    * de importancia creciente = of growing importance.
    * de importancia crucial = crucially important.
    * de importancia fundamental = critically important.
    * de improviso = unawares, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly.
    * de incalculable valor = priceless.
    * de incógnito = incognito.
    * de inferior calidad = low-end, sub-par.
    * de inflexión = inflexional [inflectional].
    * de inmediato = immediately.
    * de inspiración = inspirational.
    * de interés especial = of particular concern, special-interest.
    * de intereses similares = of like interest.
    * de interés general = general-interest, of general interest.
    * de interés humano = human interest.
    * de interés periodístico = newsworthy.
    * de investigación = exploratory.
    * de isótopos = isotopic.
    * de izquierdas = left-wing, leftist, lefty.
    * de jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * de jarana = out on the town, a (late) night out on the town.
    * de juerga = out on the town, a (late) night out on the town.
    * de Kenia = Kenyan.
    * de la "a" a la "zeta" = a to z [a/z o a-z].
    * de la adolescencia = teenage.
    * de la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * de la cabeza a los pies = from head to foot, from head to toe.
    * de la cara = facial.
    * de la Ceca a la Meca = from pillar to post.
    * de la clase blanca, protestante y anglosajona americana = WASPish.
    * de la cóclea = cochlear.
    * de la columna vertebral = spinal.
    * de la comedia = comedic.
    * de la corteza = crustal, cortical.
    * de la cría de aves = avicultural.
    * de la duramadre = dural.
    * de la edad media = dark-age.
    * de la embajada = ambassadorial.
    * de la época = of the time(s), of the day.
    * de la época isabelina = Elizabethan.
    * de la época victoriana = Victorian.
    * de la espina dorsal = spinal.
    * de la extensión de un libro = book-length.
    * de la fama al olvido = riches to rags.
    * de la forma más difícil = the hard way.
    * de la forma más fácil = the easy way .
    * de la fortuna a la pobreza = riches to rags.
    * de la fóvea = foveal.
    * de la gama alta = high-end.
    * de la gama baja = low-end.
    * de la gama inferior = low-end.
    * de la guerra = wartime [wart-time].
    * de la hipótesis = hypothesised [hypothesized, -USA].
    * de la localidad = locally based [locally-based].
    * de la malaria = malarial.
    * de la mama = mammary.
    * de la mandíbula inferior = mandibular.
    * de la mandíbula superior = maxillar, maxillary.
    * de la manera normal = in the normal manner.
    * de la mañana = a.m. (latín - ante meridiam), in the morning.
    * de la máquina y el hombre = human-machine.
    * de la marina = marine.
    * de la mejor forma posible = to the best of + Posesivo + abili.
    * * *
    1) (en relaciones de pertenencia, posesión)

    la casa de mis padres/de la actriz — my parents'/the actress's house

    no es de él/de ella/de ellos — it isn't his/hers/theirs

    su padre de usted — (frml) your father

    es un amigo de mi hijo/de la familia — he's a friend of my son's/the family

    [de is also part of certain surnames like de León and de la Peña]

    Sra. Mónica Ortiz de Arocena — ≈Mrs Mónica Arocena

    los señores de Díaz — (frml) Mr and Mrs Díaz

    las señoritas de Paz — (frml) the Misses Paz (frml)

    ay de mí! — (liter) woe is me! (liter)

    3) (expresando procedencia, origen, tiempo) from

    es de Bogotá — she's/she comes from Bogotá

    de... a... — from... to...

    4) (al especificar material, contenido, composición)

    una inyección de morfina — an injection of morphine, a morphine injection

    5) (expresando causa, modo)

    de dos en dos or (CS) de a dos — two at a time

    de a poco/de a uno — (CS) little by little/one by one

    a) (introduciendo cualidades, características)

    ¿de qué color lo quiere? — what color do you want it?

    la chica de azul/del abrigo rojo — the girl in blue/in the red coat

    de niñoas a o when he was a child

    7) (indicando uso, destino, finalidad)

    ¿qué hay de postre? — what's for dessert?

    a) (al definir, especificar)

    ¿qué tal vamos de tiempo? — how are we doing for time?

    es fácil/difícil de pronunciar — it's easy/difficult to pronounce

    ¿quién de ustedes fue? — which (one) of you was it?

    lo encontré de viejo...! — he seemed so old!

    qué de coches! — (fam) what a lot of cars!


    pagan un interés del 15% — they pay 15% interest o interest at 15%

    cuesta más de £100 — it costs more than o over £100

    un número mayor/menor de 29 — a number over/under 29

    12) ( en calidad de) as
    13) (en expresiones de estado, actividad)

    estamos de limpieza general/fiesta — we're spring-cleaning/having a party


    de + inf: de haberlo sabido, habría venido antes if I had known o had I known, I would have come earlier; de no ser así no será considerada — otherwise it will not be considered


    ser de + inf — (expresando necesidad, inevitabilidad)

    es de esperar que... — it is to be hoped that...

    * * *
    = across, in respect for, of, off, out of, from, featuring.

    Ex: This arrangement may facilitate browsing across different kinds of materials.

    Ex: The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation, that is, the writer of a text, the illustrator in respect for illustrations and others responsible for the intellectual content of a work.
    Ex: These institutes brought together some of the most influential people in the field.
    Ex: Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.
    Ex: However, out of the enormous abundance of information produced, only 50% is new while the rest is redundant.
    Ex: From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.
    Ex: The exhibition also contains a group of ink drawings featuring self-portraits and portraits inspired by classical sculpture.
    * abogado de oficio = legal aid.
    * actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.
    * alabanza de boquilla = lip service.
    * alabar de boquilla = give + lip service.
    * autorizado de antemano = pre-authorised [pre-authorized, -USA].
    * cambiar de una vez a otra = change from + time to time, vary + from time to time.
    * comenzar de nuevo = start + all over again.
    * de... a = through.
    * de abajo hacia arriba = bottom-up.
    * de abolengo = well-born.
    * de abordo = in-flight.
    * de absorción = absorptive.
    * de acá para allá = back and forth, to and fro.
    * de acceso público = publicly accessible.
    * de acceso rápido = fast-access.
    * de acceso restringido = closed access.
    * de acción = action-centered.
    * de acompañante = in tow.
    * de actitud = attitudinal.
    * de actuación = for action.
    * de actualidad = topical.
    * de acuerdo = okay, granted, all right, in concert, in agreement, okeydokey! [okidoki], in consort.
    * de acuerdo a = according to.
    * de acuerdo con = according to, as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, consistent with, in harmony with, in accordance with, in concert with, in keeping with, in line with, in step with, in tune with, by, pursuant to, in concurrence with, based on, in agreement with, as far as + Sujeto + Verbo, in consonance with, in accord with, judging by, to judge by, in conformity with, in + Posesivo + view, judging from.
    * de acuerdo con el tema = thematically.
    * de acuerdo con este documento = hereunder.
    * de acuerdo con esto = accordingly.
    * de acuerdo con la búsqueda de cadenas de caracteres = on a string search basis.
    * de acuerdo con la estación del año = seasonally.
    * de acuerdo con la ley = according to law.
    * de acuerdo con la tendencia hacia = in the trend towards.
    * de acuerdo con + Nombre = going on + Nombre.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + parecer = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + bolsillo = according to + Posesivo + pocket.
    * de acuerdo con + Pronombre = in + Posesivo + opinion, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * de adaptación = adaptive.
    * de †frica = African.
    * de Africa occidental = West African.
    * de agua = water-based.
    * de aguas profundas = deep-sea.
    * de ahí = therefrom.
    * de ahí que = hence.
    * de ahora en adelante = from now on, from this point on.
    * de Alaska = Alaskan.
    * de Albania = Albanian.
    * de alcance estatal = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * de alcance nacional = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * de alcohol = spirit-based.
    * de alguna forma = in one way or another, one way or another.
    * de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.
    * de alguna otra forma = in any other way.
    * de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.
    * de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.
    * de algún modo u otro = of some sort.
    * de algún tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.
    * de algún tipo = of some description.
    * de algún tipo u otro = of some sort.
    * de alta alcurnia = well-born.
    * de alta cuna = well-born.
    * de alta densidad = high-density.
    * de alta energía = high energy.
    * de alta fidelidad = hi-fi.
    * de alta mar = offshore, sea-going, ocean-going.
    * de alta potencia = high power.
    * de alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * de alta productividad = high-performance.
    * de alta resistencia = heavy-duty.
    * de alta tecnología = high-tech, high-technology.
    * de alta tensión = heavy-current.
    * de alta velocidad = high-speed.
    * de alto abolengo = well-born.
    * de alto ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de alto nivel = of a high order, high level [high-level], high-powered.
    * de alto rango = high-ranking, highly placed.
    * de alto rendimiento = high-performance, heavy-duty.
    * de altos vuelos = high-flying, high-powered.
    * de alto voltaje = high-voltage.
    * de altura = high, top-notch.
    * de altura regulable = height-adjustable.
    * de aluvión = alluvial.
    * de ámbito estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * de amplio alcance = broad in scope.
    * de antaño = of old, age-old, old-time, of yore, of olden days, of yesteryear, bygone, gone by.
    * de antemano = in advance (of), beforehand.
    * de antes de la guerra = pre-war [prewar].
    * de antigua generación = low-end.
    * de antiguo = from time immemorial.
    * de apariencia = cosmetic.
    * de apariencia engañosa = meretricious.
    * de aplicación específica = special-purpose.
    * de aplicación específica a un equipo de ordenador = hardware-based.
    * de aplicación general = general-purpose, of general application.
    * de apoyo = enabling, supportive.
    * de aprovechamiento = exploitative.
    * de aquel entonces = of that day.
    * de aquí para allá = back and forth.
    * de aquí te espero = tremendous, enormous, humongous [humungous], gianormous.
    * de Arabia Saudí = Saudi Arabian.
    * de archivo = archival, archive.
    * de armas tomar = redoubtable.
    * de arranque = bootable.
    * de arriba abajo = from top to bottom, from head to toe, from head to foot.
    * de arriba hacia abajo = top-down.
    * de ascendencia + Adjetivo = of + Adjetivo + descent.
    * de asesoramiento = consultative.
    * de aspecto = looking.
    * de aspecto antiguo = old-face.
    * de aspecto complicado = complicated-looking.
    * de aspecto delgado = lean-looking.
    * de aspecto digno = dignified.
    * de aspecto impresionante = impressive-looking.
    * de aspecto nuevo = new-looking.
    * de aspecto poco profesional = botched-up.
    * de aspecto profesional = professional-looking.
    * de aspecto ruinoso = run-down.
    * de aspecto solemne = dignified.
    * de atención básica = preattentive.
    * de atención primaria = preattentive.
    * de atrás = rear.
    * de atrás para adelante = back and forth.
    * de aupa = royal.
    * de autodesprecio = self-deprecating.
    * de autogestión = self-managing.
    * de autoprotección = self-protective.
    * de autosuficiencia = self-satisfied.
    * de baja calidad = poor in detail, low-grade [lowgrade], low-quality, third rate [third-rate], low-end, trashy [trashier -comp., trashiest -sup.].
    * de baja intensidad = low-intensity [low intensity].
    * de baja ralea = ignoble.
    * de bajísima calidad = shoddy.
    * de bajo consumo = low energy.
    * de bajo contenido en grasas = low fat.
    * de bajo crecimiento = low-growing.
    * de bajo nivel = lower-level, low-level.
    * de bajo precio = low-priced.
    * de bajo riesgo = low-risk.
    * de balde = for free.
    * de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].
    * de bienvenida = salutatory.
    * de boca en boca = word-of-mouth, by word of mouth.
    * de bodas = bridal.
    * de Boole = Boolean.
    * de bote en bote = packed to capacity, choc-a-block, chock-full, densely packed, packed, packed to the rafters.
    * de broma = humorously, teasingly.
    * de bronce = brass.
    * de buena calidad = good-quality.
    * de buena disposición = good-natured.
    * de buena fama = of good repute.
    * de buena fe = bona fide, in good faith.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de buena reputación = of good repute.
    * de buenas = on good terms.
    * de buenas a primeras = right off the bat, suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that.
    * de buena vecindad = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buena voluntad = in good faith.
    * de buen corazón = kind-hearted, good-hearted, big-hearted.
    * de buen grado = willing, good-humouredly, good-humoured, good-naturedly.
    * de buen gusto = tasteful.
    * de buen humor = good-humouredly, good-humoured, in good humour.
    * de buenos modales = well-mannered.
    * de buen vecino = neighbourly [neighborly, -USA].
    * de buen ver = good looking.
    * de bulla y corriendo = in a rush.
    * de caballo = huge, humongous [humungous], massive, gianormous.
    * de cabo a rabo = lock, stock and barrel, from head to toe, from head to foot.
    * de cachondeo = teasingly.
    * de cada día = day to day [day-to-day].
    * de cada + Número + veces + Número = Número + times out of + Número.
    * de caderas anchas = wide-hipped.
    * de cajón = no-brainer.
    * de calidad = authoritative, qualitative, quality, well-made, high-end, quality assured, value-added.
    * de calidad inferior = low-grade [lowgrade], substandard [sub-standard], low-end.
    * de calidad superior = best-quality, top quality.
    * de camino = on the way, while we're at it.
    * de camino a = en route for, on + Posesivo + way to, en route to.
    * de campo = free-range.
    * de campos fijos = fixed-field.
    * de campus = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * de capa caída = at a low ebb, in (the) doldrums.
    * de capa y espada = cloak-and-dagger.
    * de capital importancia = momentous, of cardinal importance.
    * de cara a = face-to-face [face to face], facing.
    * de carácter = in character.
    * de carácter público = state-owned, government-owned, state-run, government-run, publicly owned [publicly-owned], publicly supported, publicly held.
    * de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * de carne y hueso = flesh-and-blood.
    * de castigo = punitive.
    * de casualidad = by accident, by a fluke, by chance, accidentally, by a stroke of (good) luck, by luck.
    * de causas desconocidas = idiopathic.
    * de cerámica = ceramic.
    * de cerca = at close range, at close quarters.
    * de chiripa = by a fluke, by a stroke of (good) luck, by chance, by luck.
    * de cierto tipo = of a sort, of sorts.
    * de cinco años = five yearly [five-yearly].
    * de cinco días de duración = five-day.
    * de cinco estrellas = 5-star [five-star].
    * de cinco meses de duración = five-month-long.
    * de civil = in plain clothes.
    * de clasificación = classificatory.
    * de clausura = cloistered.
    * de clausura de congreso = end-of-conference.
    * de cobre = cupric.
    * de cojones = badass.
    * de colegas = collegial, buddying.
    * de Colombia = Colombian.
    * de color = coloured [colored, -USA], non-white [nonwhite], full-colour, in colour.
    * de color crema = creamy [creamier -comp., creamiest -sup.], creamy [creamier -comp., creamiest -sup.], cream-coloured.
    * de color de bronce = brassy.
    * de colores = full-colour, multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * de colores vivos = colourful [colorful, -USA].
    * de colorines = brightly coloured.
    * de color marroncillo = brownish tinged.
    * de color rojo = red-coloured.
    * de color rosa = rose-coloured.
    * de color verde botella = bottle green.
    * de color verde oscuro = bottle green.
    * de color y textura parecidos al carbón = carbonaceous.
    * de comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = earliest + Expresión Temporal.
    * de cómo = as to how.
    * de compañeros = collegial.
    * de complicidad = knowing.
    * de comportamiento = behavioural [behavioral, -USA].
    * de comportamiento impecable = prim and proper.
    * de conceptos = concept-based.
    * de conceptos múltiples = multiple-concept.
    * de conducta = behavioural [behavioral, -USA].
    * de confianza = reliable, trusted, trusting, reputable.
    * de confirmación = confirmatory.
    * de conformidad con = in compliance with, in keeping with.
    * de conformidad con eso = accordingly.
    * de conífera = coniferous.
    * de construcción básica = brick and frame.
    * de construcción sólida = solidly-built.
    * de consulta fácil = scannable.
    * de consulta mediante órdenes = command-based.
    * de consumo = consumptive.
    * de contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * de contrabando = bootleg.
    * de contrapunto = contrapuntal.
    * de Corea = Korean.
    * de Corea del Sur = South Korean.
    * de corral = free-range.
    * de corta duración = short term [short-term].
    * de corte + Adjetivo = of a + Adjetivo + nature.
    * de cosecha propia = home-grown [home grown/homegrown].
    * de costa a costa = coast-to-coast.
    * de coste cero = zero-cost.
    * de costumbre = usual, usually.
    * de creación = authorial.
    * de crecimiento continuo = steadily growing.
    * de crecimiento más rápido = fastest-growing.
    * de crecimiento rápido = fast-growing, fast-evolving.
    * de cría intensiva = battery-caged.
    * de crianza intensiva = battery-caged.
    * de Crimea = Crimean.
    * de cristal = glass.
    * de crucial importancia = crucially important.
    * de cualquier forma = in any event, in any way [in anyway], in any case, in any way at all.
    * de cualquier forma posible = in any and all ways.
    * de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].
    * de cualquier modo = however, either way.
    * de cualquier tipo = in any way [in anyway], in all forms.
    * de cuando en cuando = every once in a while, every so often, every now and then, every now and again.
    * de cuatro días de duración = four-day.
    * de cuatro estrellas = four-star.
    * de Cuba = Cuban.
    * de cuerpo largo = long-bodied.
    * de deficiente calidad = poor-quality, of poor quality.
    * de delante hacia atrás = front to back, fore and aft.
    * de densidad doble = double-density.
    * de dentro hacia fuera = inside outwards.
    * de derechas = right-wing.
    * de derecho = de jure [iure].
    * de derecho pero no de hecho = in name only.
    * de desarrollo = developmental.
    * de desarrollo autónomo = self-evolving.
    * de desarrollo rápido = fast-evolving.
    * de descargo = exonerating, exculpatory.
    * de desconexión = cut-off.
    * de descubrimiento reciente = newly-discovered.
    * de desecho = discarded.
    * de desempate = tie-breaker [tiebreaker], tie-breaking [tiebreaking].
    * de desguace = written-off.
    * de despedida = valedictory.
    * de día = in the daytime, during the daytime, during daytime.
    * de día a día = from day to day.
    * de diámetro = in diameter.
    * de diario = everyday.
    * de día y de noche = day and night, night and day.
    * de diesel = diesel-powered.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * de diferentes tonalidades de gris = grey scale [gray scale].
    * de difícil solución = intractable.
    * de dinero = well-to-do, well-off.
    * de dirección = directorial, administrative.
    * de diseño abierto = open-plan, open-planned.
    * de diversa índole = kaleidoscopic, of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de diversos tipos = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de diverso tipo = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de doble cara = double-hinged, double-sided.
    * de doble filo = double-edged.
    * de doble hoja = double-hinged.
    * de doble sentido = double-edged, two-way.
    * de doble uso = dual-use.
    * de dolor = in pain.
    * de dominio público = publicly owned [publicly-owned].
    * de donde = whence, whence, from whence.
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?, where else...?.
    * de dos caras = two-sided, two-faced.
    * de dos días de duración = two-day [2-day].
    * de dos en dos = two at a time.
    * de dos letras = two-letter.
    * de dos niveles = two-tier.
    * de dos páginas = two-page.
    * de dos partidos políticos = bipartisan [bi-partisan].
    * de dos patas = two-legged.
    * de dos piernas = two-legged.
    * de dos pies = two-legged.
    * de dos plantas = two-storey [two-story].
    * de dos tonalidades = bitonal.
    * de dos tonos = bitonal.
    * de dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * de duelo = in mourning.
    * de duración limitada = timebound [time-bound].
    * de Ecuador = Ecuadorian.
    * de edad = elderly.
    * de edad avanzada = over the hill.
    * de edad escolar = school-age.
    * de edad mediana = middle-aged.
    * de edad universitaria = college-age.
    * de elaboración de políticas = policy-forming.
    * de ello = thereof, therefrom.
    * de ellos = theirs.
    * de embalsamar = embalming.
    * de emisor a receptor = downstream.
    * de encaje = lacy.
    * de enmienda = amendatory.
    * de ensueño = dream-like [dreamlike], picture-perfect.
    * de entonces = of the day.
    * de entreguerras = interwar.
    * de entre los nuestros = in our ranks.
    * de entretenimiento = recreational.
    * de envergadura = heavy lifting.
    * de época = vintage.
    * de epopeya = epic.
    * de esa época = of the period.
    * de escándalo = outrageous.
    * de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.
    * de eso = thereof.
    * de espaldas anchas = broad-shouldered.
    * de especial importancia = of particular note.
    * de espíritu cívico = public-spirited.
    * de espíritu comunitario = public-spirited.
    * de espíritu libre = free-spirited.
    * de esta forma = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de este modo = accordingly, by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.
    * de este modo, de esta forma, de esta manera = in this way.
    * de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.
    * de Estonia = Estonian.
    * de esto y de lo otro = about this and that.
    * de estructura de acero = steel-framed.
    * de estructura de madera = timber-framed.
    * de Europa del Este = Eastern European.
    * de Europa Occidental = Western-European, West European.
    * de evaluación = evaluative.
    * de éxito = successful.
    * de éxito asegurado = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de éxito garantizado = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de éxito seguro = sure-fire [surefire].
    * de expansión = expanded.
    * de explotación = exploitative.
    * de extensión = in length.
    * de extensión normal = standard-length.
    * de extremada urgencia = serious.
    * de fabricación casera = homemade.
    * de fácil acceso = easily available, over the counter, handy.
    * de fácil alcance para = within easy reach of.
    * de fácil manejo = liftable.
    * de facto = de facto.
    * de fama = of note.
    * de fama internacional = of international renown.
    * de fama mundial = world-renowned, internationally renowned, world-renown.
    * de felpa = plush.
    * de fiar = legit.
    * de fichas = card-based.
    * de fijación de normas = standard(s) setting.
    * de final de año = end-year.
    * de final de mes = end-of-the-month.
    * de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX = turn-of-the-century.
    * de fin de año = end of the year.
    * de fin de milenio = millennial.
    * de forma = in form.
    * de forma abrumadora = overwhelmingly.
    * de forma aceptable = adequately, acceptably.
    * de forma adecuada = adequately, fitly, appropriately.
    * de forma alternada = in alternating fashion.
    * de forma alternativa = alternatively.
    * de forma anónima = anonymously.
    * de forma aplastante = overwhelmingly.
    * de forma apreciable = markedly.
    * de forma apropiada = properly, fitly, appropriately.
    * de forma audible = audibly.
    * de forma autónoma = autonomously.
    * de forma caprichosa = capriciously.
    * de formación = formative.
    * de forma clara = clearly.
    * de forma cognitiva = cognitively.
    * de forma colegiada = collegially.
    * de forma combinada = in combination.
    * de forma competitiva = competitively.
    * de forma complemenetaria = complimentarily.
    * de forma completa = in full.
    * de forma completa, en su totalidad, completamente, por extenso = in full.
    * de forma concisa = concisely.
    * de forma conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * de forma considerable = considerably.
    * de forma continuada = continuously.
    * de forma cuadrada = squarish, square-shaped.
    * de forma deductiva = deductively.
    * de forma desastrosa = disastrously.
    * de forma deshonesta = dishonestly.
    * de forma diferente = differently shaped.
    * de forma digital = digitally.
    * de forma divertida = funnily.
    * de forma económica = cost-effectively.
    * de forma errática = erratically.
    * de forma escandalosa = outrageously.
    * de forma especulativa = speculatively.
    * de forma estructurada = in a structured fashion.
    * de forma exquisita = exquisitely.
    * de forma extraña = oddly, funnily.
    * de forma federal = federally.
    * de forma general = widely, bulk.
    * de forma global = holistically.
    * de forma graciosa = funnily.
    * de forma gratis = on a complimentary basis.
    * de forma gratuita = on a complimentary basis.
    * de forma grotesca = grotesquely.
    * de forma heterogénea = heterogeneously [heterogenously].
    * de forma heurística = heuristically.
    * de forma humorística = in a humorous vein.
    * de forma imaginativa = imaginatively.
    * de forma indirecta = circuitous route.
    * de forma inesperada = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * de forma innata = innately.
    * de forma irregular = erratically.
    * de forma lamentable = miserably.
    * de forma lógica = in a meaningful way.
    * de forma mágica = magically.
    * de forma mecánica = mechanically.
    * de forma mordaz = pungently.
    * de forma mordaz, mordazmente, con sarcasmo = pungently.
    * de forma muy parecida a = in much the same way as.
    * de forma muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de forma negativa = in a negative light.
    * de forma neutral = neutrally.
    * de forma notoria = markedly.
    * de forma opcional = optionally.
    * de forma óptima = optimally.
    * de forma personalizada = on a one-to-one basis.
    * de forma poco ética = unethically.
    * de forma poco imaginativa = unimaginatively.
    * de forma poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de forma poco razonable = unreasonably.
    * de forma positiva = in a positive light, constructively.
    * de forma práctica = pragmatically.
    * de forma precisa = precisely.
    * de forma provocativa = provocatively.
    * de forma puntual = occasionally, when necessary.
    * de forma que = in ways that.
    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.
    * de forma rara = oddly, funnily.
    * de forma recíproca = reciprocally.
    * de forma rentable = cost-effectively.
    * de forma residual = residually.
    * de forma ridícula = grotesquely.
    * de forma saludable = healthily.
    * de forma sana = healthily.
    * de forma significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.
    * de forma sistemática = in a systematic fashion.
    * de forma sofisticada = sophisticatedly.
    * de forma subconsciente = subconsciously.
    * de forma sublime = subliminally.
    * de forma suscinta = in brief.
    * de forma terapéutica = therapeutically.
    * de forma tosca = in crude form.
    * de forma trágica = tragically.
    * de fotograma completo = full-frame.
    * de fotograma doble = half-frame.
    * de frente = head-on, frontal.
    * de fuera = outside, off-side.
    * de fuera de la ciudad = out-of-town.
    * de fuerza = forceful.
    * de funcionamiento = operating, operational.
    * de fundamental importancia = of prime importance, critically important.
    * de gala = gala.
    * de Galileo = Galilean.
    * de Gambia = Gambian.
    * de gas = gas-powered.
    * de generación a generación = from generation to generation.
    * de generación en generación = from generation to generation.
    * de geofísica = geophysical.
    * de gestión = managerial, back-office.
    * de gestión del museo = curatorial.
    * de Glasgow = Glaswegian.
    * de golpe = in one lump, all at once, all at once.
    * de grado básico = junior grade.
    * de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de gran belleza = scenic.
    * de gran calibre = high-calibre.
    * de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.
    * de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.
    * de gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * de gran corazón = big-hearted.
    * de gran efecto = wide-reaching.
    * de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
    * de gran formato = oversized, oversize.
    * de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].
    * de gran influencia = seminal.
    * de granja = free-range.
    * de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.
    * de gran lujo = top-class.
    * de gran potencia = high-powered.
    * de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.
    * de gran talento = talented.
    * de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.
    * de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.
    * de gran venta = high selling.
    * de guardia = on duty, duty + Profesión, on call.
    * de guasa = teasingly.
    * de habla afrikaans = Afrikaans-speaking.
    * de habla alemana = German-speaking.
    * de habla francesa = French-speaking.
    * de habla inglesa = English-speaking.
    * de habla portuguesa = Portuguese-speaking.
    * de hace años = of years ago.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * de hace mucho tiempo = age-old, long-lost.
    * de hace siglos = of yore.
    * de hace varios siglos = centuries-old.
    * de hasta + Número = of up to + Número.
    * de hecho = actually, as a matter of fact, as it happened, de facto, in actual fact, in effect, in fact, indeed, in point of fact, in actuality, as it happens, as it is, effectively, for all intents and purposes, to all intents and purposes, for that matter.
    * de hierbas = herbal.
    * de hierro = iron, ferric.
    * de higos a brevas = once in a blue moon.
    * de hoja caduca = deciduous.
    * de hoja perenne = evergreen.
    * de hojas largas = long-leaved.
    * de Homero = Homeric.
    * de hongos = fungal.
    * de horticultura = horticultural.
    * de hoy = present-day.
    * de hoy día = of today.
    * de hoy en adelante = as from today.
    * de hoy en día = of today.
    * de huelga = striking.
    * de humor = funny [funnier -comp., funniest -sup.].
    * de ida y vuelta = return, round-trip.
    * de ideas afines = like-minded.
    * de igual a igual = as a peer.
    * de igual forma = in like manner, in a like manner, in like fashion, in like vein.
    * de igual longitud = of equal length.
    * de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).
    * de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein.
    * de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).
    * de igual + Nombre = equally + Adjetivo.
    * de ilusiones vive el hombre = We are such stuff as dreams are made on.
    * de imitación = copycat.
    * de importancia = of note, of consequence.
    * de importancia creciente = of growing importance.
    * de importancia crucial = crucially important.
    * de importancia fundamental = critically important.
    * de improviso = unawares, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly.
    * de incalculable valor = priceless.
    * de incógnito = incognito.
    * de inferior calidad = low-end, sub-par.
    * de inflexión = inflexional [inflectional].
    * de inmediato = immediately.
    * de inspiración = inspirational.
    * de interés especial = of particular concern, special-interest.
    * de intereses similares = of like interest.
    * de interés general = general-interest, of general interest.
    * de interés humano = human interest.
    * de interés periodístico = newsworthy.
    * de investigación = exploratory.
    * de isótopos = isotopic.
    * de izquierdas = left-wing, leftist, lefty.
    * de jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * de jarana = out on the town, a (late) night out on the town.
    * de juerga = out on the town, a (late) night out on the town.
    * de Kenia = Kenyan.
    * de la "a" a la "zeta" = a to z [a/z o a-z].
    * de la adolescencia = teenage.
    * de la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * de la cabeza a los pies = from head to foot, from head to toe.
    * de la cara = facial.
    * de la Ceca a la Meca = from pillar to post.
    * de la clase blanca, protestante y anglosajona americana = WASPish.
    * de la cóclea = cochlear.
    * de la columna vertebral = spinal.
    * de la comedia = comedic.
    * de la corteza = crustal, cortical.
    * de la cría de aves = avicultural.
    * de la duramadre = dural.
    * de la edad media = dark-age.
    * de la embajada = ambassadorial.
    * de la época = of the time(s), of the day.
    * de la época isabelina = Elizabethan.
    * de la época victoriana = Victorian.
    * de la espina dorsal = spinal.
    * de la extensión de un libro = book-length.
    * de la fama al olvido = riches to rags.
    * de la forma más difícil = the hard way.
    * de la forma más fácil = the easy way.
    * de la fortuna a la pobreza = riches to rags.
    * de la fóvea = foveal.
    * de la gama alta = high-end.
    * de la gama baja = low-end.
    * de la gama inferior = low-end.
    * de la guerra = wartime [wart-time].
    * de la hipótesis = hypothesised [hypothesized, -USA].
    * de la localidad = locally based [locally-based].
    * de la malaria = malarial.
    * de la mama = mammary.
    * de la mandíbula inferior = mandibular.
    * de la mandíbula superior = maxillar, maxillary.
    * de la manera normal = in the normal manner.
    * de la mañana = a.m. (latín - ante meridiam), in the morning.
    * de la máquina y el hombre = human-machine.
    * de la marina = marine.
    * de la mejor forma posible = to the best of + Posesivo + abili

    * * *
    (en relaciones de pertenencia, posesión): la casa de mi hermano/de mis padres/de la actriz my brother's/my parents'/the actress's house
    el rey de Francia the king of France
    el cumpleaños de Luis Luis's birthday
    el cumpleaños de la esposa de un compañero a colleague's wife's birthday, the birthday of the wife of one of my colleagues
    no es de él/de ella/de ellos it isn't his/hers/theirs
    su padre de usted ( frml); your father
    un amigo de mi hijo a friend of my son's
    es un amigo de la familia he's a friend of the family o a family friend
    un estudiante de quinto año a fifth-year student
    el nieto de los Arteaga the Arteagas' grandson
    la mesa de la cocina the kitchen table
    la correa del perro the dog's leash
    un avión de Mexair a Mexair plane
    la tapa de la cacerola the saucepan lid
    las calles de la capital the streets of the capital, the capital's streets
    la subida de los precios the rise in prices
    al término de la reunión at the end of the meeting
    la ciudad de Lima the city of Lima
    el aeropuerto de Barajas Barajas airport
    el mes de enero the month of January
    el imbécil de tu hermano that stupid brother of yours, your stupid brother
    el bueno de Ricardo le aguanta cualquier cosa Ricardo is so good, he puts up with anything from her
    (en exclamaciones): ¡pobre de él! poor him!
    ¡triste de quien no conozca ese sentimiento! ( liter); pity the person who has never experienced that feeling! ( liter)
    (con apellidos): Sra. Mónica Ortiz de Arocena ≈ Mrs Mónica Arocena
    los señores de Rucabado ( frml); Mr and Mrs Rucabado
    ( Arg crit) (a casa de): voy del médico I'm going to the doctor's
    (expresando procedencia, origen): volvía de clase/del banco I was on my way back from my class/from the bank
    es de Bogotá she's from Bogotá, she comes from Bogotá
    lo saqué de la biblioteca I got it out of the library
    lo recogió del suelo she picked it up off the floor
    mis amigos de América my American friends, my friends from America
    he recibido carta de Julia I've had a letter from Julia
    un hijo de su primera mujer a son by his first wife
    al salir de la tienda as he left the store
    DE … A …:
    de aquí a tu casa from here to your house
    un amigo de la infancia a childhood friend
    data del siglo XVII it dates from the 17th century
    la literatura de ese período the literature of o from that period
    lo conozco de cuando estuve en Rosales I know him from when I was in Rosales
    de un día para otro from one day to the next
    DE … A …:
    está abierto de nueve a cinco it's open from nine to five o between nine and five
    de aquí a que termine tenemos para rato it'll be a while yet before he finishes, he won't be finished for a while yet
    (expresando causa): murió de viejo he died of old age
    verde de envidia green with envy
    estaba ronco de tanto gritar he was hoarse from shouting so much
    eso es de comer tan poco that's what comes from o of eating so little
    (introduciendo cualidades, características): es de una paciencia increíble he is incredibly patient, he is a man of incredible patience
    un chiste de muy mal gusto a joke in very bad taste
    objetos de mucho valor objects of great value
    un pez de agua dulce a freshwater fish
    ¿de qué color lo quiere? what color do you want it?
    tiene cara de aburrido he looks bored
    ese gesto es muy de su madre that gesture is very reminiscent of his mother
    tienes cosas de niño malcriado sometimes you act like a spoiled child
    una botella de un litro a liter bottle
    un niño de tres meses a three-month-old child
    déme de las de 200 pesos el kilo give me some of those o some of the ones at 200 pesos a kilo
    la chica del abrigo rojo the girl with o in the red coat
    la señora de azul the lady in blue
    un hombre de pelo largo a man with long hair
    un anciano de bastón an old man with a stick [de is part of many compounds like cinturón de seguridad, hombre de negocios, válvula de escape, etc ]
    (al especificar material, contenido, composición): una mesa de caoba a mahogany table
    una inyección de morfina an injection of morphine, a morphine injection
    el complemento ideal de todo plato de pescado the ideal complement to any fish dish
    son de plástico they're (made of) plastic
    un curso de secretariado a secretarial course
    nos sirvió una copa de champán she gave us a glass of champagne
    una colección de sellos a stamp collection, a collection of stamps
    un millón de dólares a million dollars
    (con sentido ponderativo): ¡lo encontré de viejo …! he seemed so old!
    ¡qué de coches! ( fam); what a lot of cars!
    (al definir, especificar): tuvo la suerte de conseguirlo she was lucky enough to get it
    aprieta el botón de abajo press the bottom button
    (con cifras): el número de estudiantes es de 480 the number of students is 480, there are 480 students
    pagan un interés del 15% they pay 15% interest o interest at 15%
    cuesta más de £100 it costs more than o over £100
    pesa menos de un kilo it weighs less than o under a kilo
    un número mayor/menor de 29 a number over/under 29
    (en expresiones de modo): lo tumbó de un golpe he knocked him down with one blow
    subió los escalones de dos en dos he went up the stairs two at a time
    de a poco (CS); little by little, gradually
    (CS): de a cuatro/ocho/diez: colócalos de a dos/cuatro put them in twos/fours
    entraron de a uno they went in one by one o one at a time [de is part of many expressions entered under frente2 m A 2. (↑ frente (2)), improviso, prisa etc]
    está de profesor en una academia he's working as a teacher in a private school
    le ofrecieron un puesto de redactor they offered him a job as an editor
    hace de enanito en la obra he plays (the part of) a dwarf in the play
    le habló de hombre a hombre he talked to him man to man
    (limitando lo expresado a determinado aspecto): es muy bonita de cara she has a pretty face
    es corto de talle/ancho de hombros he's short-waisted/broad-shouldered
    es sorda de un oído she's deaf in one ear
    ¿qué tal vamos de tiempo? how are we doing for time?
    tiene dos metros de ancho it's two meters wide
    (refiriéndose a una etapa de la vida): de niño as a child, when he was a child
    (en expresiones de estado, actividad): estaba de mal humor she was in a bad mood
    (indicando uso, destino, finalidad): el cepillo de la ropa the clothes brush
    el trapo de limpiar la plata the cloth for cleaning the silver
    lo sirvió en copas de champán he served it in champagne glasses
    dales algo de comer give them something to eat
    ¿qué hay de postre? what's for dessert? [de is part of many compounds like cuchara de servir, máquina de coser, saco de dormir, etc]
    una novela de Goytisolo a novel by Goytisolo, a Goytisolo novel
    seguidos del resto de la familia followed by the rest of the family
    una casa rodeada de árboles a house surrounded by trees
    viene acompañado de arroz it is served with rice
    acompañado de su señora esposa ( frml); accompanied by his wife
    ¿quién de ustedes fue? which (one) of you was it?
    se llevó uno de los míos she took one of mine
    el mayor de los Rodríguez the eldest of the Rodríguez children
    un cigarrillo de ésos que apestan one of those cigarettes that stink
    (con un superlativo): eligió el más caro de todos she chose the most expensive one of all
    la ciudad más grande del mundo the biggest city in the world
    (refiriéndose a una parte del día): a las once de la mañana/de la noche at eleven in the morning/at night
    duerme de día y trabaja de noche she sleeps during the day and works at night
    salieron de madrugada they left very early in the morning
    ver tb mañana3 f A. (↑ mañana (3)), tarde2 (↑ tarde (2)), etc
    A DE + INF:
    de haberlo sabido, habría venido antes if I had known, I would have come earlier o had I known, I would have come earlier
    de no ser así no será considerada otherwise it will not be considered
    de continuar este estado de cosas if this state of affairs persists
    B SER DE + INF
    (expresando necesidad, inevitabilidad): es de esperar que … it is to be hoped that …, one hopes that …
    no son de fiar they are not to be trusted
    es de destacar la actuación de Marta Valverde Marta Valverde's performance is worthy of note
    de no ( AmL); if not
    * * *

    Del verbo dar: ( conjugate dar)


    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:

    dar ( conjugate dar) verbo transitivo

    déme un kilo de peras can I have a kilo of pears?;
    See Also→ conocer verbo transitivo 3 b, entender verbo transitivo
    b)cartas/mano to give

    a) (donar, regalar) ‹sangre/limosna to give;

    b) ( proporcionar) ‹fuerzas/valor/esperanza to give;

    información/idea to give
    a) (conferir, aportar) ‹sabor/color/forma to give

    b) ( aplicar) ‹mano de pintura/barniz to give

    c)sedante/masaje to give

    4 ( conceder) ‹prórroga/permiso to give;

    nos dieron un premio we won o got a prize
    a) (expresar, decir) ‹parecer/opinón to give;

    ¿le diste las gracias? did you thank him?, did you say thank you?;

    dales saludos give/send them my regards;
    tuve que déle la noticia I was the one who had to break the news to him
    b) (señalar, indicar): me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando the line's busy o (BrE) engaged;

    a) ( producir) ‹fruto/flor to bear;

    dividendos to pay;

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta):

    da 150 kilómetros por hora it can do o go 150 kilometres an hour;

    venía a todo lo que daba it was travelling at full speed;
    ponen la radio a todo lo que da they turn the radio on full blast
    2 (causar, provocar) ‹placer/susto to give;
    problemas to cause;

    el calor le dio sueño/sed the heat made him sleepy/thirsty
    1 ( presentar) ‹ concierto to give;
    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? what's on TV tonight? (colloq);

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? where's that film showing?
    a)fiesta/conferencia to give;

    baile/banquete to hold;
    discurso› (AmL) to make
    b) (CS) ‹ examen› to take o (BrE) sit;

    ver tb clase 4
    ( realizar la accion que se indica) ‹ grito to give;

    dame un beso give me a kiss;
    ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc
    ( considerar) dé algo/a algn por algo:

    ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic;
    ¡dalo por hecho! consider it done!
    verbo intransitivo

    [ventana/balcón] to look onto, give onto;
    [fachada/frente] to face
    2 (ser suficiente, alcanzar) dé para algo/algn to be enough for sth/sb;

    dé de sí ‹zapatos/jersey to stretch
    3 ( arrojar un resultado):

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? what does it come to?;
    a mí me dio 247 I made it (to be) 247
    4 ( importar):

    ¡qué más da! what does it matter!;
    ¿qué más da? what difference does it make?;
    me da igual I don't mind
    5 ( en naipes) to deal
    a) (pegar, golpear): déle a algn to hit sb;

    ( como castigo) to smack sb;

    el balón dio en el poste the ball hit the post

    2 (accionar, mover) déle a algo ‹a botón/tecla to press sth;
    a interruptor to flick sth;
    a manivela/volante to turn sth

    soluciónto hit upon, find;
    palabra to come up with
    4 (hablando de manías, ocurrencias) déle a algn por hacer algo ‹por pintar/cocinar to take to doing sth;
    le ha dado por decir que … he's started saying that …

    5 [sol/luz]:

    la luz le daba de lleno en los ojos the light was shining right in his eyes
    darse verbo pronominal
    1 ( producirse) [fruta/trigo] to grow
    2 ( presentarse) [oportunidad/ocasión] to arise
    3 ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc):

    a) ( refl) ( realizar lo que se indica) ‹ducha/banquete to have;

    dárselas de algo: se las da de valiente/de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he's brave/he knows a lot;

    dárselas de listo to act smart
    b) (golpearse, pegarse):

    se dieron contra un árbol they crashed into a tree;
    se dio dé un golpe en la rodilla he hit his knee
    ( considerarse) dése por algo:

    ver tb aludir a, enterado 1
    de 1 preposición
    a) (pertenencia, posesión):

    el rey dé Francia the king of France;
    no es dé él it isn't his;
    es un amigo dé mi hijo he's a friend of my son's;
    un estudiante dé quinto año a fifth-year student;
    la tapa dé la cacerola the saucepan lid;
    un avión dé Mexair a Mexair plane

    el aeropuerto dé Barajas Barajas airport;
    el mes dé enero the month of January
    a) (procedencia, origen, tiempo) from;

    es dé Bogotá she's/she comes from Bogotá;

    una carta dé Julia a letter from Julia;
    un amigo dé la infancia a childhood friend;
    la literatura dé ese período the literature of o from that period;
    dé aquí a tu casa from here to your house
    b) (material, contenido, composición):

    una mesa dé caoba a mahogany table;
    un vaso dé agua a glass of water;
    un millón dé dólares a million dollars
    c) (causa, modo):

    dé tanto gritar from shouting so much;
    verde dé envidia green with envy;
    temblando dé miedo trembling with fear;
    dé memoria by heart;
    lo tumbó dé un golpe he knocked him down with one blow

    rodeada dé árboles surrounded by trees
    a) (cualidades, características):

    objetos dé mucho valor objects of great value;
    ¿dé qué color lo quiere? what color do you want it?;
    tiene cara dé aburrido he looks bored;
    una botella dé un litro a liter bottle;
    la chica dé azul the girl in blue
    b) (al definir, especificar):

    tiene dos metros dé ancho it's two meters wide;
    es fácil de pronunciar it's easy to pronounce;
    uno dé los míos one of mine;
    el mayor dé los Soto the eldest of the Soto children
    a) ( con cifras):

    pagan un interés dél 15% they pay 15% interest o interest at 15%

    más dé £100 more than o over £100;

    pesa menos dé un kilo it weighs less than o under a kilo;
    un número mayor/menor dé 29 a number over/under 29

    la ciudad más grande dél mundo the biggest city in the world

    dé día/noche during the day/at night;

    dé madrugada early in the morning
    a) ( en calidad de) as;

    hace dé rey en la obra he plays (the part of) a king in the play
    b) (en expresiones de estado, actividad):

    estamos dé fiesta we're having a party
    c) (indicando uso, destino, finalidad):

    copas dé vino wine glasses;
    ropa dé cama bed clothes;
    dales algo dé comer give them something to eat;
    ¿qué hay dé postre? what's for dessert?
    6 ( con sentido condicional):

    dé no ser así otherwise
    de 2 sustantivo femenino: name of the letter d

    I verbo transitivo
    1 to give: dame la mano, hold my hand
    2 (conceder) to give: mi padre me dio permiso, my father gave me permission
    le doy toda la razón, I think he is quite right
    3 (transmitir una noticia) to tell
    (un recado, recuerdos) to pass on, give
    dar las gracias, to thank
    4 (retransmitir u ofrecer un espectáculo) to show, put on
    5 (organizar una fiesta) to throw, give
    6 (producir lana, miel, etc) to produce, yield
    (fruto, flores) to bear
    (beneficio, interés) to give, yield
    7 (causar un dolor, malestar) dar dolor de cabeza, to give a headache
    (un sentimiento) dar pena, to make sad
    le da mucha vergüenza, he's very embarrassed
    8 (proporcionar) to provide: su empresa da trabajo a cincuenta personas, his factory gives work to fifty people
    9 (una conferencia, charla) to give
    (impartir clases) to teach
    (recibir una clase) to have
    US to take
    10 (presentir) me da (en la nariz/en el corazón) que eso va a salir bien, I have a feeling that everything is going to turn out well
    11 (estropear) to ruin: me dio la noche con sus ronquidos, he spoilt my sleep with his snoring
    12 (abrir el paso de la luz) to switch on
    (del gas, agua) to turn on
    13 (propinar una bofetada, un puntapié, etc) to hit, give
    14 (aplicar una mano de pintura, cera) to apply, put on
    (un masaje, medicamento) to give
    15 (considerar) dar por, to assume, consider: lo dieron por muerto, he was given up for dead
    ese dinero lo puedes dar por perdido, you can consider that money lost
    dar por supuesto/sabido, to take for granted, to assume
    16 (la hora, un reloj) to strike: aún no habían dado las ocho, it was not yet past eight o'clock
    17 (realizar la acción que implica el objeto) dar un abrazo/susto, to give a hug/fright
    dar un paseo, to go for a walk
    dar una voz, to give a shout
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (sobrevenir) le dio un ataque de nervios, she had an attack of hysterics
    2 dar de comer/cenar, to provide with lunch/dinner 3 dar a, (mirar, estar orientado a) to look out onto, to overlook
    (una puerta) to open onto, lead to: esa puerta da al jardín, this door leads out onto the garden 4 dar con, (una persona, objeto) to come across: no fuimos capaces de dar con la contraseña, we couldn't come up with the password
    dimos con él, we found him 5 dar de sí, (una camiseta, bañador) to stretch, give 6 dar en, to hit: el sol me daba en los ojos, the sun was (shining) in my eyes 7 dar para, to be enough o sufficient for: ese dinero no me da para nada, this money isn't enough for me
    ♦ Locuciones: dar a alguien por: le dio por ponerse a cantar, she decided to start singing
    le dio por nadar, he got it into his head to go swimming
    dar a entender a alguien que..., to make sb understand that...
    dar la mano a alguien, to shake hands with sb
    dar para: el presupuesto no da para más, the budget will not stretch any further
    dar que hablar, to set people talking
    dar que pensar: el suceso dio que pensar, the incident gave people food for thought
    dar a conocer, (noticia) to release
    de preposición
    1 (pertenencia, posesión) of
    la dirección de mis padres, my parents' address
    el teclado de este ordenador, this computer's keyboard
    la primera página del libro, the first page of the book
    2 (material) of: está hecho de madera, it's made of wood
    una pajarita de papel, a paper bird
    (contenido) un vaso de vino, a glass of wine
    3 (asunto) about, on: sabe mucho de economía, she knows a lot about economics
    un curso de inglés, an English course
    un libro de arte, a book on art
    4 (oficio) as: está/trabaja de enfermera, she is working as a nurse
    5 (cualidad) una persona de carácter, a person with character
    una rubia de pelo largo, a blonde with long hair
    6 (procedencia) from: es de Bilbao, he is o comes from Bilbao
    de Madrid a Cáceres, from Madrid to Cáceres
    7 (parte) un poco de leche, a little milk
    un trozo de carne, a piece of meat
    8 (causa) with, because of
    llorar de alegría, to cry with joy
    morir de hambre, to die of hunger
    9 (modo) lo bebió de un trago, she downed it in one
    un gesto de satisfacción, an expression of satisfaction
    10 (localización) el señor de la camisa azul, the man in the blue shirt
    la casa de la esquina, the house on the corner
    11 (tiempo) a las cinco de la mañana, at five in the morning
    de año en año, year in year out
    de día, by day
    de noche, at night
    de miércoles a viernes, from Wednesday to Friday
    de pequeño, as a child
    12 (finalidad) jornada de reflexión, eve of polling day
    libro de consulta, reference book
    máquina de escribir, typewriter
    13 (instrumento) derribó la puerta de una patada, he kicked the door down
    lo mataron de una puñalada, he was stabbed to death
    14 (comparación) el discurso fue más largo de lo esperado, the speech was longer than expected
    (con superlativo) in
    el coche más caro del mundo, the most expensive car in the world
    15 (precio) for
    un pantalón de dos mil pesetas, a pair of trousers costing two thousand pesetas 16 una avenida de quince kilómetros, an avenue fifteen kilometres long
    una botella de litro, a litre bottle
    17 (condicional) de haberlo sabido no le hubiera invitado, if I had known I wouldn't have invited him
    de no ser así, if that wasn't o weren't the case
    de ser cierto, if it was o were true
    18 (reiteración) de puerta en puerta, from door to door
    de tres en tres, in threes o three at a time

    '' also found in these entries:
    - a. C.
    - a.m.
    - abajo
    - abanderada
    - abanderado
    - abandonar
    - abandonarse
    - abandono
    - abanico
    - abarrotar
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abarrotería
    - abastecer
    - abastecerse
    - abastecimiento
    - abasto
    - abatir
    - abatimiento
    - abatirse
    - abdicar
    - abertura
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abismo
    - ablandar
    - abogar
    - abogacía
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abominar
    - abominable
    - abono
    - abortar
    - abrir
    - abridor
    - abrigo
    - abrupta
    - abrupto
    - absoluta
    - absolutamente
    - absoluto
    - abstenerse
    - abstención
    - abstinencia
    - abstraerse
    - abuelo
    - abuhardillada
    - abuhardillado
    - A-level
    - a.m.
    - AA
    - abandon
    - ABC
    - ability
    - ablaze
    - aboard
    - about
    - about-face
    - about-turn
    - above
    - abreast
    - abroad
    - abrupt
    - absence
    - absent
    - absolve
    - absorb
    - abstain
    - abstract
    - abundance
    - abuse
    - AC
    - accepted
    - access road
    - accident
    - accidental
    - acclaim
    - accommodate
    - accommodation
    - accomplished
    - accomplishment
    - accordance
    - account
    - account for
    - accountable
    - accumulation
    - accuracy
    - accurate
    - accurately
    - accuse
    - accused
    - accusingly
    - accustom
    - ache
    - Achilles heel
    - aching
    - acid test
    * * *
    1. [posesión, pertenencia] of;
    el automóvil de mi padre/mis padres my father's/parents' car;
    es de ella it's hers;
    la maleta es de Eva the suitcase is Eva's o belongs to Eva;
    el padre de la niña the girl's father;
    el director de la empresa the manager of the company, the company's manager;
    la boda o [m5] el casamiento de un amigo de mi hermano the wedding of a friend of my brother's, a friend of my brother's wedding;
    un equipo de segunda división a second division team;
    la comida del gato the cat's food;
    el título de la novela the novel's title, the title of the novel;
    la pata de la mesa the table leg;
    una subida de precios a price rise;
    los señores de Navarro Mr and Mrs Navarro
    2. [procedencia, distancia] from;
    salir de casa to leave home;
    soy de Bilbao I'm from Bilbao;
    no soy de aquí I'm not from round here;
    de la playa al apartamento hay 100 metros it's 100 metres from the beach to the apartment;
    estamos a 10 kilómetros de Buenos Aires we're 10 kilometres away from Buenos Aires;
    el rey de España the king of Spain;
    tuvo dos hijos de su primera esposa he had two children by his first wife;
    b de Barcelona [deletreando] b for Barcelona
    3. [en razonamiento]
    de su sonrisa se deduce que todo ha ido bien you can tell from o by her smile that it all went well;
    del resultado del experimento concluyo que la fórmula no funciona I infer from the result of the experiment that the formula doesn't work
    4. [con nombre en aposición]
    la ciudad de Caracas the city of Caracas;
    el túnel del Canal the Channel Tunnel;
    el signo de tauro the sign of Taurus;
    el puerto de Cartagena the port of Cartagena
    5. [en descripciones]
    una película de terror a horror movie o Br film;
    la señora de verde the lady in green;
    el chico de la coleta the boy with the ponytail;
    una actriz de veinte años a twenty-year-old actress;
    ¿de qué tamaño? what size?;
    un político de fiar a trustworthy politician
    6. [materia] (made) of;
    un vaso de plástico a plastic cup;
    un reloj de oro a gold watch;
    una mesa de madera a wooden table
    7. [contenido]
    un vaso de agua a glass of water;
    un plato de lentejas a plate of lentils
    8. [precio]
    he comprado las peras de 80 céntimos el kilo I bought the pears that were 80 cents a kilo;
    un sello de 50 céntimos a 50-cent stamp
    9. [uso]
    una bici de carreras a racing bike;
    ropa de deporte sportswear;
    una máquina de coser a sewing machine;
    esta sartén es la del pescado y ésta la de las tortillas this frying pan's for fish and this one's for omelettes
    10. [asunto] about;
    hablábamos de ti we were talking about you;
    libros de historia history books
    11. [en calidad de] as;
    trabaja de bombero he works as a fireman;
    aparece de cosaco he appears as a Cossack, he plays a Cossack;
    estás muy guapa de uniforme you look very pretty in uniform;
    al desfile de carnaval iré de Napoleón I'll go as Napoleon in the carnival parade
    12. [tiempo] [desde] from;
    [durante] in;
    trabaja de nueve a cinco she works from nine to five;
    vivió en Bolivia de 1975 a 1983 she lived in Bolivia between 1975 and 1983, she lived in Bolivia from 1975 to 1983;
    de madrugada early in the morning;
    a las cuatro de la tarde at four in the afternoon;
    trabaja de noche y duerme de día he works at night and sleeps during the day;
    es de día it's daytime;
    de niño solía jugar en la calle as a child I used to play in the street;
    ¿qué quieres ser de mayor? what do you want to be when you grow up?;
    un compañero del colegio a friend from school;
    de mañana/tarde in the morning/afternoon;
    de noche at night;
    ayer salimos de noche we went out last night
    13. [causa] with;
    morirse de hambre to die of hunger;
    llorar de alegría to cry with joy;
    temblar de miedo to tremble with fear;
    eso es de fumar tanto that's what comes from smoking so much
    14. [manera, modo] with;
    de una patada with a kick;
    rompió el cristal de una pedrada he shattered the window with a stone;
    de una sola vez in one go;
    lo bebió de un trago he drank it down in one go;
    de tres en tres/cuatro en cuatro/ etc[m5]. three/four/ etc at a time;
    de a tres/cuatro/ etc[m5]. in threes/fours/ etc;
    de fácil manejo user-friendly;
    ponerse de rodillas to kneel down
    15. [con valor partitivo] of;
    uno de los nuestros one of ours;
    varios de nosotros several of us;
    ¿quién de vosotros sabe la respuesta? which of you knows the answer?
    16. Literario [sobre]
    de la paz y la guerra of war and peace
    17. [en valoración]
    lo tacharon de vulgar they branded him as vulgar, they accused him of being vulgar
    18. [en lugar de]
    yo de ti no lo haría I wouldn't do it if I were you;
    yo de Eduardo le pediría perdón if I were Eduardo, I'd say sorry to her
    19. [en comparaciones]
    más/menos de… more/less than…;
    [con superlativos]
    el mejor de todos the best of all;
    el más importante del mundo the most important in the world;
    la peor película del año the worst film this year o of the year;
    la impresora más moderna del mercado the most up-to-date printer on the market
    20. (antes de infinitivo) [condición] if;
    de querer ayudarme, lo haría if she wanted to help me, she'd do it;
    de no ser por ti, me hubiese hundido if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have made it;
    de ir a verte, sería este domingo if I do visit you, it'll be this Sunday
    21. (después de adjetivo y antes de sustantivo) [enfatiza cualidad]
    el idiota de tu hermano your stupid brother;
    la buena de Susana good old Susana;
    ¡pobre de mí! poor me!
    22. (después de adjetivo y antes de infinitivo)
    es difícil de creer it's hard to believe;
    una velada imposible de olvidar an unforgettable evening
    23. (después del verbo “haber”) [obligación]
    he de trabajar más I have to work harder;
    has de gastar menos you should spend less
    24. (antes de complemento agente)
    una película de Buñuel a film by Buñuel, a Buñuel film;
    vino acompañado de su familia he was accompanied by his family
    25. (antes de adverbio de lugar)
    el apartamento de abajo the downstairs Br flat o US apartment;
    la fila de delante the front row
    de no loc conj
    Am otherwise;
    dime la verdad, de no te castigaré tell me the truth, otherwise I'm going to punish you
    * * *
    1 origen from;
    de Nueva York from New York;
    de … a from … to
    2 posesión of;
    el coche de mi amigo my friend’s car
    3 material (made) of;
    un anillo de oro a gold ring
    4 contenido of;
    un vaso de agua a glass of water
    una mujer de 20 años a 20 year old woman
    6 causa with;
    temblaba de miedo she was shaking with fear
    de noche at night, by night;
    de día by day
    8 en calidad de as;
    trabajar de albañil work as a bricklayer;
    de niño as a child
    9 agente by;
    de Goya by Goya
    10 condición if;
    de haberlo sabido if I’d known
    la ciudad de Lima the city of Lima
    * * *
    de prep
    1) : of
    la casa de Pepe: Pepe's house
    un niño de tres años: a three-year-old boy
    2) : from
    es de Managua: she's from Managua
    salió del edificio: he left the building
    3) : in, at
    a las tres de la mañana: at three in the morning
    salen de noche: they go out at night
    4) : than
    más de tres: more than three
    * * *
    de prep
    5. (materia, tema)
    6. (origen, procedencia) from
    7. (descripción) with / in
    8. (agente) by
    10. (con números, una parte) than / of

    Spanish-English dictionary > de

  • 9 sua

    sŭus, a, um (old form sos, sa, sum; dat. plur. sis, Enn. ap. Fest. p. 301 Mull.; acc. sas. id. ib. p. 325 ib.; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 47; Schol. Pers. 1, 108; sing. sam for suam, Fest. p. 47 Mull.;

    so for suo, C. I. L. 5, 2007. In ante-class. verse su- with the following vowel freq. forms one syllable,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 48; id. Ps. 1, 3, 5; Ter. And. 1, 1, 68; Lucr. 1, 1022; v. Neue, Formenl. 2, 189 sqq.), pron. poss., 3 d pers. [root SVA-; Sanscr. sva, own; cf. sui; Gr. seWo-, whence sphe, etc., and he; cf. heos], of or belonging to himself, herself, etc.; his own, her own, etc.; his, her, its, their; one ' s; hers, theirs.
    Ordinary possessive use his, etc. (cf. the similar use of the pers. pron. sui, q. v.).
    With antecedent in the same sentence.
    The antecedent a subject-nominative, expressed or understood.

    Caesar copias suas divisit,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 97:

    ille in sua sententia perseverat,

    id. ib. 1, 72:

    tantam habebat suarum rerum fiduciam,

    id. ib. 2, 37:

    cum sceleris sui socios Romae reliquisset,

    Cic. Cat. 3, 1, 3:

    cur ego non ignoscam si anteposuit suam salutem meae?

    id. Pis. 32, 79; id. Phil. 2, 18, 45; id. Mil. 10, 27; id. Fam. 15, 14, 1:

    Hanno praefecturam ejus (i.e. Muttinis) filio suo (Hannonis) dedit,

    Liv. 26, 40, 7:

    imperat princeps civibus suis,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 16, 2:

    nemo rem suam emit,

    id. Ben. 7, 4, 8.—

    mea Glycerium suos parentes repperit,

    Ter. And. 5, 6, 5:

    utinam haec ignoraret suum patrem,

    id. Phorm. 5, 6, 34:

    si nunc facere volt era officium suom,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 8, 72:

    ne eadem mulier cum suo conjuge honestissimum adulescentem oppressisse videatur,

    Cic. Cael. 32, 78:

    si omnibus suis copiis excellentem virum res publica armasset,

    id. Phil. 13, 16, 32.—

    omne animal, simul et ortum est, et se ipsum et omnes partes suas diligit,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 11, 33:

    cum mea domus ardore suo deflagrationem Italiae toti minaretur,

    id. Planc. 40, 95.—
    Their: (legiones) si consulem suum reliquerunt, vituperandae sunt Cic. Phil. 5, 2, 4:

    mittent aliquem de suo numero,

    id. ib. 11, 10, 25:

    rationem illi sententiae suae non fere reddebant,

    id. Tusc. 1, 17, 38:

    qui agellos suos redimere a piratis solebant,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 37, § 85:

    edicunt ut ad suum vestitum senatores redirent,

    id. Sest. 14, 32:

    suis finibus eos prohibent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 1: Allobrogibus sese persuasuros existimabant ut per suos (Allobrogum) fines eos (Helvetios) ire paterentur, id. id. 1, 6;

    and distributively: ac naves onerariae LXIII. in portu expugnatae, quaedam cum suis oneribus, frumento, armis, aere, etc.,

    some with their several cargoes, Liv. 26, 47, 9.—
    With a subject-clause as antecedent:

    id sua sponte apparebat tuta celeribus consiliis praepositurum,

    was selfevident, Liv. 22, 38, 13:

    ad id quod sua sponte satis collectum animorum erat, indignitate etiam Romani accendebantur,

    id. 3, 62, 1:

    secutum tamen sua sponte est ut vilior ob ea regi Hannibal et suspectior fieret,

    id. 35, 14, 4. —
    With subject-acc. as antecedent:

    hanc dicam Athenis advenisse cum aliquo amatore suo, Plant. Mil. 2, 2, 86: doceo gratissimum esse in sua tribu Plancium,

    Cic. Planc. 19, 47:

    cupio eum suae causae confidere,

    id. Sest. 64, 135:

    suspicari debuit (Milo), eum (Clodium) ad villam suam (Clodii) deversurum,

    id. Mil. 19, 51: Medeam praedicant in fuga fratris sui membra dissipavisse, id. Imp. Pomp. 9, 22:

    (dixit) Caesarem pro sua dignitate debere et studium et iracundiam suam reipublicae dimittere,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 8.—
    With object-acc. as antecedent.
    Suus being an adjunct of the subject (generally rendered in Engl. by a pass. constr.):

    hunc pater suus de templo deduxit,

    he was taken from the temple by his father, Cic. Inv. 2, 17, 52:

    hunc sui cives e civitate ejecerunt,

    id. Sest. 68, 142:

    Alexandrum uxor sua... occidit,

    id. Inv. 2, 49, 144:

    illum ulciscentur mores sui,

    id. Att. 9, 12, 2:

    quodsi quem natura sua... forte deficiet,

    id. Or. 1, 14:

    utrumque regem sua multitudo consalutaverat,

    Liv. 1, 7, 1:

    quas (urbes) sua virtus ac dii juvent, magnas sibi opes facere,

    id. 1, 9, 3; 1, 7, 15; 6, 33, 5:

    quos nec sua conscientia impulerit, nec, etc.,

    id. 26, 33, 3; 25, 14, 7:

    consulem C. Marium servus suus interemit,

    Val. Max. 6, 8, 2:

    quis non Vedium Pollionem pejus oderat quam servi sui?

    Sen. Clem. 1, 18, 2:

    sera dies sit qua illum gens sua caelo adserat,

    id. Cons. Poll. 12 (31), 5.—With the antecedent understood from the principal sentence:

    ita forma simili pueri ut mater sua internoscere (sc. eos) non posset,

    Plaut. Men. prol. 19; and with suus as adjunct both of the subject and of the antecedent: jubet salvere suos vir uxorem suam, id. merc. 4, 3, 11. —
    With impers. verbs:

    sunt homines, quos libidinis infamiaeque suae neque pudeat neque taedeat,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 12, 35:

    video fore ut inimicos tuos poeniteat intemperantiae suae,

    id. Fam. 3, 10, 1:

    si Caesarem beneficii sui poeniteret,

    id. Lig. 10, 29; so id. Agr. 2, 11, 26:

    jam ne nobilitatis quidem suae plebejos poenitere,

    Liv. 10, 7, 8:

    militem jam minus virtutis poenitere suae,

    id. 22, 12, 10.—
    As adjunct of other members of the sentence:

    ad parentes suos ducas Silenium,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 86. nam is illius filiam conicit in navem clam matrem suam (i.e. filiae), id. Mil. 2, 1, 34:

    eosdem ad quaestoris sui aut imperatoris, aut commilitonum suorum pericula impulistis,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 17, 34:

    totum enim ex sua patria sustulisti,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 49, § 127; id. Or. 3, 32, 126: quem (Hammonium) tibi etiam suo nomine ( on his own account) commendo... itaque peto a te ut ejus procuratorem et ipsum suo nomine diligas, id. Fam. 13, 21, 2:

    Caesar Fabium in sua remittit hiberna,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 33; id. B. C. 3, 24:

    introire ad Ciceronem, et domi suae imparatum confodere,

    Sall. C. 28, 1:

    suis flammis delete Fidenas,

    i. e. the flames kindled by the Fidenates, Liv. 4, 33, 5:

    suo igni involvit hostes,

    Tac. A. 14, 30:

    quid Caesarem in sua fata inmisit?

    Sen. Ep. 94, 65; id. Q. N. 1, praef. 7; cf.

    with antecedent supplied from preceding sentence: non destiti rogare et petere (sc. Brutum) mea causa, suadere et hortari sua,

    Cic. Att. 6, 2, 7.—
    With dat. as antecedent.
    As adjunct of subject (cf. 4. supra):

    suus rex reginae placet,

    a queen likes her own king, Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 76:

    ei nunc alia ducenda'st domum, sua cognata Lemniensis,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 101:

    Autronio nonne sodales, non collegae sui... defuerunt?

    Cic. Sull. 2, 7:

    si ceteris facta sua recte prosunt,

    id. Cat. 3, 12, 27:

    cui non magistri sui atque doctores, cui non... locus ipse... in mente versetur?

    id. Planc. 33, 81:

    haec omnia plane... Siculis erepta sunt: primum suae leges, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 13, § 33:

    Romanis multitudo sua auxit animum,

    Liv. 21, 50, 4:

    sicuti populo Romano sua fortuna labet,

    id. 42, 50, 7:

    Lanuvinis sacra sua reddita,

    id. 8, 14, 2:

    vilitas sua illis detrahit pretium,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 29, 2:

    nemo est cui felicitas sua satisfaciat,

    id. Ep. 115, 17:

    labor illi suus restitutus est,

    id. Brev. Vit. 20, 3:

    magnitudo sua singulis constat,

    id. Q. N. 1, 1, 10:

    tantum sapienti sua, quantum Dec omnis aetas patet,

    id. Ep. 53, 11. —

    With antecedent supplied from principal sentence: mater quod suasit sua Adulescens mulier fecit, i.e. ei,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 4, 38.—
    Of other words:

    regique Thebano regnum stabilivit suum,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 40:

    mittam hodie huic suo die natali malam rem magnam,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 5:

    ego Metello non irascor, neque ei suam vacationem eripio,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 68, § 164:

    desinant insidiari domui suae consuli,

    id. Cat. 1, 13, 32:

    quibus ea res honori fuerit a suis civibus,

    id. Mil. 35, 96: Scipio suas res Syracusanis restituit, Liv. [p. 1824] 29, 1, 17:

    nos non suas (leges Lacedaemoniis arbitror) ademisse, sed nostras leges dedisse,

    id. 39, 37, 6:

    Graccho et Tuditano provinciae Lucani et Galliae cum suis exercitibus prorogatae,

    id. 25, 3, 5.—
    With gen., abl., or object of a prep. as antecedent:

    nec illius animi aciem praestringit splendor sui nominis,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 16, 43:

    nolite a sacris patriis Junonis Sospitae domesticum et suum consulem avellere,

    id. Mur. 41, 90:

    quamvis tu magna mihi scripseris de Bruti adventu ad suas legiones,

    id. Att. 14, 13, 12:

    suae legis ad scriptum ipsam quoque sententiam adjungere,

    the meaning of their law to which they refer, id. Inv. 2, 49, 147:

    cum ambitio alterius suam primum apud eos majestatem solvisset,

    Liv. 22, 42, 12:

    nunc causam instituendorum ludorum ab origine sua repetam,

    Val. Max. 2, 4, 4:

    Jubam in regno suo non locorum notitia adjuvet, non popularium pro rege suo virtus,

    Sen. Ep. 71, 10; id. Ben. 7, 6, 3; id. Clem. 1, 3, 4.—Esp. with cujusque as antecedent:

    in qua deliberatione ad suam cujusque naturam consilium est omne revocandum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 33, 119 (v. II. D. 2. infra).— Abl.:

    operam dare ut sua lex ipso scripto videatur niti,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 49, 147 (cf. supra):

    (Caesar reperiebat) ad Galbam propter justitiam prudentiamque suam totius belli summam deferri,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 4:

    credere, ad suum concilium a Jove deos advocari,

    Sen. Q. N. 2, 42, 1.—
    With predic. nom. as antecedent:

    sapientissimi artis suae professores sunt a quibus et propria studia verecunde et aliena callide administrantur,

    Val. Max. 8, 12, 1.—
    With appositive noun.
    With gram. subject as antecedent:

    hoc Anaximandro, populari ac sodali suo, non persuasit,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 37, 118:

    vidit fortissimum virum, inimicissimum suum,

    id. Mil. 9, 25:

    (hic) fuit in Creta contubernalis Saturnini, propinqui sui,

    id. Planc. 11, 27:

    ut non per L. Crassum, adfinem suum... causam illam defenderit,

    id. Balb. 21, 49:

    ne cum hoc T. Broccho, avunculo, ne cum ejus filio, consobrino suo, ne nobiscum vivat,

    id. Lig. 4, 11:

    Caesar mittit ad eum A. Clodium, suum atque illius familiarem,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 57.—
    With object as antecedent:

    Dicaearchum cum Aristoxeno, aequali et condiscipulo suo, omittamus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 18, 41:

    tres fratres optimos, non solum sibi ipsos, neque nobis, necessariis suis, sed etiam rei publicae condonavit,

    id. Lig. 12, 36:

    Varroni, quem, sui generis hominem,... vulgus extrahere ad consulatum nitebatur,

    Liv. 22, 34, 2.—
    With appositive noun as antecedent:

    si P. Scipionem, clarissimum virum, majorumque suorum simillimum res publica tenere potuisset,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 14, 29:

    M. Fabi Ambusti, potentis viri cum inter sui corporis homines, tum ad plebem, etc.,

    Liv. 6, 34, 5:

    C. vero Fabricii, et Q. Aemilii Papi, principum saeculi sui, domibus argentum fuisse confitear oportet,

    Val. Max. 4, 4, 3.—
    In participial clauses.
    The antecedent being the logical subject of the participle, and other than the principal subject:

    credamus igitur Panaetio, a Platone suo dissentienti ( = qui dissentiebat),

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 32, 79:

    ea Sex. Roscium, expulsum ex suis bonis, recepit domum,

    id. Rosc. Am. 10, 27:

    diffidentemque rebus suis confirmavit,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 9, 23:

    Dejotarum ad me venientem cum omnibus copiis suis, certiorem feci, etc.,

    id. Fam. 15, 4, 7; id. Cat. 4, 9, 18: si hominis et suis et populi Romani ornamentis amplissimi ( being greatly distinguished) causam repudiassem, id. Mur. 4, 8:

    stupentes tribunos et suam jam vicem magis anxios quam, etc., liberavit consensus populi Romani,

    Liv. 8, 35, 1; 22, 42, 8:

    manet in folio scripta querela suo ( = quam scripsit),

    Ov. F. 5, 224; cf. in abl. absol.:

    et ipsis (hostibus) regressis in castra sua,

    Liv. 22, 60, 9:

    quibus (speculis) si unum ostenderis hominem, populus adparet, unaquaque parte faciem exprimente sua,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, 5, 5.—
    The logical subject of the participle, being also the principal subject:

    sic a suis legionibus condemnatus irrupit in Galliam,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 10, 21:

    hunc agrum patres nostri, acceptum a majoribus suis ( = quem acceperant), perdiderunt,

    id. Agr. 2, 31, 84:

    ut in suis ordinibus dispositi dispersos adorirentur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 92: Appius, odium in se aliorum suo in eos metiens odio, haud ignaro, inquit, imminet fortuna, Liv. 3, 54, 3:

    ipsa capit Condita in pharetra ( = quae condiderat) tela minora sua,

    Ov. F. 2, 326; cf. in abl. absol.:

    Sopater, expositis suis difficultatibus ( = cum exposuisset, etc.): Timarchidem... perducit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 28, § 69:

    Caesar, primum suo deinde omnium ex conspectu remotis equis, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 25:

    Campani, audita sua pariter sociorumque clade, legatos ad Hannibalem miserunt,

    Liv. 25, 15, 1:

    (Appius) deposito suo magistratu... domum est reductus,

    id. 4, 24, 7; 3, 35, 9; 9, 10, 13; 9, 41, 9.—
    The antecedent being the principal subject, not the logical subject of the participle:

    M. Papirius dicitur Gallo, barbam suam (i.e. Papirii) permulcenti,... iram movisse,

    Liv. 5, 41, 9: cum Gracchus, verecundia deserendi socios, implorantis fidem suam populique Romani, substitisset. id. 23, 36, 8; cf. in abl. absol.:

    si sine maximo dedecore, tam impeditis suis rebus, potuisset emori,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 10, 29; id. Mil. 14, 38; id. Planc. 21, 51; id. Clu. 14, 42:

    ita (consul) proelio uno accidit Vestinorum res, haudquaquam tamen incruento milite suo (consulis),

    Liv. 8, 29, 12; cf.

    with antecedent to be supplied: Campani, cum, robore juventutis suae acciso, nulla (sc. eis) propinqua spes esset, etc.,

    id. 7, 29, 7.—
    In gerund. construction. ( a) With subject as antecedent:

    mihi ipsa Roma ad complectendum conservatorem suum progredi visa est,

    Cic. Pis. 22, 52.—
    With object, the logical subjects of the gerund as antecedent:

    cur iis persequendi juris sui... adimis potestatem?

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21:

    si senatui doloris sui de me declarandi potestas esset erepta,

    id. Sest. 23, 51:

    nec tribunis plebis (spatium datur) sui periculi deprecandi,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 5.—
    With antecedent dependent on the gerund:

    eamque rem illi putant a suum cuique tribuendo appellatam,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 19.—
    As adjunct of a noun dependent on a subjectinf., with its logical subject as antecedent:

    magnum Miloni fuit, conficere illam pestem nulla sua invidia?

    Cic. Mil. 15, 40:

    neque enim fuit Gabinii, remittere tantum de suo nec regis, imponere tantum plus suis,

    his claim, id. Rab. Post. 11, 31:

    Piso, cui fructum pietatis suae neque ex me neque a populo Romano ferre licuit,

    id. Sest. 31, 68:

    ei cujus magis intersit, vel sua, vel rei publicae causa vivere,

    id. Off. 3, 23, 90:

    sapientis est consilium explicare suum de maximis rebus,

    id. Or. 2, 81, 333; id. Mil. 15, 41.—With logical subject understood:

    totam Italiam suis colonis ut complere (sc. eis) liceat, permittitur,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 13, 34:

    maximum (sc. eis) solacium erit, propinquorum eodem monumento declarari, et virtutem suorum, et populi Romani pietatem,

    id. Phil. 14, 13, 35.
    Without gram. antec., one ' s, one ' s own.
    Dependent on subject-inff.:

    ejusdem animi est, posteris suis amplitudinem nobis quam non acceperit tradere, et memoriam prope intermortuam generis sui, virtute renovare,

    Cic. Mur. 7, 16:

    siquidem atrocius est, patriae parentem quam suum occidere,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    miliens perire est melius quam in sua civitate sine armorum praesidio non posse vivere,

    id. ib. 2, 44, 112: quanto est honestius, alienis injuriis quam suis commoveri, one ' s own, id. Verr. 2, 3, 72, § 169:

    contentum suis rebus esse maximae sunt certissimaeque divitiae,

    id. Par. 6, 51:

    ut non liceat sui commodi causa nocere alteri,

    id. Off. 3, 5, 23:

    detrahere de altero sui commodi causa,

    id. ib. 3, 5, 24:

    suis exemplis melius est uti,

    Auct. Her. 4, 1, 2:

    levius est sua decreta tollere quam aliorum,

    Liv. 3, 21. 5; 39, 5, 2;

    29, 37, 11: satius est vitae suae rationes quam frumenti publici nosse,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 18, 3:

    quanto satius est sua mala exstinguere quam aliena posteris tradere?

    id. Q. N. 3, praef. 5:

    cum initia beneficiorum suorum spectare, tum etiam exitus decet,

    id. Ben. 2, 14, 2; 3, 1, 5:

    Romani nominis gloriae, non suae, composuisse illa decuit,

    Plin. 1, prooem. § 16.—With 1 st pers. plur., as indef. antecedent: cum possimus ab Ennio sumere... exemplum, videtur esse arrogantia illa relinquere, et ad sua devenire, to one ' s own = to our own, Auct. Her. 4, 1, 2.—
    Without a subject-inf.:

    omnia torquenda sunt ad commodum suae causae... sua diligenter narrando,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 21, 30: ut in ceteris habenda ratio non sua (al. sui) solum, sed etiam aliorum, id. Off. 1, 39, 139:

    erat Dareo mite ac tractabile ingenium, nisi suam naturam plerumque fortuna corrumperet (suam not referring to Dareo),

    Curt. 3, 2, 17 MSS. (Foss, mansuetam). — With 1 st pers. plur., as indef. antecedent (cf. 1. supra):

    non erit ista amicitia sed mercatura quaedam utilitatum suarum,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 44, 122; cf.: pro suo possidere, II. A. 2. a. g; and Cic. Off. 2, 21, 73, II. A. 2. b. a; cf. also II. B. 1. a; II. B. 5. c.; II. B. 7. b.; II. C. 8. b. b infra.
    With antec. in a previous sentence. Here ejus, eorum, earum are used for his, her, their, unless the clause is oblique in regard to the antecedent, i. e. the antecedent is conceived as the author of the statement.
    In clauses dependent on a verbum sentiendi or dicendi, expressed or understood, referring to the grammatical or logical subject of the verb.
    In infinitive clauses:

    (Clodius) Caesaris potentiam suam potentiam esse dicebat,

    Cic. Mil. 32, 88:

    (Caelius) a sua (causa) putat ejus (i.e. Ascitii) esse sejunctam,

    id. Cael. 10, 24:

    ipsos certo scio non negare ad haec bona Chrysogonum accessisse impulsu suo (referring to ipsos),

    id. Rosc. Am. 37, 107:

    hostes viderunt,... suorum tormentorum usum spatio propinquitatis interire,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 16:

    docent, sui judicii rem non esse,

    id. ib. 1, 13.—The reference of suus may be ambiguous, esp. if an infinitive is dependent on another:

    hoc Verrem dicere ajebant, te... opera sua consulem factum, i.e. Verris, though grammatically it might refer to the subj. of aiebant,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 10, 29:

    (Ariovistus) dixit neminem secum sine sua pernicie contendisse,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 36; cf. the context with, in all, eleven reflexive pronouns referring to four different antecedents (populus Romanus, Ariovistus, Caesar, nemo); cf.

    also: occurrebat ei, mancam praeturam suam futuram consule Milone,

    Cic. Mil. 9, 25; 32, 88; Liv. 3, 42, 2.—
    Suus in a clause dependent on inf.:

    scio equidem, ut, qui argentum afferret atque expressam imaginem suam (i.e. militis) huc ad nos, cum eo ajebat velle mitti mulierem,

    Plaut. Ps. 2, 2, 55:

    isti bonorum emptores arbitrantur, vos hic sedere qui excipiatis eos qui de suis (i.e. emptorum) manibus effugerint,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 52, 151:

    Siculi venisse tempus ajebant ut commoda sua defenderem,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 1, 3:

    ut tunc tandem sentiret recuperanda esse quae prius sua culpa amissa forent,

    Liv. 44, 8, 4. —

    Ambiguous: velle Pompejum se Caesari purgatum, ne ea quae reipublicae causa egerit (Pompejus) in suam (i.e. Caesaris) contumeliam vertat (where suam might be referred to Pompejus),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 8.—
    In oblique clauses introduced by ut or ne, or clauses subordinate to such:

    Cassius constituit ut ludi absente te fierent suo nomine,

    Cic. Att. 15, 11, 2:

    postulat ut ad hanc suam praedam tam nefariam adjutores vos profiteamini,

    id. Rosc. Am. 2, 6:

    Nasidius eos magnopere hortatur ut rursus cum Bruti classe, additis suis (i.e. Nasidii) auxiliis confligant,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 3:

    (regem) denuntiasse sibi ut triduo regni sui decederent finibus,

    Liv. 42, 25, 12:

    Sabinae mulieres, hinc patres, hinc viros orantes, ne parricidio macularent partus suos (i.e. mulierum),

    id. 1, 13, 2:

    Patron praecepit suis ut arma induerent, ad omne imperium suum parati,

    Curt. 5, 11, 1.—With reflex. pron., referring to a different antecedent:

    ad hanc (Laidem) Demosthenes clanculum adit, et ut sibi copiam sui faceret, petit,

    Gell. 1, 8, 5. —
    In subordinate clauses introduced by quin or quod:

    (Dejotarus) non recusat quin id suum facinus judices,

    Cic. Deiot. 15, 43; so id. ib. 4, 15;

    16, 45: parietes hujus curiae tibi gratias agere gestiunt, quod futura sit illa auctoritas in his majorum suorum et suis sedibus,

    id. Marcell. 3, 10:

    quidni gauderet quod iram suam nemo sentiret?

    Sen. Troad. 3, 13:

    querenti quod uxor sua e fico se suspendisset,

    Quint. 6, 3, 88;

    and with intentional ambiguity: cum Proculejus quereretur de filio quod is mortem suam expectaret,

    id. 9, 3, 68. —
    In interrogative clauses:

    si, quod officii sui sit, non occurrit animo, nihil umquam omnino aget,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 8, 25:

    ut non auderet iterum dicere quot milia fundus suus abesset ab urbe,

    id. Caecin. 10, [p. 1825] 28:

    donec sciat unisquisque quid sui, quid alieni sit,

    Liv. 6, 27, 8:

    rex ignarus, quae cum Hannibale legatis suis convenisset, quaeque legati ejus ad se allaturi fuissent,

    id. 23, 39, 2:

    postquam animadvertit quantus agminis sui terror esset,

    id. 43, 19, 5. —
    In a virtually oblique clause.
    In final clause, introduced by ut, ne, or rel., referring to the subject of the purpose:

    me a portu praemisit domum, ut haec nuntiem uxori suae,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 41:

    quasi Appius ille Caecus viam muniverit, non qua populus uteretur, sed ubi impune sui posteri latrocinarentur, i. e. Appii,

    Cic. Mil. 7, 17:

    quae gens ad Caesarem legatos mise. rat, ut suis omnibus facultatibus uteretur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 80:

    inde castra movent, ne qua vis sociis suis ab Romano exercitu inferri possit,

    Liv. 43, 23, 5:

    (Romani) Albam a fundamentis proruerunt, ne memoria originum suarum exstaret,

    id. 26, 13, 16:

    oppidani nuntios Romam, qui certiorem de suo casu senatum facerent, misere,

    id. 6, 33, 7; cf.:

    tanto intervallo ab hostibus consedit, ut nec adventus suus propinquitate nimia nosci posset, et, etc.,

    Liv. 10, 20, 7:

    Datames locum delegit talem ut non multum obesse multitudo hostium suae paucitati posset,

    Nep. Dat. 7, 3:

    quid si gubernator a diis procellas petat ut gratior ars sua periculo fiat?

    Sen. Ben. 6, 25, 4. —
    In other dependent clauses represented as conceived by an antecedent in the principal sentence:

    Sulla, si sibi suus pudor ac dignitas non prodesset, nullum auxilium requisivit ( = negavit se defendi velle, si, etc.),

    Cic. Sull. 5, 15:

    Paetus omnes libros quos frater suus reliquisset mihi donavit ( = dixit se donare libros quos, etc.),

    id. Att. 2, 1, 12:

    non enim a te emit, sed, priusquam tu suum sibi venderes, ipse possedit ( = potitus est, ne, etc.),

    id. Phil. 2, 37, 96:

    Africanus, si sua res ageretur, testimonium non diceret,

    id. Rosc. Am. 36, 3:

    ille ipse (Pompejus) proposuit epistulam illam, in qua est Pro tuis rebus gestis amplissimis. Amplioribusne quam suis, quam Africani?

    id. Att. 8, 9, 2:

    spiritus dabat (Manlio) quod... vinculorum suorum invidiam dictator fugisset,

    Liv. 6, 18, 4:

    (Numa) Camenis eum lucum sacravit, quod earum ibi concilia cum conjuge sua Egeria essent,

    id. 1, 21, 3:

    adulescens deos omnis invocare ad gratiam illi pro se referendam, quoniam sibi nequaquam satis facultatis pro suo animo atque illius erga se esset,

    id. 26, 50, 4 (cf. D. 1. a. infra).
    In the place of ejus.
    In clauses virtually oblique, but with indicative, being conceived by the antecedent (hence suus, not ejus), but asserted as fact by the author (hence indicative, not subjunctive):

    Cicero tibi mandat ut Aristodemo idem respondeas, quod de fratre suo (Ciceronis) respondisti,

    Cic. Att. 2, 7, 4:

    oriundi ab Sabinis, ne, quia post Tatii mortem ab sua parte non erat regnatum, imperium amitterent, sui corporis creari regem volebant,

    Liv. 1, 17, 2:

    C. Caesar villam pulcherrimam, quia mater sua aliquando in illa custodita erat, diruit,

    Sen. Ira, 3, 21, 5:

    Philemonem, a manu servum, qui necem suam per venenum inimicis promiserat, non gravius quam simplici morte punivit,

    Suet. Caes. 74; cf.:

    quomodo excandescunt si quid e juba sua decisum est,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 12, 3.—
    To avoid ambiguity:

    petunt rationes illius (Catilinae) ut orbetur consilio res publica, ut minuatur contra suum (i.e. Catilinae) furorem imperatorum copia (instead of ejus, which might be referred to res publica),

    Cic. Mur. 39, 83:

    equites a cornibus positos, cum jam pelleretur media peditum suorum acies, incurrisse ab lateribus ferunt,

    Liv. 1, 37, 3.—
    Colloquially and in epistolary style suus is used emphatically instead of ejus, with the meaning own, peculiar: deinde ille actutum subferret suus servus poenas Sosia, his own slave (opp. Mercury, who personates Sosias), Plaut. Am. 3, 4, 19: mira erant in civitatibus ipsorum furta Graecorum quae magistratus sui fecerant, their own magistrates ( = ipsorum), Cic. Att. 6, 2, 5:

    in quibus (litteris Bruti) unum alienum summa sua prudentia (est), ut spectem ludos suos,

    his peculiar prudence, id. ib. 15, 26, 1; so,

    quod quidem ille (Nero) decernebat, quorumdam dolo ad omina sui exitus vertebatur,

    Tac. A. 16, 24; cf. II. A. 1. b and g; II. A. 2. a. b; II. B. 3.—
    Without particular emphasis (mostly ante- and post-class. and poet.):

    tum erit tempestiva cum semen suum maturum erit,

    Cato, R. R. 31:

    vitis si macra erit, sarmenta sua concidito minute,

    id. ib. 37:

    qui sic purgatus erit, diuturna valetudine utatur, neque ullus morbus veniet, nisi sua culpa,

    id. ib. 157:

    Cimon in eandem invidiam incidit quam pater suus,

    Nep. Cim. 3, 1:

    id qua ratione consecutus sit (Lysander) latet. Non enim virtute sui exercitus factum est, etc.,

    id. Lys. 1, 2:

    ipse sub Esquiliis, ubi erat regia sua, Concidit,

    Ov. F. 6, 601:

    quodque suus conjux riguo collegerat horto, Truncat olus foliis,

    id. M. 8, 646; so id. ib. 15, 819.
    In partic.
    As substt.
    sui, suorum, m., his, their (etc.) friends, soldiers, fellow-beings, equals, adherents, followers, partisans, posterity, slaves, family, etc., of persons in any near connection with the antecedent.
    (Corresp. to the regular usage, I. A. B. C.) Cupio abducere ut reddam (i.e. eam) suis, to her family, friends, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 77; cf. id. ib. 1, 2, 66:

    cum animus societatem caritatis coierit cum suis, omnesque natura conjunctos suos duxerit,

    fellow-beings, Cic. Leg. 1, 23, 60:

    mulier ingeniosa praecepit suis omnia Caelio pollicerentur,

    her slaves, id. Cael. 25, 62:

    quo facilius et nostras domos obire, et ipse a suis coli possit,

    his friends, id. ib. 7, 18:

    qua gratiam beneficii vestri cum suorum laude conjungant,

    their family, id. Agr. 2, 1, 1:

    vellem hanc contemptionem pecuniae suis reliquisset,

    to his posterity, id. Phil. 3, 6, 16:

    cum divisurum se urbem palam suis polliceretur,

    his partisans, id. ib. 13, 9, 19:

    Caesar, cohortatus suos, proelium commisit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 25; so,

    Curio exercitum reduxit, suis omnibus praeter Fabium incolumibus,

    id. B. C. 2, 35:

    Caesar receptui suorum timens,

    id. ib. 3, 46:

    certior ab suis factus est, praeclusas esse portas,

    id. ib. 2, 20:

    omnium suorum consensu, Curio bellum ducere parabat,

    id. ib. 2, 37: so,

    Pompejus suorum omnium hortatu statuerat proelio decertare,

    id. ib. 3, 86:

    Caesar Brundisium ad suos severius scripsit,

    to his officers, id. ib. 3, 25:

    naviculam conscendit cum paucis suis,

    a few of his followers, id. ib. 3, 104:

    multum cum suis consiliandi causa secreto praeter consuetudinem loqueretur,

    id. ib. 1, 19:

    nupsit Melino, adulescenti inprimis inter suos et honesto et nobili,

    his equals, associates, Cic. Clu. 5, 11:

    rex raptim a suis in equum impositus fugit,

    his suite, Liv. 41, 4, 7:

    subsidio suorum proelium restituere,

    comrades, id. 21, 52, 10:

    feras bestias... ad opem suis ferendam avertas,

    their young, id. 26, 13, 12:

    abstulit sibi in suos potestatem,

    his slaves, Sen. Ira, 3, 12, 6:

    Besso et Nabarzani nuntiaverant sui regem... interemptum esse,

    their fellow - conspirators, Curt. 5, 12, 14. — Very rarely sing.:

    ut bona mens suis omnibus fuerit. Si quem libido abripuit, illorum eum, cum quibus conjuravit, non suum judicet esse,

    Liv. 39, 16, 5.—
    Irregular use (acc. to I. D.): sui = ejus amici, etc. (freq.;

    the absolute use of ejus in this sense being inadmissible): quasi vero quisquam dormiat? ne sui quidem hoc velint, non modo ipse (sui = ejus amici, liberi),

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 38, 92:

    is (annus) ejus omnem spem... morte pervertit. Fuit hoc luctuosum suis, acerbum patriae, etc.,

    id. Or. 3, 2, 8:

    quadrigas, quia per suos ( = ipsius milites) agendae erant, in prima acie locaverat rex,

    Liv. 37, 41, 8:

    auctoritatem Pisistrati qui inter suos ( = ejus cives) maxima erat,

    id. 37, 12:

    quo cum multitudine adversariorum sui superarentur, ipse fuit superior, etc.,

    Nep. Hann. 8, 4; v. g.—
    Without antecedent (cf. I. B. supra): quoties necesse est fallere aut falli a suis, by one ' s friends, Sen. Phoen. 493.—
    Sing.: sŭa, suae. f., a sweetheart, mistress (rare): illam suam suas res sibi habere jussit. Cic. Phil. 2, 28. 69:

    cedo quid hic faciet sua?

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 92.—
    sŭum, i, n., and more freq. sŭa, suorum, n. plur., = one ' s property.

    nec suom adimerem alteri,

    his property, his own, Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 38 (34):

    nunc si ille salvos revenit, reddam suom sibi (v. D. 3. a. infra),

    id. ib. 1, 2, 119:

    illum studeo quam facillime ad suum pervenire,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 26, 4:

    populi Romani hanc esse consuetudinem ut socios sui nihil deperdere velit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43; cf. Cic. Rab. Post. 11, 3, I. A. 11. supra:

    nec donare illi de suo dicimur,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 4, 2; so esp. with quisque; v. infra — Hence, de suo = per se, or sua sponte;

    (stellae) quae per igneos tractus labentia inde splendorem trahant caloremque, non de suo clara,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 1, 6. —

    meum mihi placebat, illi suum (of a literary essay),

    Cic. Att. 14, 20, 3: suom quemque decet, his own manners, etc., Plaut. Stich. 5, 4, 11; so, expendere oportet quid quisque habeat sui ( what peculiarities) nec velle experiri quam se aliena deceant;

    id enim maxime quemque decet quod est cujusque maxime suum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 31, 113.—
    Jurid. term: aliquid pro suo possidere, to possess in the belief of one ' s legal right:

    pro suo possessio tale est, cum dominium nobis acquiri putamus. Et ea causa possidemus ex qua acquiritur, et praeterea pro suo,

    Dig. 41, 10, 1;

    so without an antecedent, and referring to a first person: item re donata, pro donato et pro suo possideo,

    ib. 41, 10, 1; v. the whole tit. ib. 42, 10 (Pro suo); cf. ib. 23, 3, 67; cf. C., infra fin.;

    similarly: usucapere pro suo = acquire dominion by a possession pro suo, Fragm. Vat. 111: res pro suo, quod justam causam possidendi habet, usucapit,

    id. ib. 260; Dig. 41, 3, 27. —
    One ' s property:

    Roscius tibi omnia sua praeter animam tradidit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 50, 146:

    qui etiam hostibus externis victis sua saepissime reddiderunt,

    id. Agr. 1, 6, 19:

    tu autem vicinis tuis Massiliensibus sua reddis,

    id. Att. 14, 14, 6:

    Remi legatos miserunt qui dicerent se suaque omnia in fidem atque potestatem populi Romani permittere,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 3, 2; 1, 11, 2; 2, 13, 2:

    ipsi milites alveos informes quibus se suaque transveherent, faciebant,

    their baggage, Liv. 21, 26, 9:

    docere eos qui sua permisere fortunae,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, praef. 7; so without an antecedent, one ' s own property (cf. I. B. 2. supra):

    hanc ob causam maxime ut sua tenerentur res publicae constitutae sunt,

    Cic. Off. 2, 21, 73;

    rarely = eorum res: quod vero etiam sua reddiderint (i.e. Gallis),

    Liv. 39, 55, 3. —
    One ' s own affairs:

    aliena ut melius videant et dijudicent Quam sua,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 96:

    cognoscunt... immobile agmen et sua quemque molientem,

    Liv. 10, 20, 8:

    omnia ei hostium non secus quam sua nota erant,

    id. 22, 41, 5:

    aliena cum suis perdidit,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 16, 3.— Absol., referring to a noun fem.: sua (finxit) C. Cassius ( = suas persuasiones; cf.

    the context),

    Quint. 6, 3, 90.
    Predicative uses: suum esse, facere, fieri, putare, etc., like a gen. poss., to be, etc., the property, or under the dominion, control, power of the antecedent.
    Of property in things.

    scripsit causam dicere Prius aurum quare sit suum,

    Ter. Eun. prol. 11:

    nihil erat cujusquam quod non hoc anno suum fore putabat (Clodius),

    Cic. Mil. 32, 87:

    quia suum cujusque fit, eorum quae natura fuerant communia quod cuique obtigit, id quisque teneat,

    id. Off. 1, 7, 21:

    Juba suam esse praedicans praedam,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 84:

    gratum sibi populum facturum, si omnes res Neapolitanorum suas duxissent,

    Liv. 22, 32, 8: libros esse dicimus Ciceronis;

    eosdem Dorus librarius suos vocat,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 6, 1:

    cum enim istarum personarum nihil suum esse possit,

    since these persons can own nothing, Gai. Inst. 2, 96; cf. Dig. 1, 7, 15 pr.—Virtually predicative:

    referas ad eos qui suam rem nullam habent ( = rem quae sua sit),

    nothing of their own, Cic. Phil. 2, 6, 15:

    qui in potestate nostra est, nihil suum habere potest,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 84. — ( b) Of literary works:

    quae convenere in Andriam ex Perinthia Fatetur transtulisse, atque usum pro suis ( = quasi sua essent),

    Ter. And. prol. 14:

    potest autem... quae tum audiet... ingenue pro suis dicere,

    his own thoughts, Quint. 12, 3, 3.—
    Of a country or people:

    suum facere = suae dicionis facere: commemorat ut (Caesar) magnam partem Italiae beneficio atque auctoritate eorum suam fecerit,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 32:

    in quam (Asiam) jam ex parte suam fecerit,

    Liv. 44, 24, 4:

    crudelissima ac superbissima gens sua omnia suique arbitrii facit,

    id. 21, 44, 5.—

    omnia sua putavit quae vos vestra esse velletis,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 12, 27:

    non meminit, illum exercitum senatus populique Romani esse, non suum,

    id. ib. 13, 6, 4: [p. 1826] probavit, non rempublicam suam esse, sed se reipublicae, Sen. Clem. 1, 19, 8;

    so of incorporeal things: hi si velint scire quam brevis eorum vita sit, cogitent ex quota parte sua sit,

    how much of it is their own, id. Brev. Vit. 19, 3; so, suum facere, to appropriate:

    prudentis est, id quod in quoque optimum est, si possit, suum facere,

    Quint. 10, 2, 26:

    quaeremus quomodo animus (hanc virtutem) usu suam faciat,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 3, 1.—
    Of persons.
    Under a master ' s or father ' s control:

    ut lege caverent, ne quis quem civitatis mutandae causa suum faceret, neve alienaret,

    make any one his slave, Liv. 41, 8, 12: quid eam tum? suamne esse ajebat, his daughter, i.e. in his power? Ter. And. 5, 4, 29:

    eduxit mater pro sua ( = quasi sua esset),

    id. Eun. 1, 2, 76.—
    Reflexively = sui juris, independent, one ' s own master or mistress, not subject to another ' s control, under one ' s own control (v. sui juris, infra):

    ancilla, quae mea fuit hodie, sua nunc est,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 3, 3.—
    Of moral power over others: suus = devoted to one:

    hice hoc munere arbitrantur Suam Thaidem esse,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 38:

    eos hic fecit suos Paulo sumptu,

    id. Ad. 5, 4, 21:

    sed istunc exora, ut (mulierem) suam esse adsimulet,

    to be friendly to him, id. Heaut. 2, 3, 117:

    cum Antonio sic agens ut perspiciat, si in eo negotio nobis satisfecerit, totum me futurum suum,

    Cic. Att. 14, 1 a, 2:

    Alpheus... utebatur populo sane suo,

    devoted to him, id. Quint. 7, 29.— Poet.: vota suos habuere deos, the vows (inst. of the persons uttering them) had the gods on their side, Ov. M. 4, 373. —
    Of power over one's self, etc.:

    nam qui sciet ubi quidque positum sit, quaque eo veniat, is poterit eruere, semperque esse in disputando suus,

    self-possessed, Cic. Fin. 4, 4, 10:

    inaestimabile bonum est suum fieri,

    selfcontrol, Sen. Ep. 75, 18:

    (furiosus) qui suus non est,

    Dig. 42, 4, 7, § 9:

    vix sua, vix sanae virgo Niseia compos Mentis erat,

    Ov. M. 8, 35. —
    Suum est, as impers. predicate: = ejus est, characteristic of, peculiar to one (very rare):

    dixit antea, sed suum illud est, nihil ut affirmet,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 42, 99.
    Attributive usages, almost always (except in Seneca) with suus before its noun.
    The property, relations, affairs, etc., of one opposed to those of another, own.
    Opposition expressed:

    nihil de suo casu, multa de vestro querebatur,

    Cic. Balb. 8, 21:

    sua sibi propiora pericula quam mea loquebantur,

    id. Sest. 18, 40:

    suasque et imperatoris laudes canentes,

    Liv. 45, 38, 12:

    damnatione collegae et sua,

    id. 22, 35, 3:

    Senecae fratris morte pavidum et pro sua incolumitate pavidum,

    Tac. A. 14, 73:

    velut pro Vitellio conquerentes suum dolorem proferebant,

    id. H. 3, 37;

    opp. alienus: ut suo potius tempore mercatorem admitterent, quam celerius alieno,

    at a time convenient to themselves, Varr. R. R. 3, 16, 11. —Without antecedent, opp. externus:

    (Platoni) duo placet esse motus, unum suum, alterum externum, esse autem divinius quod ipsum ex se sua sponte moveatur, etc.,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 12, 32. —

    voluptatem suis se finibus tenere jubeamus,

    within the limits assigned to it, Cic. Fin. 3, 1, 1:

    cum vobis immortale monumentum suis paene manibus senatus... exstruxerit,

    id. Phil. 14, 12, 33:

    superiores (amnes) in Italia, hic (Rhodanus) trans Alpes, hospitales suas tantum, nec largiores quam intulere aquas vehentes,

    Plin. 2, 103, 106, § 224: colligitur aqua ex imbribus;

    ex suo fonte nativa est,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 3:

    pennas ambo non habuere suas (non suas = alienas),

    Ov. Tr. 3, 4, 24. —
    In particular phrases. ( a) Sua sponte and suo Marte, of one ' s own accord, by one ' s self, without the suggestion, influence, aid, etc., of others:

    Caesar bellum contra Antonium sua sponte suscepit,

    Cic. Phil. 8, 2, 5:

    sua sponte ad Caesarem in jus adierunt,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 87.—So of things, = per se, by or of itself, for itself, for its own sake:

    jus et omne honestum sua sponte expetendum (cf. in the context: per se igitur jus est expetendum),

    Cic. Leg. 1, 18, 48: justitium sua sponte inceptum priusquam indiceretur, by itself, i. e. without a decree, Liv. 9, 7, 8; so,

    sortes sua sponte attenuatas,

    id. 22, 1, 11 (cf. id. 22, 38, 13; 35, 14, 4, I. A. 2., supra): rex enim ipse, sua sponte, nullis commentariis Caesaris, simul atque audivit ejus interitum suo Marte res suas recuperavit, Cic. Phil. 2, 37, 95.—
    Suus locus, in milit. lang., one ' s own ground, position, or lines:

    restitit suo loco Romana acies (opp. to the advance of the enemy),

    Liv. 22, 16, 2.—So figuratively:

    et staturas suo loco leges,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 20, 2:

    aciem instruxit primum suis locis, pauloque a castris Pompeji longius,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 84 (cf.: suo loco, 7. b. g, infra).—
    For suo jure v. 3. infra.—
    Sua Venus = one's own Venus, i. e. good luck (v. Venus): ille non est mihi par virtutibus, nec officiis;

    sed habuit suam Venerem,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 28, 2. —
    Of private relations (opp. to public):

    ut in suis rebus, ita in re publica luxuriosus nepos,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 18, 48:

    deinde ut communibus pro communibus utatur, privatis ut suis,

    id. Off. 1, 7, 20:

    quod oppidum Labienus sua pecunia exaedificaverat,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 15:

    militibus agros ex suis possessionibus pollicetur,

    i. e. his private property, id. ib. 1, 17; Sen. Ben. 7, 6, 3. —
    Of just rights or claims:

    imperatori senatuique honos suus redditus,

    due to them, Liv. 3, 10, 3:

    neque inpedimento fuit, quominus religionibus suus tenor suaque observatio redderetur,

    Val. Max. 1, 1, 8:

    quibus omnibus debetur suus decor,

    Quint. 11, 1, 41. —

    So distributively: is mensibus suis dimisit legionem,

    in the month in which each soldier was entitled to his discharge, Liv. 40, 41, 8. — Esp.: suo jure (so, meo, nostro, tuo, etc., jure), by his own right:

    Tullus Hostilius qui suo jure in porta nomen inscripsit,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 12, 26:

    earum rerum hic A. Licinius fructum a me repetere prope suo jure debet,

    id. Arch. 1, 1; id. Marcell. 2, 6; id. Phil. 2, 25, 62; id. Balb. 8, 21:

    numquam illum res publica suo jure esset ulta,

    by its unquestionable right, id. Mil. 33, 88. —
    Of that to which one is exclusively devoted:

    huic quaestioni suum diem dabimus,

    a day for its exclusive discussion, Sen. Ep. 94, 52:

    homini autem suum bonum ratio est,

    his exclusive good, id. ib. 76, 10:

    in majorem me quaestionem vocas, cui suus locus, suus dies dandus est,

    id. Q. N. 2, 46, 1. —

    With proprius: mentio inlata apud senatum est, rem suo proprio magistratu egere,

    that the business needed a particular officer exclusively for itself, Liv. 4, 8, 4:

    et Hannibalem suo proprio occupandum bello,

    id. 27, 38, 7; cf.:

    dissupasset hostes, ni suo proprio eum proelio equites Volscorum exceptum tenuissent,

    in which they alone fought, id. 3, 70, 4:

    mare habet suas venas quibus impletur,

    by which it alone is fed, Sen. Q. N. 3, 14, 3. —
    According to one ' s liking, of one ' s own choice.
    Of persons, devoted to one, friendly, dear:

    Milone occiso (Clodius) habuisset suos consules,

    after his own heart, Cic. Mil. 33, 89:

    collegit ipse se contra suum Clodium,

    his dear Clodius, id. Pis. 12, 27 (cf.: suum facere, habere, II. B. 2. g).—
    Of things, favorable.
    Of place: neque Jugurtham nisi... suo loco pugnam facere, on his own ground, i. e. chosen by him, favorable, Sall. J. 61, 1:

    hic magna auxilia expectabant et suis locis bellum in hiemem ducere cogitabant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 61; cf.:

    numquam nostris locis laboravimus,

    Liv. 9, 19, 15.—
    Of time:

    cum Perseus suo maxime tempore et alieno hostibus incipere bellum posset,

    Liv. 42, 43, 3; v. 7. b, infra. —
    Of circumstances: sua occasio, a favorable opportunity; sometimes without antecedent:

    neque occasioni tuae desis, neque suam occasionem hosti des,

    Liv. 22, 39, 21:

    tantum abfuit ut ex incommodo alieno sua occasio peteretur,

    id. 4, 58, 2:

    aestuque suo Locros trajecit,

    a favorable tide, id. 23, 41, 11:

    ignoranti quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est,

    Sen. Ep. 71, 3:

    orba suis essent etiamnunc lintea ventis,

    Ov. M. 13, 195:

    aut ille Ventis iturus non suis,

    Hor. Epod. 9, 30. —
    Of persons or things, peculiar, particular:

    quae est ei (animo) natura? Propria, puto, et sua,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 29, 70:

    omnis enim motus animi suum quendam a natura habet vultum,

    id. de Or. 3, 57, 316:

    geometrae et musici... more quodam loquuntur suo. Ipsae rhetorum artes verbis in docendo quasi privatis utuntur ac suis,

    id. Fin. 3, 1, 4:

    sensus omnis habet suum finem,

    its peculiar limits, Quint. 9, 4, 61: animus cum suum ambitum complevit et finibus se suis cinxit, consummatum est summum bonum, Sen. Vit. Beat. 9, 3: est etiam in nominibus ( nouns) diverso collocatis sua gratia, their peculiar elegance, Quint. 9, 3, 86:

    ibi non bello aperto, sed suis artibus, fraude et insidiis, est paene circumventus,

    Liv. 21, 34, 1:

    nec Hannibalem fefellit, suis se artibus peti,

    id. 22, 16, 5:

    adversus hostem non virtute tantum, sed suis (i. e. hostis) etiam pugnare consiliis oportebat,

    Flor. 2, 6, 26:

    liberam Minucii temeritatem se suo modo expleturum,

    Liv. 22, 28, 2:

    equites ovantes sui moris carmine,

    id. 10, 26, 11:

    exsultans cum sui moris tripudiis,

    id. 21, 42, 3:

    tripudiantes suo more,

    id. 23, 26, 9.—So, suo Marte, referring to the style of fighting peculiar to the different arms:

    equitem suo alienoque Marte pugnare,

    that the cavalry were fighting both in their own style and in that of the other arms, Liv. 3, 62, 9; cf.: suo Marte, 1, c. a, supra.—And distributively ( = suus quisque):

    suos autem haec operum genera ut auctores, sic etiam amatores habent,

    Quint. 12, 10, 2:

    illa vero fatidica fulmina ex alto et ex suis venire sideribus,

    Plin. 2, 43, 43, § 113; cf.:

    quae quidem planiora suis exemplis reddentur,

    Val. Max. 3, 4 prooem.—
    Proper, right.
    Referring to one's ordinary or normal condition:

    quod certe non fecisset, si suum numerum naves habuissent,

    their regular complement, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 51, § 133. — So poet.:

    flecte ratem! numerum non habet illa suum,

    its full number, Ov. H. 10, 36:

    novus exercitus consulibus est decretus: binae legiones cum suo equitatu,

    Liv. 40, 36, 6:

    cum suo justo equitatu,

    id. 21, 17, 8:

    totam (disciplinam) in suum statum redegit,

    Val. Max. 2, 7, 2:

    tranquilla mente et vultu suo,

    with the ordinary expression of his face, Sen. Clem. 2, 6, 2:

    media pars aeris ab his (ignibus) submota, in frigore suo manet. Natura enim aeris gelida est,

    id. Q. N. 2, 10, 4:

    cornuaque in patriis non sua vidit aquis,

    not natural to her, Ov. H. 14, 90. —

    So, non suus, of ingrafted branches and their fruit: miraturque (arbos) novas frondis et non sua poma,

    Verg. G. 2, 82. —
    Of time, proper, regular, etc. (cf. 5. b, supra).
    The regular time ( = stato tempore):

    signum quod semper tempore exoritur suo,

    Plaut. Rud. prol. 4:

    cum et recte et suo tempore pepererit,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 16: aestas suo tempore incanduit...;

    tam solstitium quam aequinoctium suos dies retulit,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 16, 3:

    omnes venti vicibus suis spirant majore ex parte,

    Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 128. —
    The right or proper time:

    salictum suo tempore caedito,

    Cato, R. R. 33:

    cessit e vita suo magis quam suorum civium tempore,

    the right time for himself, Cic. Brut. 1, 4; so,

    exstingui homini suo tempore optabile est,

    id. Sen. 23, 85:

    Scandilius dicit se suo tempore rediturum,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 60, § 139:

    si Ardeates sua tempora exspectare velint,

    Liv. 4, 7, 6:

    Chrysippus dicit, illum... opperiri debere suum tempus, ad quod velut dato signo prosiliat,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 25, 3:

    quam multi exercitus tempore suo victorem hostem pepulerunt!

    Liv. 44, 39, 4. — Without antecedent: sed suo tempore totius sceleris hujus fons aperietur. Cic. Phil. 14, 6, 15; cf.:

    de ordine laudis, etc., praecipiemus suo tempore,

    Quint. 2, 4, 21. —
    Suo loco = at the proper place:

    quae erant prudentiae propria suo loco dicta sunt,

    Cic. Off. 1, 40, 143:

    quod reddetur suo loco,

    Quint. 11, 1, 16:

    ut suo loco dicetur,

    Plin. 2, 90, 102, § 221:

    inscripta quae suis locis reddam,

    id. 1, prooem. § 27; Sen. Ben. 2, 20, 2; cf. 1, c. b; 4. supra. —
    Suited, appropriate, adapted to one:

    in eodem fundo suum quidquid conseri oportet,

    Cato, R. R. 7:

    siquidem hanc vendidero pretio suo,

    at a suitable price, Plaut. Pers. 4, 4, 30:

    in partes suas digerenda causa,

    Quint. 11, 1, 6:

    confundetur quidquid in suas partes natura digessit,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 29, 8. — Poet.: haec ego dumque queror, lacrimae sua verba sequuntur, Deque meis oculis in tua membra cadunt, appropriate, i. e. tristia, Ov. H. 14, 67.—Without antecedent: suum quidquid genus talearum serito, any fit kind, i. e. suited to the ground, Cato, R. R. 48. —
    Own, with the notion of independence of, or dependence on others (cf. B. 2. g d).
    Of political independence: pacem condicionibus his fecerunt ut Capuae suae leges, sui magistratus essent, her own laws, i. e. not subject to Carthage, Liv. 23, 7, 2: liberos [p. 1827] eos ac suis legibus victuros, id. 25, 23, 4. —

    Esp. in the phrases suae potestatis or in sua potestate esse, suo jure uti, sui juris esse: Puteolos, qui nunc in sua potestate sunt, suo jure, libertate aequa utuntur, totos occupabunt,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 31, 86:

    Rhegini potestatis suae ad ultimum remanserunt,

    retained their self-government, Liv. 23, 30, 9:

    urbem ne quam formulae sui juris facerent,

    id. 38, 9, 10. —
    Of paternal authority.
    Free from the power of the paterfamilias; in the phrases sui juris esse, suae potestatis esse, to be independent:

    quaedam personae sui juris sunt, quaedam alieno juri sunt subjectae, Gai,

    Inst. 1, 48:

    sui juris sunt familiarum suarum principes, id est pater familiae, itemque mater familiae,

    Ulp. Fragm. 4, 1:

    liberi parentum potestate liberantur emancipatione. Sed filius quidem ter manumissus sui juris fit, ceteri autem liberi una manumissione sui juris fiunt,

    id. ib. 10, 1:

    morte patris filius et filia sui juris fiunt,

    id. ib. 10, 2:

    patres familiarum sunt qui sunt suae potestatis,

    Dig. 1, 6, 4:

    si modo defunctus testator suae potestatis mortis tempore fuerit,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 147. —

    With indef. reference: si sui juris sumus,

    Dig. 46, 2, 20; cf.:

    pro suo possideo, 2. a. supra.—Attributively: sui juris arrogatio feminae,

    Cod. Just. 8, 47, 8:

    homo sui juris,

    ib. 10, § 5.— Trop.:

    sapiens numquam semiliber erit: integrae semper libertatis et sui juris,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 5, 3:

    non illarum coitu fieri cometen, sed proprium et sui juris esse,

    id. Q. N. 7, 12, 2: nullique sunt tam feri et sui juris adfectus, ut non disciplina perdomentur, id. Ira, 2, 12, 3. —
    Subject to paternal authority, in the phrases suus heres, sui liberi; suus heres, an heir who had been in the paternal power of the deceased:

    CVI SVVS HERES NON SIT, XII. Tab. fr. 5, 4.—In the jurists without antecedent: sui et necessarii heredes sunt velut filius filiave, nepos neptisve ex filia, deinceps ceteri qui modo in potestate morientis fuerunt,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 156:

    (emancipati liberi) non sunt sui heredes,

    ib. 2, 135:

    alia facta est juris interpretatio inter suos heredes,

    ib. 3, 15:

    datur patrono adversus suos heredes bonorum possessio (where patrono is not the antecedent of suos),

    ib. 3, 41:

    sui heredes vel instituendi sunt vel exheredandi,

    Ulp. Fragm. 22, 14:

    accrescunt suis quidem heredibus in partem virilem, extraneis autem in partem dimidiam,

    id. ib. 22, 17. —

    Sui liberi, children in paternal power: de suis et legitimis liberis,

    Cod. Just. 6, 55 inscr.
    In particular connections.
    With ipse, his own, etc. (cf. Zumpt, Gram. § 696).
    Ipse agreeing with the antecedent of suus, the antecedent being,
    A subjectnom.:

    (ingenium ejus) valet ipsum suis viribus,

    by its own strength, Cic. Cael. 19, 45:

    legio Martia non ipsa suis decretis hostem judicavit Antonium?

    by its own resolutions, id. Phil. 4, 2, 5:

    ruit ipse suis cladibus,

    id. ib. 14, 3, 8:

    si ex scriptis cognosci ipsi suis potuissent,

    id. de Or. 2, 2, 8:

    qui se ipse sua gravitate et castimonia defenderet,

    id. Cael. 5, 11:

    quod ipse suae civitatis imperium obtenturus esset,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 3:

    suamet ipsae fraude omnes interierunt,

    Liv. 8, 18, 9; 39, 49, 3:

    ut saeviret ipse in suum sanguinem effecerunt,

    id. 40, 5, 1:

    respicerent suum ipsi exercitum,

    id. 42, 52, 10; 21, 31, 12; 22, 38, 3; 6, 19, 6.—
    A subject-acc.:

    sunt qui dicant eam sua ipsam peremptam mercede,

    Liv. 1, 11, 9:

    (tribuniciam potestatem) suis ipsam viribus dissolvi,

    id. 2, 44, 2.—
    An object in dat. or acc.:

    sic ut ipsis consistendi in suis munitionibus locus non esset,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 6:

    tribuni (hostem) intra suamet ipsum moenia compulere,

    Liv. 6, 36, 4:

    alios sua ipsos invidia opportunos interemit,

    id. 1, 54, 8; 22, 14, 13.—Suus as adjunct of subject (rare):

    aliquando sua praesidia in ipsos consurrexerunt,

    their own garrisons revolted against them, Sen. Clem. 1, 26, 1.—
    With gen. of ipse, strengthening the possessive notion (cf. 4.;

    post-Aug. and very rare, but freq. in modern Lat.): aves (foetus suos) libero caelo suaeque ipsorum fiduciae permittunt,

    Quint. 2, 6, 7 (but tuus ipsius occurs in Cic.:

    tuo ipsius studio,

    Cic. Mur. 4, 9:

    tuam ipsius amicitiam,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 4, § 7).—
    Both suus and ipse agreeing with the governing noun (very rare; not in Cic. or Caes.): quae tamen in ipso cursu suo dissipata est (= ipsa in cursu suo), in its very course, Sen. Q. N. 1, 1, 3 dub.:

    suamet ipsa scelera,

    Sall. C. 23, 2 (Dietsch ex conj. ipse):

    suismet ipsis corporibus,

    Liv. 2, 19, 5 MSS. (Weissenb. ex conj. ipsi):

    a suismet ipsis praesidiis,

    id. 8, 25, 6 MSS. (Weissenb. ipsi).—
    With quisque, distributively, each ( every one)... his own; in prose quisque is generally preceded by suus.
    Quisque and suus in different cases.
    Quisque as subjectnom.:

    sentit enim vim quisque suam quoad possit abuti,

    Lucr. 5, 1033:

    suo quisque loco cubet,

    Cato, R. R. 5:

    suum quisque noscat ingenium,

    Cic. Off. 1, 31, 114:

    ad suam quisque (me disciplinam) rapiet,

    id. Ac. 2, 36, 114:

    quod suos quisque servos in tali re facere voluisset,

    id. Mil. 10, 29:

    cum suo quisque auxilio uteretur,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 51:

    celeriter ad suos quisque ordines redit,

    id. ib. 3, 37.—In apposition with plur. subj. (freq. in Liv.):

    nunc alii sensus quo pacto quisque suam rem Sentiat,

    Lucr. 4, 522:

    ut omnes cives Romani in suis quisque centuriis prima luce adessent,

    that all the Roman citizens should be present, each in his own centuria, Liv. 1, 44, 1:

    hinc senatus, hinc plebs, suum quisque intuentes ducem constiterant,

    id. 6, 15, 3:

    ut (trigemini) pro sua quisque patria dimicent,

    id. 1, 24, 2:

    stabant compositi suis quisque ordinibus,

    id. 44, 38, 11:

    (consules) in suas quisque provincias proficiscuntur,

    id. 25, 12, 2; 25, 26, 13:

    in suo quaeque (stella) motu naturam suam exercent,

    Plin. 2, 39, 39, § 106.—With abl. absol.:

    omnes, velut dis auctoribus in spem suam quisque acceptis, proelium una voce poscunt,

    Liv. 21, 45, 9 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    relictis suis quisque stationibus... concurrerunt,

    id. 32, 24, 4; 4, 44, 10; 39, 49, 3; 2, 38, 6.—
    With acc. of quisque as subj.:

    fabrum esse suae quemque fortunae, App. Claud. ap. Ps.-Sall. Ep. ad Caes. Rep. c. l.: sui quemque juris et retinendi et dimittendi esse dominum,

    Cic. Balb. 13, 31:

    recipere se in domos suas quemque jussit,

    Liv. 25, 10, 9; and (ungrammatically) nom., as apposition to a subj.-acc.:

    se non modo suam quisque patriam, sed totam Siciliam relicturos,

    id. 26, 29, 3 MSS. (Weissenb. ex conj. quosque).—
    As adjunct of the subject-nom., with a case of quisque as object, attribut. gen., etc.:

    sua cujusque animantis natura est,

    Cic. Fin. 5, 9, 25:

    sua quemque fraus, suum facinus, suum scelus, etc., de sanitate ac mente deturbat,

    id. Pis. 20, 46:

    sua quemque fraus et suus terror maxime vexat,

    id. Rosc. Am. 24, 67:

    suum cuique incommodum ferendum est,

    id. Off. 3, 6, 30:

    ut solidum suum cuique solvatur,

    id. Rab. Post. 17, 46:

    ne suus cuique domi hostis esset,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    ut sua cuique respublica in manu esset,

    id. 26, 8, 11:

    animus suus cuique ordinem pugnandi dabat,

    id. 22, 5, 8:

    tentorium suum cuique militi domus ac penates sunt,

    id. 44, 39, 5:

    suus cuique (stellae) color est,

    Plin. 2, 18, 16, § 79:

    trahit sua quemque voluptas,

    Verg. E. 2, 65:

    stat sua cuique dies,

    id. A. 10, 467.—
    As predicate-nom. (v. II. B.):

    opinionem, quae sua cuique conjectanti esse potest,

    Liv. 6, 12, 3.—
    As adjunct of subj.-acc.:

    suum cuique honorem et gradum redditum gaudeo,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 47, 136:

    scientiam autem suam cujusque artis esse,

    id. Fin. 5, 9, 26.—
    As adjunct of an object, with a case of quisque as object or attribut. gen.: suam cuique sponsam, mihi meam: suum cuique amorem, mihi meum, Atil. Fragm. inc. 1: suom cuique per me uti atque frui licet, Cato ap. Gell. 13, 24 (23), 1:

    ut suo quemque appellem nomine,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 52:

    placet Stoicis suo quamque rem nomine appellare,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 22, 1:

    ad suam cujusque naturam consilium est omne revocandum,

    id. Off. 1, 33, 119:

    justitia quae suum cuique distribuit,

    id. N. D. 3, 15, 38:

    in tribuendo suum cuique,

    id. Off. 1, 5, 14:

    Turnus sui cuique periculi recens erat documentum,

    Liv. 1, 52, 4:

    in trimatu suo cuique dimidiam esse mensuram futurae certum esse,

    Plin. 7, 15, 16, § 73:

    certa cuique rerum suarum possessio,

    Vell. 2, 89, 4; cf.: qua re suum unicuique studium suaque omnibus delectatio relinquatur, Ps.-Cic. Cons. 26, 93.—With quemque in apposition with acc. plur.:

    Camillus vidit intentos opifices suo quemque operi,

    Liv. 6, 25, 9; so cujusque in appos. with gen. plur.: trium clarissimorum suae cujusque gentis virorum mors, id. 39, 52, 7; and cuique with dat. plur.: sui cuique mores fingunt fortunam hominibus, Poet. ap. Nep. Att. 11, 6 (where Lachm. ad Lucr. 2, 372, reads quique, ex conj.; cf. b. b, infra).—
    Attraction of suus and quisque as adjuncts of nouns.
    Attraction of suus:

    ut nemo sit nostrum quin in sensibus sui cujusque generis judicium requirat acrius (= suum cujusque generis judicium),

    Cic. Ac. 2, 7, 19:

    quas tamen inter omnes (voces) est suo quoque in genere (vox) mediocris ( = inter omnes voces est mediocris vox, sua quoque in genere),

    id. de Or. 3, 57, 216:

    eo concilia suae cujusque regionis indici jussit (= sua cujusque regionis concilia),

    Liv. 45, 29, 10:

    equites suae cuique parti post principia collocat (= equites suos cuique parti),

    id. 3, 22, 6:

    cum motibus armorum et corporum suae cuique genti assuetis,

    id. 25, 17, 5:

    legiones deducebantur cum tribunis et centurionibus et sui cujusque ordinis militibus (= suis cujusque),

    Tac. A. 14, 27:

    quae sui cujusque sunt ingenii,

    Quint. 7, 10, 10 Halm (al. sua):

    sui cujusque ingenii poma vel semina gerunt (= sua cujusque),

    Col. 3, 1;

    and by a double attraction: has (cohortes) subsidiariae ternae et aliae totidem suae cujusque legionis subsequebantur (= has cohortes... totidem cujusque legionis, suam quaeque legionem, subsequebantur),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 83. —
    Attraction of quisque:

    tanta ibi copia venustatum in suo quique loco sita,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 6 (al. quaeque):

    quodvis frumentum non tamen omne Quique suo genere inter se simile esse videbis,

    Lucr. 2, 372 Lachm. and Munro ad loc.:

    cum verba debeant sui cujusque generis copulari,

    Varr. L. L. 10, 48:

    in sensibus sui cujusque generis judicium,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 7, 19:

    haec igitur proclivitas ad suum quodque genus aegrotatio dicatur,

    id. Tusc. 4, 12, 28:

    separatim greges sui cujusque generis nocte remeabant (= greges sui quisque generis),

    Liv. 24, 3, 5:

    ut sui cujusque mensis acciperet (frumentum),

    Suet. Aug. 40;

    and quisque both attracted and in its own case: quia cujusque partis naturae et in corpore et in animo sua quaeque vis sit (where either cujusque or quaeque is redundant),

    Cic. Fin. 5, 17, 46; v. Madv. ad loc.; Cato, R. R. 23 fin.;

    so esp. in the phrases suo quoque tempore, anno, die, loco, etc.: pecunia, quae in stipendium Romanis suo quoque anno penderetur, deerat (= suo quaeque anno),

    each instalment in the year when due, Liv. 33, 46, 9 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    suo quoque loco,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 2; 1, 22, 6:

    opera quae suis quibusque temporibus anni vilicum exsequi oporteret,

    Col. 11, 3:

    suo quoque tempore,

    Vitr. 2, 9, 4:

    nisi sua quaque die usurae exsolverentur (= sua quaeque die),

    Dig. 22, 1, 12 init.; 13, 7, 8, § 3:

    ut opera rustica suo quoque tempore faciat,

    ib. 19, 2, 25, § 3 (al. quaeque)—
    In the order quisque... suus.
    In relative clauses, comparative clauses with ut, and interrogative clauses introduced by quid, etc., where quisque immediately follows the relative, etc.:

    ut quisque suom volt esse, ita est,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 45; cf.

    with sibi,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 18, 49; id. Lael. 9, 30:

    expendere oportere quid quisque habeat sui... nec velle experiri quam se aliena deceant. Id enim maxime quemque decet quod est cujusque maxime suum,

    id. Off. 1, 31, 113:

    neque solum quid in senatu quisque civitatis suae dicerent ignorabant, sed, etc.,

    Liv. 32, 19, 9:

    gratius id fore laetiusque quod quisque sua manu ex hoste captum rettulerit,

    id. 5, 20, 8; 6, 25, 10; cf.:

    in quibus cum multa sint quae sua quisque dicere velit, nihil est quod quisque suum possit dicere,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 23, 1.—
    If the emphasis is not on suus, but (for quisque, when emphatic, unusquisque is used) on some other word:

    in civitates quemque suas... dimisit,

    Liv. 21, 48, 2:

    in patriam quisque suam remissus est,

    Just. 33, 2, 8:

    in vestigio quemque suo vidit,

    Liv. 28, 22, 15; cf.:

    hospitibus quisque suis scribebant,

    id. 33, 45, 6:

    pro facultatibus quisque suis,

    id. 42, 53, 3; cf.:

    respiciendae sunt cuique facultates suae,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 15, 3:

    praecipitat quisque vitam suam et futuri desiderio laborat,

    id. Brev. Vit. 7, 5; id. Ben. 7, 5, 1:

    tunc praeceps quisque se proripit et penates suos deserit,

    id. Q. N. 6, 1, 5; 5, 18, 8:

    summum quisque causae suae judicem facit,

    Plin. 1, prooem. § 10: aestimatione nocturnae [p. 1828] quietis, dimidio quisque spatio vitae suae vivit, id. 7, 50, 51, § 167.—
    Poets adopt the order quisque suus when the metre requires it, Verg. A. 6, 743:

    oscula quisque suae matri tulerunt,

    Ov. F. 2, 715. —
    When suus and quisque belong to different clauses:

    atque earum quaeque, suum tenens munus... manet in lege naturae,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 13, 38. —
    Suus uterque, or uterque suus, distributively of two subjects:

    suas uterque legiones reducit in castra,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 40; 2, 28:

    ideo quod uterque suam legem confirmare debebit,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 49, 142:

    cum sui utrosque adhortarentur,

    Liv. 1, 25, 1:

    ad utrumque ducem sui redierunt,

    id. 21, 29, 5:

    utraque (lex) sua via it,

    Sen. Ben. 6, 6, 1; cf.

    uterque, in apposit.: nec ipsi tam inter se acriter contenderunt, quam studia excitaverant uterque sui corporis hominum,

    Liv. 26, 48, 6.—
    With sibi.
    Sibi with pronom. force (cf. sui, IV. C. fin.):

    reddam suum sibi,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 119 ( = ei; but referred to b, infra, by Brix ad loc.); cf.:

    suam rem sibi salvam sistam,

    id. Poen. 5, 2, 123:

    idem lege sibi sua curationem petet,

    for himself, Cic. Agr. 2, 9, 22 (cf. id. Phil. 2, 37, 96;

    I. B. 2. b. supra): ut vindicare sibi suum fulgorem possint,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, 1, 11; cf.

    the formula of divorce: tuas res tibi habeto,

    Dig. 24, 2, 2.—Hence, illam suam suas res sibi habere jussit, Cic. Phil. 2, 28, 69.—
    With sibi redundant, to strengthen suus (anteand post-class. and colloq.):

    quo pacto serviat suo sibi patri,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 5:

    eum necabam ilico per cerebrum pinna sua sibi, quasi turturem,

    id. Poen. 2, 40; v. sui, IV. C. and the passages there cited.—
    With gen. agreeing with the subject of suus:

    quas cum solus pertulisset ut sua unius in his gratia esset,

    that the credit of it should belong to him alone, Liv. 2, 8, 3:

    qui de sua unius sententia omnia gerat,

    id. 44, 22, 11; cf.:

    unam Aegyptus in hoc spem habet suam,

    Sen. Q. N. 4, 2, 2.—For suus ipsius, etc., v. D. 1. b. supra.—
    With demonstr., rel., or indef. pronn. and adjj., of his, hers, etc.:

    postulat ut ad hanc suam praedam adjutores vos profiteamini,

    to this booty of his, Cic. Rosc. Am. 2, 6:

    Sestius cum illo exercitu suo,

    id. Sest. 5, 12:

    qua gravitate sua,

    id. ib. 61, 129:

    suam rem publicam illam defenderunt,

    that republic of theirs, id. ib. 67, 141:

    in istum civem suum,

    against this citizen of theirs, id. Balb. 18, 41:

    cum illo suo pari,

    id. Pis. 8, 18:

    te nulla sua calamitate civitas satiare potest?

    id. Phil. 8, 6, 19:

    dubitatis igitur, quin vos M. Laterensis ad suam spem aliquam delegerit,

    for some hope of his, id. Planc. 16, 39:

    non tam sua ulla spe quam militum impetu tractus,

    by any hope of his, Liv. 25, 21, 5:

    nullo suo merito,

    from no fault of theirs, id. 26, 29, 4:

    ipse arcano cum paucis familiaribus suis colloquitur,

    with a few of his friends, Caes. B. C. 1, 19.—
    With descriptive adjj.
    Standing before the adj. and noun (so most freq.):

    suorum improbissimorum sermonum domicilium,

    Cic. Pis. 31, 76:

    causam sui dementissimi consilii,

    id. Phil. 2, 22, 53:

    suam insatiabilem crudelitatem,

    id. ib. 11, 3, 8:

    suis amplissimis fortunis,

    id. ib. 13, 8, 16:

    suum pristinum morem,

    id. Pis. 12, 27:

    suis lenissimis postulatis,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 5: simili ratione Pompeius in suis veteribus castris consedit (suis emphatic; cf. b, infra), id. ib. 3, 76.—
    Between the adj. and noun (less emphatic):

    pro eximiis suis beneficiis,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 4, 7:

    propter summam suam humanitatem,

    id. Fam. 15, 14, 1:

    ex praeteritis suis officiis,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 60:

    Caesar in veteribus suis castris consedit,

    id. ib. 3, 76.—
    After adj. and noun:

    veterem amicum suum excepit,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 16, 43:

    in illo ardenti tribunatu suo,

    id. Sest. 54, 116.—
    Objectively for the pers. pron. (rare):

    neque cuiquam mortalium injuriae suae parvae videntur ( = sibi illatae),

    Sall. C. 51, 11; so,

    neglectam ab Scipione et nimis leviter latam suam injuriam ratus,

    Liv. 29, 9, 9:

    ipsae enim leges te a cognitione sua judicio publico reppulerunt ( = a se cognoscendo),

    Cic. Balb. 14, 32:

    suam invidiam tali morte quaesitam ( = quaesitum esse ab eo ut homines se inviderent),

    Tac. A. 3, 16; so,

    nulla sua invidia,

    Cic. Mil. 15, 40.—
    Abl. fem. sua, with refert or interest, for gen. of the pers. pron.: neminem esse qui quomodo se habeat nihil sua censeat interesse, Cic. Fin. 5, 10, 30:

    si scit sua nihil interesse utrum anima per os, an per jugulum exeat,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 33; v. intersum, III.—
    Strengthened by the suffix - pte or -met.
    By - pte (not used with ipse) affixed to the forms sua, suo, and (ante-class.) suum:

    quom illa osculata esset suumpte amicum,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 4, 38:

    ut terrena suopte nutu et suo pondere in terram ferantur,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 17, 40:

    ferri suopte pondere,

    id. N. D. 1, 25, 69:

    suapte natura,

    id. Fat. 18, 42:

    suapte vi et natura,

    id. ib. 19, 43; id. Fin. 1, 16, 54; 5, 22, 61:

    suopte ingenio,

    Liv. 25, 18; so id. 1, 25, 1; 1, 18, 4:

    suapte manu,

    Cic. Or. 3, 3, 10:

    locus suapte natura infestus,

    Liv. 44, 6, 9; so,

    suapte natura,

    id. 4, 22, 4:

    flumina suapte natura vasta,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 27, 8; so id. Ben. 4, 17, 2:

    sponte suapte,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 7, § 70.—
    With - met, almost always followed by ipse (in all forms of suus except suus, suum, suae, and suorum):

    suomet ipsi more,

    Sall. J. 31, 6:

    suomet ipsi instrumento,

    Liv. 22, 14, 13:

    suomet ipsi metu,

    Tac. H. 3, 16 fin.:

    suamet ipsum pecunia,

    Sall. J. 8, 2:

    suamet ipsae fraude,

    Liv. 8, 18, 9:

    intra suamet ipsum moenia,

    id. 6, 36, 4:

    suismet ipsi praesidiis,

    id. 8, 25, 6:

    suismet ipsis corporibus,

    id. 2, 19, 5:

    suosmet ipsi cives,

    id. 2, 9, 5:

    suasmet ipse spes,

    Tac. A. 3, 66 fin. —Without ipse:

    populum suimet sanguinis mercede,

    Sall. H. Fragm. 1, 41, 25 Dietsch:

    magna pars suismet aut proxumorum telis obtruncabantur,

    id. ib. 2, 52 ib.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > sua

  • 10 suum

    sŭus, a, um (old form sos, sa, sum; dat. plur. sis, Enn. ap. Fest. p. 301 Mull.; acc. sas. id. ib. p. 325 ib.; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 47; Schol. Pers. 1, 108; sing. sam for suam, Fest. p. 47 Mull.;

    so for suo, C. I. L. 5, 2007. In ante-class. verse su- with the following vowel freq. forms one syllable,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 48; id. Ps. 1, 3, 5; Ter. And. 1, 1, 68; Lucr. 1, 1022; v. Neue, Formenl. 2, 189 sqq.), pron. poss., 3 d pers. [root SVA-; Sanscr. sva, own; cf. sui; Gr. seWo-, whence sphe, etc., and he; cf. heos], of or belonging to himself, herself, etc.; his own, her own, etc.; his, her, its, their; one ' s; hers, theirs.
    Ordinary possessive use his, etc. (cf. the similar use of the pers. pron. sui, q. v.).
    With antecedent in the same sentence.
    The antecedent a subject-nominative, expressed or understood.

    Caesar copias suas divisit,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 97:

    ille in sua sententia perseverat,

    id. ib. 1, 72:

    tantam habebat suarum rerum fiduciam,

    id. ib. 2, 37:

    cum sceleris sui socios Romae reliquisset,

    Cic. Cat. 3, 1, 3:

    cur ego non ignoscam si anteposuit suam salutem meae?

    id. Pis. 32, 79; id. Phil. 2, 18, 45; id. Mil. 10, 27; id. Fam. 15, 14, 1:

    Hanno praefecturam ejus (i.e. Muttinis) filio suo (Hannonis) dedit,

    Liv. 26, 40, 7:

    imperat princeps civibus suis,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 16, 2:

    nemo rem suam emit,

    id. Ben. 7, 4, 8.—

    mea Glycerium suos parentes repperit,

    Ter. And. 5, 6, 5:

    utinam haec ignoraret suum patrem,

    id. Phorm. 5, 6, 34:

    si nunc facere volt era officium suom,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 8, 72:

    ne eadem mulier cum suo conjuge honestissimum adulescentem oppressisse videatur,

    Cic. Cael. 32, 78:

    si omnibus suis copiis excellentem virum res publica armasset,

    id. Phil. 13, 16, 32.—

    omne animal, simul et ortum est, et se ipsum et omnes partes suas diligit,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 11, 33:

    cum mea domus ardore suo deflagrationem Italiae toti minaretur,

    id. Planc. 40, 95.—
    Their: (legiones) si consulem suum reliquerunt, vituperandae sunt Cic. Phil. 5, 2, 4:

    mittent aliquem de suo numero,

    id. ib. 11, 10, 25:

    rationem illi sententiae suae non fere reddebant,

    id. Tusc. 1, 17, 38:

    qui agellos suos redimere a piratis solebant,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 37, § 85:

    edicunt ut ad suum vestitum senatores redirent,

    id. Sest. 14, 32:

    suis finibus eos prohibent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 1: Allobrogibus sese persuasuros existimabant ut per suos (Allobrogum) fines eos (Helvetios) ire paterentur, id. id. 1, 6;

    and distributively: ac naves onerariae LXIII. in portu expugnatae, quaedam cum suis oneribus, frumento, armis, aere, etc.,

    some with their several cargoes, Liv. 26, 47, 9.—
    With a subject-clause as antecedent:

    id sua sponte apparebat tuta celeribus consiliis praepositurum,

    was selfevident, Liv. 22, 38, 13:

    ad id quod sua sponte satis collectum animorum erat, indignitate etiam Romani accendebantur,

    id. 3, 62, 1:

    secutum tamen sua sponte est ut vilior ob ea regi Hannibal et suspectior fieret,

    id. 35, 14, 4. —
    With subject-acc. as antecedent:

    hanc dicam Athenis advenisse cum aliquo amatore suo, Plant. Mil. 2, 2, 86: doceo gratissimum esse in sua tribu Plancium,

    Cic. Planc. 19, 47:

    cupio eum suae causae confidere,

    id. Sest. 64, 135:

    suspicari debuit (Milo), eum (Clodium) ad villam suam (Clodii) deversurum,

    id. Mil. 19, 51: Medeam praedicant in fuga fratris sui membra dissipavisse, id. Imp. Pomp. 9, 22:

    (dixit) Caesarem pro sua dignitate debere et studium et iracundiam suam reipublicae dimittere,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 8.—
    With object-acc. as antecedent.
    Suus being an adjunct of the subject (generally rendered in Engl. by a pass. constr.):

    hunc pater suus de templo deduxit,

    he was taken from the temple by his father, Cic. Inv. 2, 17, 52:

    hunc sui cives e civitate ejecerunt,

    id. Sest. 68, 142:

    Alexandrum uxor sua... occidit,

    id. Inv. 2, 49, 144:

    illum ulciscentur mores sui,

    id. Att. 9, 12, 2:

    quodsi quem natura sua... forte deficiet,

    id. Or. 1, 14:

    utrumque regem sua multitudo consalutaverat,

    Liv. 1, 7, 1:

    quas (urbes) sua virtus ac dii juvent, magnas sibi opes facere,

    id. 1, 9, 3; 1, 7, 15; 6, 33, 5:

    quos nec sua conscientia impulerit, nec, etc.,

    id. 26, 33, 3; 25, 14, 7:

    consulem C. Marium servus suus interemit,

    Val. Max. 6, 8, 2:

    quis non Vedium Pollionem pejus oderat quam servi sui?

    Sen. Clem. 1, 18, 2:

    sera dies sit qua illum gens sua caelo adserat,

    id. Cons. Poll. 12 (31), 5.—With the antecedent understood from the principal sentence:

    ita forma simili pueri ut mater sua internoscere (sc. eos) non posset,

    Plaut. Men. prol. 19; and with suus as adjunct both of the subject and of the antecedent: jubet salvere suos vir uxorem suam, id. merc. 4, 3, 11. —
    With impers. verbs:

    sunt homines, quos libidinis infamiaeque suae neque pudeat neque taedeat,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 12, 35:

    video fore ut inimicos tuos poeniteat intemperantiae suae,

    id. Fam. 3, 10, 1:

    si Caesarem beneficii sui poeniteret,

    id. Lig. 10, 29; so id. Agr. 2, 11, 26:

    jam ne nobilitatis quidem suae plebejos poenitere,

    Liv. 10, 7, 8:

    militem jam minus virtutis poenitere suae,

    id. 22, 12, 10.—
    As adjunct of other members of the sentence:

    ad parentes suos ducas Silenium,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 86. nam is illius filiam conicit in navem clam matrem suam (i.e. filiae), id. Mil. 2, 1, 34:

    eosdem ad quaestoris sui aut imperatoris, aut commilitonum suorum pericula impulistis,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 17, 34:

    totum enim ex sua patria sustulisti,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 49, § 127; id. Or. 3, 32, 126: quem (Hammonium) tibi etiam suo nomine ( on his own account) commendo... itaque peto a te ut ejus procuratorem et ipsum suo nomine diligas, id. Fam. 13, 21, 2:

    Caesar Fabium in sua remittit hiberna,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 33; id. B. C. 3, 24:

    introire ad Ciceronem, et domi suae imparatum confodere,

    Sall. C. 28, 1:

    suis flammis delete Fidenas,

    i. e. the flames kindled by the Fidenates, Liv. 4, 33, 5:

    suo igni involvit hostes,

    Tac. A. 14, 30:

    quid Caesarem in sua fata inmisit?

    Sen. Ep. 94, 65; id. Q. N. 1, praef. 7; cf.

    with antecedent supplied from preceding sentence: non destiti rogare et petere (sc. Brutum) mea causa, suadere et hortari sua,

    Cic. Att. 6, 2, 7.—
    With dat. as antecedent.
    As adjunct of subject (cf. 4. supra):

    suus rex reginae placet,

    a queen likes her own king, Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 76:

    ei nunc alia ducenda'st domum, sua cognata Lemniensis,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 101:

    Autronio nonne sodales, non collegae sui... defuerunt?

    Cic. Sull. 2, 7:

    si ceteris facta sua recte prosunt,

    id. Cat. 3, 12, 27:

    cui non magistri sui atque doctores, cui non... locus ipse... in mente versetur?

    id. Planc. 33, 81:

    haec omnia plane... Siculis erepta sunt: primum suae leges, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 13, § 33:

    Romanis multitudo sua auxit animum,

    Liv. 21, 50, 4:

    sicuti populo Romano sua fortuna labet,

    id. 42, 50, 7:

    Lanuvinis sacra sua reddita,

    id. 8, 14, 2:

    vilitas sua illis detrahit pretium,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 29, 2:

    nemo est cui felicitas sua satisfaciat,

    id. Ep. 115, 17:

    labor illi suus restitutus est,

    id. Brev. Vit. 20, 3:

    magnitudo sua singulis constat,

    id. Q. N. 1, 1, 10:

    tantum sapienti sua, quantum Dec omnis aetas patet,

    id. Ep. 53, 11. —

    With antecedent supplied from principal sentence: mater quod suasit sua Adulescens mulier fecit, i.e. ei,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 4, 38.—
    Of other words:

    regique Thebano regnum stabilivit suum,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 40:

    mittam hodie huic suo die natali malam rem magnam,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 5:

    ego Metello non irascor, neque ei suam vacationem eripio,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 68, § 164:

    desinant insidiari domui suae consuli,

    id. Cat. 1, 13, 32:

    quibus ea res honori fuerit a suis civibus,

    id. Mil. 35, 96: Scipio suas res Syracusanis restituit, Liv. [p. 1824] 29, 1, 17:

    nos non suas (leges Lacedaemoniis arbitror) ademisse, sed nostras leges dedisse,

    id. 39, 37, 6:

    Graccho et Tuditano provinciae Lucani et Galliae cum suis exercitibus prorogatae,

    id. 25, 3, 5.—
    With gen., abl., or object of a prep. as antecedent:

    nec illius animi aciem praestringit splendor sui nominis,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 16, 43:

    nolite a sacris patriis Junonis Sospitae domesticum et suum consulem avellere,

    id. Mur. 41, 90:

    quamvis tu magna mihi scripseris de Bruti adventu ad suas legiones,

    id. Att. 14, 13, 12:

    suae legis ad scriptum ipsam quoque sententiam adjungere,

    the meaning of their law to which they refer, id. Inv. 2, 49, 147:

    cum ambitio alterius suam primum apud eos majestatem solvisset,

    Liv. 22, 42, 12:

    nunc causam instituendorum ludorum ab origine sua repetam,

    Val. Max. 2, 4, 4:

    Jubam in regno suo non locorum notitia adjuvet, non popularium pro rege suo virtus,

    Sen. Ep. 71, 10; id. Ben. 7, 6, 3; id. Clem. 1, 3, 4.—Esp. with cujusque as antecedent:

    in qua deliberatione ad suam cujusque naturam consilium est omne revocandum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 33, 119 (v. II. D. 2. infra).— Abl.:

    operam dare ut sua lex ipso scripto videatur niti,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 49, 147 (cf. supra):

    (Caesar reperiebat) ad Galbam propter justitiam prudentiamque suam totius belli summam deferri,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 4:

    credere, ad suum concilium a Jove deos advocari,

    Sen. Q. N. 2, 42, 1.—
    With predic. nom. as antecedent:

    sapientissimi artis suae professores sunt a quibus et propria studia verecunde et aliena callide administrantur,

    Val. Max. 8, 12, 1.—
    With appositive noun.
    With gram. subject as antecedent:

    hoc Anaximandro, populari ac sodali suo, non persuasit,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 37, 118:

    vidit fortissimum virum, inimicissimum suum,

    id. Mil. 9, 25:

    (hic) fuit in Creta contubernalis Saturnini, propinqui sui,

    id. Planc. 11, 27:

    ut non per L. Crassum, adfinem suum... causam illam defenderit,

    id. Balb. 21, 49:

    ne cum hoc T. Broccho, avunculo, ne cum ejus filio, consobrino suo, ne nobiscum vivat,

    id. Lig. 4, 11:

    Caesar mittit ad eum A. Clodium, suum atque illius familiarem,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 57.—
    With object as antecedent:

    Dicaearchum cum Aristoxeno, aequali et condiscipulo suo, omittamus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 18, 41:

    tres fratres optimos, non solum sibi ipsos, neque nobis, necessariis suis, sed etiam rei publicae condonavit,

    id. Lig. 12, 36:

    Varroni, quem, sui generis hominem,... vulgus extrahere ad consulatum nitebatur,

    Liv. 22, 34, 2.—
    With appositive noun as antecedent:

    si P. Scipionem, clarissimum virum, majorumque suorum simillimum res publica tenere potuisset,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 14, 29:

    M. Fabi Ambusti, potentis viri cum inter sui corporis homines, tum ad plebem, etc.,

    Liv. 6, 34, 5:

    C. vero Fabricii, et Q. Aemilii Papi, principum saeculi sui, domibus argentum fuisse confitear oportet,

    Val. Max. 4, 4, 3.—
    In participial clauses.
    The antecedent being the logical subject of the participle, and other than the principal subject:

    credamus igitur Panaetio, a Platone suo dissentienti ( = qui dissentiebat),

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 32, 79:

    ea Sex. Roscium, expulsum ex suis bonis, recepit domum,

    id. Rosc. Am. 10, 27:

    diffidentemque rebus suis confirmavit,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 9, 23:

    Dejotarum ad me venientem cum omnibus copiis suis, certiorem feci, etc.,

    id. Fam. 15, 4, 7; id. Cat. 4, 9, 18: si hominis et suis et populi Romani ornamentis amplissimi ( being greatly distinguished) causam repudiassem, id. Mur. 4, 8:

    stupentes tribunos et suam jam vicem magis anxios quam, etc., liberavit consensus populi Romani,

    Liv. 8, 35, 1; 22, 42, 8:

    manet in folio scripta querela suo ( = quam scripsit),

    Ov. F. 5, 224; cf. in abl. absol.:

    et ipsis (hostibus) regressis in castra sua,

    Liv. 22, 60, 9:

    quibus (speculis) si unum ostenderis hominem, populus adparet, unaquaque parte faciem exprimente sua,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, 5, 5.—
    The logical subject of the participle, being also the principal subject:

    sic a suis legionibus condemnatus irrupit in Galliam,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 10, 21:

    hunc agrum patres nostri, acceptum a majoribus suis ( = quem acceperant), perdiderunt,

    id. Agr. 2, 31, 84:

    ut in suis ordinibus dispositi dispersos adorirentur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 92: Appius, odium in se aliorum suo in eos metiens odio, haud ignaro, inquit, imminet fortuna, Liv. 3, 54, 3:

    ipsa capit Condita in pharetra ( = quae condiderat) tela minora sua,

    Ov. F. 2, 326; cf. in abl. absol.:

    Sopater, expositis suis difficultatibus ( = cum exposuisset, etc.): Timarchidem... perducit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 28, § 69:

    Caesar, primum suo deinde omnium ex conspectu remotis equis, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 25:

    Campani, audita sua pariter sociorumque clade, legatos ad Hannibalem miserunt,

    Liv. 25, 15, 1:

    (Appius) deposito suo magistratu... domum est reductus,

    id. 4, 24, 7; 3, 35, 9; 9, 10, 13; 9, 41, 9.—
    The antecedent being the principal subject, not the logical subject of the participle:

    M. Papirius dicitur Gallo, barbam suam (i.e. Papirii) permulcenti,... iram movisse,

    Liv. 5, 41, 9: cum Gracchus, verecundia deserendi socios, implorantis fidem suam populique Romani, substitisset. id. 23, 36, 8; cf. in abl. absol.:

    si sine maximo dedecore, tam impeditis suis rebus, potuisset emori,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 10, 29; id. Mil. 14, 38; id. Planc. 21, 51; id. Clu. 14, 42:

    ita (consul) proelio uno accidit Vestinorum res, haudquaquam tamen incruento milite suo (consulis),

    Liv. 8, 29, 12; cf.

    with antecedent to be supplied: Campani, cum, robore juventutis suae acciso, nulla (sc. eis) propinqua spes esset, etc.,

    id. 7, 29, 7.—
    In gerund. construction. ( a) With subject as antecedent:

    mihi ipsa Roma ad complectendum conservatorem suum progredi visa est,

    Cic. Pis. 22, 52.—
    With object, the logical subjects of the gerund as antecedent:

    cur iis persequendi juris sui... adimis potestatem?

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21:

    si senatui doloris sui de me declarandi potestas esset erepta,

    id. Sest. 23, 51:

    nec tribunis plebis (spatium datur) sui periculi deprecandi,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 5.—
    With antecedent dependent on the gerund:

    eamque rem illi putant a suum cuique tribuendo appellatam,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 19.—
    As adjunct of a noun dependent on a subjectinf., with its logical subject as antecedent:

    magnum Miloni fuit, conficere illam pestem nulla sua invidia?

    Cic. Mil. 15, 40:

    neque enim fuit Gabinii, remittere tantum de suo nec regis, imponere tantum plus suis,

    his claim, id. Rab. Post. 11, 31:

    Piso, cui fructum pietatis suae neque ex me neque a populo Romano ferre licuit,

    id. Sest. 31, 68:

    ei cujus magis intersit, vel sua, vel rei publicae causa vivere,

    id. Off. 3, 23, 90:

    sapientis est consilium explicare suum de maximis rebus,

    id. Or. 2, 81, 333; id. Mil. 15, 41.—With logical subject understood:

    totam Italiam suis colonis ut complere (sc. eis) liceat, permittitur,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 13, 34:

    maximum (sc. eis) solacium erit, propinquorum eodem monumento declarari, et virtutem suorum, et populi Romani pietatem,

    id. Phil. 14, 13, 35.
    Without gram. antec., one ' s, one ' s own.
    Dependent on subject-inff.:

    ejusdem animi est, posteris suis amplitudinem nobis quam non acceperit tradere, et memoriam prope intermortuam generis sui, virtute renovare,

    Cic. Mur. 7, 16:

    siquidem atrocius est, patriae parentem quam suum occidere,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    miliens perire est melius quam in sua civitate sine armorum praesidio non posse vivere,

    id. ib. 2, 44, 112: quanto est honestius, alienis injuriis quam suis commoveri, one ' s own, id. Verr. 2, 3, 72, § 169:

    contentum suis rebus esse maximae sunt certissimaeque divitiae,

    id. Par. 6, 51:

    ut non liceat sui commodi causa nocere alteri,

    id. Off. 3, 5, 23:

    detrahere de altero sui commodi causa,

    id. ib. 3, 5, 24:

    suis exemplis melius est uti,

    Auct. Her. 4, 1, 2:

    levius est sua decreta tollere quam aliorum,

    Liv. 3, 21. 5; 39, 5, 2;

    29, 37, 11: satius est vitae suae rationes quam frumenti publici nosse,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 18, 3:

    quanto satius est sua mala exstinguere quam aliena posteris tradere?

    id. Q. N. 3, praef. 5:

    cum initia beneficiorum suorum spectare, tum etiam exitus decet,

    id. Ben. 2, 14, 2; 3, 1, 5:

    Romani nominis gloriae, non suae, composuisse illa decuit,

    Plin. 1, prooem. § 16.—With 1 st pers. plur., as indef. antecedent: cum possimus ab Ennio sumere... exemplum, videtur esse arrogantia illa relinquere, et ad sua devenire, to one ' s own = to our own, Auct. Her. 4, 1, 2.—
    Without a subject-inf.:

    omnia torquenda sunt ad commodum suae causae... sua diligenter narrando,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 21, 30: ut in ceteris habenda ratio non sua (al. sui) solum, sed etiam aliorum, id. Off. 1, 39, 139:

    erat Dareo mite ac tractabile ingenium, nisi suam naturam plerumque fortuna corrumperet (suam not referring to Dareo),

    Curt. 3, 2, 17 MSS. (Foss, mansuetam). — With 1 st pers. plur., as indef. antecedent (cf. 1. supra):

    non erit ista amicitia sed mercatura quaedam utilitatum suarum,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 44, 122; cf.: pro suo possidere, II. A. 2. a. g; and Cic. Off. 2, 21, 73, II. A. 2. b. a; cf. also II. B. 1. a; II. B. 5. c.; II. B. 7. b.; II. C. 8. b. b infra.
    With antec. in a previous sentence. Here ejus, eorum, earum are used for his, her, their, unless the clause is oblique in regard to the antecedent, i. e. the antecedent is conceived as the author of the statement.
    In clauses dependent on a verbum sentiendi or dicendi, expressed or understood, referring to the grammatical or logical subject of the verb.
    In infinitive clauses:

    (Clodius) Caesaris potentiam suam potentiam esse dicebat,

    Cic. Mil. 32, 88:

    (Caelius) a sua (causa) putat ejus (i.e. Ascitii) esse sejunctam,

    id. Cael. 10, 24:

    ipsos certo scio non negare ad haec bona Chrysogonum accessisse impulsu suo (referring to ipsos),

    id. Rosc. Am. 37, 107:

    hostes viderunt,... suorum tormentorum usum spatio propinquitatis interire,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 16:

    docent, sui judicii rem non esse,

    id. ib. 1, 13.—The reference of suus may be ambiguous, esp. if an infinitive is dependent on another:

    hoc Verrem dicere ajebant, te... opera sua consulem factum, i.e. Verris, though grammatically it might refer to the subj. of aiebant,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 10, 29:

    (Ariovistus) dixit neminem secum sine sua pernicie contendisse,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 36; cf. the context with, in all, eleven reflexive pronouns referring to four different antecedents (populus Romanus, Ariovistus, Caesar, nemo); cf.

    also: occurrebat ei, mancam praeturam suam futuram consule Milone,

    Cic. Mil. 9, 25; 32, 88; Liv. 3, 42, 2.—
    Suus in a clause dependent on inf.:

    scio equidem, ut, qui argentum afferret atque expressam imaginem suam (i.e. militis) huc ad nos, cum eo ajebat velle mitti mulierem,

    Plaut. Ps. 2, 2, 55:

    isti bonorum emptores arbitrantur, vos hic sedere qui excipiatis eos qui de suis (i.e. emptorum) manibus effugerint,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 52, 151:

    Siculi venisse tempus ajebant ut commoda sua defenderem,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 1, 3:

    ut tunc tandem sentiret recuperanda esse quae prius sua culpa amissa forent,

    Liv. 44, 8, 4. —

    Ambiguous: velle Pompejum se Caesari purgatum, ne ea quae reipublicae causa egerit (Pompejus) in suam (i.e. Caesaris) contumeliam vertat (where suam might be referred to Pompejus),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 8.—
    In oblique clauses introduced by ut or ne, or clauses subordinate to such:

    Cassius constituit ut ludi absente te fierent suo nomine,

    Cic. Att. 15, 11, 2:

    postulat ut ad hanc suam praedam tam nefariam adjutores vos profiteamini,

    id. Rosc. Am. 2, 6:

    Nasidius eos magnopere hortatur ut rursus cum Bruti classe, additis suis (i.e. Nasidii) auxiliis confligant,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 3:

    (regem) denuntiasse sibi ut triduo regni sui decederent finibus,

    Liv. 42, 25, 12:

    Sabinae mulieres, hinc patres, hinc viros orantes, ne parricidio macularent partus suos (i.e. mulierum),

    id. 1, 13, 2:

    Patron praecepit suis ut arma induerent, ad omne imperium suum parati,

    Curt. 5, 11, 1.—With reflex. pron., referring to a different antecedent:

    ad hanc (Laidem) Demosthenes clanculum adit, et ut sibi copiam sui faceret, petit,

    Gell. 1, 8, 5. —
    In subordinate clauses introduced by quin or quod:

    (Dejotarus) non recusat quin id suum facinus judices,

    Cic. Deiot. 15, 43; so id. ib. 4, 15;

    16, 45: parietes hujus curiae tibi gratias agere gestiunt, quod futura sit illa auctoritas in his majorum suorum et suis sedibus,

    id. Marcell. 3, 10:

    quidni gauderet quod iram suam nemo sentiret?

    Sen. Troad. 3, 13:

    querenti quod uxor sua e fico se suspendisset,

    Quint. 6, 3, 88;

    and with intentional ambiguity: cum Proculejus quereretur de filio quod is mortem suam expectaret,

    id. 9, 3, 68. —
    In interrogative clauses:

    si, quod officii sui sit, non occurrit animo, nihil umquam omnino aget,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 8, 25:

    ut non auderet iterum dicere quot milia fundus suus abesset ab urbe,

    id. Caecin. 10, [p. 1825] 28:

    donec sciat unisquisque quid sui, quid alieni sit,

    Liv. 6, 27, 8:

    rex ignarus, quae cum Hannibale legatis suis convenisset, quaeque legati ejus ad se allaturi fuissent,

    id. 23, 39, 2:

    postquam animadvertit quantus agminis sui terror esset,

    id. 43, 19, 5. —
    In a virtually oblique clause.
    In final clause, introduced by ut, ne, or rel., referring to the subject of the purpose:

    me a portu praemisit domum, ut haec nuntiem uxori suae,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 41:

    quasi Appius ille Caecus viam muniverit, non qua populus uteretur, sed ubi impune sui posteri latrocinarentur, i. e. Appii,

    Cic. Mil. 7, 17:

    quae gens ad Caesarem legatos mise. rat, ut suis omnibus facultatibus uteretur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 80:

    inde castra movent, ne qua vis sociis suis ab Romano exercitu inferri possit,

    Liv. 43, 23, 5:

    (Romani) Albam a fundamentis proruerunt, ne memoria originum suarum exstaret,

    id. 26, 13, 16:

    oppidani nuntios Romam, qui certiorem de suo casu senatum facerent, misere,

    id. 6, 33, 7; cf.:

    tanto intervallo ab hostibus consedit, ut nec adventus suus propinquitate nimia nosci posset, et, etc.,

    Liv. 10, 20, 7:

    Datames locum delegit talem ut non multum obesse multitudo hostium suae paucitati posset,

    Nep. Dat. 7, 3:

    quid si gubernator a diis procellas petat ut gratior ars sua periculo fiat?

    Sen. Ben. 6, 25, 4. —
    In other dependent clauses represented as conceived by an antecedent in the principal sentence:

    Sulla, si sibi suus pudor ac dignitas non prodesset, nullum auxilium requisivit ( = negavit se defendi velle, si, etc.),

    Cic. Sull. 5, 15:

    Paetus omnes libros quos frater suus reliquisset mihi donavit ( = dixit se donare libros quos, etc.),

    id. Att. 2, 1, 12:

    non enim a te emit, sed, priusquam tu suum sibi venderes, ipse possedit ( = potitus est, ne, etc.),

    id. Phil. 2, 37, 96:

    Africanus, si sua res ageretur, testimonium non diceret,

    id. Rosc. Am. 36, 3:

    ille ipse (Pompejus) proposuit epistulam illam, in qua est Pro tuis rebus gestis amplissimis. Amplioribusne quam suis, quam Africani?

    id. Att. 8, 9, 2:

    spiritus dabat (Manlio) quod... vinculorum suorum invidiam dictator fugisset,

    Liv. 6, 18, 4:

    (Numa) Camenis eum lucum sacravit, quod earum ibi concilia cum conjuge sua Egeria essent,

    id. 1, 21, 3:

    adulescens deos omnis invocare ad gratiam illi pro se referendam, quoniam sibi nequaquam satis facultatis pro suo animo atque illius erga se esset,

    id. 26, 50, 4 (cf. D. 1. a. infra).
    In the place of ejus.
    In clauses virtually oblique, but with indicative, being conceived by the antecedent (hence suus, not ejus), but asserted as fact by the author (hence indicative, not subjunctive):

    Cicero tibi mandat ut Aristodemo idem respondeas, quod de fratre suo (Ciceronis) respondisti,

    Cic. Att. 2, 7, 4:

    oriundi ab Sabinis, ne, quia post Tatii mortem ab sua parte non erat regnatum, imperium amitterent, sui corporis creari regem volebant,

    Liv. 1, 17, 2:

    C. Caesar villam pulcherrimam, quia mater sua aliquando in illa custodita erat, diruit,

    Sen. Ira, 3, 21, 5:

    Philemonem, a manu servum, qui necem suam per venenum inimicis promiserat, non gravius quam simplici morte punivit,

    Suet. Caes. 74; cf.:

    quomodo excandescunt si quid e juba sua decisum est,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 12, 3.—
    To avoid ambiguity:

    petunt rationes illius (Catilinae) ut orbetur consilio res publica, ut minuatur contra suum (i.e. Catilinae) furorem imperatorum copia (instead of ejus, which might be referred to res publica),

    Cic. Mur. 39, 83:

    equites a cornibus positos, cum jam pelleretur media peditum suorum acies, incurrisse ab lateribus ferunt,

    Liv. 1, 37, 3.—
    Colloquially and in epistolary style suus is used emphatically instead of ejus, with the meaning own, peculiar: deinde ille actutum subferret suus servus poenas Sosia, his own slave (opp. Mercury, who personates Sosias), Plaut. Am. 3, 4, 19: mira erant in civitatibus ipsorum furta Graecorum quae magistratus sui fecerant, their own magistrates ( = ipsorum), Cic. Att. 6, 2, 5:

    in quibus (litteris Bruti) unum alienum summa sua prudentia (est), ut spectem ludos suos,

    his peculiar prudence, id. ib. 15, 26, 1; so,

    quod quidem ille (Nero) decernebat, quorumdam dolo ad omina sui exitus vertebatur,

    Tac. A. 16, 24; cf. II. A. 1. b and g; II. A. 2. a. b; II. B. 3.—
    Without particular emphasis (mostly ante- and post-class. and poet.):

    tum erit tempestiva cum semen suum maturum erit,

    Cato, R. R. 31:

    vitis si macra erit, sarmenta sua concidito minute,

    id. ib. 37:

    qui sic purgatus erit, diuturna valetudine utatur, neque ullus morbus veniet, nisi sua culpa,

    id. ib. 157:

    Cimon in eandem invidiam incidit quam pater suus,

    Nep. Cim. 3, 1:

    id qua ratione consecutus sit (Lysander) latet. Non enim virtute sui exercitus factum est, etc.,

    id. Lys. 1, 2:

    ipse sub Esquiliis, ubi erat regia sua, Concidit,

    Ov. F. 6, 601:

    quodque suus conjux riguo collegerat horto, Truncat olus foliis,

    id. M. 8, 646; so id. ib. 15, 819.
    In partic.
    As substt.
    sui, suorum, m., his, their (etc.) friends, soldiers, fellow-beings, equals, adherents, followers, partisans, posterity, slaves, family, etc., of persons in any near connection with the antecedent.
    (Corresp. to the regular usage, I. A. B. C.) Cupio abducere ut reddam (i.e. eam) suis, to her family, friends, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 77; cf. id. ib. 1, 2, 66:

    cum animus societatem caritatis coierit cum suis, omnesque natura conjunctos suos duxerit,

    fellow-beings, Cic. Leg. 1, 23, 60:

    mulier ingeniosa praecepit suis omnia Caelio pollicerentur,

    her slaves, id. Cael. 25, 62:

    quo facilius et nostras domos obire, et ipse a suis coli possit,

    his friends, id. ib. 7, 18:

    qua gratiam beneficii vestri cum suorum laude conjungant,

    their family, id. Agr. 2, 1, 1:

    vellem hanc contemptionem pecuniae suis reliquisset,

    to his posterity, id. Phil. 3, 6, 16:

    cum divisurum se urbem palam suis polliceretur,

    his partisans, id. ib. 13, 9, 19:

    Caesar, cohortatus suos, proelium commisit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 25; so,

    Curio exercitum reduxit, suis omnibus praeter Fabium incolumibus,

    id. B. C. 2, 35:

    Caesar receptui suorum timens,

    id. ib. 3, 46:

    certior ab suis factus est, praeclusas esse portas,

    id. ib. 2, 20:

    omnium suorum consensu, Curio bellum ducere parabat,

    id. ib. 2, 37: so,

    Pompejus suorum omnium hortatu statuerat proelio decertare,

    id. ib. 3, 86:

    Caesar Brundisium ad suos severius scripsit,

    to his officers, id. ib. 3, 25:

    naviculam conscendit cum paucis suis,

    a few of his followers, id. ib. 3, 104:

    multum cum suis consiliandi causa secreto praeter consuetudinem loqueretur,

    id. ib. 1, 19:

    nupsit Melino, adulescenti inprimis inter suos et honesto et nobili,

    his equals, associates, Cic. Clu. 5, 11:

    rex raptim a suis in equum impositus fugit,

    his suite, Liv. 41, 4, 7:

    subsidio suorum proelium restituere,

    comrades, id. 21, 52, 10:

    feras bestias... ad opem suis ferendam avertas,

    their young, id. 26, 13, 12:

    abstulit sibi in suos potestatem,

    his slaves, Sen. Ira, 3, 12, 6:

    Besso et Nabarzani nuntiaverant sui regem... interemptum esse,

    their fellow - conspirators, Curt. 5, 12, 14. — Very rarely sing.:

    ut bona mens suis omnibus fuerit. Si quem libido abripuit, illorum eum, cum quibus conjuravit, non suum judicet esse,

    Liv. 39, 16, 5.—
    Irregular use (acc. to I. D.): sui = ejus amici, etc. (freq.;

    the absolute use of ejus in this sense being inadmissible): quasi vero quisquam dormiat? ne sui quidem hoc velint, non modo ipse (sui = ejus amici, liberi),

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 38, 92:

    is (annus) ejus omnem spem... morte pervertit. Fuit hoc luctuosum suis, acerbum patriae, etc.,

    id. Or. 3, 2, 8:

    quadrigas, quia per suos ( = ipsius milites) agendae erant, in prima acie locaverat rex,

    Liv. 37, 41, 8:

    auctoritatem Pisistrati qui inter suos ( = ejus cives) maxima erat,

    id. 37, 12:

    quo cum multitudine adversariorum sui superarentur, ipse fuit superior, etc.,

    Nep. Hann. 8, 4; v. g.—
    Without antecedent (cf. I. B. supra): quoties necesse est fallere aut falli a suis, by one ' s friends, Sen. Phoen. 493.—
    Sing.: sŭa, suae. f., a sweetheart, mistress (rare): illam suam suas res sibi habere jussit. Cic. Phil. 2, 28. 69:

    cedo quid hic faciet sua?

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 92.—
    sŭum, i, n., and more freq. sŭa, suorum, n. plur., = one ' s property.

    nec suom adimerem alteri,

    his property, his own, Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 38 (34):

    nunc si ille salvos revenit, reddam suom sibi (v. D. 3. a. infra),

    id. ib. 1, 2, 119:

    illum studeo quam facillime ad suum pervenire,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 26, 4:

    populi Romani hanc esse consuetudinem ut socios sui nihil deperdere velit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43; cf. Cic. Rab. Post. 11, 3, I. A. 11. supra:

    nec donare illi de suo dicimur,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 4, 2; so esp. with quisque; v. infra — Hence, de suo = per se, or sua sponte;

    (stellae) quae per igneos tractus labentia inde splendorem trahant caloremque, non de suo clara,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 1, 6. —

    meum mihi placebat, illi suum (of a literary essay),

    Cic. Att. 14, 20, 3: suom quemque decet, his own manners, etc., Plaut. Stich. 5, 4, 11; so, expendere oportet quid quisque habeat sui ( what peculiarities) nec velle experiri quam se aliena deceant;

    id enim maxime quemque decet quod est cujusque maxime suum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 31, 113.—
    Jurid. term: aliquid pro suo possidere, to possess in the belief of one ' s legal right:

    pro suo possessio tale est, cum dominium nobis acquiri putamus. Et ea causa possidemus ex qua acquiritur, et praeterea pro suo,

    Dig. 41, 10, 1;

    so without an antecedent, and referring to a first person: item re donata, pro donato et pro suo possideo,

    ib. 41, 10, 1; v. the whole tit. ib. 42, 10 (Pro suo); cf. ib. 23, 3, 67; cf. C., infra fin.;

    similarly: usucapere pro suo = acquire dominion by a possession pro suo, Fragm. Vat. 111: res pro suo, quod justam causam possidendi habet, usucapit,

    id. ib. 260; Dig. 41, 3, 27. —
    One ' s property:

    Roscius tibi omnia sua praeter animam tradidit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 50, 146:

    qui etiam hostibus externis victis sua saepissime reddiderunt,

    id. Agr. 1, 6, 19:

    tu autem vicinis tuis Massiliensibus sua reddis,

    id. Att. 14, 14, 6:

    Remi legatos miserunt qui dicerent se suaque omnia in fidem atque potestatem populi Romani permittere,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 3, 2; 1, 11, 2; 2, 13, 2:

    ipsi milites alveos informes quibus se suaque transveherent, faciebant,

    their baggage, Liv. 21, 26, 9:

    docere eos qui sua permisere fortunae,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, praef. 7; so without an antecedent, one ' s own property (cf. I. B. 2. supra):

    hanc ob causam maxime ut sua tenerentur res publicae constitutae sunt,

    Cic. Off. 2, 21, 73;

    rarely = eorum res: quod vero etiam sua reddiderint (i.e. Gallis),

    Liv. 39, 55, 3. —
    One ' s own affairs:

    aliena ut melius videant et dijudicent Quam sua,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 96:

    cognoscunt... immobile agmen et sua quemque molientem,

    Liv. 10, 20, 8:

    omnia ei hostium non secus quam sua nota erant,

    id. 22, 41, 5:

    aliena cum suis perdidit,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 16, 3.— Absol., referring to a noun fem.: sua (finxit) C. Cassius ( = suas persuasiones; cf.

    the context),

    Quint. 6, 3, 90.
    Predicative uses: suum esse, facere, fieri, putare, etc., like a gen. poss., to be, etc., the property, or under the dominion, control, power of the antecedent.
    Of property in things.

    scripsit causam dicere Prius aurum quare sit suum,

    Ter. Eun. prol. 11:

    nihil erat cujusquam quod non hoc anno suum fore putabat (Clodius),

    Cic. Mil. 32, 87:

    quia suum cujusque fit, eorum quae natura fuerant communia quod cuique obtigit, id quisque teneat,

    id. Off. 1, 7, 21:

    Juba suam esse praedicans praedam,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 84:

    gratum sibi populum facturum, si omnes res Neapolitanorum suas duxissent,

    Liv. 22, 32, 8: libros esse dicimus Ciceronis;

    eosdem Dorus librarius suos vocat,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 6, 1:

    cum enim istarum personarum nihil suum esse possit,

    since these persons can own nothing, Gai. Inst. 2, 96; cf. Dig. 1, 7, 15 pr.—Virtually predicative:

    referas ad eos qui suam rem nullam habent ( = rem quae sua sit),

    nothing of their own, Cic. Phil. 2, 6, 15:

    qui in potestate nostra est, nihil suum habere potest,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 84. — ( b) Of literary works:

    quae convenere in Andriam ex Perinthia Fatetur transtulisse, atque usum pro suis ( = quasi sua essent),

    Ter. And. prol. 14:

    potest autem... quae tum audiet... ingenue pro suis dicere,

    his own thoughts, Quint. 12, 3, 3.—
    Of a country or people:

    suum facere = suae dicionis facere: commemorat ut (Caesar) magnam partem Italiae beneficio atque auctoritate eorum suam fecerit,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 32:

    in quam (Asiam) jam ex parte suam fecerit,

    Liv. 44, 24, 4:

    crudelissima ac superbissima gens sua omnia suique arbitrii facit,

    id. 21, 44, 5.—

    omnia sua putavit quae vos vestra esse velletis,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 12, 27:

    non meminit, illum exercitum senatus populique Romani esse, non suum,

    id. ib. 13, 6, 4: [p. 1826] probavit, non rempublicam suam esse, sed se reipublicae, Sen. Clem. 1, 19, 8;

    so of incorporeal things: hi si velint scire quam brevis eorum vita sit, cogitent ex quota parte sua sit,

    how much of it is their own, id. Brev. Vit. 19, 3; so, suum facere, to appropriate:

    prudentis est, id quod in quoque optimum est, si possit, suum facere,

    Quint. 10, 2, 26:

    quaeremus quomodo animus (hanc virtutem) usu suam faciat,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 3, 1.—
    Of persons.
    Under a master ' s or father ' s control:

    ut lege caverent, ne quis quem civitatis mutandae causa suum faceret, neve alienaret,

    make any one his slave, Liv. 41, 8, 12: quid eam tum? suamne esse ajebat, his daughter, i.e. in his power? Ter. And. 5, 4, 29:

    eduxit mater pro sua ( = quasi sua esset),

    id. Eun. 1, 2, 76.—
    Reflexively = sui juris, independent, one ' s own master or mistress, not subject to another ' s control, under one ' s own control (v. sui juris, infra):

    ancilla, quae mea fuit hodie, sua nunc est,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 3, 3.—
    Of moral power over others: suus = devoted to one:

    hice hoc munere arbitrantur Suam Thaidem esse,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 38:

    eos hic fecit suos Paulo sumptu,

    id. Ad. 5, 4, 21:

    sed istunc exora, ut (mulierem) suam esse adsimulet,

    to be friendly to him, id. Heaut. 2, 3, 117:

    cum Antonio sic agens ut perspiciat, si in eo negotio nobis satisfecerit, totum me futurum suum,

    Cic. Att. 14, 1 a, 2:

    Alpheus... utebatur populo sane suo,

    devoted to him, id. Quint. 7, 29.— Poet.: vota suos habuere deos, the vows (inst. of the persons uttering them) had the gods on their side, Ov. M. 4, 373. —
    Of power over one's self, etc.:

    nam qui sciet ubi quidque positum sit, quaque eo veniat, is poterit eruere, semperque esse in disputando suus,

    self-possessed, Cic. Fin. 4, 4, 10:

    inaestimabile bonum est suum fieri,

    selfcontrol, Sen. Ep. 75, 18:

    (furiosus) qui suus non est,

    Dig. 42, 4, 7, § 9:

    vix sua, vix sanae virgo Niseia compos Mentis erat,

    Ov. M. 8, 35. —
    Suum est, as impers. predicate: = ejus est, characteristic of, peculiar to one (very rare):

    dixit antea, sed suum illud est, nihil ut affirmet,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 42, 99.
    Attributive usages, almost always (except in Seneca) with suus before its noun.
    The property, relations, affairs, etc., of one opposed to those of another, own.
    Opposition expressed:

    nihil de suo casu, multa de vestro querebatur,

    Cic. Balb. 8, 21:

    sua sibi propiora pericula quam mea loquebantur,

    id. Sest. 18, 40:

    suasque et imperatoris laudes canentes,

    Liv. 45, 38, 12:

    damnatione collegae et sua,

    id. 22, 35, 3:

    Senecae fratris morte pavidum et pro sua incolumitate pavidum,

    Tac. A. 14, 73:

    velut pro Vitellio conquerentes suum dolorem proferebant,

    id. H. 3, 37;

    opp. alienus: ut suo potius tempore mercatorem admitterent, quam celerius alieno,

    at a time convenient to themselves, Varr. R. R. 3, 16, 11. —Without antecedent, opp. externus:

    (Platoni) duo placet esse motus, unum suum, alterum externum, esse autem divinius quod ipsum ex se sua sponte moveatur, etc.,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 12, 32. —

    voluptatem suis se finibus tenere jubeamus,

    within the limits assigned to it, Cic. Fin. 3, 1, 1:

    cum vobis immortale monumentum suis paene manibus senatus... exstruxerit,

    id. Phil. 14, 12, 33:

    superiores (amnes) in Italia, hic (Rhodanus) trans Alpes, hospitales suas tantum, nec largiores quam intulere aquas vehentes,

    Plin. 2, 103, 106, § 224: colligitur aqua ex imbribus;

    ex suo fonte nativa est,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 3:

    pennas ambo non habuere suas (non suas = alienas),

    Ov. Tr. 3, 4, 24. —
    In particular phrases. ( a) Sua sponte and suo Marte, of one ' s own accord, by one ' s self, without the suggestion, influence, aid, etc., of others:

    Caesar bellum contra Antonium sua sponte suscepit,

    Cic. Phil. 8, 2, 5:

    sua sponte ad Caesarem in jus adierunt,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 87.—So of things, = per se, by or of itself, for itself, for its own sake:

    jus et omne honestum sua sponte expetendum (cf. in the context: per se igitur jus est expetendum),

    Cic. Leg. 1, 18, 48: justitium sua sponte inceptum priusquam indiceretur, by itself, i. e. without a decree, Liv. 9, 7, 8; so,

    sortes sua sponte attenuatas,

    id. 22, 1, 11 (cf. id. 22, 38, 13; 35, 14, 4, I. A. 2., supra): rex enim ipse, sua sponte, nullis commentariis Caesaris, simul atque audivit ejus interitum suo Marte res suas recuperavit, Cic. Phil. 2, 37, 95.—
    Suus locus, in milit. lang., one ' s own ground, position, or lines:

    restitit suo loco Romana acies (opp. to the advance of the enemy),

    Liv. 22, 16, 2.—So figuratively:

    et staturas suo loco leges,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 20, 2:

    aciem instruxit primum suis locis, pauloque a castris Pompeji longius,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 84 (cf.: suo loco, 7. b. g, infra).—
    For suo jure v. 3. infra.—
    Sua Venus = one's own Venus, i. e. good luck (v. Venus): ille non est mihi par virtutibus, nec officiis;

    sed habuit suam Venerem,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 28, 2. —
    Of private relations (opp. to public):

    ut in suis rebus, ita in re publica luxuriosus nepos,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 18, 48:

    deinde ut communibus pro communibus utatur, privatis ut suis,

    id. Off. 1, 7, 20:

    quod oppidum Labienus sua pecunia exaedificaverat,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 15:

    militibus agros ex suis possessionibus pollicetur,

    i. e. his private property, id. ib. 1, 17; Sen. Ben. 7, 6, 3. —
    Of just rights or claims:

    imperatori senatuique honos suus redditus,

    due to them, Liv. 3, 10, 3:

    neque inpedimento fuit, quominus religionibus suus tenor suaque observatio redderetur,

    Val. Max. 1, 1, 8:

    quibus omnibus debetur suus decor,

    Quint. 11, 1, 41. —

    So distributively: is mensibus suis dimisit legionem,

    in the month in which each soldier was entitled to his discharge, Liv. 40, 41, 8. — Esp.: suo jure (so, meo, nostro, tuo, etc., jure), by his own right:

    Tullus Hostilius qui suo jure in porta nomen inscripsit,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 12, 26:

    earum rerum hic A. Licinius fructum a me repetere prope suo jure debet,

    id. Arch. 1, 1; id. Marcell. 2, 6; id. Phil. 2, 25, 62; id. Balb. 8, 21:

    numquam illum res publica suo jure esset ulta,

    by its unquestionable right, id. Mil. 33, 88. —
    Of that to which one is exclusively devoted:

    huic quaestioni suum diem dabimus,

    a day for its exclusive discussion, Sen. Ep. 94, 52:

    homini autem suum bonum ratio est,

    his exclusive good, id. ib. 76, 10:

    in majorem me quaestionem vocas, cui suus locus, suus dies dandus est,

    id. Q. N. 2, 46, 1. —

    With proprius: mentio inlata apud senatum est, rem suo proprio magistratu egere,

    that the business needed a particular officer exclusively for itself, Liv. 4, 8, 4:

    et Hannibalem suo proprio occupandum bello,

    id. 27, 38, 7; cf.:

    dissupasset hostes, ni suo proprio eum proelio equites Volscorum exceptum tenuissent,

    in which they alone fought, id. 3, 70, 4:

    mare habet suas venas quibus impletur,

    by which it alone is fed, Sen. Q. N. 3, 14, 3. —
    According to one ' s liking, of one ' s own choice.
    Of persons, devoted to one, friendly, dear:

    Milone occiso (Clodius) habuisset suos consules,

    after his own heart, Cic. Mil. 33, 89:

    collegit ipse se contra suum Clodium,

    his dear Clodius, id. Pis. 12, 27 (cf.: suum facere, habere, II. B. 2. g).—
    Of things, favorable.
    Of place: neque Jugurtham nisi... suo loco pugnam facere, on his own ground, i. e. chosen by him, favorable, Sall. J. 61, 1:

    hic magna auxilia expectabant et suis locis bellum in hiemem ducere cogitabant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 61; cf.:

    numquam nostris locis laboravimus,

    Liv. 9, 19, 15.—
    Of time:

    cum Perseus suo maxime tempore et alieno hostibus incipere bellum posset,

    Liv. 42, 43, 3; v. 7. b, infra. —
    Of circumstances: sua occasio, a favorable opportunity; sometimes without antecedent:

    neque occasioni tuae desis, neque suam occasionem hosti des,

    Liv. 22, 39, 21:

    tantum abfuit ut ex incommodo alieno sua occasio peteretur,

    id. 4, 58, 2:

    aestuque suo Locros trajecit,

    a favorable tide, id. 23, 41, 11:

    ignoranti quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est,

    Sen. Ep. 71, 3:

    orba suis essent etiamnunc lintea ventis,

    Ov. M. 13, 195:

    aut ille Ventis iturus non suis,

    Hor. Epod. 9, 30. —
    Of persons or things, peculiar, particular:

    quae est ei (animo) natura? Propria, puto, et sua,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 29, 70:

    omnis enim motus animi suum quendam a natura habet vultum,

    id. de Or. 3, 57, 316:

    geometrae et musici... more quodam loquuntur suo. Ipsae rhetorum artes verbis in docendo quasi privatis utuntur ac suis,

    id. Fin. 3, 1, 4:

    sensus omnis habet suum finem,

    its peculiar limits, Quint. 9, 4, 61: animus cum suum ambitum complevit et finibus se suis cinxit, consummatum est summum bonum, Sen. Vit. Beat. 9, 3: est etiam in nominibus ( nouns) diverso collocatis sua gratia, their peculiar elegance, Quint. 9, 3, 86:

    ibi non bello aperto, sed suis artibus, fraude et insidiis, est paene circumventus,

    Liv. 21, 34, 1:

    nec Hannibalem fefellit, suis se artibus peti,

    id. 22, 16, 5:

    adversus hostem non virtute tantum, sed suis (i. e. hostis) etiam pugnare consiliis oportebat,

    Flor. 2, 6, 26:

    liberam Minucii temeritatem se suo modo expleturum,

    Liv. 22, 28, 2:

    equites ovantes sui moris carmine,

    id. 10, 26, 11:

    exsultans cum sui moris tripudiis,

    id. 21, 42, 3:

    tripudiantes suo more,

    id. 23, 26, 9.—So, suo Marte, referring to the style of fighting peculiar to the different arms:

    equitem suo alienoque Marte pugnare,

    that the cavalry were fighting both in their own style and in that of the other arms, Liv. 3, 62, 9; cf.: suo Marte, 1, c. a, supra.—And distributively ( = suus quisque):

    suos autem haec operum genera ut auctores, sic etiam amatores habent,

    Quint. 12, 10, 2:

    illa vero fatidica fulmina ex alto et ex suis venire sideribus,

    Plin. 2, 43, 43, § 113; cf.:

    quae quidem planiora suis exemplis reddentur,

    Val. Max. 3, 4 prooem.—
    Proper, right.
    Referring to one's ordinary or normal condition:

    quod certe non fecisset, si suum numerum naves habuissent,

    their regular complement, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 51, § 133. — So poet.:

    flecte ratem! numerum non habet illa suum,

    its full number, Ov. H. 10, 36:

    novus exercitus consulibus est decretus: binae legiones cum suo equitatu,

    Liv. 40, 36, 6:

    cum suo justo equitatu,

    id. 21, 17, 8:

    totam (disciplinam) in suum statum redegit,

    Val. Max. 2, 7, 2:

    tranquilla mente et vultu suo,

    with the ordinary expression of his face, Sen. Clem. 2, 6, 2:

    media pars aeris ab his (ignibus) submota, in frigore suo manet. Natura enim aeris gelida est,

    id. Q. N. 2, 10, 4:

    cornuaque in patriis non sua vidit aquis,

    not natural to her, Ov. H. 14, 90. —

    So, non suus, of ingrafted branches and their fruit: miraturque (arbos) novas frondis et non sua poma,

    Verg. G. 2, 82. —
    Of time, proper, regular, etc. (cf. 5. b, supra).
    The regular time ( = stato tempore):

    signum quod semper tempore exoritur suo,

    Plaut. Rud. prol. 4:

    cum et recte et suo tempore pepererit,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 16: aestas suo tempore incanduit...;

    tam solstitium quam aequinoctium suos dies retulit,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 16, 3:

    omnes venti vicibus suis spirant majore ex parte,

    Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 128. —
    The right or proper time:

    salictum suo tempore caedito,

    Cato, R. R. 33:

    cessit e vita suo magis quam suorum civium tempore,

    the right time for himself, Cic. Brut. 1, 4; so,

    exstingui homini suo tempore optabile est,

    id. Sen. 23, 85:

    Scandilius dicit se suo tempore rediturum,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 60, § 139:

    si Ardeates sua tempora exspectare velint,

    Liv. 4, 7, 6:

    Chrysippus dicit, illum... opperiri debere suum tempus, ad quod velut dato signo prosiliat,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 25, 3:

    quam multi exercitus tempore suo victorem hostem pepulerunt!

    Liv. 44, 39, 4. — Without antecedent: sed suo tempore totius sceleris hujus fons aperietur. Cic. Phil. 14, 6, 15; cf.:

    de ordine laudis, etc., praecipiemus suo tempore,

    Quint. 2, 4, 21. —
    Suo loco = at the proper place:

    quae erant prudentiae propria suo loco dicta sunt,

    Cic. Off. 1, 40, 143:

    quod reddetur suo loco,

    Quint. 11, 1, 16:

    ut suo loco dicetur,

    Plin. 2, 90, 102, § 221:

    inscripta quae suis locis reddam,

    id. 1, prooem. § 27; Sen. Ben. 2, 20, 2; cf. 1, c. b; 4. supra. —
    Suited, appropriate, adapted to one:

    in eodem fundo suum quidquid conseri oportet,

    Cato, R. R. 7:

    siquidem hanc vendidero pretio suo,

    at a suitable price, Plaut. Pers. 4, 4, 30:

    in partes suas digerenda causa,

    Quint. 11, 1, 6:

    confundetur quidquid in suas partes natura digessit,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 29, 8. — Poet.: haec ego dumque queror, lacrimae sua verba sequuntur, Deque meis oculis in tua membra cadunt, appropriate, i. e. tristia, Ov. H. 14, 67.—Without antecedent: suum quidquid genus talearum serito, any fit kind, i. e. suited to the ground, Cato, R. R. 48. —
    Own, with the notion of independence of, or dependence on others (cf. B. 2. g d).
    Of political independence: pacem condicionibus his fecerunt ut Capuae suae leges, sui magistratus essent, her own laws, i. e. not subject to Carthage, Liv. 23, 7, 2: liberos [p. 1827] eos ac suis legibus victuros, id. 25, 23, 4. —

    Esp. in the phrases suae potestatis or in sua potestate esse, suo jure uti, sui juris esse: Puteolos, qui nunc in sua potestate sunt, suo jure, libertate aequa utuntur, totos occupabunt,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 31, 86:

    Rhegini potestatis suae ad ultimum remanserunt,

    retained their self-government, Liv. 23, 30, 9:

    urbem ne quam formulae sui juris facerent,

    id. 38, 9, 10. —
    Of paternal authority.
    Free from the power of the paterfamilias; in the phrases sui juris esse, suae potestatis esse, to be independent:

    quaedam personae sui juris sunt, quaedam alieno juri sunt subjectae, Gai,

    Inst. 1, 48:

    sui juris sunt familiarum suarum principes, id est pater familiae, itemque mater familiae,

    Ulp. Fragm. 4, 1:

    liberi parentum potestate liberantur emancipatione. Sed filius quidem ter manumissus sui juris fit, ceteri autem liberi una manumissione sui juris fiunt,

    id. ib. 10, 1:

    morte patris filius et filia sui juris fiunt,

    id. ib. 10, 2:

    patres familiarum sunt qui sunt suae potestatis,

    Dig. 1, 6, 4:

    si modo defunctus testator suae potestatis mortis tempore fuerit,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 147. —

    With indef. reference: si sui juris sumus,

    Dig. 46, 2, 20; cf.:

    pro suo possideo, 2. a. supra.—Attributively: sui juris arrogatio feminae,

    Cod. Just. 8, 47, 8:

    homo sui juris,

    ib. 10, § 5.— Trop.:

    sapiens numquam semiliber erit: integrae semper libertatis et sui juris,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 5, 3:

    non illarum coitu fieri cometen, sed proprium et sui juris esse,

    id. Q. N. 7, 12, 2: nullique sunt tam feri et sui juris adfectus, ut non disciplina perdomentur, id. Ira, 2, 12, 3. —
    Subject to paternal authority, in the phrases suus heres, sui liberi; suus heres, an heir who had been in the paternal power of the deceased:

    CVI SVVS HERES NON SIT, XII. Tab. fr. 5, 4.—In the jurists without antecedent: sui et necessarii heredes sunt velut filius filiave, nepos neptisve ex filia, deinceps ceteri qui modo in potestate morientis fuerunt,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 156:

    (emancipati liberi) non sunt sui heredes,

    ib. 2, 135:

    alia facta est juris interpretatio inter suos heredes,

    ib. 3, 15:

    datur patrono adversus suos heredes bonorum possessio (where patrono is not the antecedent of suos),

    ib. 3, 41:

    sui heredes vel instituendi sunt vel exheredandi,

    Ulp. Fragm. 22, 14:

    accrescunt suis quidem heredibus in partem virilem, extraneis autem in partem dimidiam,

    id. ib. 22, 17. —

    Sui liberi, children in paternal power: de suis et legitimis liberis,

    Cod. Just. 6, 55 inscr.
    In particular connections.
    With ipse, his own, etc. (cf. Zumpt, Gram. § 696).
    Ipse agreeing with the antecedent of suus, the antecedent being,
    A subjectnom.:

    (ingenium ejus) valet ipsum suis viribus,

    by its own strength, Cic. Cael. 19, 45:

    legio Martia non ipsa suis decretis hostem judicavit Antonium?

    by its own resolutions, id. Phil. 4, 2, 5:

    ruit ipse suis cladibus,

    id. ib. 14, 3, 8:

    si ex scriptis cognosci ipsi suis potuissent,

    id. de Or. 2, 2, 8:

    qui se ipse sua gravitate et castimonia defenderet,

    id. Cael. 5, 11:

    quod ipse suae civitatis imperium obtenturus esset,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 3:

    suamet ipsae fraude omnes interierunt,

    Liv. 8, 18, 9; 39, 49, 3:

    ut saeviret ipse in suum sanguinem effecerunt,

    id. 40, 5, 1:

    respicerent suum ipsi exercitum,

    id. 42, 52, 10; 21, 31, 12; 22, 38, 3; 6, 19, 6.—
    A subject-acc.:

    sunt qui dicant eam sua ipsam peremptam mercede,

    Liv. 1, 11, 9:

    (tribuniciam potestatem) suis ipsam viribus dissolvi,

    id. 2, 44, 2.—
    An object in dat. or acc.:

    sic ut ipsis consistendi in suis munitionibus locus non esset,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 6:

    tribuni (hostem) intra suamet ipsum moenia compulere,

    Liv. 6, 36, 4:

    alios sua ipsos invidia opportunos interemit,

    id. 1, 54, 8; 22, 14, 13.—Suus as adjunct of subject (rare):

    aliquando sua praesidia in ipsos consurrexerunt,

    their own garrisons revolted against them, Sen. Clem. 1, 26, 1.—
    With gen. of ipse, strengthening the possessive notion (cf. 4.;

    post-Aug. and very rare, but freq. in modern Lat.): aves (foetus suos) libero caelo suaeque ipsorum fiduciae permittunt,

    Quint. 2, 6, 7 (but tuus ipsius occurs in Cic.:

    tuo ipsius studio,

    Cic. Mur. 4, 9:

    tuam ipsius amicitiam,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 4, § 7).—
    Both suus and ipse agreeing with the governing noun (very rare; not in Cic. or Caes.): quae tamen in ipso cursu suo dissipata est (= ipsa in cursu suo), in its very course, Sen. Q. N. 1, 1, 3 dub.:

    suamet ipsa scelera,

    Sall. C. 23, 2 (Dietsch ex conj. ipse):

    suismet ipsis corporibus,

    Liv. 2, 19, 5 MSS. (Weissenb. ex conj. ipsi):

    a suismet ipsis praesidiis,

    id. 8, 25, 6 MSS. (Weissenb. ipsi).—
    With quisque, distributively, each ( every one)... his own; in prose quisque is generally preceded by suus.
    Quisque and suus in different cases.
    Quisque as subjectnom.:

    sentit enim vim quisque suam quoad possit abuti,

    Lucr. 5, 1033:

    suo quisque loco cubet,

    Cato, R. R. 5:

    suum quisque noscat ingenium,

    Cic. Off. 1, 31, 114:

    ad suam quisque (me disciplinam) rapiet,

    id. Ac. 2, 36, 114:

    quod suos quisque servos in tali re facere voluisset,

    id. Mil. 10, 29:

    cum suo quisque auxilio uteretur,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 51:

    celeriter ad suos quisque ordines redit,

    id. ib. 3, 37.—In apposition with plur. subj. (freq. in Liv.):

    nunc alii sensus quo pacto quisque suam rem Sentiat,

    Lucr. 4, 522:

    ut omnes cives Romani in suis quisque centuriis prima luce adessent,

    that all the Roman citizens should be present, each in his own centuria, Liv. 1, 44, 1:

    hinc senatus, hinc plebs, suum quisque intuentes ducem constiterant,

    id. 6, 15, 3:

    ut (trigemini) pro sua quisque patria dimicent,

    id. 1, 24, 2:

    stabant compositi suis quisque ordinibus,

    id. 44, 38, 11:

    (consules) in suas quisque provincias proficiscuntur,

    id. 25, 12, 2; 25, 26, 13:

    in suo quaeque (stella) motu naturam suam exercent,

    Plin. 2, 39, 39, § 106.—With abl. absol.:

    omnes, velut dis auctoribus in spem suam quisque acceptis, proelium una voce poscunt,

    Liv. 21, 45, 9 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    relictis suis quisque stationibus... concurrerunt,

    id. 32, 24, 4; 4, 44, 10; 39, 49, 3; 2, 38, 6.—
    With acc. of quisque as subj.:

    fabrum esse suae quemque fortunae, App. Claud. ap. Ps.-Sall. Ep. ad Caes. Rep. c. l.: sui quemque juris et retinendi et dimittendi esse dominum,

    Cic. Balb. 13, 31:

    recipere se in domos suas quemque jussit,

    Liv. 25, 10, 9; and (ungrammatically) nom., as apposition to a subj.-acc.:

    se non modo suam quisque patriam, sed totam Siciliam relicturos,

    id. 26, 29, 3 MSS. (Weissenb. ex conj. quosque).—
    As adjunct of the subject-nom., with a case of quisque as object, attribut. gen., etc.:

    sua cujusque animantis natura est,

    Cic. Fin. 5, 9, 25:

    sua quemque fraus, suum facinus, suum scelus, etc., de sanitate ac mente deturbat,

    id. Pis. 20, 46:

    sua quemque fraus et suus terror maxime vexat,

    id. Rosc. Am. 24, 67:

    suum cuique incommodum ferendum est,

    id. Off. 3, 6, 30:

    ut solidum suum cuique solvatur,

    id. Rab. Post. 17, 46:

    ne suus cuique domi hostis esset,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    ut sua cuique respublica in manu esset,

    id. 26, 8, 11:

    animus suus cuique ordinem pugnandi dabat,

    id. 22, 5, 8:

    tentorium suum cuique militi domus ac penates sunt,

    id. 44, 39, 5:

    suus cuique (stellae) color est,

    Plin. 2, 18, 16, § 79:

    trahit sua quemque voluptas,

    Verg. E. 2, 65:

    stat sua cuique dies,

    id. A. 10, 467.—
    As predicate-nom. (v. II. B.):

    opinionem, quae sua cuique conjectanti esse potest,

    Liv. 6, 12, 3.—
    As adjunct of subj.-acc.:

    suum cuique honorem et gradum redditum gaudeo,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 47, 136:

    scientiam autem suam cujusque artis esse,

    id. Fin. 5, 9, 26.—
    As adjunct of an object, with a case of quisque as object or attribut. gen.: suam cuique sponsam, mihi meam: suum cuique amorem, mihi meum, Atil. Fragm. inc. 1: suom cuique per me uti atque frui licet, Cato ap. Gell. 13, 24 (23), 1:

    ut suo quemque appellem nomine,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 52:

    placet Stoicis suo quamque rem nomine appellare,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 22, 1:

    ad suam cujusque naturam consilium est omne revocandum,

    id. Off. 1, 33, 119:

    justitia quae suum cuique distribuit,

    id. N. D. 3, 15, 38:

    in tribuendo suum cuique,

    id. Off. 1, 5, 14:

    Turnus sui cuique periculi recens erat documentum,

    Liv. 1, 52, 4:

    in trimatu suo cuique dimidiam esse mensuram futurae certum esse,

    Plin. 7, 15, 16, § 73:

    certa cuique rerum suarum possessio,

    Vell. 2, 89, 4; cf.: qua re suum unicuique studium suaque omnibus delectatio relinquatur, Ps.-Cic. Cons. 26, 93.—With quemque in apposition with acc. plur.:

    Camillus vidit intentos opifices suo quemque operi,

    Liv. 6, 25, 9; so cujusque in appos. with gen. plur.: trium clarissimorum suae cujusque gentis virorum mors, id. 39, 52, 7; and cuique with dat. plur.: sui cuique mores fingunt fortunam hominibus, Poet. ap. Nep. Att. 11, 6 (where Lachm. ad Lucr. 2, 372, reads quique, ex conj.; cf. b. b, infra).—
    Attraction of suus and quisque as adjuncts of nouns.
    Attraction of suus:

    ut nemo sit nostrum quin in sensibus sui cujusque generis judicium requirat acrius (= suum cujusque generis judicium),

    Cic. Ac. 2, 7, 19:

    quas tamen inter omnes (voces) est suo quoque in genere (vox) mediocris ( = inter omnes voces est mediocris vox, sua quoque in genere),

    id. de Or. 3, 57, 216:

    eo concilia suae cujusque regionis indici jussit (= sua cujusque regionis concilia),

    Liv. 45, 29, 10:

    equites suae cuique parti post principia collocat (= equites suos cuique parti),

    id. 3, 22, 6:

    cum motibus armorum et corporum suae cuique genti assuetis,

    id. 25, 17, 5:

    legiones deducebantur cum tribunis et centurionibus et sui cujusque ordinis militibus (= suis cujusque),

    Tac. A. 14, 27:

    quae sui cujusque sunt ingenii,

    Quint. 7, 10, 10 Halm (al. sua):

    sui cujusque ingenii poma vel semina gerunt (= sua cujusque),

    Col. 3, 1;

    and by a double attraction: has (cohortes) subsidiariae ternae et aliae totidem suae cujusque legionis subsequebantur (= has cohortes... totidem cujusque legionis, suam quaeque legionem, subsequebantur),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 83. —
    Attraction of quisque:

    tanta ibi copia venustatum in suo quique loco sita,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 6 (al. quaeque):

    quodvis frumentum non tamen omne Quique suo genere inter se simile esse videbis,

    Lucr. 2, 372 Lachm. and Munro ad loc.:

    cum verba debeant sui cujusque generis copulari,

    Varr. L. L. 10, 48:

    in sensibus sui cujusque generis judicium,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 7, 19:

    haec igitur proclivitas ad suum quodque genus aegrotatio dicatur,

    id. Tusc. 4, 12, 28:

    separatim greges sui cujusque generis nocte remeabant (= greges sui quisque generis),

    Liv. 24, 3, 5:

    ut sui cujusque mensis acciperet (frumentum),

    Suet. Aug. 40;

    and quisque both attracted and in its own case: quia cujusque partis naturae et in corpore et in animo sua quaeque vis sit (where either cujusque or quaeque is redundant),

    Cic. Fin. 5, 17, 46; v. Madv. ad loc.; Cato, R. R. 23 fin.;

    so esp. in the phrases suo quoque tempore, anno, die, loco, etc.: pecunia, quae in stipendium Romanis suo quoque anno penderetur, deerat (= suo quaeque anno),

    each instalment in the year when due, Liv. 33, 46, 9 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    suo quoque loco,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 2; 1, 22, 6:

    opera quae suis quibusque temporibus anni vilicum exsequi oporteret,

    Col. 11, 3:

    suo quoque tempore,

    Vitr. 2, 9, 4:

    nisi sua quaque die usurae exsolverentur (= sua quaeque die),

    Dig. 22, 1, 12 init.; 13, 7, 8, § 3:

    ut opera rustica suo quoque tempore faciat,

    ib. 19, 2, 25, § 3 (al. quaeque)—
    In the order quisque... suus.
    In relative clauses, comparative clauses with ut, and interrogative clauses introduced by quid, etc., where quisque immediately follows the relative, etc.:

    ut quisque suom volt esse, ita est,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 45; cf.

    with sibi,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 18, 49; id. Lael. 9, 30:

    expendere oportere quid quisque habeat sui... nec velle experiri quam se aliena deceant. Id enim maxime quemque decet quod est cujusque maxime suum,

    id. Off. 1, 31, 113:

    neque solum quid in senatu quisque civitatis suae dicerent ignorabant, sed, etc.,

    Liv. 32, 19, 9:

    gratius id fore laetiusque quod quisque sua manu ex hoste captum rettulerit,

    id. 5, 20, 8; 6, 25, 10; cf.:

    in quibus cum multa sint quae sua quisque dicere velit, nihil est quod quisque suum possit dicere,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 23, 1.—
    If the emphasis is not on suus, but (for quisque, when emphatic, unusquisque is used) on some other word:

    in civitates quemque suas... dimisit,

    Liv. 21, 48, 2:

    in patriam quisque suam remissus est,

    Just. 33, 2, 8:

    in vestigio quemque suo vidit,

    Liv. 28, 22, 15; cf.:

    hospitibus quisque suis scribebant,

    id. 33, 45, 6:

    pro facultatibus quisque suis,

    id. 42, 53, 3; cf.:

    respiciendae sunt cuique facultates suae,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 15, 3:

    praecipitat quisque vitam suam et futuri desiderio laborat,

    id. Brev. Vit. 7, 5; id. Ben. 7, 5, 1:

    tunc praeceps quisque se proripit et penates suos deserit,

    id. Q. N. 6, 1, 5; 5, 18, 8:

    summum quisque causae suae judicem facit,

    Plin. 1, prooem. § 10: aestimatione nocturnae [p. 1828] quietis, dimidio quisque spatio vitae suae vivit, id. 7, 50, 51, § 167.—
    Poets adopt the order quisque suus when the metre requires it, Verg. A. 6, 743:

    oscula quisque suae matri tulerunt,

    Ov. F. 2, 715. —
    When suus and quisque belong to different clauses:

    atque earum quaeque, suum tenens munus... manet in lege naturae,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 13, 38. —
    Suus uterque, or uterque suus, distributively of two subjects:

    suas uterque legiones reducit in castra,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 40; 2, 28:

    ideo quod uterque suam legem confirmare debebit,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 49, 142:

    cum sui utrosque adhortarentur,

    Liv. 1, 25, 1:

    ad utrumque ducem sui redierunt,

    id. 21, 29, 5:

    utraque (lex) sua via it,

    Sen. Ben. 6, 6, 1; cf.

    uterque, in apposit.: nec ipsi tam inter se acriter contenderunt, quam studia excitaverant uterque sui corporis hominum,

    Liv. 26, 48, 6.—
    With sibi.
    Sibi with pronom. force (cf. sui, IV. C. fin.):

    reddam suum sibi,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 119 ( = ei; but referred to b, infra, by Brix ad loc.); cf.:

    suam rem sibi salvam sistam,

    id. Poen. 5, 2, 123:

    idem lege sibi sua curationem petet,

    for himself, Cic. Agr. 2, 9, 22 (cf. id. Phil. 2, 37, 96;

    I. B. 2. b. supra): ut vindicare sibi suum fulgorem possint,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, 1, 11; cf.

    the formula of divorce: tuas res tibi habeto,

    Dig. 24, 2, 2.—Hence, illam suam suas res sibi habere jussit, Cic. Phil. 2, 28, 69.—
    With sibi redundant, to strengthen suus (anteand post-class. and colloq.):

    quo pacto serviat suo sibi patri,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 5:

    eum necabam ilico per cerebrum pinna sua sibi, quasi turturem,

    id. Poen. 2, 40; v. sui, IV. C. and the passages there cited.—
    With gen. agreeing with the subject of suus:

    quas cum solus pertulisset ut sua unius in his gratia esset,

    that the credit of it should belong to him alone, Liv. 2, 8, 3:

    qui de sua unius sententia omnia gerat,

    id. 44, 22, 11; cf.:

    unam Aegyptus in hoc spem habet suam,

    Sen. Q. N. 4, 2, 2.—For suus ipsius, etc., v. D. 1. b. supra.—
    With demonstr., rel., or indef. pronn. and adjj., of his, hers, etc.:

    postulat ut ad hanc suam praedam adjutores vos profiteamini,

    to this booty of his, Cic. Rosc. Am. 2, 6:

    Sestius cum illo exercitu suo,

    id. Sest. 5, 12:

    qua gravitate sua,

    id. ib. 61, 129:

    suam rem publicam illam defenderunt,

    that republic of theirs, id. ib. 67, 141:

    in istum civem suum,

    against this citizen of theirs, id. Balb. 18, 41:

    cum illo suo pari,

    id. Pis. 8, 18:

    te nulla sua calamitate civitas satiare potest?

    id. Phil. 8, 6, 19:

    dubitatis igitur, quin vos M. Laterensis ad suam spem aliquam delegerit,

    for some hope of his, id. Planc. 16, 39:

    non tam sua ulla spe quam militum impetu tractus,

    by any hope of his, Liv. 25, 21, 5:

    nullo suo merito,

    from no fault of theirs, id. 26, 29, 4:

    ipse arcano cum paucis familiaribus suis colloquitur,

    with a few of his friends, Caes. B. C. 1, 19.—
    With descriptive adjj.
    Standing before the adj. and noun (so most freq.):

    suorum improbissimorum sermonum domicilium,

    Cic. Pis. 31, 76:

    causam sui dementissimi consilii,

    id. Phil. 2, 22, 53:

    suam insatiabilem crudelitatem,

    id. ib. 11, 3, 8:

    suis amplissimis fortunis,

    id. ib. 13, 8, 16:

    suum pristinum morem,

    id. Pis. 12, 27:

    suis lenissimis postulatis,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 5: simili ratione Pompeius in suis veteribus castris consedit (suis emphatic; cf. b, infra), id. ib. 3, 76.—
    Between the adj. and noun (less emphatic):

    pro eximiis suis beneficiis,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 4, 7:

    propter summam suam humanitatem,

    id. Fam. 15, 14, 1:

    ex praeteritis suis officiis,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 60:

    Caesar in veteribus suis castris consedit,

    id. ib. 3, 76.—
    After adj. and noun:

    veterem amicum suum excepit,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 16, 43:

    in illo ardenti tribunatu suo,

    id. Sest. 54, 116.—
    Objectively for the pers. pron. (rare):

    neque cuiquam mortalium injuriae suae parvae videntur ( = sibi illatae),

    Sall. C. 51, 11; so,

    neglectam ab Scipione et nimis leviter latam suam injuriam ratus,

    Liv. 29, 9, 9:

    ipsae enim leges te a cognitione sua judicio publico reppulerunt ( = a se cognoscendo),

    Cic. Balb. 14, 32:

    suam invidiam tali morte quaesitam ( = quaesitum esse ab eo ut homines se inviderent),

    Tac. A. 3, 16; so,

    nulla sua invidia,

    Cic. Mil. 15, 40.—
    Abl. fem. sua, with refert or interest, for gen. of the pers. pron.: neminem esse qui quomodo se habeat nihil sua censeat interesse, Cic. Fin. 5, 10, 30:

    si scit sua nihil interesse utrum anima per os, an per jugulum exeat,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 33; v. intersum, III.—
    Strengthened by the suffix - pte or -met.
    By - pte (not used with ipse) affixed to the forms sua, suo, and (ante-class.) suum:

    quom illa osculata esset suumpte amicum,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 4, 38:

    ut terrena suopte nutu et suo pondere in terram ferantur,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 17, 40:

    ferri suopte pondere,

    id. N. D. 1, 25, 69:

    suapte natura,

    id. Fat. 18, 42:

    suapte vi et natura,

    id. ib. 19, 43; id. Fin. 1, 16, 54; 5, 22, 61:

    suopte ingenio,

    Liv. 25, 18; so id. 1, 25, 1; 1, 18, 4:

    suapte manu,

    Cic. Or. 3, 3, 10:

    locus suapte natura infestus,

    Liv. 44, 6, 9; so,

    suapte natura,

    id. 4, 22, 4:

    flumina suapte natura vasta,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 27, 8; so id. Ben. 4, 17, 2:

    sponte suapte,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 7, § 70.—
    With - met, almost always followed by ipse (in all forms of suus except suus, suum, suae, and suorum):

    suomet ipsi more,

    Sall. J. 31, 6:

    suomet ipsi instrumento,

    Liv. 22, 14, 13:

    suomet ipsi metu,

    Tac. H. 3, 16 fin.:

    suamet ipsum pecunia,

    Sall. J. 8, 2:

    suamet ipsae fraude,

    Liv. 8, 18, 9:

    intra suamet ipsum moenia,

    id. 6, 36, 4:

    suismet ipsi praesidiis,

    id. 8, 25, 6:

    suismet ipsis corporibus,

    id. 2, 19, 5:

    suosmet ipsi cives,

    id. 2, 9, 5:

    suasmet ipse spes,

    Tac. A. 3, 66 fin. —Without ipse:

    populum suimet sanguinis mercede,

    Sall. H. Fragm. 1, 41, 25 Dietsch:

    magna pars suismet aut proxumorum telis obtruncabantur,

    id. ib. 2, 52 ib.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > suum

  • 11 suus

    sŭus, a, um (old form sos, sa, sum; dat. plur. sis, Enn. ap. Fest. p. 301 Mull.; acc. sas. id. ib. p. 325 ib.; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 47; Schol. Pers. 1, 108; sing. sam for suam, Fest. p. 47 Mull.;

    so for suo, C. I. L. 5, 2007. In ante-class. verse su- with the following vowel freq. forms one syllable,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 48; id. Ps. 1, 3, 5; Ter. And. 1, 1, 68; Lucr. 1, 1022; v. Neue, Formenl. 2, 189 sqq.), pron. poss., 3 d pers. [root SVA-; Sanscr. sva, own; cf. sui; Gr. seWo-, whence sphe, etc., and he; cf. heos], of or belonging to himself, herself, etc.; his own, her own, etc.; his, her, its, their; one ' s; hers, theirs.
    Ordinary possessive use his, etc. (cf. the similar use of the pers. pron. sui, q. v.).
    With antecedent in the same sentence.
    The antecedent a subject-nominative, expressed or understood.

    Caesar copias suas divisit,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 97:

    ille in sua sententia perseverat,

    id. ib. 1, 72:

    tantam habebat suarum rerum fiduciam,

    id. ib. 2, 37:

    cum sceleris sui socios Romae reliquisset,

    Cic. Cat. 3, 1, 3:

    cur ego non ignoscam si anteposuit suam salutem meae?

    id. Pis. 32, 79; id. Phil. 2, 18, 45; id. Mil. 10, 27; id. Fam. 15, 14, 1:

    Hanno praefecturam ejus (i.e. Muttinis) filio suo (Hannonis) dedit,

    Liv. 26, 40, 7:

    imperat princeps civibus suis,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 16, 2:

    nemo rem suam emit,

    id. Ben. 7, 4, 8.—

    mea Glycerium suos parentes repperit,

    Ter. And. 5, 6, 5:

    utinam haec ignoraret suum patrem,

    id. Phorm. 5, 6, 34:

    si nunc facere volt era officium suom,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 8, 72:

    ne eadem mulier cum suo conjuge honestissimum adulescentem oppressisse videatur,

    Cic. Cael. 32, 78:

    si omnibus suis copiis excellentem virum res publica armasset,

    id. Phil. 13, 16, 32.—

    omne animal, simul et ortum est, et se ipsum et omnes partes suas diligit,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 11, 33:

    cum mea domus ardore suo deflagrationem Italiae toti minaretur,

    id. Planc. 40, 95.—
    Their: (legiones) si consulem suum reliquerunt, vituperandae sunt Cic. Phil. 5, 2, 4:

    mittent aliquem de suo numero,

    id. ib. 11, 10, 25:

    rationem illi sententiae suae non fere reddebant,

    id. Tusc. 1, 17, 38:

    qui agellos suos redimere a piratis solebant,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 37, § 85:

    edicunt ut ad suum vestitum senatores redirent,

    id. Sest. 14, 32:

    suis finibus eos prohibent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 1: Allobrogibus sese persuasuros existimabant ut per suos (Allobrogum) fines eos (Helvetios) ire paterentur, id. id. 1, 6;

    and distributively: ac naves onerariae LXIII. in portu expugnatae, quaedam cum suis oneribus, frumento, armis, aere, etc.,

    some with their several cargoes, Liv. 26, 47, 9.—
    With a subject-clause as antecedent:

    id sua sponte apparebat tuta celeribus consiliis praepositurum,

    was selfevident, Liv. 22, 38, 13:

    ad id quod sua sponte satis collectum animorum erat, indignitate etiam Romani accendebantur,

    id. 3, 62, 1:

    secutum tamen sua sponte est ut vilior ob ea regi Hannibal et suspectior fieret,

    id. 35, 14, 4. —
    With subject-acc. as antecedent:

    hanc dicam Athenis advenisse cum aliquo amatore suo, Plant. Mil. 2, 2, 86: doceo gratissimum esse in sua tribu Plancium,

    Cic. Planc. 19, 47:

    cupio eum suae causae confidere,

    id. Sest. 64, 135:

    suspicari debuit (Milo), eum (Clodium) ad villam suam (Clodii) deversurum,

    id. Mil. 19, 51: Medeam praedicant in fuga fratris sui membra dissipavisse, id. Imp. Pomp. 9, 22:

    (dixit) Caesarem pro sua dignitate debere et studium et iracundiam suam reipublicae dimittere,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 8.—
    With object-acc. as antecedent.
    Suus being an adjunct of the subject (generally rendered in Engl. by a pass. constr.):

    hunc pater suus de templo deduxit,

    he was taken from the temple by his father, Cic. Inv. 2, 17, 52:

    hunc sui cives e civitate ejecerunt,

    id. Sest. 68, 142:

    Alexandrum uxor sua... occidit,

    id. Inv. 2, 49, 144:

    illum ulciscentur mores sui,

    id. Att. 9, 12, 2:

    quodsi quem natura sua... forte deficiet,

    id. Or. 1, 14:

    utrumque regem sua multitudo consalutaverat,

    Liv. 1, 7, 1:

    quas (urbes) sua virtus ac dii juvent, magnas sibi opes facere,

    id. 1, 9, 3; 1, 7, 15; 6, 33, 5:

    quos nec sua conscientia impulerit, nec, etc.,

    id. 26, 33, 3; 25, 14, 7:

    consulem C. Marium servus suus interemit,

    Val. Max. 6, 8, 2:

    quis non Vedium Pollionem pejus oderat quam servi sui?

    Sen. Clem. 1, 18, 2:

    sera dies sit qua illum gens sua caelo adserat,

    id. Cons. Poll. 12 (31), 5.—With the antecedent understood from the principal sentence:

    ita forma simili pueri ut mater sua internoscere (sc. eos) non posset,

    Plaut. Men. prol. 19; and with suus as adjunct both of the subject and of the antecedent: jubet salvere suos vir uxorem suam, id. merc. 4, 3, 11. —
    With impers. verbs:

    sunt homines, quos libidinis infamiaeque suae neque pudeat neque taedeat,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 12, 35:

    video fore ut inimicos tuos poeniteat intemperantiae suae,

    id. Fam. 3, 10, 1:

    si Caesarem beneficii sui poeniteret,

    id. Lig. 10, 29; so id. Agr. 2, 11, 26:

    jam ne nobilitatis quidem suae plebejos poenitere,

    Liv. 10, 7, 8:

    militem jam minus virtutis poenitere suae,

    id. 22, 12, 10.—
    As adjunct of other members of the sentence:

    ad parentes suos ducas Silenium,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 86. nam is illius filiam conicit in navem clam matrem suam (i.e. filiae), id. Mil. 2, 1, 34:

    eosdem ad quaestoris sui aut imperatoris, aut commilitonum suorum pericula impulistis,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 17, 34:

    totum enim ex sua patria sustulisti,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 49, § 127; id. Or. 3, 32, 126: quem (Hammonium) tibi etiam suo nomine ( on his own account) commendo... itaque peto a te ut ejus procuratorem et ipsum suo nomine diligas, id. Fam. 13, 21, 2:

    Caesar Fabium in sua remittit hiberna,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 33; id. B. C. 3, 24:

    introire ad Ciceronem, et domi suae imparatum confodere,

    Sall. C. 28, 1:

    suis flammis delete Fidenas,

    i. e. the flames kindled by the Fidenates, Liv. 4, 33, 5:

    suo igni involvit hostes,

    Tac. A. 14, 30:

    quid Caesarem in sua fata inmisit?

    Sen. Ep. 94, 65; id. Q. N. 1, praef. 7; cf.

    with antecedent supplied from preceding sentence: non destiti rogare et petere (sc. Brutum) mea causa, suadere et hortari sua,

    Cic. Att. 6, 2, 7.—
    With dat. as antecedent.
    As adjunct of subject (cf. 4. supra):

    suus rex reginae placet,

    a queen likes her own king, Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 76:

    ei nunc alia ducenda'st domum, sua cognata Lemniensis,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 101:

    Autronio nonne sodales, non collegae sui... defuerunt?

    Cic. Sull. 2, 7:

    si ceteris facta sua recte prosunt,

    id. Cat. 3, 12, 27:

    cui non magistri sui atque doctores, cui non... locus ipse... in mente versetur?

    id. Planc. 33, 81:

    haec omnia plane... Siculis erepta sunt: primum suae leges, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 13, § 33:

    Romanis multitudo sua auxit animum,

    Liv. 21, 50, 4:

    sicuti populo Romano sua fortuna labet,

    id. 42, 50, 7:

    Lanuvinis sacra sua reddita,

    id. 8, 14, 2:

    vilitas sua illis detrahit pretium,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 29, 2:

    nemo est cui felicitas sua satisfaciat,

    id. Ep. 115, 17:

    labor illi suus restitutus est,

    id. Brev. Vit. 20, 3:

    magnitudo sua singulis constat,

    id. Q. N. 1, 1, 10:

    tantum sapienti sua, quantum Dec omnis aetas patet,

    id. Ep. 53, 11. —

    With antecedent supplied from principal sentence: mater quod suasit sua Adulescens mulier fecit, i.e. ei,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 4, 38.—
    Of other words:

    regique Thebano regnum stabilivit suum,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 40:

    mittam hodie huic suo die natali malam rem magnam,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 5:

    ego Metello non irascor, neque ei suam vacationem eripio,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 68, § 164:

    desinant insidiari domui suae consuli,

    id. Cat. 1, 13, 32:

    quibus ea res honori fuerit a suis civibus,

    id. Mil. 35, 96: Scipio suas res Syracusanis restituit, Liv. [p. 1824] 29, 1, 17:

    nos non suas (leges Lacedaemoniis arbitror) ademisse, sed nostras leges dedisse,

    id. 39, 37, 6:

    Graccho et Tuditano provinciae Lucani et Galliae cum suis exercitibus prorogatae,

    id. 25, 3, 5.—
    With gen., abl., or object of a prep. as antecedent:

    nec illius animi aciem praestringit splendor sui nominis,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 16, 43:

    nolite a sacris patriis Junonis Sospitae domesticum et suum consulem avellere,

    id. Mur. 41, 90:

    quamvis tu magna mihi scripseris de Bruti adventu ad suas legiones,

    id. Att. 14, 13, 12:

    suae legis ad scriptum ipsam quoque sententiam adjungere,

    the meaning of their law to which they refer, id. Inv. 2, 49, 147:

    cum ambitio alterius suam primum apud eos majestatem solvisset,

    Liv. 22, 42, 12:

    nunc causam instituendorum ludorum ab origine sua repetam,

    Val. Max. 2, 4, 4:

    Jubam in regno suo non locorum notitia adjuvet, non popularium pro rege suo virtus,

    Sen. Ep. 71, 10; id. Ben. 7, 6, 3; id. Clem. 1, 3, 4.—Esp. with cujusque as antecedent:

    in qua deliberatione ad suam cujusque naturam consilium est omne revocandum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 33, 119 (v. II. D. 2. infra).— Abl.:

    operam dare ut sua lex ipso scripto videatur niti,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 49, 147 (cf. supra):

    (Caesar reperiebat) ad Galbam propter justitiam prudentiamque suam totius belli summam deferri,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 4:

    credere, ad suum concilium a Jove deos advocari,

    Sen. Q. N. 2, 42, 1.—
    With predic. nom. as antecedent:

    sapientissimi artis suae professores sunt a quibus et propria studia verecunde et aliena callide administrantur,

    Val. Max. 8, 12, 1.—
    With appositive noun.
    With gram. subject as antecedent:

    hoc Anaximandro, populari ac sodali suo, non persuasit,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 37, 118:

    vidit fortissimum virum, inimicissimum suum,

    id. Mil. 9, 25:

    (hic) fuit in Creta contubernalis Saturnini, propinqui sui,

    id. Planc. 11, 27:

    ut non per L. Crassum, adfinem suum... causam illam defenderit,

    id. Balb. 21, 49:

    ne cum hoc T. Broccho, avunculo, ne cum ejus filio, consobrino suo, ne nobiscum vivat,

    id. Lig. 4, 11:

    Caesar mittit ad eum A. Clodium, suum atque illius familiarem,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 57.—
    With object as antecedent:

    Dicaearchum cum Aristoxeno, aequali et condiscipulo suo, omittamus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 18, 41:

    tres fratres optimos, non solum sibi ipsos, neque nobis, necessariis suis, sed etiam rei publicae condonavit,

    id. Lig. 12, 36:

    Varroni, quem, sui generis hominem,... vulgus extrahere ad consulatum nitebatur,

    Liv. 22, 34, 2.—
    With appositive noun as antecedent:

    si P. Scipionem, clarissimum virum, majorumque suorum simillimum res publica tenere potuisset,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 14, 29:

    M. Fabi Ambusti, potentis viri cum inter sui corporis homines, tum ad plebem, etc.,

    Liv. 6, 34, 5:

    C. vero Fabricii, et Q. Aemilii Papi, principum saeculi sui, domibus argentum fuisse confitear oportet,

    Val. Max. 4, 4, 3.—
    In participial clauses.
    The antecedent being the logical subject of the participle, and other than the principal subject:

    credamus igitur Panaetio, a Platone suo dissentienti ( = qui dissentiebat),

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 32, 79:

    ea Sex. Roscium, expulsum ex suis bonis, recepit domum,

    id. Rosc. Am. 10, 27:

    diffidentemque rebus suis confirmavit,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 9, 23:

    Dejotarum ad me venientem cum omnibus copiis suis, certiorem feci, etc.,

    id. Fam. 15, 4, 7; id. Cat. 4, 9, 18: si hominis et suis et populi Romani ornamentis amplissimi ( being greatly distinguished) causam repudiassem, id. Mur. 4, 8:

    stupentes tribunos et suam jam vicem magis anxios quam, etc., liberavit consensus populi Romani,

    Liv. 8, 35, 1; 22, 42, 8:

    manet in folio scripta querela suo ( = quam scripsit),

    Ov. F. 5, 224; cf. in abl. absol.:

    et ipsis (hostibus) regressis in castra sua,

    Liv. 22, 60, 9:

    quibus (speculis) si unum ostenderis hominem, populus adparet, unaquaque parte faciem exprimente sua,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, 5, 5.—
    The logical subject of the participle, being also the principal subject:

    sic a suis legionibus condemnatus irrupit in Galliam,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 10, 21:

    hunc agrum patres nostri, acceptum a majoribus suis ( = quem acceperant), perdiderunt,

    id. Agr. 2, 31, 84:

    ut in suis ordinibus dispositi dispersos adorirentur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 92: Appius, odium in se aliorum suo in eos metiens odio, haud ignaro, inquit, imminet fortuna, Liv. 3, 54, 3:

    ipsa capit Condita in pharetra ( = quae condiderat) tela minora sua,

    Ov. F. 2, 326; cf. in abl. absol.:

    Sopater, expositis suis difficultatibus ( = cum exposuisset, etc.): Timarchidem... perducit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 28, § 69:

    Caesar, primum suo deinde omnium ex conspectu remotis equis, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 25:

    Campani, audita sua pariter sociorumque clade, legatos ad Hannibalem miserunt,

    Liv. 25, 15, 1:

    (Appius) deposito suo magistratu... domum est reductus,

    id. 4, 24, 7; 3, 35, 9; 9, 10, 13; 9, 41, 9.—
    The antecedent being the principal subject, not the logical subject of the participle:

    M. Papirius dicitur Gallo, barbam suam (i.e. Papirii) permulcenti,... iram movisse,

    Liv. 5, 41, 9: cum Gracchus, verecundia deserendi socios, implorantis fidem suam populique Romani, substitisset. id. 23, 36, 8; cf. in abl. absol.:

    si sine maximo dedecore, tam impeditis suis rebus, potuisset emori,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 10, 29; id. Mil. 14, 38; id. Planc. 21, 51; id. Clu. 14, 42:

    ita (consul) proelio uno accidit Vestinorum res, haudquaquam tamen incruento milite suo (consulis),

    Liv. 8, 29, 12; cf.

    with antecedent to be supplied: Campani, cum, robore juventutis suae acciso, nulla (sc. eis) propinqua spes esset, etc.,

    id. 7, 29, 7.—
    In gerund. construction. ( a) With subject as antecedent:

    mihi ipsa Roma ad complectendum conservatorem suum progredi visa est,

    Cic. Pis. 22, 52.—
    With object, the logical subjects of the gerund as antecedent:

    cur iis persequendi juris sui... adimis potestatem?

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21:

    si senatui doloris sui de me declarandi potestas esset erepta,

    id. Sest. 23, 51:

    nec tribunis plebis (spatium datur) sui periculi deprecandi,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 5.—
    With antecedent dependent on the gerund:

    eamque rem illi putant a suum cuique tribuendo appellatam,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 19.—
    As adjunct of a noun dependent on a subjectinf., with its logical subject as antecedent:

    magnum Miloni fuit, conficere illam pestem nulla sua invidia?

    Cic. Mil. 15, 40:

    neque enim fuit Gabinii, remittere tantum de suo nec regis, imponere tantum plus suis,

    his claim, id. Rab. Post. 11, 31:

    Piso, cui fructum pietatis suae neque ex me neque a populo Romano ferre licuit,

    id. Sest. 31, 68:

    ei cujus magis intersit, vel sua, vel rei publicae causa vivere,

    id. Off. 3, 23, 90:

    sapientis est consilium explicare suum de maximis rebus,

    id. Or. 2, 81, 333; id. Mil. 15, 41.—With logical subject understood:

    totam Italiam suis colonis ut complere (sc. eis) liceat, permittitur,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 13, 34:

    maximum (sc. eis) solacium erit, propinquorum eodem monumento declarari, et virtutem suorum, et populi Romani pietatem,

    id. Phil. 14, 13, 35.
    Without gram. antec., one ' s, one ' s own.
    Dependent on subject-inff.:

    ejusdem animi est, posteris suis amplitudinem nobis quam non acceperit tradere, et memoriam prope intermortuam generis sui, virtute renovare,

    Cic. Mur. 7, 16:

    siquidem atrocius est, patriae parentem quam suum occidere,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    miliens perire est melius quam in sua civitate sine armorum praesidio non posse vivere,

    id. ib. 2, 44, 112: quanto est honestius, alienis injuriis quam suis commoveri, one ' s own, id. Verr. 2, 3, 72, § 169:

    contentum suis rebus esse maximae sunt certissimaeque divitiae,

    id. Par. 6, 51:

    ut non liceat sui commodi causa nocere alteri,

    id. Off. 3, 5, 23:

    detrahere de altero sui commodi causa,

    id. ib. 3, 5, 24:

    suis exemplis melius est uti,

    Auct. Her. 4, 1, 2:

    levius est sua decreta tollere quam aliorum,

    Liv. 3, 21. 5; 39, 5, 2;

    29, 37, 11: satius est vitae suae rationes quam frumenti publici nosse,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 18, 3:

    quanto satius est sua mala exstinguere quam aliena posteris tradere?

    id. Q. N. 3, praef. 5:

    cum initia beneficiorum suorum spectare, tum etiam exitus decet,

    id. Ben. 2, 14, 2; 3, 1, 5:

    Romani nominis gloriae, non suae, composuisse illa decuit,

    Plin. 1, prooem. § 16.—With 1 st pers. plur., as indef. antecedent: cum possimus ab Ennio sumere... exemplum, videtur esse arrogantia illa relinquere, et ad sua devenire, to one ' s own = to our own, Auct. Her. 4, 1, 2.—
    Without a subject-inf.:

    omnia torquenda sunt ad commodum suae causae... sua diligenter narrando,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 21, 30: ut in ceteris habenda ratio non sua (al. sui) solum, sed etiam aliorum, id. Off. 1, 39, 139:

    erat Dareo mite ac tractabile ingenium, nisi suam naturam plerumque fortuna corrumperet (suam not referring to Dareo),

    Curt. 3, 2, 17 MSS. (Foss, mansuetam). — With 1 st pers. plur., as indef. antecedent (cf. 1. supra):

    non erit ista amicitia sed mercatura quaedam utilitatum suarum,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 44, 122; cf.: pro suo possidere, II. A. 2. a. g; and Cic. Off. 2, 21, 73, II. A. 2. b. a; cf. also II. B. 1. a; II. B. 5. c.; II. B. 7. b.; II. C. 8. b. b infra.
    With antec. in a previous sentence. Here ejus, eorum, earum are used for his, her, their, unless the clause is oblique in regard to the antecedent, i. e. the antecedent is conceived as the author of the statement.
    In clauses dependent on a verbum sentiendi or dicendi, expressed or understood, referring to the grammatical or logical subject of the verb.
    In infinitive clauses:

    (Clodius) Caesaris potentiam suam potentiam esse dicebat,

    Cic. Mil. 32, 88:

    (Caelius) a sua (causa) putat ejus (i.e. Ascitii) esse sejunctam,

    id. Cael. 10, 24:

    ipsos certo scio non negare ad haec bona Chrysogonum accessisse impulsu suo (referring to ipsos),

    id. Rosc. Am. 37, 107:

    hostes viderunt,... suorum tormentorum usum spatio propinquitatis interire,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 16:

    docent, sui judicii rem non esse,

    id. ib. 1, 13.—The reference of suus may be ambiguous, esp. if an infinitive is dependent on another:

    hoc Verrem dicere ajebant, te... opera sua consulem factum, i.e. Verris, though grammatically it might refer to the subj. of aiebant,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 10, 29:

    (Ariovistus) dixit neminem secum sine sua pernicie contendisse,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 36; cf. the context with, in all, eleven reflexive pronouns referring to four different antecedents (populus Romanus, Ariovistus, Caesar, nemo); cf.

    also: occurrebat ei, mancam praeturam suam futuram consule Milone,

    Cic. Mil. 9, 25; 32, 88; Liv. 3, 42, 2.—
    Suus in a clause dependent on inf.:

    scio equidem, ut, qui argentum afferret atque expressam imaginem suam (i.e. militis) huc ad nos, cum eo ajebat velle mitti mulierem,

    Plaut. Ps. 2, 2, 55:

    isti bonorum emptores arbitrantur, vos hic sedere qui excipiatis eos qui de suis (i.e. emptorum) manibus effugerint,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 52, 151:

    Siculi venisse tempus ajebant ut commoda sua defenderem,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 1, 3:

    ut tunc tandem sentiret recuperanda esse quae prius sua culpa amissa forent,

    Liv. 44, 8, 4. —

    Ambiguous: velle Pompejum se Caesari purgatum, ne ea quae reipublicae causa egerit (Pompejus) in suam (i.e. Caesaris) contumeliam vertat (where suam might be referred to Pompejus),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 8.—
    In oblique clauses introduced by ut or ne, or clauses subordinate to such:

    Cassius constituit ut ludi absente te fierent suo nomine,

    Cic. Att. 15, 11, 2:

    postulat ut ad hanc suam praedam tam nefariam adjutores vos profiteamini,

    id. Rosc. Am. 2, 6:

    Nasidius eos magnopere hortatur ut rursus cum Bruti classe, additis suis (i.e. Nasidii) auxiliis confligant,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 3:

    (regem) denuntiasse sibi ut triduo regni sui decederent finibus,

    Liv. 42, 25, 12:

    Sabinae mulieres, hinc patres, hinc viros orantes, ne parricidio macularent partus suos (i.e. mulierum),

    id. 1, 13, 2:

    Patron praecepit suis ut arma induerent, ad omne imperium suum parati,

    Curt. 5, 11, 1.—With reflex. pron., referring to a different antecedent:

    ad hanc (Laidem) Demosthenes clanculum adit, et ut sibi copiam sui faceret, petit,

    Gell. 1, 8, 5. —
    In subordinate clauses introduced by quin or quod:

    (Dejotarus) non recusat quin id suum facinus judices,

    Cic. Deiot. 15, 43; so id. ib. 4, 15;

    16, 45: parietes hujus curiae tibi gratias agere gestiunt, quod futura sit illa auctoritas in his majorum suorum et suis sedibus,

    id. Marcell. 3, 10:

    quidni gauderet quod iram suam nemo sentiret?

    Sen. Troad. 3, 13:

    querenti quod uxor sua e fico se suspendisset,

    Quint. 6, 3, 88;

    and with intentional ambiguity: cum Proculejus quereretur de filio quod is mortem suam expectaret,

    id. 9, 3, 68. —
    In interrogative clauses:

    si, quod officii sui sit, non occurrit animo, nihil umquam omnino aget,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 8, 25:

    ut non auderet iterum dicere quot milia fundus suus abesset ab urbe,

    id. Caecin. 10, [p. 1825] 28:

    donec sciat unisquisque quid sui, quid alieni sit,

    Liv. 6, 27, 8:

    rex ignarus, quae cum Hannibale legatis suis convenisset, quaeque legati ejus ad se allaturi fuissent,

    id. 23, 39, 2:

    postquam animadvertit quantus agminis sui terror esset,

    id. 43, 19, 5. —
    In a virtually oblique clause.
    In final clause, introduced by ut, ne, or rel., referring to the subject of the purpose:

    me a portu praemisit domum, ut haec nuntiem uxori suae,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 41:

    quasi Appius ille Caecus viam muniverit, non qua populus uteretur, sed ubi impune sui posteri latrocinarentur, i. e. Appii,

    Cic. Mil. 7, 17:

    quae gens ad Caesarem legatos mise. rat, ut suis omnibus facultatibus uteretur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 80:

    inde castra movent, ne qua vis sociis suis ab Romano exercitu inferri possit,

    Liv. 43, 23, 5:

    (Romani) Albam a fundamentis proruerunt, ne memoria originum suarum exstaret,

    id. 26, 13, 16:

    oppidani nuntios Romam, qui certiorem de suo casu senatum facerent, misere,

    id. 6, 33, 7; cf.:

    tanto intervallo ab hostibus consedit, ut nec adventus suus propinquitate nimia nosci posset, et, etc.,

    Liv. 10, 20, 7:

    Datames locum delegit talem ut non multum obesse multitudo hostium suae paucitati posset,

    Nep. Dat. 7, 3:

    quid si gubernator a diis procellas petat ut gratior ars sua periculo fiat?

    Sen. Ben. 6, 25, 4. —
    In other dependent clauses represented as conceived by an antecedent in the principal sentence:

    Sulla, si sibi suus pudor ac dignitas non prodesset, nullum auxilium requisivit ( = negavit se defendi velle, si, etc.),

    Cic. Sull. 5, 15:

    Paetus omnes libros quos frater suus reliquisset mihi donavit ( = dixit se donare libros quos, etc.),

    id. Att. 2, 1, 12:

    non enim a te emit, sed, priusquam tu suum sibi venderes, ipse possedit ( = potitus est, ne, etc.),

    id. Phil. 2, 37, 96:

    Africanus, si sua res ageretur, testimonium non diceret,

    id. Rosc. Am. 36, 3:

    ille ipse (Pompejus) proposuit epistulam illam, in qua est Pro tuis rebus gestis amplissimis. Amplioribusne quam suis, quam Africani?

    id. Att. 8, 9, 2:

    spiritus dabat (Manlio) quod... vinculorum suorum invidiam dictator fugisset,

    Liv. 6, 18, 4:

    (Numa) Camenis eum lucum sacravit, quod earum ibi concilia cum conjuge sua Egeria essent,

    id. 1, 21, 3:

    adulescens deos omnis invocare ad gratiam illi pro se referendam, quoniam sibi nequaquam satis facultatis pro suo animo atque illius erga se esset,

    id. 26, 50, 4 (cf. D. 1. a. infra).
    In the place of ejus.
    In clauses virtually oblique, but with indicative, being conceived by the antecedent (hence suus, not ejus), but asserted as fact by the author (hence indicative, not subjunctive):

    Cicero tibi mandat ut Aristodemo idem respondeas, quod de fratre suo (Ciceronis) respondisti,

    Cic. Att. 2, 7, 4:

    oriundi ab Sabinis, ne, quia post Tatii mortem ab sua parte non erat regnatum, imperium amitterent, sui corporis creari regem volebant,

    Liv. 1, 17, 2:

    C. Caesar villam pulcherrimam, quia mater sua aliquando in illa custodita erat, diruit,

    Sen. Ira, 3, 21, 5:

    Philemonem, a manu servum, qui necem suam per venenum inimicis promiserat, non gravius quam simplici morte punivit,

    Suet. Caes. 74; cf.:

    quomodo excandescunt si quid e juba sua decisum est,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 12, 3.—
    To avoid ambiguity:

    petunt rationes illius (Catilinae) ut orbetur consilio res publica, ut minuatur contra suum (i.e. Catilinae) furorem imperatorum copia (instead of ejus, which might be referred to res publica),

    Cic. Mur. 39, 83:

    equites a cornibus positos, cum jam pelleretur media peditum suorum acies, incurrisse ab lateribus ferunt,

    Liv. 1, 37, 3.—
    Colloquially and in epistolary style suus is used emphatically instead of ejus, with the meaning own, peculiar: deinde ille actutum subferret suus servus poenas Sosia, his own slave (opp. Mercury, who personates Sosias), Plaut. Am. 3, 4, 19: mira erant in civitatibus ipsorum furta Graecorum quae magistratus sui fecerant, their own magistrates ( = ipsorum), Cic. Att. 6, 2, 5:

    in quibus (litteris Bruti) unum alienum summa sua prudentia (est), ut spectem ludos suos,

    his peculiar prudence, id. ib. 15, 26, 1; so,

    quod quidem ille (Nero) decernebat, quorumdam dolo ad omina sui exitus vertebatur,

    Tac. A. 16, 24; cf. II. A. 1. b and g; II. A. 2. a. b; II. B. 3.—
    Without particular emphasis (mostly ante- and post-class. and poet.):

    tum erit tempestiva cum semen suum maturum erit,

    Cato, R. R. 31:

    vitis si macra erit, sarmenta sua concidito minute,

    id. ib. 37:

    qui sic purgatus erit, diuturna valetudine utatur, neque ullus morbus veniet, nisi sua culpa,

    id. ib. 157:

    Cimon in eandem invidiam incidit quam pater suus,

    Nep. Cim. 3, 1:

    id qua ratione consecutus sit (Lysander) latet. Non enim virtute sui exercitus factum est, etc.,

    id. Lys. 1, 2:

    ipse sub Esquiliis, ubi erat regia sua, Concidit,

    Ov. F. 6, 601:

    quodque suus conjux riguo collegerat horto, Truncat olus foliis,

    id. M. 8, 646; so id. ib. 15, 819.
    In partic.
    As substt.
    sui, suorum, m., his, their (etc.) friends, soldiers, fellow-beings, equals, adherents, followers, partisans, posterity, slaves, family, etc., of persons in any near connection with the antecedent.
    (Corresp. to the regular usage, I. A. B. C.) Cupio abducere ut reddam (i.e. eam) suis, to her family, friends, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 77; cf. id. ib. 1, 2, 66:

    cum animus societatem caritatis coierit cum suis, omnesque natura conjunctos suos duxerit,

    fellow-beings, Cic. Leg. 1, 23, 60:

    mulier ingeniosa praecepit suis omnia Caelio pollicerentur,

    her slaves, id. Cael. 25, 62:

    quo facilius et nostras domos obire, et ipse a suis coli possit,

    his friends, id. ib. 7, 18:

    qua gratiam beneficii vestri cum suorum laude conjungant,

    their family, id. Agr. 2, 1, 1:

    vellem hanc contemptionem pecuniae suis reliquisset,

    to his posterity, id. Phil. 3, 6, 16:

    cum divisurum se urbem palam suis polliceretur,

    his partisans, id. ib. 13, 9, 19:

    Caesar, cohortatus suos, proelium commisit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 25; so,

    Curio exercitum reduxit, suis omnibus praeter Fabium incolumibus,

    id. B. C. 2, 35:

    Caesar receptui suorum timens,

    id. ib. 3, 46:

    certior ab suis factus est, praeclusas esse portas,

    id. ib. 2, 20:

    omnium suorum consensu, Curio bellum ducere parabat,

    id. ib. 2, 37: so,

    Pompejus suorum omnium hortatu statuerat proelio decertare,

    id. ib. 3, 86:

    Caesar Brundisium ad suos severius scripsit,

    to his officers, id. ib. 3, 25:

    naviculam conscendit cum paucis suis,

    a few of his followers, id. ib. 3, 104:

    multum cum suis consiliandi causa secreto praeter consuetudinem loqueretur,

    id. ib. 1, 19:

    nupsit Melino, adulescenti inprimis inter suos et honesto et nobili,

    his equals, associates, Cic. Clu. 5, 11:

    rex raptim a suis in equum impositus fugit,

    his suite, Liv. 41, 4, 7:

    subsidio suorum proelium restituere,

    comrades, id. 21, 52, 10:

    feras bestias... ad opem suis ferendam avertas,

    their young, id. 26, 13, 12:

    abstulit sibi in suos potestatem,

    his slaves, Sen. Ira, 3, 12, 6:

    Besso et Nabarzani nuntiaverant sui regem... interemptum esse,

    their fellow - conspirators, Curt. 5, 12, 14. — Very rarely sing.:

    ut bona mens suis omnibus fuerit. Si quem libido abripuit, illorum eum, cum quibus conjuravit, non suum judicet esse,

    Liv. 39, 16, 5.—
    Irregular use (acc. to I. D.): sui = ejus amici, etc. (freq.;

    the absolute use of ejus in this sense being inadmissible): quasi vero quisquam dormiat? ne sui quidem hoc velint, non modo ipse (sui = ejus amici, liberi),

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 38, 92:

    is (annus) ejus omnem spem... morte pervertit. Fuit hoc luctuosum suis, acerbum patriae, etc.,

    id. Or. 3, 2, 8:

    quadrigas, quia per suos ( = ipsius milites) agendae erant, in prima acie locaverat rex,

    Liv. 37, 41, 8:

    auctoritatem Pisistrati qui inter suos ( = ejus cives) maxima erat,

    id. 37, 12:

    quo cum multitudine adversariorum sui superarentur, ipse fuit superior, etc.,

    Nep. Hann. 8, 4; v. g.—
    Without antecedent (cf. I. B. supra): quoties necesse est fallere aut falli a suis, by one ' s friends, Sen. Phoen. 493.—
    Sing.: sŭa, suae. f., a sweetheart, mistress (rare): illam suam suas res sibi habere jussit. Cic. Phil. 2, 28. 69:

    cedo quid hic faciet sua?

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 92.—
    sŭum, i, n., and more freq. sŭa, suorum, n. plur., = one ' s property.

    nec suom adimerem alteri,

    his property, his own, Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 38 (34):

    nunc si ille salvos revenit, reddam suom sibi (v. D. 3. a. infra),

    id. ib. 1, 2, 119:

    illum studeo quam facillime ad suum pervenire,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 26, 4:

    populi Romani hanc esse consuetudinem ut socios sui nihil deperdere velit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43; cf. Cic. Rab. Post. 11, 3, I. A. 11. supra:

    nec donare illi de suo dicimur,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 4, 2; so esp. with quisque; v. infra — Hence, de suo = per se, or sua sponte;

    (stellae) quae per igneos tractus labentia inde splendorem trahant caloremque, non de suo clara,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 1, 6. —

    meum mihi placebat, illi suum (of a literary essay),

    Cic. Att. 14, 20, 3: suom quemque decet, his own manners, etc., Plaut. Stich. 5, 4, 11; so, expendere oportet quid quisque habeat sui ( what peculiarities) nec velle experiri quam se aliena deceant;

    id enim maxime quemque decet quod est cujusque maxime suum,

    Cic. Off. 1, 31, 113.—
    Jurid. term: aliquid pro suo possidere, to possess in the belief of one ' s legal right:

    pro suo possessio tale est, cum dominium nobis acquiri putamus. Et ea causa possidemus ex qua acquiritur, et praeterea pro suo,

    Dig. 41, 10, 1;

    so without an antecedent, and referring to a first person: item re donata, pro donato et pro suo possideo,

    ib. 41, 10, 1; v. the whole tit. ib. 42, 10 (Pro suo); cf. ib. 23, 3, 67; cf. C., infra fin.;

    similarly: usucapere pro suo = acquire dominion by a possession pro suo, Fragm. Vat. 111: res pro suo, quod justam causam possidendi habet, usucapit,

    id. ib. 260; Dig. 41, 3, 27. —
    One ' s property:

    Roscius tibi omnia sua praeter animam tradidit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 50, 146:

    qui etiam hostibus externis victis sua saepissime reddiderunt,

    id. Agr. 1, 6, 19:

    tu autem vicinis tuis Massiliensibus sua reddis,

    id. Att. 14, 14, 6:

    Remi legatos miserunt qui dicerent se suaque omnia in fidem atque potestatem populi Romani permittere,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 3, 2; 1, 11, 2; 2, 13, 2:

    ipsi milites alveos informes quibus se suaque transveherent, faciebant,

    their baggage, Liv. 21, 26, 9:

    docere eos qui sua permisere fortunae,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, praef. 7; so without an antecedent, one ' s own property (cf. I. B. 2. supra):

    hanc ob causam maxime ut sua tenerentur res publicae constitutae sunt,

    Cic. Off. 2, 21, 73;

    rarely = eorum res: quod vero etiam sua reddiderint (i.e. Gallis),

    Liv. 39, 55, 3. —
    One ' s own affairs:

    aliena ut melius videant et dijudicent Quam sua,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 96:

    cognoscunt... immobile agmen et sua quemque molientem,

    Liv. 10, 20, 8:

    omnia ei hostium non secus quam sua nota erant,

    id. 22, 41, 5:

    aliena cum suis perdidit,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 16, 3.— Absol., referring to a noun fem.: sua (finxit) C. Cassius ( = suas persuasiones; cf.

    the context),

    Quint. 6, 3, 90.
    Predicative uses: suum esse, facere, fieri, putare, etc., like a gen. poss., to be, etc., the property, or under the dominion, control, power of the antecedent.
    Of property in things.

    scripsit causam dicere Prius aurum quare sit suum,

    Ter. Eun. prol. 11:

    nihil erat cujusquam quod non hoc anno suum fore putabat (Clodius),

    Cic. Mil. 32, 87:

    quia suum cujusque fit, eorum quae natura fuerant communia quod cuique obtigit, id quisque teneat,

    id. Off. 1, 7, 21:

    Juba suam esse praedicans praedam,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 84:

    gratum sibi populum facturum, si omnes res Neapolitanorum suas duxissent,

    Liv. 22, 32, 8: libros esse dicimus Ciceronis;

    eosdem Dorus librarius suos vocat,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 6, 1:

    cum enim istarum personarum nihil suum esse possit,

    since these persons can own nothing, Gai. Inst. 2, 96; cf. Dig. 1, 7, 15 pr.—Virtually predicative:

    referas ad eos qui suam rem nullam habent ( = rem quae sua sit),

    nothing of their own, Cic. Phil. 2, 6, 15:

    qui in potestate nostra est, nihil suum habere potest,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 84. — ( b) Of literary works:

    quae convenere in Andriam ex Perinthia Fatetur transtulisse, atque usum pro suis ( = quasi sua essent),

    Ter. And. prol. 14:

    potest autem... quae tum audiet... ingenue pro suis dicere,

    his own thoughts, Quint. 12, 3, 3.—
    Of a country or people:

    suum facere = suae dicionis facere: commemorat ut (Caesar) magnam partem Italiae beneficio atque auctoritate eorum suam fecerit,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 32:

    in quam (Asiam) jam ex parte suam fecerit,

    Liv. 44, 24, 4:

    crudelissima ac superbissima gens sua omnia suique arbitrii facit,

    id. 21, 44, 5.—

    omnia sua putavit quae vos vestra esse velletis,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 12, 27:

    non meminit, illum exercitum senatus populique Romani esse, non suum,

    id. ib. 13, 6, 4: [p. 1826] probavit, non rempublicam suam esse, sed se reipublicae, Sen. Clem. 1, 19, 8;

    so of incorporeal things: hi si velint scire quam brevis eorum vita sit, cogitent ex quota parte sua sit,

    how much of it is their own, id. Brev. Vit. 19, 3; so, suum facere, to appropriate:

    prudentis est, id quod in quoque optimum est, si possit, suum facere,

    Quint. 10, 2, 26:

    quaeremus quomodo animus (hanc virtutem) usu suam faciat,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 3, 1.—
    Of persons.
    Under a master ' s or father ' s control:

    ut lege caverent, ne quis quem civitatis mutandae causa suum faceret, neve alienaret,

    make any one his slave, Liv. 41, 8, 12: quid eam tum? suamne esse ajebat, his daughter, i.e. in his power? Ter. And. 5, 4, 29:

    eduxit mater pro sua ( = quasi sua esset),

    id. Eun. 1, 2, 76.—
    Reflexively = sui juris, independent, one ' s own master or mistress, not subject to another ' s control, under one ' s own control (v. sui juris, infra):

    ancilla, quae mea fuit hodie, sua nunc est,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 3, 3.—
    Of moral power over others: suus = devoted to one:

    hice hoc munere arbitrantur Suam Thaidem esse,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 38:

    eos hic fecit suos Paulo sumptu,

    id. Ad. 5, 4, 21:

    sed istunc exora, ut (mulierem) suam esse adsimulet,

    to be friendly to him, id. Heaut. 2, 3, 117:

    cum Antonio sic agens ut perspiciat, si in eo negotio nobis satisfecerit, totum me futurum suum,

    Cic. Att. 14, 1 a, 2:

    Alpheus... utebatur populo sane suo,

    devoted to him, id. Quint. 7, 29.— Poet.: vota suos habuere deos, the vows (inst. of the persons uttering them) had the gods on their side, Ov. M. 4, 373. —
    Of power over one's self, etc.:

    nam qui sciet ubi quidque positum sit, quaque eo veniat, is poterit eruere, semperque esse in disputando suus,

    self-possessed, Cic. Fin. 4, 4, 10:

    inaestimabile bonum est suum fieri,

    selfcontrol, Sen. Ep. 75, 18:

    (furiosus) qui suus non est,

    Dig. 42, 4, 7, § 9:

    vix sua, vix sanae virgo Niseia compos Mentis erat,

    Ov. M. 8, 35. —
    Suum est, as impers. predicate: = ejus est, characteristic of, peculiar to one (very rare):

    dixit antea, sed suum illud est, nihil ut affirmet,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 42, 99.
    Attributive usages, almost always (except in Seneca) with suus before its noun.
    The property, relations, affairs, etc., of one opposed to those of another, own.
    Opposition expressed:

    nihil de suo casu, multa de vestro querebatur,

    Cic. Balb. 8, 21:

    sua sibi propiora pericula quam mea loquebantur,

    id. Sest. 18, 40:

    suasque et imperatoris laudes canentes,

    Liv. 45, 38, 12:

    damnatione collegae et sua,

    id. 22, 35, 3:

    Senecae fratris morte pavidum et pro sua incolumitate pavidum,

    Tac. A. 14, 73:

    velut pro Vitellio conquerentes suum dolorem proferebant,

    id. H. 3, 37;

    opp. alienus: ut suo potius tempore mercatorem admitterent, quam celerius alieno,

    at a time convenient to themselves, Varr. R. R. 3, 16, 11. —Without antecedent, opp. externus:

    (Platoni) duo placet esse motus, unum suum, alterum externum, esse autem divinius quod ipsum ex se sua sponte moveatur, etc.,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 12, 32. —

    voluptatem suis se finibus tenere jubeamus,

    within the limits assigned to it, Cic. Fin. 3, 1, 1:

    cum vobis immortale monumentum suis paene manibus senatus... exstruxerit,

    id. Phil. 14, 12, 33:

    superiores (amnes) in Italia, hic (Rhodanus) trans Alpes, hospitales suas tantum, nec largiores quam intulere aquas vehentes,

    Plin. 2, 103, 106, § 224: colligitur aqua ex imbribus;

    ex suo fonte nativa est,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 3:

    pennas ambo non habuere suas (non suas = alienas),

    Ov. Tr. 3, 4, 24. —
    In particular phrases. ( a) Sua sponte and suo Marte, of one ' s own accord, by one ' s self, without the suggestion, influence, aid, etc., of others:

    Caesar bellum contra Antonium sua sponte suscepit,

    Cic. Phil. 8, 2, 5:

    sua sponte ad Caesarem in jus adierunt,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 87.—So of things, = per se, by or of itself, for itself, for its own sake:

    jus et omne honestum sua sponte expetendum (cf. in the context: per se igitur jus est expetendum),

    Cic. Leg. 1, 18, 48: justitium sua sponte inceptum priusquam indiceretur, by itself, i. e. without a decree, Liv. 9, 7, 8; so,

    sortes sua sponte attenuatas,

    id. 22, 1, 11 (cf. id. 22, 38, 13; 35, 14, 4, I. A. 2., supra): rex enim ipse, sua sponte, nullis commentariis Caesaris, simul atque audivit ejus interitum suo Marte res suas recuperavit, Cic. Phil. 2, 37, 95.—
    Suus locus, in milit. lang., one ' s own ground, position, or lines:

    restitit suo loco Romana acies (opp. to the advance of the enemy),

    Liv. 22, 16, 2.—So figuratively:

    et staturas suo loco leges,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 20, 2:

    aciem instruxit primum suis locis, pauloque a castris Pompeji longius,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 84 (cf.: suo loco, 7. b. g, infra).—
    For suo jure v. 3. infra.—
    Sua Venus = one's own Venus, i. e. good luck (v. Venus): ille non est mihi par virtutibus, nec officiis;

    sed habuit suam Venerem,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 28, 2. —
    Of private relations (opp. to public):

    ut in suis rebus, ita in re publica luxuriosus nepos,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 18, 48:

    deinde ut communibus pro communibus utatur, privatis ut suis,

    id. Off. 1, 7, 20:

    quod oppidum Labienus sua pecunia exaedificaverat,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 15:

    militibus agros ex suis possessionibus pollicetur,

    i. e. his private property, id. ib. 1, 17; Sen. Ben. 7, 6, 3. —
    Of just rights or claims:

    imperatori senatuique honos suus redditus,

    due to them, Liv. 3, 10, 3:

    neque inpedimento fuit, quominus religionibus suus tenor suaque observatio redderetur,

    Val. Max. 1, 1, 8:

    quibus omnibus debetur suus decor,

    Quint. 11, 1, 41. —

    So distributively: is mensibus suis dimisit legionem,

    in the month in which each soldier was entitled to his discharge, Liv. 40, 41, 8. — Esp.: suo jure (so, meo, nostro, tuo, etc., jure), by his own right:

    Tullus Hostilius qui suo jure in porta nomen inscripsit,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 12, 26:

    earum rerum hic A. Licinius fructum a me repetere prope suo jure debet,

    id. Arch. 1, 1; id. Marcell. 2, 6; id. Phil. 2, 25, 62; id. Balb. 8, 21:

    numquam illum res publica suo jure esset ulta,

    by its unquestionable right, id. Mil. 33, 88. —
    Of that to which one is exclusively devoted:

    huic quaestioni suum diem dabimus,

    a day for its exclusive discussion, Sen. Ep. 94, 52:

    homini autem suum bonum ratio est,

    his exclusive good, id. ib. 76, 10:

    in majorem me quaestionem vocas, cui suus locus, suus dies dandus est,

    id. Q. N. 2, 46, 1. —

    With proprius: mentio inlata apud senatum est, rem suo proprio magistratu egere,

    that the business needed a particular officer exclusively for itself, Liv. 4, 8, 4:

    et Hannibalem suo proprio occupandum bello,

    id. 27, 38, 7; cf.:

    dissupasset hostes, ni suo proprio eum proelio equites Volscorum exceptum tenuissent,

    in which they alone fought, id. 3, 70, 4:

    mare habet suas venas quibus impletur,

    by which it alone is fed, Sen. Q. N. 3, 14, 3. —
    According to one ' s liking, of one ' s own choice.
    Of persons, devoted to one, friendly, dear:

    Milone occiso (Clodius) habuisset suos consules,

    after his own heart, Cic. Mil. 33, 89:

    collegit ipse se contra suum Clodium,

    his dear Clodius, id. Pis. 12, 27 (cf.: suum facere, habere, II. B. 2. g).—
    Of things, favorable.
    Of place: neque Jugurtham nisi... suo loco pugnam facere, on his own ground, i. e. chosen by him, favorable, Sall. J. 61, 1:

    hic magna auxilia expectabant et suis locis bellum in hiemem ducere cogitabant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 61; cf.:

    numquam nostris locis laboravimus,

    Liv. 9, 19, 15.—
    Of time:

    cum Perseus suo maxime tempore et alieno hostibus incipere bellum posset,

    Liv. 42, 43, 3; v. 7. b, infra. —
    Of circumstances: sua occasio, a favorable opportunity; sometimes without antecedent:

    neque occasioni tuae desis, neque suam occasionem hosti des,

    Liv. 22, 39, 21:

    tantum abfuit ut ex incommodo alieno sua occasio peteretur,

    id. 4, 58, 2:

    aestuque suo Locros trajecit,

    a favorable tide, id. 23, 41, 11:

    ignoranti quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est,

    Sen. Ep. 71, 3:

    orba suis essent etiamnunc lintea ventis,

    Ov. M. 13, 195:

    aut ille Ventis iturus non suis,

    Hor. Epod. 9, 30. —
    Of persons or things, peculiar, particular:

    quae est ei (animo) natura? Propria, puto, et sua,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 29, 70:

    omnis enim motus animi suum quendam a natura habet vultum,

    id. de Or. 3, 57, 316:

    geometrae et musici... more quodam loquuntur suo. Ipsae rhetorum artes verbis in docendo quasi privatis utuntur ac suis,

    id. Fin. 3, 1, 4:

    sensus omnis habet suum finem,

    its peculiar limits, Quint. 9, 4, 61: animus cum suum ambitum complevit et finibus se suis cinxit, consummatum est summum bonum, Sen. Vit. Beat. 9, 3: est etiam in nominibus ( nouns) diverso collocatis sua gratia, their peculiar elegance, Quint. 9, 3, 86:

    ibi non bello aperto, sed suis artibus, fraude et insidiis, est paene circumventus,

    Liv. 21, 34, 1:

    nec Hannibalem fefellit, suis se artibus peti,

    id. 22, 16, 5:

    adversus hostem non virtute tantum, sed suis (i. e. hostis) etiam pugnare consiliis oportebat,

    Flor. 2, 6, 26:

    liberam Minucii temeritatem se suo modo expleturum,

    Liv. 22, 28, 2:

    equites ovantes sui moris carmine,

    id. 10, 26, 11:

    exsultans cum sui moris tripudiis,

    id. 21, 42, 3:

    tripudiantes suo more,

    id. 23, 26, 9.—So, suo Marte, referring to the style of fighting peculiar to the different arms:

    equitem suo alienoque Marte pugnare,

    that the cavalry were fighting both in their own style and in that of the other arms, Liv. 3, 62, 9; cf.: suo Marte, 1, c. a, supra.—And distributively ( = suus quisque):

    suos autem haec operum genera ut auctores, sic etiam amatores habent,

    Quint. 12, 10, 2:

    illa vero fatidica fulmina ex alto et ex suis venire sideribus,

    Plin. 2, 43, 43, § 113; cf.:

    quae quidem planiora suis exemplis reddentur,

    Val. Max. 3, 4 prooem.—
    Proper, right.
    Referring to one's ordinary or normal condition:

    quod certe non fecisset, si suum numerum naves habuissent,

    their regular complement, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 51, § 133. — So poet.:

    flecte ratem! numerum non habet illa suum,

    its full number, Ov. H. 10, 36:

    novus exercitus consulibus est decretus: binae legiones cum suo equitatu,

    Liv. 40, 36, 6:

    cum suo justo equitatu,

    id. 21, 17, 8:

    totam (disciplinam) in suum statum redegit,

    Val. Max. 2, 7, 2:

    tranquilla mente et vultu suo,

    with the ordinary expression of his face, Sen. Clem. 2, 6, 2:

    media pars aeris ab his (ignibus) submota, in frigore suo manet. Natura enim aeris gelida est,

    id. Q. N. 2, 10, 4:

    cornuaque in patriis non sua vidit aquis,

    not natural to her, Ov. H. 14, 90. —

    So, non suus, of ingrafted branches and their fruit: miraturque (arbos) novas frondis et non sua poma,

    Verg. G. 2, 82. —
    Of time, proper, regular, etc. (cf. 5. b, supra).
    The regular time ( = stato tempore):

    signum quod semper tempore exoritur suo,

    Plaut. Rud. prol. 4:

    cum et recte et suo tempore pepererit,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 16: aestas suo tempore incanduit...;

    tam solstitium quam aequinoctium suos dies retulit,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 16, 3:

    omnes venti vicibus suis spirant majore ex parte,

    Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 128. —
    The right or proper time:

    salictum suo tempore caedito,

    Cato, R. R. 33:

    cessit e vita suo magis quam suorum civium tempore,

    the right time for himself, Cic. Brut. 1, 4; so,

    exstingui homini suo tempore optabile est,

    id. Sen. 23, 85:

    Scandilius dicit se suo tempore rediturum,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 60, § 139:

    si Ardeates sua tempora exspectare velint,

    Liv. 4, 7, 6:

    Chrysippus dicit, illum... opperiri debere suum tempus, ad quod velut dato signo prosiliat,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 25, 3:

    quam multi exercitus tempore suo victorem hostem pepulerunt!

    Liv. 44, 39, 4. — Without antecedent: sed suo tempore totius sceleris hujus fons aperietur. Cic. Phil. 14, 6, 15; cf.:

    de ordine laudis, etc., praecipiemus suo tempore,

    Quint. 2, 4, 21. —
    Suo loco = at the proper place:

    quae erant prudentiae propria suo loco dicta sunt,

    Cic. Off. 1, 40, 143:

    quod reddetur suo loco,

    Quint. 11, 1, 16:

    ut suo loco dicetur,

    Plin. 2, 90, 102, § 221:

    inscripta quae suis locis reddam,

    id. 1, prooem. § 27; Sen. Ben. 2, 20, 2; cf. 1, c. b; 4. supra. —
    Suited, appropriate, adapted to one:

    in eodem fundo suum quidquid conseri oportet,

    Cato, R. R. 7:

    siquidem hanc vendidero pretio suo,

    at a suitable price, Plaut. Pers. 4, 4, 30:

    in partes suas digerenda causa,

    Quint. 11, 1, 6:

    confundetur quidquid in suas partes natura digessit,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 29, 8. — Poet.: haec ego dumque queror, lacrimae sua verba sequuntur, Deque meis oculis in tua membra cadunt, appropriate, i. e. tristia, Ov. H. 14, 67.—Without antecedent: suum quidquid genus talearum serito, any fit kind, i. e. suited to the ground, Cato, R. R. 48. —
    Own, with the notion of independence of, or dependence on others (cf. B. 2. g d).
    Of political independence: pacem condicionibus his fecerunt ut Capuae suae leges, sui magistratus essent, her own laws, i. e. not subject to Carthage, Liv. 23, 7, 2: liberos [p. 1827] eos ac suis legibus victuros, id. 25, 23, 4. —

    Esp. in the phrases suae potestatis or in sua potestate esse, suo jure uti, sui juris esse: Puteolos, qui nunc in sua potestate sunt, suo jure, libertate aequa utuntur, totos occupabunt,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 31, 86:

    Rhegini potestatis suae ad ultimum remanserunt,

    retained their self-government, Liv. 23, 30, 9:

    urbem ne quam formulae sui juris facerent,

    id. 38, 9, 10. —
    Of paternal authority.
    Free from the power of the paterfamilias; in the phrases sui juris esse, suae potestatis esse, to be independent:

    quaedam personae sui juris sunt, quaedam alieno juri sunt subjectae, Gai,

    Inst. 1, 48:

    sui juris sunt familiarum suarum principes, id est pater familiae, itemque mater familiae,

    Ulp. Fragm. 4, 1:

    liberi parentum potestate liberantur emancipatione. Sed filius quidem ter manumissus sui juris fit, ceteri autem liberi una manumissione sui juris fiunt,

    id. ib. 10, 1:

    morte patris filius et filia sui juris fiunt,

    id. ib. 10, 2:

    patres familiarum sunt qui sunt suae potestatis,

    Dig. 1, 6, 4:

    si modo defunctus testator suae potestatis mortis tempore fuerit,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 147. —

    With indef. reference: si sui juris sumus,

    Dig. 46, 2, 20; cf.:

    pro suo possideo, 2. a. supra.—Attributively: sui juris arrogatio feminae,

    Cod. Just. 8, 47, 8:

    homo sui juris,

    ib. 10, § 5.— Trop.:

    sapiens numquam semiliber erit: integrae semper libertatis et sui juris,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 5, 3:

    non illarum coitu fieri cometen, sed proprium et sui juris esse,

    id. Q. N. 7, 12, 2: nullique sunt tam feri et sui juris adfectus, ut non disciplina perdomentur, id. Ira, 2, 12, 3. —
    Subject to paternal authority, in the phrases suus heres, sui liberi; suus heres, an heir who had been in the paternal power of the deceased:

    CVI SVVS HERES NON SIT, XII. Tab. fr. 5, 4.—In the jurists without antecedent: sui et necessarii heredes sunt velut filius filiave, nepos neptisve ex filia, deinceps ceteri qui modo in potestate morientis fuerunt,

    Gai. Inst. 2, 156:

    (emancipati liberi) non sunt sui heredes,

    ib. 2, 135:

    alia facta est juris interpretatio inter suos heredes,

    ib. 3, 15:

    datur patrono adversus suos heredes bonorum possessio (where patrono is not the antecedent of suos),

    ib. 3, 41:

    sui heredes vel instituendi sunt vel exheredandi,

    Ulp. Fragm. 22, 14:

    accrescunt suis quidem heredibus in partem virilem, extraneis autem in partem dimidiam,

    id. ib. 22, 17. —

    Sui liberi, children in paternal power: de suis et legitimis liberis,

    Cod. Just. 6, 55 inscr.
    In particular connections.
    With ipse, his own, etc. (cf. Zumpt, Gram. § 696).
    Ipse agreeing with the antecedent of suus, the antecedent being,
    A subjectnom.:

    (ingenium ejus) valet ipsum suis viribus,

    by its own strength, Cic. Cael. 19, 45:

    legio Martia non ipsa suis decretis hostem judicavit Antonium?

    by its own resolutions, id. Phil. 4, 2, 5:

    ruit ipse suis cladibus,

    id. ib. 14, 3, 8:

    si ex scriptis cognosci ipsi suis potuissent,

    id. de Or. 2, 2, 8:

    qui se ipse sua gravitate et castimonia defenderet,

    id. Cael. 5, 11:

    quod ipse suae civitatis imperium obtenturus esset,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 3:

    suamet ipsae fraude omnes interierunt,

    Liv. 8, 18, 9; 39, 49, 3:

    ut saeviret ipse in suum sanguinem effecerunt,

    id. 40, 5, 1:

    respicerent suum ipsi exercitum,

    id. 42, 52, 10; 21, 31, 12; 22, 38, 3; 6, 19, 6.—
    A subject-acc.:

    sunt qui dicant eam sua ipsam peremptam mercede,

    Liv. 1, 11, 9:

    (tribuniciam potestatem) suis ipsam viribus dissolvi,

    id. 2, 44, 2.—
    An object in dat. or acc.:

    sic ut ipsis consistendi in suis munitionibus locus non esset,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 6:

    tribuni (hostem) intra suamet ipsum moenia compulere,

    Liv. 6, 36, 4:

    alios sua ipsos invidia opportunos interemit,

    id. 1, 54, 8; 22, 14, 13.—Suus as adjunct of subject (rare):

    aliquando sua praesidia in ipsos consurrexerunt,

    their own garrisons revolted against them, Sen. Clem. 1, 26, 1.—
    With gen. of ipse, strengthening the possessive notion (cf. 4.;

    post-Aug. and very rare, but freq. in modern Lat.): aves (foetus suos) libero caelo suaeque ipsorum fiduciae permittunt,

    Quint. 2, 6, 7 (but tuus ipsius occurs in Cic.:

    tuo ipsius studio,

    Cic. Mur. 4, 9:

    tuam ipsius amicitiam,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 4, § 7).—
    Both suus and ipse agreeing with the governing noun (very rare; not in Cic. or Caes.): quae tamen in ipso cursu suo dissipata est (= ipsa in cursu suo), in its very course, Sen. Q. N. 1, 1, 3 dub.:

    suamet ipsa scelera,

    Sall. C. 23, 2 (Dietsch ex conj. ipse):

    suismet ipsis corporibus,

    Liv. 2, 19, 5 MSS. (Weissenb. ex conj. ipsi):

    a suismet ipsis praesidiis,

    id. 8, 25, 6 MSS. (Weissenb. ipsi).—
    With quisque, distributively, each ( every one)... his own; in prose quisque is generally preceded by suus.
    Quisque and suus in different cases.
    Quisque as subjectnom.:

    sentit enim vim quisque suam quoad possit abuti,

    Lucr. 5, 1033:

    suo quisque loco cubet,

    Cato, R. R. 5:

    suum quisque noscat ingenium,

    Cic. Off. 1, 31, 114:

    ad suam quisque (me disciplinam) rapiet,

    id. Ac. 2, 36, 114:

    quod suos quisque servos in tali re facere voluisset,

    id. Mil. 10, 29:

    cum suo quisque auxilio uteretur,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 51:

    celeriter ad suos quisque ordines redit,

    id. ib. 3, 37.—In apposition with plur. subj. (freq. in Liv.):

    nunc alii sensus quo pacto quisque suam rem Sentiat,

    Lucr. 4, 522:

    ut omnes cives Romani in suis quisque centuriis prima luce adessent,

    that all the Roman citizens should be present, each in his own centuria, Liv. 1, 44, 1:

    hinc senatus, hinc plebs, suum quisque intuentes ducem constiterant,

    id. 6, 15, 3:

    ut (trigemini) pro sua quisque patria dimicent,

    id. 1, 24, 2:

    stabant compositi suis quisque ordinibus,

    id. 44, 38, 11:

    (consules) in suas quisque provincias proficiscuntur,

    id. 25, 12, 2; 25, 26, 13:

    in suo quaeque (stella) motu naturam suam exercent,

    Plin. 2, 39, 39, § 106.—With abl. absol.:

    omnes, velut dis auctoribus in spem suam quisque acceptis, proelium una voce poscunt,

    Liv. 21, 45, 9 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    relictis suis quisque stationibus... concurrerunt,

    id. 32, 24, 4; 4, 44, 10; 39, 49, 3; 2, 38, 6.—
    With acc. of quisque as subj.:

    fabrum esse suae quemque fortunae, App. Claud. ap. Ps.-Sall. Ep. ad Caes. Rep. c. l.: sui quemque juris et retinendi et dimittendi esse dominum,

    Cic. Balb. 13, 31:

    recipere se in domos suas quemque jussit,

    Liv. 25, 10, 9; and (ungrammatically) nom., as apposition to a subj.-acc.:

    se non modo suam quisque patriam, sed totam Siciliam relicturos,

    id. 26, 29, 3 MSS. (Weissenb. ex conj. quosque).—
    As adjunct of the subject-nom., with a case of quisque as object, attribut. gen., etc.:

    sua cujusque animantis natura est,

    Cic. Fin. 5, 9, 25:

    sua quemque fraus, suum facinus, suum scelus, etc., de sanitate ac mente deturbat,

    id. Pis. 20, 46:

    sua quemque fraus et suus terror maxime vexat,

    id. Rosc. Am. 24, 67:

    suum cuique incommodum ferendum est,

    id. Off. 3, 6, 30:

    ut solidum suum cuique solvatur,

    id. Rab. Post. 17, 46:

    ne suus cuique domi hostis esset,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    ut sua cuique respublica in manu esset,

    id. 26, 8, 11:

    animus suus cuique ordinem pugnandi dabat,

    id. 22, 5, 8:

    tentorium suum cuique militi domus ac penates sunt,

    id. 44, 39, 5:

    suus cuique (stellae) color est,

    Plin. 2, 18, 16, § 79:

    trahit sua quemque voluptas,

    Verg. E. 2, 65:

    stat sua cuique dies,

    id. A. 10, 467.—
    As predicate-nom. (v. II. B.):

    opinionem, quae sua cuique conjectanti esse potest,

    Liv. 6, 12, 3.—
    As adjunct of subj.-acc.:

    suum cuique honorem et gradum redditum gaudeo,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 47, 136:

    scientiam autem suam cujusque artis esse,

    id. Fin. 5, 9, 26.—
    As adjunct of an object, with a case of quisque as object or attribut. gen.: suam cuique sponsam, mihi meam: suum cuique amorem, mihi meum, Atil. Fragm. inc. 1: suom cuique per me uti atque frui licet, Cato ap. Gell. 13, 24 (23), 1:

    ut suo quemque appellem nomine,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 52:

    placet Stoicis suo quamque rem nomine appellare,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 22, 1:

    ad suam cujusque naturam consilium est omne revocandum,

    id. Off. 1, 33, 119:

    justitia quae suum cuique distribuit,

    id. N. D. 3, 15, 38:

    in tribuendo suum cuique,

    id. Off. 1, 5, 14:

    Turnus sui cuique periculi recens erat documentum,

    Liv. 1, 52, 4:

    in trimatu suo cuique dimidiam esse mensuram futurae certum esse,

    Plin. 7, 15, 16, § 73:

    certa cuique rerum suarum possessio,

    Vell. 2, 89, 4; cf.: qua re suum unicuique studium suaque omnibus delectatio relinquatur, Ps.-Cic. Cons. 26, 93.—With quemque in apposition with acc. plur.:

    Camillus vidit intentos opifices suo quemque operi,

    Liv. 6, 25, 9; so cujusque in appos. with gen. plur.: trium clarissimorum suae cujusque gentis virorum mors, id. 39, 52, 7; and cuique with dat. plur.: sui cuique mores fingunt fortunam hominibus, Poet. ap. Nep. Att. 11, 6 (where Lachm. ad Lucr. 2, 372, reads quique, ex conj.; cf. b. b, infra).—
    Attraction of suus and quisque as adjuncts of nouns.
    Attraction of suus:

    ut nemo sit nostrum quin in sensibus sui cujusque generis judicium requirat acrius (= suum cujusque generis judicium),

    Cic. Ac. 2, 7, 19:

    quas tamen inter omnes (voces) est suo quoque in genere (vox) mediocris ( = inter omnes voces est mediocris vox, sua quoque in genere),

    id. de Or. 3, 57, 216:

    eo concilia suae cujusque regionis indici jussit (= sua cujusque regionis concilia),

    Liv. 45, 29, 10:

    equites suae cuique parti post principia collocat (= equites suos cuique parti),

    id. 3, 22, 6:

    cum motibus armorum et corporum suae cuique genti assuetis,

    id. 25, 17, 5:

    legiones deducebantur cum tribunis et centurionibus et sui cujusque ordinis militibus (= suis cujusque),

    Tac. A. 14, 27:

    quae sui cujusque sunt ingenii,

    Quint. 7, 10, 10 Halm (al. sua):

    sui cujusque ingenii poma vel semina gerunt (= sua cujusque),

    Col. 3, 1;

    and by a double attraction: has (cohortes) subsidiariae ternae et aliae totidem suae cujusque legionis subsequebantur (= has cohortes... totidem cujusque legionis, suam quaeque legionem, subsequebantur),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 83. —
    Attraction of quisque:

    tanta ibi copia venustatum in suo quique loco sita,

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 6 (al. quaeque):

    quodvis frumentum non tamen omne Quique suo genere inter se simile esse videbis,

    Lucr. 2, 372 Lachm. and Munro ad loc.:

    cum verba debeant sui cujusque generis copulari,

    Varr. L. L. 10, 48:

    in sensibus sui cujusque generis judicium,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 7, 19:

    haec igitur proclivitas ad suum quodque genus aegrotatio dicatur,

    id. Tusc. 4, 12, 28:

    separatim greges sui cujusque generis nocte remeabant (= greges sui quisque generis),

    Liv. 24, 3, 5:

    ut sui cujusque mensis acciperet (frumentum),

    Suet. Aug. 40;

    and quisque both attracted and in its own case: quia cujusque partis naturae et in corpore et in animo sua quaeque vis sit (where either cujusque or quaeque is redundant),

    Cic. Fin. 5, 17, 46; v. Madv. ad loc.; Cato, R. R. 23 fin.;

    so esp. in the phrases suo quoque tempore, anno, die, loco, etc.: pecunia, quae in stipendium Romanis suo quoque anno penderetur, deerat (= suo quaeque anno),

    each instalment in the year when due, Liv. 33, 46, 9 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    suo quoque loco,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 2; 1, 22, 6:

    opera quae suis quibusque temporibus anni vilicum exsequi oporteret,

    Col. 11, 3:

    suo quoque tempore,

    Vitr. 2, 9, 4:

    nisi sua quaque die usurae exsolverentur (= sua quaeque die),

    Dig. 22, 1, 12 init.; 13, 7, 8, § 3:

    ut opera rustica suo quoque tempore faciat,

    ib. 19, 2, 25, § 3 (al. quaeque)—
    In the order quisque... suus.
    In relative clauses, comparative clauses with ut, and interrogative clauses introduced by quid, etc., where quisque immediately follows the relative, etc.:

    ut quisque suom volt esse, ita est,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 45; cf.

    with sibi,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 18, 49; id. Lael. 9, 30:

    expendere oportere quid quisque habeat sui... nec velle experiri quam se aliena deceant. Id enim maxime quemque decet quod est cujusque maxime suum,

    id. Off. 1, 31, 113:

    neque solum quid in senatu quisque civitatis suae dicerent ignorabant, sed, etc.,

    Liv. 32, 19, 9:

    gratius id fore laetiusque quod quisque sua manu ex hoste captum rettulerit,

    id. 5, 20, 8; 6, 25, 10; cf.:

    in quibus cum multa sint quae sua quisque dicere velit, nihil est quod quisque suum possit dicere,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 23, 1.—
    If the emphasis is not on suus, but (for quisque, when emphatic, unusquisque is used) on some other word:

    in civitates quemque suas... dimisit,

    Liv. 21, 48, 2:

    in patriam quisque suam remissus est,

    Just. 33, 2, 8:

    in vestigio quemque suo vidit,

    Liv. 28, 22, 15; cf.:

    hospitibus quisque suis scribebant,

    id. 33, 45, 6:

    pro facultatibus quisque suis,

    id. 42, 53, 3; cf.:

    respiciendae sunt cuique facultates suae,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 15, 3:

    praecipitat quisque vitam suam et futuri desiderio laborat,

    id. Brev. Vit. 7, 5; id. Ben. 7, 5, 1:

    tunc praeceps quisque se proripit et penates suos deserit,

    id. Q. N. 6, 1, 5; 5, 18, 8:

    summum quisque causae suae judicem facit,

    Plin. 1, prooem. § 10: aestimatione nocturnae [p. 1828] quietis, dimidio quisque spatio vitae suae vivit, id. 7, 50, 51, § 167.—
    Poets adopt the order quisque suus when the metre requires it, Verg. A. 6, 743:

    oscula quisque suae matri tulerunt,

    Ov. F. 2, 715. —
    When suus and quisque belong to different clauses:

    atque earum quaeque, suum tenens munus... manet in lege naturae,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 13, 38. —
    Suus uterque, or uterque suus, distributively of two subjects:

    suas uterque legiones reducit in castra,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 40; 2, 28:

    ideo quod uterque suam legem confirmare debebit,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 49, 142:

    cum sui utrosque adhortarentur,

    Liv. 1, 25, 1:

    ad utrumque ducem sui redierunt,

    id. 21, 29, 5:

    utraque (lex) sua via it,

    Sen. Ben. 6, 6, 1; cf.

    uterque, in apposit.: nec ipsi tam inter se acriter contenderunt, quam studia excitaverant uterque sui corporis hominum,

    Liv. 26, 48, 6.—
    With sibi.
    Sibi with pronom. force (cf. sui, IV. C. fin.):

    reddam suum sibi,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 119 ( = ei; but referred to b, infra, by Brix ad loc.); cf.:

    suam rem sibi salvam sistam,

    id. Poen. 5, 2, 123:

    idem lege sibi sua curationem petet,

    for himself, Cic. Agr. 2, 9, 22 (cf. id. Phil. 2, 37, 96;

    I. B. 2. b. supra): ut vindicare sibi suum fulgorem possint,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, 1, 11; cf.

    the formula of divorce: tuas res tibi habeto,

    Dig. 24, 2, 2.—Hence, illam suam suas res sibi habere jussit, Cic. Phil. 2, 28, 69.—
    With sibi redundant, to strengthen suus (anteand post-class. and colloq.):

    quo pacto serviat suo sibi patri,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 5:

    eum necabam ilico per cerebrum pinna sua sibi, quasi turturem,

    id. Poen. 2, 40; v. sui, IV. C. and the passages there cited.—
    With gen. agreeing with the subject of suus:

    quas cum solus pertulisset ut sua unius in his gratia esset,

    that the credit of it should belong to him alone, Liv. 2, 8, 3:

    qui de sua unius sententia omnia gerat,

    id. 44, 22, 11; cf.:

    unam Aegyptus in hoc spem habet suam,

    Sen. Q. N. 4, 2, 2.—For suus ipsius, etc., v. D. 1. b. supra.—
    With demonstr., rel., or indef. pronn. and adjj., of his, hers, etc.:

    postulat ut ad hanc suam praedam adjutores vos profiteamini,

    to this booty of his, Cic. Rosc. Am. 2, 6:

    Sestius cum illo exercitu suo,

    id. Sest. 5, 12:

    qua gravitate sua,

    id. ib. 61, 129:

    suam rem publicam illam defenderunt,

    that republic of theirs, id. ib. 67, 141:

    in istum civem suum,

    against this citizen of theirs, id. Balb. 18, 41:

    cum illo suo pari,

    id. Pis. 8, 18:

    te nulla sua calamitate civitas satiare potest?

    id. Phil. 8, 6, 19:

    dubitatis igitur, quin vos M. Laterensis ad suam spem aliquam delegerit,

    for some hope of his, id. Planc. 16, 39:

    non tam sua ulla spe quam militum impetu tractus,

    by any hope of his, Liv. 25, 21, 5:

    nullo suo merito,

    from no fault of theirs, id. 26, 29, 4:

    ipse arcano cum paucis familiaribus suis colloquitur,

    with a few of his friends, Caes. B. C. 1, 19.—
    With descriptive adjj.
    Standing before the adj. and noun (so most freq.):

    suorum improbissimorum sermonum domicilium,

    Cic. Pis. 31, 76:

    causam sui dementissimi consilii,

    id. Phil. 2, 22, 53:

    suam insatiabilem crudelitatem,

    id. ib. 11, 3, 8:

    suis amplissimis fortunis,

    id. ib. 13, 8, 16:

    suum pristinum morem,

    id. Pis. 12, 27:

    suis lenissimis postulatis,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 5: simili ratione Pompeius in suis veteribus castris consedit (suis emphatic; cf. b, infra), id. ib. 3, 76.—
    Between the adj. and noun (less emphatic):

    pro eximiis suis beneficiis,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 4, 7:

    propter summam suam humanitatem,

    id. Fam. 15, 14, 1:

    ex praeteritis suis officiis,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 60:

    Caesar in veteribus suis castris consedit,

    id. ib. 3, 76.—
    After adj. and noun:

    veterem amicum suum excepit,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 16, 43:

    in illo ardenti tribunatu suo,

    id. Sest. 54, 116.—
    Objectively for the pers. pron. (rare):

    neque cuiquam mortalium injuriae suae parvae videntur ( = sibi illatae),

    Sall. C. 51, 11; so,

    neglectam ab Scipione et nimis leviter latam suam injuriam ratus,

    Liv. 29, 9, 9:

    ipsae enim leges te a cognitione sua judicio publico reppulerunt ( = a se cognoscendo),

    Cic. Balb. 14, 32:

    suam invidiam tali morte quaesitam ( = quaesitum esse ab eo ut homines se inviderent),

    Tac. A. 3, 16; so,

    nulla sua invidia,

    Cic. Mil. 15, 40.—
    Abl. fem. sua, with refert or interest, for gen. of the pers. pron.: neminem esse qui quomodo se habeat nihil sua censeat interesse, Cic. Fin. 5, 10, 30:

    si scit sua nihil interesse utrum anima per os, an per jugulum exeat,

    Sen. Ep. 76, 33; v. intersum, III.—
    Strengthened by the suffix - pte or -met.
    By - pte (not used with ipse) affixed to the forms sua, suo, and (ante-class.) suum:

    quom illa osculata esset suumpte amicum,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 4, 38:

    ut terrena suopte nutu et suo pondere in terram ferantur,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 17, 40:

    ferri suopte pondere,

    id. N. D. 1, 25, 69:

    suapte natura,

    id. Fat. 18, 42:

    suapte vi et natura,

    id. ib. 19, 43; id. Fin. 1, 16, 54; 5, 22, 61:

    suopte ingenio,

    Liv. 25, 18; so id. 1, 25, 1; 1, 18, 4:

    suapte manu,

    Cic. Or. 3, 3, 10:

    locus suapte natura infestus,

    Liv. 44, 6, 9; so,

    suapte natura,

    id. 4, 22, 4:

    flumina suapte natura vasta,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 27, 8; so id. Ben. 4, 17, 2:

    sponte suapte,

    Varr. L. L. 6, 7, § 70.—
    With - met, almost always followed by ipse (in all forms of suus except suus, suum, suae, and suorum):

    suomet ipsi more,

    Sall. J. 31, 6:

    suomet ipsi instrumento,

    Liv. 22, 14, 13:

    suomet ipsi metu,

    Tac. H. 3, 16 fin.:

    suamet ipsum pecunia,

    Sall. J. 8, 2:

    suamet ipsae fraude,

    Liv. 8, 18, 9:

    intra suamet ipsum moenia,

    id. 6, 36, 4:

    suismet ipsi praesidiis,

    id. 8, 25, 6:

    suismet ipsis corporibus,

    id. 2, 19, 5:

    suosmet ipsi cives,

    id. 2, 9, 5:

    suasmet ipse spes,

    Tac. A. 3, 66 fin. —Without ipse:

    populum suimet sanguinis mercede,

    Sall. H. Fragm. 1, 41, 25 Dietsch:

    magna pars suismet aut proxumorum telis obtruncabantur,

    id. ib. 2, 52 ib.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > suus

  • 12 loro

    1. pron soggetto they
    oggetto them
    forma di cortesia, anche Loro you
    2. possessivo their
    forma di cortesia, anche Loro your
    il loro amico their/your friend
    i loro genitori their/your parents
    3. pron: il loro theirs
    forma di cortesia, anche Loro yours
    * * *
    loro1 agg.poss.m. e f. 3a pers.pl.
    1 their; (loro proprio) their own: la loro madre, their mother; i loro figli, their children; non mi piace il loro atteggiamento, I don't like their attitude; sentivamo le loro voci, we could hear their voices; portano sempre i (loro) bambini con loro, they always take their children with them; siamo andati a casa loro, we went to their house; vorrebbero avere una casa loro, they'd like to have a house of their own; hanno comprato il terreno con i loro (propri) risparmi, they bought the land with their (own) savings; hanno un loro modo di vedere le cose, they have their own way of looking at things; vogliono sempre fare a modo loro, they always want to do things their way; tutto è accaduto sotto i loro (propri) occhi, everything happened before their very eyes // un loro cugino, a cousin of theirs; sono venuti con tre loro amici, they came with three friends of theirs; abbiamo ancora alcuni loro libri, we still have some books of theirs
    2 (formula di cortesia) your: le Loro Altezze, le Loro Maestà, Your (Royal) Highnesses, Your Majesties; Lor Signoria, Your Lordship; i signori sono pregati di esibire i loro passaporti, you are kindly requested to show your passports
    3 (con uso predicativo) theirs; (formula di cortesia) yours: l'appartamento è loro, the flat is theirs; la responsabilità è loro, non vostra, it's their responsibility, not yours; scusino, è loro questa valigia?, excuse me, is this case yours?
    ◆ pron.poss.m. e f.pl.
    1 theirs; (formula di cortesia) yours: questa è la nostra stanza, quella è la loro, this is our room, that is yours; i nostri figli studiano, i loro lavorano, our children are studying, theirs are working; il mio parere non è diverso dal loro, my opinion is no different from theirs; noi abbiamo fatto le nostre scelte, altri faranno le loro, we've made our choices, others will make theirs
    2 (in espressioni ellittiche): abbiamo ricevuto la loro del 5 aprile, we have received your letter of 5th April; sta sempre dalla loro (parte), he's always on their side; ne hanno combinato una delle loro, they've (gone and) done it again; vogliono sempre dire la loro, they always want their say.
    loro2 pron.pers.m. e f. 3a pers.pl.
    1 (compl. ogg. e ind. di essi, esse) them: sto chiamando loro, non voi, I'm calling them, not you; dite loro di venire subito da me, tell them to come straight to me; hai pensato a loro?, have you thought of them?; partirò con loro, I'll leave with them; andiamo da loro stasera, we're going to see them this evening; di loro non sapevamo nulla, we knew nothing about them; sta a loro decidere, it's up to them to decide // uno di loro, one of them; alcuni di loro, some of them; nessuno di loro, none of them // il padre di loro, il di loro padre, their father
    2 (con funzione di sogg.) they: io verrò con voi, loro non hanno ancora deciso, I'm coming with you, they haven't decided yet; faremo quello che fanno loro, we'll do what they do; te l'hanno detto loro?, did they tell you?; tutti erano puntuali, loro arrivarono in ritardo, everyone else was on time, they came late; al ricevimento c'erano anche loro, they were at the reception too; in quella casa sono rimasti solo loro, they are the only ones left in that house; se loro credono di farmela, si sbagliano, if they think they can take me in, they're mistaken // loro due, tre, the two, three of them // beati loro!, lucky them! // partiti loro, tutto tornò come prima, once they'd left, everything got back to normal
    3 (con uso rafforzativo o enfatico): ''Non ne sappiamo nulla'' ''Neanche loro'', ''We don't know anything about it'' ''Neither do they'' // loro stessi, proprio loro, they... themselves (o they themselves): l'hanno ammesso loro stessi, they admitted it themselves (o they themselves admitted it)
    4 (con funzione predicativa) they, them: ''Chi è?'' ''Sono loro'', ''Who is it?'' ''It's them''; ''Siete stati voi?'' ''No, sono stati loro'', ''Was it you?'' ''No, it was them''; sono stati loro ad avvertirmi, it was they who told me (o they were the ones to tell me); se fossi (in) loro non mi muoverei, if I were them, I wouldn't move // dopo quell'esperienza, non sembravano più loro, after that experience they were never themselves again
    5 (sogg. e compl.) (formula di cortesia) you: come (loro) desiderano, as you wish; se loro vogliono accomodarsi..., would you like to come this way, please?; Egregi Signori, ci permettiamo di inviare Loro..., Dear Sirs, we take the liberty of sending you...
    * * *
    I ['loro] pron pers pl
    2) (sogg : al posto di "essi", "esse", con valore enfatico) they

    prendeteli, sono loro — catch them, they're the ones

    sono loro, apri la porta — it's them, open the door

    sono stati loro a dirmelo — they told me themselves, it was they frm o them who told me

    hanno ragione loro, non tu — they are right, not you

    3) (nelle comparazioni: sogg) they, them, (complemento) them

    ne so quanto loro — I know as much as they do, I know as much as them

    II ['loro] pron pers pl
    (forma di cortesia) (anche: Loro)
    1) you

    chiedo lor signori di seguirmi — be so good as to follow me, (if you would) gentlemen

    III ['loro]
    1. agg poss inv

    il(la) loro; i(le) loro

    2) (forma di cortesia), (anche: Loro) your
    2. pron poss inv

    il(la) loro; i(le) loro

    2) (forma di cortesia), (anche: Loro) yours

    i loro (famiglia) their family, (amici) their own people

    siamo dei loro; stiamo dalla loro — (parte) we're on their side, we're with them

    * * *
    ['loro] 1.

    loro vanno al cinema, io no — they go to the cinema, I don't

    aggettivo possessivo invariabile
    1) their; (quando è preceduto da un articolo, quest'ultimo non si traduce)

    un loro amico, uno dei loro amici — a friend of theirs

    alcuni loro insegnanti — some of their teachers, some teachers of theirs

    la nostra casa è più grande della loro — our house is bigger than theirs; (in espressioni ellittiche)

    è dei loro(familiari, alleati, compagni) he's one of them

    * * *
    v. le note delle voci  io e  mio.
    I pron.pers.pl.
     1 (soggetto) they (in inglese va sempre espresso); loro vanno al cinema, io no they go to the cinema, I don't; loro due the two of them
     2 (complemento oggetto) them; sto cercando loro I'm looking for them
     3 (complemento di termine) them; ho dato loro il tuo numero di telefono I gave them your telephone number; la lettera non era indirizzata a loro the letter wasn't for them
     4 (preceduto da preposizione) lei non pensa a loro she doesn't think of them; un regalo per loro a present for them; io lavoro più di loro I work more than they do o than them
     5 (forma di cortesia) you; come loro preferiscono as you prefer; dopo di loro after you
    II agg.poss.inv.
     1 their; (quando è preceduto da un articolo, quest'ultimo non si traduce) la loro casa their house; un loro amico, uno dei loro amici a friend of theirs; alcuni loro insegnanti some of their teachers, some teachers of theirs; sto dalla loro (parte) I'm on their side; al loro arrivo when they arrived; non hanno una macchina loro they haven't got a car of their own
    theirs; è il loro it's theirs; la nostra casa è più grande della loro our house is bigger than theirs; (in espressioni ellittiche) ne hanno fatta un'altra delle loro they've been up to mischief again; vogliono sempre dire la loro they always have to speak their mind; è dei loro(familiari, alleati, compagni) he's one of them.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > loro

  • 13 eux

    eux [ø]
       a. (sujet) they
    nous y allons, eux non or pas eux we are going but they aren't
    ils l'ont bien fait, eux, pourquoi pas nous ? they did it, why shouldn't we?
    eux mentir ? ce n'est pas possible them tell a lie? I can't believe it
       b. (objet) them
    les aider, eux ? jamais ! help them? never!
    cette maison est-elle à eux ? does this house belong to them? is this house theirs?
    ils ne pensent qu'à eux, ces égoïstes those selfish people only think of themselves
    * * *
    pronom personnel
    1) ( sujet) they

    ce sont eux, je les reconnais — it's them, I recognize them

    3) ( objet)

    les inviter, eux, quelle idée! — invite them, what an idea!

    eux, il faut les enfermer — they should be locked up

    à eux, je peux dire la vérité — I can tell them the truth

    c'est à eux — ( appartenance) it's theirs, it belongs to them

    c'est à eux de faire — ( leur tour) it's their turn to do; ( leur responsabilité) it's up to them to do

    * * *
    ø pron
    1) (objet) them

    Je pense souvent à eux. — I often think of them.

    2) (sujet) they

    mais eux l'ont fait... — but THEY did...

    Elle a accepté l'invitation, mais eux ont refusé. — She accepted the invitation, but THEY refused.

    * * *
    eux pron pers
    1 ( sujet) they; eux regardent la télévision, nous, nous lisons they watch television, we read; eux seuls ont le droit de parler they alone have the right to speak; eux, ils ne disent jamais ce qu'ils pensent they never say what they think; ce sont eux, je les reconnais it's them, I recognize them; je sais que ce n'est pas eux qui ont fait ça I know they weren't the ones who did it, I know it wasn't them who did it;
    2 ( dans une comparaison) them; je travaille plus qu'eux I work more than they do ou than them; je le vois plus souvent qu'eux ( qu'ils ne le voient) I see him more often than they do; ( que je ne le vois) I see him more often than them ou than I see them;
    3 ( objet) les inviter, eux, quelle idée! invite THEM, what an idea!; eux, il faut les enfermer they should be locked up;
    4 ( après une préposition) them; à cause d'/autour d'/auprès eux because of/around/after them; un cadeau pour eux a present for them; pour eux c'est important? is it important to them?; elle ne pense pas à eux she doesn't think of them; je n'écris à personne sauf eux I don't write to anyone but them, I only write to them; sans eux nous n'aurions pas pu réussir we could never have managed without them; à eux, je peux dire la vérité I can tell THEM the truth; ce sont des amis à eux they're friends of theirs; ils n'ont pas encore de voiture à eux they don't have their own car yet; les journaux sont-ils à eux? are the newspapers theirs?, do the newspapers belong to them?; c'est à eux ( appartenance) it's theirs, it belongs to them; c'est à eux de faire la vaisselle it's their turn to do the dishes; c'est à eux de choisir ( leur tour) it's their turn to choose; ( leur responsabilité) it's up to them to choose; les verres sont sur la table, certains d'entre eux sont sales the glasses are on the table, some of them are dirty.
    [ø] pronom personnel
    1. [sujet] they
    nous sommes invités, eux pas ou non we are invited but they aren't ou but not them
    ce sont eux les responsables they are the ones ou it is they who are responsible
    eux seuls connaissent la réponse they alone ou only they know the answer
    eux, voter? cela m'étonnerait them? vote? I doubt it very much!
    2. [après une préposition] them
    avec eux, on ne sait jamais you never know with them
    3. [suivi d'un nombre]
    eux deux both ou the two of them

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > eux

  • 14 proprio

    (pl -ri) 1. adj own
    ( caratteristico) typical
    ( adatto) proper
    nome m proprio proper noun
    amor m proprio pride
    a proprie spese at one's own expense
    2. adv ( davvero) really
    è proprio lui che me l'ha chiesto he's the one who asked me!
    è proprio impossibile that is quite impossible
    3. m ( beni) personal property
    lavorare in proprio be self-employed
    * * *
    proprio agg.poss. one's (own); of one's own; ( di lui) his (own); ( di lei) her (own); ( di cosa o animale) its (own); ( di loro) their (own): amare la propria famiglia, to love one's family; seguire i propri istinti, to follow one's instincts; morire per il proprio paese, to die for one's country; badare ai fatti propri, to mind one's own business; ognuno ha il proprio modo di pensare, everyone has his (o their) own way of thinking; ciascuno tornerà a casa con i propri mezzi, everyone will find his (o their) own way home; in casa propria uno può fare quello che vuole, one can do as one likes in one's own home (o you can do as you like in your own home); rimettete ogni cosa al proprio posto, put everything back in its place; ciascuno ( di noi) ama i propri figli, we all love our (own) children; tutti hanno guardato al proprio interesse, they all looked after their own interests; è il sogno di tutti avere una casa propria, it's everyone's dream to own his (o their) own house (o to have a house of his o their own) // per conto proprio, on one's own: si è messo per conto proprio, he set up on his own; vogliono starsene per conto proprio, they want to be on their own // di proprio pugno, di propria mano, in one's own hand (writing) // fare di testa propria, to do as one pleases // fare del proprio meglio, to do one's best // amor proprio, self-esteem (o self-respect) // Con uso rafforzativo o enfatico: l'ho visto con i miei propri occhi, I saw it with my own eyes; l'ha preparato con le sue proprie mani, she prepared it with her own hands; ha una teoria sua propria, he has a theory of his own // Sue proprie mani (abbr. SPM), ( sulle buste) personal
    pron.poss. one's own; ( di lui) his (own); ( di lei) hers, her own; ( di cosa o animale) its own; ( di loro) theirs, their own: anteporre il bene altrui al proprio, to put other people's interests before one's own; poiché ero senza macchina, mi disse di usare la propria, as I hadn't got my car, he offered me his (own); noi ci teniamo le nostre idee; loro si tengano le proprie, we've got our ideas, so let them have theirs (o their own) ∙ Come si nota dagli esempi l'agg. e pron. proprio concorda con il possessore a cui si riferisce.
    proprio agg.
    1 ( caratteristico) typical, characteristic; peculiar (to s.o., sthg.): con quell'arroganza che gli è propria, with his typical (o characteristic) arrogance; la ragione è propria dell'uomo, reason is peculiar to man
    2 ( adatto, appropriato, opportuno) appropriate (to s.o., sthg., to do), fit (for s.o., sthg., to do), fitting (s.o., sthg.), suitable, right (for s.o., sthg., to do); suited (pred.): divertimento proprio alla vecchiaia, pastime suitable for old age; la primavera è la stagione propria alle passeggiate in campagna, spring is the right season for country walks; trovare la definizione propria ad un fenomeno, to find the suitable definition for a phenomenon; ha usato uno stile proprio all'argomento, he used a style suitable (o appropriate) to the subject; questo vestito è proprio all'occasione, this dress is well-suited to the occasion
    3 ( letterale) exact, literal: il senso proprio di una parola, the exact (o literal) sense of a word // vero e proprio, real (o proper o pure): questo è un vero e proprio furto, it's pure theft; è sfortuna vera e propria, it's pure bad luck; aveva una casa vera e propria tutta per sé, he had a proper (o real) house all to himself
    4 (mat., gramm.) proper: frazione propria, proper fraction; sottoinsieme proprio, proper subset; (gramm.) nome proprio, proper noun // (fis.) frequenza propria, natural frequency // (astr.) moto proprio, proper motion
    5 (antiq.) ( decente, conveniente) correct, decent; seemly: ha maniere molto proprie, he has very correct manners
    1 one's own: dare a ciascuno il proprio, to give to each his due; rimetterci del proprio, to lose one's own money; vivere del proprio, to have independent means // in proprio: ha una ditta in proprio, he has a business of his own; commerciare, lavorare in proprio, to trade, to work on one's own (account); mettersi in proprio, to set up business on one's own
    2 (rar.) ( qualità caratteristica) characteristic
    3 pl. ( parenti, famiglia) relatives, family (sing.): trascorrere il Natale con i propri, to spend Christmas with one's family; aver cura dei propri, to take care of one's own people (o family).
    proprio avv.
    1 ( veramente, davvero) really, very; quite: questo vino è proprio buono, this wine is really (o very) good; sei proprio egoista, you're really (o very) selfish; è proprio strano, it's really (o very) strange; è stato proprio bravo, he was really (o very) good; è un lavoro fatto proprio bene, it's a really well done piece of work (o the work is really o very well done); questa volta hai proprio studiato, you really studied this time; è stata proprio una bella serata, it was a really lovely evening; è proprio un bel ragazzo, he's a really good-looking boy; era proprio impossibile andare d'accordo con lui, it was quite (o absolutely) impossible to get on with him; mi sento proprio male, I feel really awful; hai proprio ragione, you're quite (o absolutely) right; dovete proprio andare?, do you really have to go?; sei proprio tu?, is it really you?; era proprio necessario?, was it really necessary?; siete proprio sicuri che abbia detto la verità?, are you quite sure he was telling the truth? // è proprio vero che non ci si può fidare di nessuno, it's a fact that you can't trust anyone
    2 (in frasi negative, nel significato di affatto) at all: non ho proprio sonno, I'm not tired at all; non ne sapevano proprio nulla, they knew nothing at all; non avevo proprio voglia di uscire, I didn't want to go out at all // non ha proprio un minimo di buon senso, he hasn't the least bit of common sense
    3 ( con uso rafforzativo o enfatico): sarebbe proprio bella che fosse tutto uno scherzo!, what if it was all a joke?; abbiamo proprio fatto un bell'affare!, we made a fine deal!; è stato proprio un cretino!, he was a real (o a right) idiot!; ci siamo messi proprio in un bel pasticcio!, we got ourselves into a right (old) mess!; se non puoi proprio farne a meno, telefonagli, phone him, if you must (o if you really have to); ''Era proprio lui?'' ''Proprio lui, in persona!'', ''Was it really him?'' ''The man himself!''; ''Non dirmi che l'hai incontrato'' ''Proprio!'', ''Don't tell me you (actually) met him'' ''I did'' (o ''That's what I said!''); ''Vuoi andarci davvero?'' ''Sì, proprio!'', ''Do you really want to go?'' ''Yes, I do''
    4 ( esattamente) just, exactly, right: proprio adesso, just (o right) now; proprio allora, just then; proprio in quel momento, right at that moment; è andata proprio così, that is exactly what happened; non è andata proprio come avrei voluto, ma..., it didn't go exactly as I would have liked, but...; lavora proprio nell'ufficio di fronte al mio, he works in the office right opposite to mine; il proiettile lo colpì proprio in piena fronte, the bullet hit him right in the forehead; è proprio quello che volevo dirti, that's exactly what I wanted to tell you; è proprio come immaginavo, it's exactly as I imagined; hai scelto proprio il momento meno adatto, you chose exactly the wrong moment; ci siamo visti proprio ieri, we saw each other only (o just) yesterday.
    * * *
    ['prɔprjo] proprio -pria, -pri, -prie
    1. agg

    per motivi miei proprifor my own o for personal reasons


    (tipico, caratteristico) proprio di — peculiar to, characteristic of

    è proprio dei mammiferiit's peculiar to o characteristic of mammals

    3) (esatto) proper, exact, correct

    senso proprio di un termineexact o proper meaning of a term

    2. pron
    3. sm

    mettersi in proprio Comm — to set up one's own business, set up on one's own

    4. avv
    1) (precisamente) exactly, just
    2) (veramente) really

    ma sei proprio certo? — are you really sure?, are you a hundred per cent certain?


    (affatto) non...proprio — not... at all

    non voleva proprio farlo — he really didn't want to do it, he didn't want to do it at all

    * * *
    I 1.
    pl. -ri, - rie ['prɔprjo, ri, rje] aggettivo possessivo
    1) (di lui) his (own); (di lei) her (own); (di cosa o animale) its (own); (loro) their (own) (quando è preceduto da un articolo, quest'ultimo non si traduce)

    vedere qcs. con i -ri occhi — to see sth. with one's own eyes


    proprio di qcs., qcn. — peculiar to o typical of sth., sb

    2) (personale, specifico)

    chiamare le cose col proprio nomefig. to speak clearly

    5) (letterale) literal, exact
    6) ling. [ nome] proper

    non scambiatevi i libri: ognuno usi i -ri — don't swap books: everyone should use their own

    sostantivo maschile

    mettersi in proprio — to set up business on one's own account, to branch out on one's own

    lavorare in proprio — to freelance, to be self-employed

    rispondere in proprio di qcs. — (personalmente) to be directly responsible for sth

    II ['prɔprjo]

    proprio adessojust o right now

    2) (veramente) really
    4) (con tono di sorpresa, dispetto)

    mi sei proprio di grande aiuto!iron. great help you are!

    * * *
    pl. -ri, - rie /'prɔprjo, ri, rje/
    v. la nota della voce  mio.
     1 (di lui) his (own); (di lei) her (own); (di cosa o animale) its (own); (loro) their (own) (quando è preceduto da un articolo, quest'ultimo non si traduce); essere padrone del proprio destino to be (the) master of one's fate; vedere qcs. con i -ri occhi to see sth. with one's own eyes; vivere per conto proprio to live on one's own; ammettere i -ri errori to admit one's mistakes
     2 (rafforzativo) l'ho comprato con i miei -ri soldi I bought it with my own money
     1 (peculiare) proprio di qcs., qcn. peculiar to o typical of sth., sb.
     2 (personale, specifico) avere uno stile proprio to have a style of one's own; avere le -e idee to have a mind of one's own; essere sicuro del fatto proprio to be sure of one's ground
     3 (appropriato) usare un linguaggio proprio to use fitting language; chiamare le cose col proprio nome fig. to speak clearly
     4 (autentico) è una vera e -a schifezza it's complete and utter rubbish; mi sono sentito un vero e proprio stupido! I felt a proper o real fool!
     5 (letterale) literal, exact; in senso proprio literally
     6 ling. [ nome] proper
      fece passare il braccio di lui sotto il proprio she drew his arm through hers; non scambiatevi i libri: ognuno usi i -ri don't swap books: everyone should use their own
     1 (proprietà personale) rimetterci del proprio to lose one's own money
     2 in proprio (per conto proprio) mettersi in proprio to set up business on one's own account, to branch out on one's own; lavorare in proprio to freelance, to be self-employed; rispondere in proprio di qcs. (personalmente) to be directly responsible for sth.
     1 (esattamente) just; è proprio ciò che volevo dire that's just what I wanted to say; ti è proprio di fronte it's right in front of you; stavo per telefonarti proprio I was just about to call you; proprio adesso just o right now; non proprio (non precisamente) not quite; (non completamente) not entirely
     2 (veramente) really; sei proprio sicuro? are you really o quite sure? un film proprio bello a very good film; devi proprio venire you really must come; se proprio ci tieni if you really like
     3 (affatto) non vuole proprio ascoltare he just won't listen; non è proprio il mio tipo he's definitely not my type
     4 (con tono di sorpresa, dispetto) proprio oggi doveva succedere! it had to happen today of all days! mi sei proprio di grande aiuto! iron. great help you are! parli proprio tu! you're a fine one to talk!

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > proprio

  • 15 entendido

    knowing, learned, skilled, wise.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: entender.
    * * *
    1→ link=entender entender
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 expert
    * * *
    (f. - entendida)
    * * *
    entendido, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=comprendido) understood

    ¡entendido! — (=convenido) agreed!

    tenemos entendido que... — we understand that...

    2) [persona] (=experto) expert; (=cualificado) skilled; (=sabio) wise; (=informado) well-informed
    SM / F expert
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) [ESTAR] ( comprendido) understood

    tengo entendido que... — I understand o gather that...

    tenía entendido que... — I was under the impression that...

    bien entendido que... — (frml) on the understanding that...

    2) [ser] ( experto)

    entendido en algo: no soy muy entendido en estos temas I'm not very well up on these subjects; es muy entendido en política — he knows a lot about politics

    - da masculino, femenino expert
    * * *
    = connoisseur, pundit, knowledgeable.
    Ex. Some of them will be sufficiently bizarre to suit the most fastidious connoisseur of the present artifacts of civilization.
    Ex. Neither pundit from the past, nor sage from the schools, neither authorised body nor inspired individual has come forward with a definition acceptable to all practising librarians as theirs and theirs alone, sharply defining them as a group.
    Ex. From this perspective librarians assume the role of knowledgeable user of the technology and its products.
    * entendido en el tema = knowledgeable.
    * ser un entendido en = be knowledgeable about.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) [ESTAR] ( comprendido) understood

    tengo entendido que... — I understand o gather that...

    tenía entendido que... — I was under the impression that...

    bien entendido que... — (frml) on the understanding that...

    2) [ser] ( experto)

    entendido en algo: no soy muy entendido en estos temas I'm not very well up on these subjects; es muy entendido en política — he knows a lot about politics

    - da masculino, femenino expert
    * * *
    = connoisseur, pundit, knowledgeable.

    Ex: Some of them will be sufficiently bizarre to suit the most fastidious connoisseur of the present artifacts of civilization.

    Ex: Neither pundit from the past, nor sage from the schools, neither authorised body nor inspired individual has come forward with a definition acceptable to all practising librarians as theirs and theirs alone, sharply defining them as a group.
    Ex: From this perspective librarians assume the role of knowledgeable user of the technology and its products.
    * entendido en el tema = knowledgeable.
    * ser un entendido en = be knowledgeable about.

    * * *
    entendido1 -da
    A [ ESTAR] (comprendido) understood
    tengo entendido que la casa está en venta I understand o gather that the house is for sale
    según tengo entendido será una boda íntima as I understand it, it's going to be a quiet wedding
    esto que quede bien entendido this must be clearly understood
    tenía entendido que te ibas mañana I was under the impression that you were leaving tomorrow
    eso se da por entendido that goes without saying
    no quiero interrupciones — ¿entendido? I don't want any interruptions — understood? o do you understand?
    bien entendido que … ( frml); on the understanding that …
    B [ SER] (experto) entendido EN algo:
    no soy muy entendido en estos temas I'm not very well up on these subjects
    entendido2 -da
    masculine, feminine
    es un entendido en la materia he is an authority o expert on the subject
    * * *

    Del verbo entender: ( conjugate entender)

    entendido es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    entender ( conjugate entender) verbo transitivo
    to understand;
    chiste to understand, get (colloq);

    no entendí su nombre I didn't get his name;
    lo entendió todo al revés he got it all completely wrong;
    tú ya me entiendes you know what I mean;
    me has entendido mal you've misunderstood me;
    se hace entendido or (AmL) se da a entendido he makes himself understood;
    me dio a entendido que … she gave me to understand that …;
    dar algo a entendido to imply sth
    verbo intransitivo

    b) ( saber) entendido de algo to know about sth

    entenderse verbo pronominal

    entendidose con algn to communicate with sb;
    a ver si nos entendemos ¿quién te pegó? let's get this straight, who hit you?

    entendidose con algn to get along o on with sb
    2 ( refl):
    déjame, yo me entiendo leave me alone, I know what I'm doing

    ◊ -da adjetivo

    1 [ESTAR] ( comprendido) understood;

    tenía entendido que … I was under the impression that …;
    eso se da por entendido that goes without saying
    2 [ser] ( experto):

    es muy entendido en política he's very knowledgeable about politics
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (comprender) to understand: a mi entender, está equivocado, in my opinion he's wrong
    no entendí ni papa/pío/jota de este libro, I didn't understand a word of this book
    no entiendo lo que quieres decir, I don't know what you mean
    no me entiendas mal, don't get me wrong
    nos dio a entender que no aceptaría el trabajo, he gave us to understand that he wouldn't accept the job
    2 (creer) to think: entendemos que no debiste hacerlo, we think you shouldn't have done that
    II verbo intransitivo entender de, (saber) to know about: entiende de música, he has an ear for music ➣ Ver nota en understand
    I sustantivo masculino y femenino expert
    II adjetivo knowledgeable: son muy entendidos en literatura, they know a lot about literature
    ' entendido' also found in these entries:
    - conocedora
    - entendida
    - suponer
    - entender
    - tener
    - misconception
    - sorry
    - understand
    - connoisseur
    - gather
    - knowledgeable
    - miss
    - understanding
    - yourself
    * * *
    entendido, -a
    1. [comprendido] understood;
    dar algo por entendido: daba por entendido que nos apoyarían I understood that they would support us;
    eso se da por entendido that goes without saying;
    que quede bien entendido que… I want it clearly understood that…;
    tener entendido: tengo entendido que te casas, ¿es verdad? I understand o I've heard you're getting married, is that right?;
    tenía entendido que te mudabas de ciudad I understood you were moving to another town;
    según tenía entendido, era una casa grande from what I'd understood, it was a large house
    2. [en preguntas, respuestas]
    ¿entendido? (is that) understood?;
    si lo vuelves a hacer te castigaré, ¿entendido? if you do it again, you'll be punished, is that clear o understood?;
    ¡entendido! all right!, okay!
    3. [versado] expert (en in);
    un político entendido en relaciones internacionales a politician well-versed in international relations
    expert (en on);
    según los entendidos en la materia… according to the experts…
    * * *
    I adj understood;
    ¿entendido? do you understand?, understood?;
    tengo entendido que I gather o understand that
    II m, entendida f expert, authority (en on)
    * * *
    entendido, -da adj
    1) : skilled, expert
    tener entendido : to understand, to be under the impression
    teníamos entendido que vendrías: we were under the impression you would come
    darse por entendido : to go without saying
    : expert, authority, connoisseur
    * * *
    entendido n expert

    Spanish-English dictionary > entendido

  • 16 ofrecer

    1 to offer.
    ofrecerle algo a alguien to offer somebody something
    ¿puedo ofrecerle algo de beber? may I offer you something to drink?
    ¿cuánto te ofrecen por la casa? how much are they offering you for the house?
    María le ofrece comida a Ricardo Mary offers Richard food.
    Ella ofrece sus servicios She offers her services.
    2 to bid.
    ¿qué ofrecen por esta mesa? what am I bid for this table?
    3 to present (tener, presentar) (imagen, dificultades).
    la cocina ofrece un aspecto lamentable the kitchen is a sorry sight
    4 to offer up (oraciones, sacrificio).
    5 to make an offer.
    Ellos ofrecen They make an offer.
    6 to offer to, to promise to, to volunteer to.
    María le ofrece comida a Ricardo Mary offers Richard food.
    Ella ofrece sus servicios She offers her services.
    Ellos ofrecen limpiar They offer to clean.
    Le ofrecí a María ir a verla I offered Mary to go see her.
    Ellos ofrecieron a Ricardo They offered Richard.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ AGRADECER], like link=agradecer agradecer
    1 (dar - premio, amistad) to offer; (- banquete, fiesta) to hold; (- regalo) to give
    2 (presentar) to present
    1 (prestarse) to offer, volunteer
    2 (disponer) to want
    ¿qué se le ofrece? what can I do for you?
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=presentar voluntariamente)
    a) [+ servicios, ayuda, trabajo, dinero] to offer

    ¿cuánto te ofrecieron por el coche? — how much did they offer you for the car?

    ofrecer hacer algo — to offer to do sth

    b) [+ espectáculo, programa] [en TV] to show
    c) frm [+ respetos] to pay frm
    2) (=tener)
    a) [+ ventaja] to offer; [+ oportunidad, garantías] to offer, give; [+ solución] to offer, provide

    no ofrecer duda, la gravedad del caso no ofrece duda — there is no doubt about the seriousness of the case

    b) [+ dificultad] to present

    el ladrón no ofreció resistencia — the burglar did not put up a struggle, the burglar offered no resistance frm

    c) [+ imagen] to present
    3) (=celebrar) [+ acto, fiesta, cena] to hold, give
    4) [+ sacrificio, víctima] to offer up
    5) (Rel) to make a vow
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <ayuda/cigarrillo/empleo> to offer

    te llamo para ofrecerte al niño — (Col, Ven) I'm ringing to let you know that the baby has been born

    ofrecer + INF — to offer to + inf

    b) < dinero> to offer; ( en una subasta) to bid
    c) < fiesta> to give, throw (colloq); < recepción> to lay on, to hold
    d) <sacrificio/víctima> to offer (up)
    a) < oportunidad> to give, provide

    le ofrece la posibilidad de entablar nuevas amistades — it provides her with the chance to make new friends; < dificultad> to present

    b) <aspecto/vista>
    c) < resistencia> persona to put up, offer
    ofrecerse v pron
    1) persona to offer, volunteer

    ofrecerse A or PARA + INF — to offer o volunteer to + inf

    3) (frml) (querer, necesitar) (gen neg o interrog)

    ¿se le ofrece alguna otra cosa? — can I offer o get you anything else?

    ¿qué se le ofrece, señora? — what would you like, madam? (frml)

    * * *
    = deliver, feature, give, offer, open up, pitch, provide, provide with, supply, proffer, furnish (with), come forward with, tender, serve up.
    Ex. The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.
    Ex. Other catalogues and bibliographies only feature added entries under title where it is deemed that the author main entry heading is not likely to be obvious to the users.
    Ex. An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex. Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex. Here is a key paper by a non librarian which opens up a new and constructive approach to library purpose.
    Ex. Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex. To start with, most catalogues, indexes, data bases and bibliographies provide access to information or documents.
    Ex. Many libraries provide users with photocopies of contents pages of selected journals.
    Ex. Here an attempt is made to choose one form and supply references from the other forms.
    Ex. 'No question,' she said meditatively, 'we have to do something'; 'like more coffee?' proffered the waitress, the coffee pot hovered above Jergens' cup.
    Ex. One of the definitions of 'organise' is to furnish with organs, make organic, make into living being or tissue.
    Ex. Neither pundit from the past, nor sage from the schools, neither authorised body nor inspired individual has come forward with a definition acceptable to all practising librarians as theirs and theirs alone, sharply defining them as a group.
    Ex. This address was tendered at the State Library of Victoria, Nov 88, to mark the retirement of Professor Jean Whyte.
    Ex. A watering hole in Spain is serving up free beer and tapas to recession-weary customers who insult its bartenders as a way to let off steam.
    * ofrecer acceso = provide + access.
    * ofrecer apoyo = support, provide + support, rally (a)round, rally behind.
    * ofrecer asesoramiento = offer + advice, offer + guidance, dispense + advice.
    * ofrecer ayuda = offer + guidance, offer + assistance, provide + support.
    * ofrecer cobijo = provide + a home.
    * ofrecer conclusiones = provide + conclusions.
    * ofrecer conjuntamente = bundle.
    * ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * ofrecer consejos prácticos = offer + hints and advice.
    * ofrecer descuento = offer + discount.
    * ofrecer directrices = provide + guidance.
    * ofrecer en cantidad = offer + in quantity.
    * ofrecer en un lote = bundle.
    * ofrecer esperanzas = hold + promise.
    * ofrecer estímulo = provide + stimulus.
    * ofrecer incentivo = provide + incentive, offer + inducement.
    * ofrecer información = provide + information, provide + details, supply + information, offer + information, package + information, furnish + information.
    * ofrecer la garantía de = provide + the stamp of.
    * ofrecer la mano = put forth + Posesivo + hand.
    * ofrecer la oportunidad = allow + the opportunity to, allow + the opportunity to.
    * ofrecer la oportunidad de = offer + a chance to.
    * ofrecer la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad = afford + possibility, provide + facility.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad de = have + the potential (to/for), offer + the facility.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad de que = usher in + the day when.
    * ofrecer lo máximo = shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ofrecer poco = low-ball.
    * ofrecer por primera vez = debut.
    * ofrecer posibilidades = have + potential, offer + options, offer + possibilities, hold + potential, present + possibilities, open (up) + avenues.
    * ofrecer razones = provide + reasons.
    * ofrecer refugio = provide + a home.
    * ofrecer resistencia = put up + resistance.
    * ofrecer santuario = offer + sanctuary.
    * ofrecerse = be forthcoming, step forward, step up to.
    * ofrecerse como voluntario = volunteer.
    * ofrecer servicio = service.
    * ofrecer sugerencias = give + suggestions.
    * ofrecer una explicación = present + explanation.
    * ofrecer una fiesta = host + party.
    * ofrecer una forma de = provide + a way of/to.
    * ofrecer una imagen = present + picture.
    * ofrecer una introducción a = provide + a background to.
    * ofrecer una norma = offer + prescription.
    * ofrecer una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * ofrecer una oportunidad = offer + opportunity, provide + opportunity, present + an opportunity.
    * ofrecer una perspectiva = offer + perspective.
    * ofrecer una posibilidad = afford + opportunity.
    * ofrecer una prestación = offer + facility.
    * ofrecer una rama de olivo para hacer las paces = offer + an olive branch.
    * ofrecer una recepción = host + reception.
    * ofrecer una respuesta = provide + answer.
    * ofrecer una solución = provide + solution, offer + solution.
    * ofrecer una sonrisa = give + a grin.
    * ofrecer una visión = provide + a picture.
    * ofrecer una visión de = offer + an account of.
    * ofrecer una visión de conjunto = provide + a picture, provide + overview.
    * ofrecer una visión muy releveladora de = provide + insight into, give + an insight into, give + an inside look at.
    * ofrecer una vista = afford + a view.
    * ofrecer un curso = offer + course.
    * ofrecer un ejemplo = afford + example.
    * ofrecer un sacrificio = make + a sacrifice.
    * ofrecer un servicio = operate + service, provide + service, do + service.
    * ofrecer ventaja = be of benefit.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <ayuda/cigarrillo/empleo> to offer

    te llamo para ofrecerte al niño — (Col, Ven) I'm ringing to let you know that the baby has been born

    ofrecer + INF — to offer to + inf

    b) < dinero> to offer; ( en una subasta) to bid
    c) < fiesta> to give, throw (colloq); < recepción> to lay on, to hold
    d) <sacrificio/víctima> to offer (up)
    a) < oportunidad> to give, provide

    le ofrece la posibilidad de entablar nuevas amistades — it provides her with the chance to make new friends; < dificultad> to present

    b) <aspecto/vista>
    c) < resistencia> persona to put up, offer
    ofrecerse v pron
    1) persona to offer, volunteer

    ofrecerse A or PARA + INF — to offer o volunteer to + inf

    3) (frml) (querer, necesitar) (gen neg o interrog)

    ¿se le ofrece alguna otra cosa? — can I offer o get you anything else?

    ¿qué se le ofrece, señora? — what would you like, madam? (frml)

    * * *
    = deliver, feature, give, offer, open up, pitch, provide, provide with, supply, proffer, furnish (with), come forward with, tender, serve up.

    Ex: The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.

    Ex: Other catalogues and bibliographies only feature added entries under title where it is deemed that the author main entry heading is not likely to be obvious to the users.
    Ex: An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex: Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex: Here is a key paper by a non librarian which opens up a new and constructive approach to library purpose.
    Ex: Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex: To start with, most catalogues, indexes, data bases and bibliographies provide access to information or documents.
    Ex: Many libraries provide users with photocopies of contents pages of selected journals.
    Ex: Here an attempt is made to choose one form and supply references from the other forms.
    Ex: 'No question,' she said meditatively, 'we have to do something'; 'like more coffee?' proffered the waitress, the coffee pot hovered above Jergens' cup.
    Ex: One of the definitions of 'organise' is to furnish with organs, make organic, make into living being or tissue.
    Ex: Neither pundit from the past, nor sage from the schools, neither authorised body nor inspired individual has come forward with a definition acceptable to all practising librarians as theirs and theirs alone, sharply defining them as a group.
    Ex: This address was tendered at the State Library of Victoria, Nov 88, to mark the retirement of Professor Jean Whyte.
    Ex: A watering hole in Spain is serving up free beer and tapas to recession-weary customers who insult its bartenders as a way to let off steam.
    * ofrecer acceso = provide + access.
    * ofrecer apoyo = support, provide + support, rally (a)round, rally behind.
    * ofrecer asesoramiento = offer + advice, offer + guidance, dispense + advice.
    * ofrecer ayuda = offer + guidance, offer + assistance, provide + support.
    * ofrecer cobijo = provide + a home.
    * ofrecer conclusiones = provide + conclusions.
    * ofrecer conjuntamente = bundle.
    * ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * ofrecer consejos prácticos = offer + hints and advice.
    * ofrecer descuento = offer + discount.
    * ofrecer directrices = provide + guidance.
    * ofrecer en cantidad = offer + in quantity.
    * ofrecer en un lote = bundle.
    * ofrecer esperanzas = hold + promise.
    * ofrecer estímulo = provide + stimulus.
    * ofrecer incentivo = provide + incentive, offer + inducement.
    * ofrecer información = provide + information, provide + details, supply + information, offer + information, package + information, furnish + information.
    * ofrecer la garantía de = provide + the stamp of.
    * ofrecer la mano = put forth + Posesivo + hand.
    * ofrecer la oportunidad = allow + the opportunity to, allow + the opportunity to.
    * ofrecer la oportunidad de = offer + a chance to.
    * ofrecer la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad = afford + possibility, provide + facility.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad de = have + the potential (to/for), offer + the facility.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad de que = usher in + the day when.
    * ofrecer lo máximo = shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ofrecer poco = low-ball.
    * ofrecer por primera vez = debut.
    * ofrecer posibilidades = have + potential, offer + options, offer + possibilities, hold + potential, present + possibilities, open (up) + avenues.
    * ofrecer razones = provide + reasons.
    * ofrecer refugio = provide + a home.
    * ofrecer resistencia = put up + resistance.
    * ofrecer santuario = offer + sanctuary.
    * ofrecerse = be forthcoming, step forward, step up to.
    * ofrecerse como voluntario = volunteer.
    * ofrecer servicio = service.
    * ofrecer sugerencias = give + suggestions.
    * ofrecer una explicación = present + explanation.
    * ofrecer una fiesta = host + party.
    * ofrecer una forma de = provide + a way of/to.
    * ofrecer una imagen = present + picture.
    * ofrecer una introducción a = provide + a background to.
    * ofrecer una norma = offer + prescription.
    * ofrecer una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * ofrecer una oportunidad = offer + opportunity, provide + opportunity, present + an opportunity.
    * ofrecer una perspectiva = offer + perspective.
    * ofrecer una posibilidad = afford + opportunity.
    * ofrecer una prestación = offer + facility.
    * ofrecer una rama de olivo para hacer las paces = offer + an olive branch.
    * ofrecer una recepción = host + reception.
    * ofrecer una respuesta = provide + answer.
    * ofrecer una solución = provide + solution, offer + solution.
    * ofrecer una sonrisa = give + a grin.
    * ofrecer una visión = provide + a picture.
    * ofrecer una visión de = offer + an account of.
    * ofrecer una visión de conjunto = provide + a picture, provide + overview.
    * ofrecer una visión muy releveladora de = provide + insight into, give + an insight into, give + an inside look at.
    * ofrecer una vista = afford + a view.
    * ofrecer un curso = offer + course.
    * ofrecer un ejemplo = afford + example.
    * ofrecer un sacrificio = make + a sacrifice.
    * ofrecer un servicio = operate + service, provide + service, do + service.
    * ofrecer ventaja = be of benefit.

    * * *
    ofrecer [E3 ]
    1 ‹ayuda/cigarrillo/empleo› to offer
    le ofreció su brazo he offered her his arm
    no nos ofreció ni una taza de café he didn't even offer us a cup of coffee
    todavía no nos ha ofrecido la casa he still hasn't invited us to see his new house
    te llamo para ofrecerte al niño ( Col); I'm ringing to let you know that the baby's been born
    ofrecer + INF to offer TO + INF
    ofreció prestarnos su coche she offered to lend us her car
    2 ‹dinero› (por un artículo) to offer
    ofreció mil dólares por el jarrón he bid a thousand dollars for the vase
    ¿cuánto me ofrece por este cuadro? how much will you give o offer me for this picture?
    3 ‹fiesta› to give, hold, throw ( colloq)
    ofrecieron una comida en su honor they gave a meal in her honor
    ofrecieron una recepción en el Hotel Suecia they laid on o held a reception in the Hotel Suecia
    4 ‹sacrificio/víctima› to offer, offer up
    1 ‹oportunidad› to give, provide; ‹dificultad› to present
    le ofrece la posibilidad de entablar nuevas amistades it provides her with o it gives her o ( frml) it affords her the chance to make new friends
    el plan ofrece varias dificultades the plan presents o poses a number of problems
    2 ‹aspecto/vista›
    su habitación ofrecía un aspecto lúgubre her room was gloomy o had an air of gloominess about it
    el balcón ofrecía una vista maravillosa there was a marvelous view from the balcony
    el año ofrece buenas perspectivas things look good for the coming year, the coming year looks promising
    ofrecían un espectáculo desgarrador they were a heartrending sight
    3 ‹resistencia› «persona» to put up, offer
    se entregó sin ofrecer ninguna resistencia he surrendered without putting up o offering any resistance
    «persona»: se ofrece niñera con experiencia experienced nanny seeks employment
    ofrecerse A or PARA + INF to offer o volunteer to + INF
    se ofreció a venir a buscarnos she offered o volunteered to come and pick us up
    (presentarse): un espectáculo único se ofrecía ante nuestros ojos a unique spectacle presented itself before o greeted our eyes
    las cumbres nevadas se nos ofrecían en todo su esplendor the snowy peaks appeared o stood before us in all their splendor
    C ( frml) (querer, necesitar) ( gen neg o interrog) ofrecérsele algo A algn:
    ¿se le ofrece alguna otra cosa? can I offer o get you anything else?, would you care for anything else?
    si no se le ofrece nada más, me retiro a dormir if there's nothing else I can do for you, I'll say goodnight
    ¿qué se le ofrece a la señora? what would you like o what can I get you to drink, madam? ( frml)
    * * *


    ofrecer ( conjugate ofrecer) verbo transitivo
    a)ayuda/cigarrillo/empleo to offer

    b) dinero to offer;

    ( en una subasta) to bid
    c) fiesta to give;

    recepción to lay on
    d)sacrificio/víctima to offer (up)

    a)oportunidad/posibilidad to give, provide;

    dificultad to present

    ofrecerse verbo pronominal
    1 [ persona] to offer, volunteer;
    ofrecerse A or PARA hacer algo to offer o volunteer to do sth
    2 (frml) (querer, necesitar) ( gen neg o interrog):
    ¿qué se le ofrece, señora? what would you like, madam? (frml);

    si no se le ofrece nada más if there's nothing else I can do for you
    ofrecer verbo transitivo
    1 (agua, ayuda, dinero, etc) to offer
    2 (posibilidad, solución, consejo) to give
    3 (un homenaje, banquete, etc) to hold
    4 (aspecto) to present
    5 Rel to offer (up)
    ' ofrecer' also found in these entries:
    - dar
    - tender
    - amparar
    - convidar
    - dedicar
    - excusar
    - querer
    - tributar
    - outbid
    - part exchange
    - present
    - put up
    - shall
    - tender
    - volunteer
    - bid
    - cater
    - dispense
    - feature
    - give
    - hand
    - hold
    - lay
    - proffer
    - put
    - quote
    * * *
    1. [proporcionar, dar] to offer;
    ofrecerle algo a alguien to offer sb sth;
    me han ofrecido el puesto de director they've offered me the job of manager;
    ¿puedo ofrecerle algo de beber? may I offer you something to drink?;
    ofrecen una recompensa por él they are offering a reward for his capture;
    le ofrecieron una cena homenaje they held a dinner in his honour;
    ¿cuánto te ofrecen por la casa? how much are they offering you for the house?;
    me ofrece la oportunidad o [m5] la ocasión de conocer la ciudad it gives me the chance to get to know the city
    2. [en subastas] to bid;
    ¿qué ofrecen por esta mesa? what am I bid for this table?
    3. [tener, presentar] to present;
    la cocina ofrece un aspecto lamentable the kitchen is a sorry sight;
    esta tarea ofrece algunas dificultades this task poses o presents a number of problems;
    aquel negocio ofrecía inmejorables perspectivas that business had excellent prospects
    4. [oraciones, sacrificio] to offer up;
    ofrecer una misa por alguien to have a mass said for sb
    * * *
    v/t offer
    * * *
    ofrecer {53} vt
    1) : to offer
    2) : to provide, to give
    3) : to present (an appearance, etc.)
    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > ofrecer

  • 17 suus

        suus (suae, monosyl., T.; gen plur. suūm, T.), pron poss. 3d pers.    [cf. sui, ἕοσ].    I. In gen.    A. With reflex reference, of oneself, belonging to oneself, his own, her own, his, her, its, their.—Referring to a subst. expressed or understood, in any gender or case: Caesar copias suas divisit, his, Cs.: in suā sententiā perseverat, Cs.: anteposuit suam salutem meae: suos parentes reperire, T.: omne animal et se ipsum et omnīs partīs suas diligit, its: (legiones) si consulem suum reliquerunt, their: naves cum suis oneribus, with their several cargoes, L.: suae causae confidere: hunc sui cives e civitate eiecerunt, was exiled by his fellow-citizens: ipsum suo nomine diligere, for his own sake: suis flammis delete Fidenas, i. e. the flames kindled by the Fidenates, L.: (Siculis ereptae sunt) suae leges: Scipio suas res Syracusanis restituit, L.: inimicissimus suus: Clodius, suus atque illius familiaris, Cs.: diffidens rebus suis: Caesar, primum suo deinde omnium ex conspectu remotis equis, etc., Cs.: doloris sui de me declarandi potestas.—Rarely with a subj clause as antecedent: secutum suā sponte est, ut, etc., of course, L.—Without a grammatical antecedent, one's, one's own: si quidem est atrocius, patriae parentem quam suum occidere: in suā civitate vivere: levius est sua decreta tollere quam aliorum, L.—Referring to an antecedent determined by the context, and conceived as authority for the statement, or as entertaining the thought, his, her, its, their: (Clodius) Caesaris potentiam suam esse dicebat: hostes viderunt... suorum tormentorum usum spatio propinquitatis interire, Cs.: ne ea quae rei p. causā egerit (Pompeius) in suam (i. e. Caesaris) contumeliam vertat, Cs.: mulieres viros orantes, ne parricidio macularent partūs suos (i. e. mulierum), L.—    B. Without reflex reference, his, her, its, their.—To avoid ambiguity: petunt rationes illius (Catilinae), ut orbetur auxilio res p., ut minuatur contra suum furorem imperatorum copia (for eius, which might be referred to res p.).—For emphasis, instead of eius, own, peculiar: mira erant in civitatibus ipsorum furta Graecorum quae magistratūs sui fecerant, their own magistrates.—Rarely for eius without emphasis (poet. or late): Cimon incidit in eandem invidiam quam pater suus, N.: Ipse sub Esquiliis, ubi erat sua regia Concidit, O.    II. Esp.    A. Plur m. as subst., of intimates or partisans, one's people, their own friends: Cupio abducere ut reddam suis, to her family, T.: mulier praecepit suis, omnia Caelio pollicerentur, her slaves: vellem hanc contemptionem pecuniae suis reliquisset, to his posterity: naviculam conscendit cum paucis suis, a few of his followers, Cs.: inprimis inter suos nobilis, his associates: subsidio suorum proelium restituere, comrades, L.: bestias ad opem suis ferendam avertas, their young, L.— Sing f., a sweetheart, mistress: illam suam suas res sibi habere iussit.—Sing. and plur n., one's own things, one's property: ad suum pervenire: sui nihil deperdere, Cs.: meum mihi placebat, illi suum, his own work: expendere quid quisque habeat sui, what peculiarities: tibi omnia sua tradere, all he had: se suaque transvehere, their baggage, L.: Aliena melius diiudicare Quam sua, their own business, T.—    B. Predicative uses, under one's own control, self-possessed, composed: semper esse in disputando suus: Vix sua, vix sanae compos Mentis, O.—In gen., under one's control, his property, his own: causam dicere aurum quā re sit suum, T.: qui suam rem nullam habent, nothing of their own: ut (Caesar) magnam partem Italiae suam fecerit, has made subject, Cs.: exercitum senatūs populique R. esse, non suum: ne quis quem civitatis mutandae causā suum faceret, made any one his slave, L.: eduxit mater pro suā, as her own, T.: arbitrantur Suam Thaidem esse, devoted to them, T.: Vota suos habuere deos, had the gods on their side, O.—    C. In phrases, suā sponte, of one's own accord, voluntarily, by oneself, spontaneously, without aid, unprompted: bellum suā sponte suscipere: omne honestum suā sponte expetendum, for its own sake ; see (spons).—Suus locus, one's own ground: restitit suo loco Romana acies, in its own lines, L.: aciem instruxit suis locis, Cs.—    D. Praegn., characteristic, peculiar voluptatem suis se finibus tenere iubeamus, within the limits assigned to it.—Intrinsic, original. (Platoni) duo placet esse motūs, unum suum, alterum externum, etc.— Private: in suis rebus luxuriosus militibus agros ex suis possessionibus pollicetur, i. e. his private property, Cs.— Just, due, appropriate: imperatori exercituique honos suus redditus, due to them, L.: is mensibus suis dimisit legionem, i. e. in which each soldier's term ended, L.: suo iure, by his own right: lacrimae sua verba sequuntur, i. e. appropriate (to tears), O.— Own, peculiar, exclusive, special: mentio inlata est, rem suo proprio magistratu egere, i. e. a special officer, L.: ni suo proprio eum proelio equites exceptum tenuissent, i. e. in which they alone fought, L.: quae est ei (animo) natura? Propria, puto, et sua: equitem suo alienoque Marte pugnare, i. e. both as cavalry and as infantry, L.: Miraturque (arbos) novas frondes et non sua poma (of engrafted fruit), V.— Own, devoted, friendly, dear: habere suos consules, after his own heart: conlegit ipse se contra suum Clodium, his dear Clodius.—Own, chosen by himself, favorable, advantageous: suo loco pugnam facere, S.: suis locis bellum in hiemem ducere, Cs.: numquam nostris locis laboravimus, L.: suam occasionem hosti dare, L.: aestuque suo Locros traiecit, a favorable tide, L.: Ventis ire non suis, H.— Proper, right, regular, normal: si suum numerum naves haberent, their regular complement: numerum non habet illa (ratis) suum, its full number, O.: cum suo iusto equitatu, L.: cessit e vitā suo magis quam suorum civium tempore, the right time for himself: sua tempora exspectare, L.— Own, independent: ut suae leges, sui magistratūs Capuae essent, L.: in suā potestate sunt, suo iure utuntur.—    E. In particular connections, strengthened by ipse (agreeing with the antecedent): valet ipsum (ingenium eius) suis viribus, by its own strength: legio Martia non ipsa suis decretis hostem iudicavit Antonium? by its own resolutions: suāmet ipsae fraude omnes interierunt, L.: alios sua ipsos invidia interemit, L. —Distributively, with quisque, each... his own, severally... their own: suum quisque noscat ingenium, let every man understand his own mind: celeriter ad suos quisque ordines rediit, Cs.: ut omnes in suis quisque centuriis primā luce adessent, each in his own centuria, L.: sua cuiusque animantis natura est: ne suus cuique domi hostis esset, L.: trahit sua quemque voluptas, V.: in tribuendo suum cuique: clarissimorum suae cuiusque gentis virorum mors, L.: hospitibus quisque suis scribebant, L.—With quisque in the same case (by attraction): in sensibus sui cuiusque generis iudicium (i. e. suum cuiusque generis iudicium): equites suae cuique parti post principia conlocat (i. e. equites suos cuique parti), L.: pecunia, quae suo quoque anno penderetur (i. e. suo quaeque anno), each instalment in the year when due, L.—With uterque, distributively (of two subjects): suas uterque legiones reducit in castra, Cs.: cum sui utrosque adhortarentur, L.—Strengthened by sibi, own (colloq.): Suo sibi gladio hunc iugulo, his own sword, T.; cf. idem lege sibi suā curationem petet, for himself.—Strengthened by unius: ut sua unius in his gratia esset, that the credit of it should belong to him alone, L.: qui de suā unius sententiā omnia gerat, L.—With a pron, of his, of hers, of theirs: postulat ut ad hanc suam praedam adiutores vos profiteamini, to this booty of his: cum illo suo pari: nullo suo merito, from no fault of theirs, L.—With an adj. (suus usu. emphatic, preceding the adj.): suis amplissimis fortunis: simili ratione Pompeius in suis veteribus castris consedit, Cs.: propter summam suam humanitatem: in illo ardenti tribunatu suo.—For the gen obj. (rare): neque cuiquam mortalium iniuriae suae parvae videntur (i. e. sibi inlatae), S.: te a cognitione suā reppulerunt (i. e. a se cognoscendo).— Abl sing. fem., with refert or interest, for gen. of the pers. pron: neminem esse qui quo modo se habeat nihil suā censeat interesse; see intersum, rēfert.—Strengthened by the suffix - pte (affixed to suā or suo; never with ipse): ferri suopte pondere: locus suāpte naturā infestus, L. —Strengthened by the suffix - met (affixed to sua, sui, suo, suā, suos and suis; usu. followed by ipse): suomet ipsi more, S.: intra suamet ipsum moenia, L.: suosmet ipsi cives, L.
    * * *
    sua, suum ADJ
    his/one's (own), her (own), hers, its (own); (pl.) their (own), theirs
    his men (pl.), his friends

    Latin-English dictionary > suus

  • 18 loro

    I ['loro] pron pers pl
    2) (sogg : al posto di "essi", "esse", con valore enfatico) they

    prendeteli, sono loro — catch them, they're the ones

    sono loro, apri la porta — it's them, open the door

    sono stati loro a dirmelo — they told me themselves, it was they frm o them who told me

    hanno ragione loro, non tu — they are right, not you

    3) (nelle comparazioni: sogg) they, them, (complemento) them

    ne so quanto loro — I know as much as they do, I know as much as them

    II ['loro] pron pers pl
    (forma di cortesia) (anche: Loro)
    1) you

    chiedo lor signori di seguirmi — be so good as to follow me, (if you would) gentlemen

    III ['loro]
    1. agg poss inv

    il(la) loro; i(le) loro

    2) (forma di cortesia), (anche: Loro) your
    2. pron poss inv

    il(la) loro; i(le) loro

    2) (forma di cortesia), (anche: Loro) yours

    i loro (famiglia) their family, (amici) their own people

    siamo dei loro; stiamo dalla loro — (parte) we're on their side, we're with them

    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > loro

  • 19 irritar

    1 to irritate.
    Su actitud irrita a Ricardo His attitude irritates Richard.
    La loción irrita la piel The lotion irritates the skin.
    2 to annul.
    El documento irrita la apelación The document annuls the appeal.
    * * *
    1 to irritate
    1 to lose one's temper, get annoyed
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=enfadar) to irritate
    2) (Med) to irritate
    3) [+ celos, pasiones] to stir up, inflame
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <piel/garganta> to irritate
    b) < persona> to annoy, irritate
    irritarse v pron
    a) piel/ojos to become irritated
    b) persona to get annoyed, get irritated
    * * *
    = irk, needle, irritate, rattle + Posesivo + cage, rub + Nombre + up the wrong way, spite, annoy, roil, nerve, gall, rile, peeve, enrage, hit + a (raw) nerve, strike + a nerve, exasperate, touch + a (raw) nerve, raise + Posesivo + hackles.
    Ex. She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.
    Ex. She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.
    Ex. Their education must accordingly be designed to prepare them for that future, however much this may irritate the myopics whose only concern is for the present.
    Ex. The author maintains that his poem makes an attempt to rattle the cage and is a gesture toward revolt, a call to abandon any vision of human life that does not embrace the sexual universe.
    Ex. Relations between the two countries would now be difficult as our Prime Minister had rubbed theirs up the wrong way over ridiculous matters.
    Ex. Men's abuse of children is in many instances instrumental in order to coerce or retaliate against women, echoing the Greek myth of Medea who killed her own children to spite her father.
    Ex. Library pests are any humans, large or microscopic beasts, library equipment or installations, or chemical and biological substances that hamper or annoy the reader.
    Ex. Episcopalians were roiled by the approval of a rector outspokenly conservative on such matters as the liturgy, the hymnal and ordination.
    Ex. But there's something which has nerved me before with the forum.
    Ex. It was the American attitude of superiority that galled them the most.
    Ex. Now is not the time for superfluous rantings intended to rile the public.
    Ex. Things like talking over the performances and cutting to commercials in the middle of performances were really peaving the people who watched.
    Ex. On a recent field trip, he drank too much and became enraged with another student by whom he felt insulted.
    Ex. Based on their account, it seems obvious that Beauperthuy hit a raw nerve among some of the medical research leaders of the day.
    Ex. His plethoric prose produced by a prodigious placement of words struck a nerve.
    Ex. Radical intellectuals often seem exasperated by what appears as excessive attention paid to conceptualization.
    Ex. Obama's election seems to have touched a raw nerve in conservative white America, unleashing a torrent of right-wing rage unseen in this country.
    Ex. But be prepared to raise some hackles if you take this approach, because it is essential you do it openly and not behind your boss' back.
    * irritarse con = get + short with.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <piel/garganta> to irritate
    b) < persona> to annoy, irritate
    irritarse v pron
    a) piel/ojos to become irritated
    b) persona to get annoyed, get irritated
    * * *
    = irk, needle, irritate, rattle + Posesivo + cage, rub + Nombre + up the wrong way, spite, annoy, roil, nerve, gall, rile, peeve, enrage, hit + a (raw) nerve, strike + a nerve, exasperate, touch + a (raw) nerve, raise + Posesivo + hackles.

    Ex: She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.

    Ex: She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.
    Ex: Their education must accordingly be designed to prepare them for that future, however much this may irritate the myopics whose only concern is for the present.
    Ex: The author maintains that his poem makes an attempt to rattle the cage and is a gesture toward revolt, a call to abandon any vision of human life that does not embrace the sexual universe.
    Ex: Relations between the two countries would now be difficult as our Prime Minister had rubbed theirs up the wrong way over ridiculous matters.
    Ex: Men's abuse of children is in many instances instrumental in order to coerce or retaliate against women, echoing the Greek myth of Medea who killed her own children to spite her father.
    Ex: Library pests are any humans, large or microscopic beasts, library equipment or installations, or chemical and biological substances that hamper or annoy the reader.
    Ex: Episcopalians were roiled by the approval of a rector outspokenly conservative on such matters as the liturgy, the hymnal and ordination.
    Ex: But there's something which has nerved me before with the forum.
    Ex: It was the American attitude of superiority that galled them the most.
    Ex: Now is not the time for superfluous rantings intended to rile the public.
    Ex: Things like talking over the performances and cutting to commercials in the middle of performances were really peaving the people who watched.
    Ex: On a recent field trip, he drank too much and became enraged with another student by whom he felt insulted.
    Ex: Based on their account, it seems obvious that Beauperthuy hit a raw nerve among some of the medical research leaders of the day.
    Ex: His plethoric prose produced by a prodigious placement of words struck a nerve.
    Ex: Radical intellectuals often seem exasperated by what appears as excessive attention paid to conceptualization.
    Ex: Obama's election seems to have touched a raw nerve in conservative white America, unleashing a torrent of right-wing rage unseen in this country.
    Ex: But be prepared to raise some hackles if you take this approach, because it is essential you do it openly and not behind your boss' back.
    * irritarse con = get + short with.

    * * *
    irritar [A1 ]
    1 ‹piel/garganta› to irritate
    el humo le irritaba los ojos the smoke was irritating his eyes
    tiene la garganta irritada his throat is sore o inflamed
    2 ‹persona› to annoy, irritate
    1 «piel/ojos» to become irritated
    2 «persona» to get annoyed, get irritated
    se irritó por lo que le dije he got annoyed o irritated at what I said
    nunca se irrita con las críticas de sus adversarios she never gets annoyed at her opponents' criticisms
    * * *

    irritar ( conjugate irritar) verbo transitivo
    a)piel/garganta to irritate;

    tiene la garganta irritada his throat is sore o inflamed

    irritarse verbo pronominal
    a) [piel/ojos] to become irritated

    irritar verbo transitivo to irritate
    ' irritar' also found in these entries:
    - enfermar
    - picar
    - provocar
    - chocar
    - fastidiar
    - reventar
    - irk
    - irritate
    - needle
    - rile
    - roil
    - rub
    - annoy
    - vex
    * * *
    1. [enfadar] to irritate, to annoy
    2. [piel, garganta] to irritate;
    me irritó la garganta/piel it gave me a sore throat/a rash;
    el humo me irrita los pulmones smoke irritates my lungs
    * * *
    v/t tb MED irritate
    * * *
    : to irritate
    * * *
    irritar vb to irritate

    Spanish-English dictionary > irritar

  • 20 lado

    1 side (coin).
    el cine está a este lado de la calle the cinema is on this side of the street
    la casa de al lado the house next door
    al otro lado de la calle/frontera, across the street/border
    en el lado de arriba/abajo on the top/bottom
    a ambos lados on both sides
    de lado tilted, at an angle (torcido)
    mételo de lado put it in sideways
    dormir de lado to sleep on one's side
    viento de lado crosswind
    atravesar algo de lado a lado to cross something from one side to the other
    echarse o hacerse a un lado to move aside
    por un lado on the one hand
    por otro lado on the other hand
    2 place (place).
    debe de estar en otro lado it must be somewhere else
    de un lado para o a otro to and fro
    por todos lados everywhere, all around
    iremos cada uno por nuestro lado we will go our separate ways
    3 side (faction).
    y tú ¿de qué lado estás? whose side are you on?
    ponerse del lado de alguien to take somebody's side
    4 latus, flank, regio lateralis.
    * * *
    1 (gen) side
    al lado de alguien next to somebody
    al lado de algo beside something
    dar de lado a alguien to ignore somebody
    de medio lado tilted, on the tilt
    de un lado para otro about, all over the place, to and fro, backwards and forwards
    dejar a alguien de lado to leave somebody out
    dejar algo a un lado to leave something aside
    dejar algo de lado to leave something aside
    estar al lado (muy cerca) to be very near
    hacerse a un lado to get out of the way
    poner a un lado to set aside
    poner algo de lado to put something sideways
    por un lado... por otro... on the one hand... on the other hand...
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=lateral) side

    lado derecho — right side, right-hand side

    lado izquierdo — left side, left-hand side

    al otro lado de la calle — on the other side of the street, across the street

    a un lado y a otro — on all sides, all around

    de lado — sideways

    echarse o hacerse a un lado — [persona] to move to one side, step aside; [vehículo] to swerve out of the way

    por su lado, se fue cada uno por su lado — they went their separate ways

    - mirar a algn de medio lado
    2) (=aspecto) side

    por un lado..., por otro lado... — on the one hand..., on the other hand...

    por ese lado, creo que está bien — in that respect, I think it's all right

    3) (=lugar)

    ponlo en cualquier lado — put it anywhere

    otro lado, tiene que estar en otro lado — it must be somewhere else

    ir de un lado a otro — to go to and fro, walk up and down

    estuvo de un lado para otro toda la mañana — she was up and down all morning, she was running around all morning

    por todos lados, me lo encuentro por todos lados — I bump into him everywhere I go

    rodeado de agua por todos lados — surrounded by water on all sides, completely surrounded by water

    4) [indicando proximidad]

    estar al lado — to be near

    el cine está aquí al lado — the cinema is just round the corner, the cinema is very near

    al lado de, la silla que está al lado del armario — the chair beside the wardrobe

    al lado de aquello, esto no es nada — compared to that, this is nothing

    al lado de ella, tú pareces una belleza — compared to her, you seem really beautiful

    a mi/tu lado, Felipe se sentó a mi lado — Felipe sat beside me

    5) (=bando) (Mil) flank; (Pol) faction

    yo estoy de su lado — I'm on his side, I'm with him

    6) (Mat) side
    7) (Dep) end
    8) (=favor) favour, protection
    * * *
    a) ( parte lateral) side

    a este/al otro lado del río — on this/on the other side of the river

    ¿de qué lado de la calle? — which side of the street?

    cambiar de lado — (Dep) to change sides (AmE) o (BrE) ends

    b) (de papel, moneda, tela) side
    c) (Mat) ( de polígono) side
    2) (aspecto, ángulo) side
    a) ( bando) side

    ¿de qué lado estás? — whose side are you on?

    b) ( rama familiar) side
    4) (sitio, lugar)

    miré en or por todos lados — I looked everywhere

    al lado: viven en la casa de al lado they live next door; los vecinos de al lado the next-door neighbors; nos queda aquí al lado it's very near here o (colloq) is right on the doorstep; al lado de alguien/algo ( contiguo a) next to somebody/something, beside somebody/something; ( en comparación con) compared to somebody/something; a su lado me siento segura I feel safe when I'm with him; de mi/tu/su lado: no te muevas de mi lado don't leave my side, stay close to me; de lado <meter/colocar> sideways; <tumbarse/dormir> on one's side; ponlo de lado turn it sideways; de medio lado at an angle; por otro lado ( en cambio) on the other hand; ( además) apart from anything else; por un lado..., pero por otro lado... on the one hand..., but on the other hand...; dejar algo de lado or a un lado to leave something aside o to one side; dejar a alguien de lado: me dejan de lado en la oficina they leave me out of things at the office; sus amigos la dejaron a un lado her friends gave her the cold shoulder; estar al or del otro lado (CS, Méx fam) to be over the worst, be laughing (colloq); ir cada uno por su lado: mejor vamos cada uno por nuestro lado y allí nos encontramos it's better if we all make our own way and meet each other there; cada uno se fue por su lado they went their separate ways; por cualquier lado que se mire whichever way o however you look at it; saber de qué lado sopla el viento — to know which way the wind blows, know how the land lies

    * * *
    = part, quarter, side.
    Ex. Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.
    Ex. A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.
    Ex. The red ON/OFF switch for the terminal is located at the left side of the screen.
    * a ambos lados de = on either side of.
    * a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.
    * adelantar por el lado incorrecto = undertake.
    * al lado de = beside, at the side of, by the side of.
    * al otro lado de = across.
    * al otro lado de la barrera = on the other side of the fence.
    * al otro lado de la ciudad = cross-town.
    * al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del charco = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del mundo = half way (a)round the world.
    * al otro lado del océano = across the pond.
    * ambos lados del argumento = both sides of the fence.
    * apartarse a un lado = pull over.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a uno y otro lado de = on either side of.
    * aunque por otro lado = but otherwise.
    * continuar al lado de = stand by.
    * con una pierna a cada lado de = astride.
    * dar de lado = short-circuit [shortcircuit], give + Nombre + the cold shoulder.
    * dejando a un lado = apart from.
    * dejar a una lado = put + Nombre + to one side.
    * dejar a un lado = put + aside, move + beyond, lay + Nombre + aside, leave by + the wayside.
    * dejar de lado = leave + aside, forego [forgo].
    * del otro lado de la ciudad = cross-town.
    * denerse en el lado del camino = pull over.
    * de todos lados = from far and wide.
    * de un lado de la ciudad a otro = cross-town.
    * de un lado para otro = on the move, to and fro.
    * echar a un lado = push aside.
    * el otro lado de la barrera = the other side of the fence.
    * en el lado negativo = on the negative side, on the downside.
    * en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.
    * en todos lados = far and wide.
    * estar al lado de = stand by + Lugar.
    * extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * hacer a un lado = nudge + Nombre + aside, push aside.
    * hacerse a un lado = make + room (for), pull over.
    * juntos por el lado más ancho = side by side.
    * juntos por el lado más estrecho = end to end.
    * lado del camino = wayside.
    * lado derecho = right-hand side.
    * lado derecho, el = right side, the.
    * lado exterior, el = far side, the.
    * lado externo, el = far side, the.
    * lado izquierdo, el = left side, the.
    * lado más cercano, el = near side, the, near side, the.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
    * mirar al otro lado = look + the other way.
    * pararse en el lado del camino = pull over.
    * pasar por el lado de = make + Posesivo + way past.
    * pero por otro lado = but then again.
    * poner a un lado = lay + Nombre + aside, set + aside.
    * ponerse del lado de = side with.
    * ponerse del lado de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * por otro lado = alternatively, however, on the other side, for another thing, on the flip side, on another topic, on another matter, on another note.
    * por otro lados = on other matters.
    * por todos lados = left, right and centre, far and wide.
    * por una lado... por otro = at one end... at the other.
    * por un lado = on the one hand, on the one side.
    * por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre = in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other.
    * tiempo estar de lado de Alguien = time + be + on + Posesivo + side.
    * viento de lado = crosswind.
    * * *
    a) ( parte lateral) side

    a este/al otro lado del río — on this/on the other side of the river

    ¿de qué lado de la calle? — which side of the street?

    cambiar de lado — (Dep) to change sides (AmE) o (BrE) ends

    b) (de papel, moneda, tela) side
    c) (Mat) ( de polígono) side
    2) (aspecto, ángulo) side
    a) ( bando) side

    ¿de qué lado estás? — whose side are you on?

    b) ( rama familiar) side
    4) (sitio, lugar)

    miré en or por todos lados — I looked everywhere

    al lado: viven en la casa de al lado they live next door; los vecinos de al lado the next-door neighbors; nos queda aquí al lado it's very near here o (colloq) is right on the doorstep; al lado de alguien/algo ( contiguo a) next to somebody/something, beside somebody/something; ( en comparación con) compared to somebody/something; a su lado me siento segura I feel safe when I'm with him; de mi/tu/su lado: no te muevas de mi lado don't leave my side, stay close to me; de lado <meter/colocar> sideways; <tumbarse/dormir> on one's side; ponlo de lado turn it sideways; de medio lado at an angle; por otro lado ( en cambio) on the other hand; ( además) apart from anything else; por un lado..., pero por otro lado... on the one hand..., but on the other hand...; dejar algo de lado or a un lado to leave something aside o to one side; dejar a alguien de lado: me dejan de lado en la oficina they leave me out of things at the office; sus amigos la dejaron a un lado her friends gave her the cold shoulder; estar al or del otro lado (CS, Méx fam) to be over the worst, be laughing (colloq); ir cada uno por su lado: mejor vamos cada uno por nuestro lado y allí nos encontramos it's better if we all make our own way and meet each other there; cada uno se fue por su lado they went their separate ways; por cualquier lado que se mire whichever way o however you look at it; saber de qué lado sopla el viento — to know which way the wind blows, know how the land lies

    * * *
    = part, quarter, side.

    Ex: Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.

    Ex: A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.
    Ex: The red ON/OFF switch for the terminal is located at the left side of the screen.
    * a ambos lados de = on either side of.
    * a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.
    * adelantar por el lado incorrecto = undertake.
    * al lado de = beside, at the side of, by the side of.
    * al otro lado de = across.
    * al otro lado de la barrera = on the other side of the fence.
    * al otro lado de la ciudad = cross-town.
    * al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del charco = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del mundo = half way (a)round the world.
    * al otro lado del océano = across the pond.
    * ambos lados del argumento = both sides of the fence.
    * apartarse a un lado = pull over.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a uno y otro lado de = on either side of.
    * aunque por otro lado = but otherwise.
    * continuar al lado de = stand by.
    * con una pierna a cada lado de = astride.
    * dar de lado = short-circuit [shortcircuit], give + Nombre + the cold shoulder.
    * dejando a un lado = apart from.
    * dejar a una lado = put + Nombre + to one side.
    * dejar a un lado = put + aside, move + beyond, lay + Nombre + aside, leave by + the wayside.
    * dejar de lado = leave + aside, forego [forgo].
    * del otro lado de la ciudad = cross-town.
    * denerse en el lado del camino = pull over.
    * de todos lados = from far and wide.
    * de un lado de la ciudad a otro = cross-town.
    * de un lado para otro = on the move, to and fro.
    * echar a un lado = push aside.
    * el otro lado de la barrera = the other side of the fence.
    * en el lado negativo = on the negative side, on the downside.
    * en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.
    * en todos lados = far and wide.
    * estar al lado de = stand by + Lugar.
    * extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * hacer a un lado = nudge + Nombre + aside, push aside.
    * hacerse a un lado = make + room (for), pull over.
    * juntos por el lado más ancho = side by side.
    * juntos por el lado más estrecho = end to end.
    * lado del camino = wayside.
    * lado derecho = right-hand side.
    * lado derecho, el = right side, the.
    * lado exterior, el = far side, the.
    * lado externo, el = far side, the.
    * lado izquierdo, el = left side, the.
    * lado más cercano, el = near side, the, near side, the.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
    * mirar al otro lado = look + the other way.
    * pararse en el lado del camino = pull over.
    * pasar por el lado de = make + Posesivo + way past.
    * pero por otro lado = but then again.
    * poner a un lado = lay + Nombre + aside, set + aside.
    * ponerse del lado de = side with.
    * ponerse del lado de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * por otro lado = alternatively, however, on the other side, for another thing, on the flip side, on another topic, on another matter, on another note.
    * por otro lados = on other matters.
    * por todos lados = left, right and centre, far and wide.
    * por una lado... por otro = at one end... at the other.
    * por un lado = on the one hand, on the one side.
    * por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre = in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other.
    * tiempo estar de lado de Alguien = time + be + on + Posesivo + side.
    * viento de lado = crosswind.

    * * *
    está en el lado derecho it is on the right side o the righthand side
    a este/al otro lado del río on this/on the other side of the river
    ¿de qué lado de la calle está su casa? which side of the street is your house on?
    se hizo a un lado para dejarlo pasar she stood aside o moved to one side to let him pass
    tuvo que echarse a un lado para evitar la colisión he had to swerve to avoid a collision
    pon estas fichas a un lado set these pieces aside, put these counters to one side ( BrE)
    cambiar de lado ( Dep) to change sides ( AmE) o ( BrE) ends
    2 (de un papel, una moneda, una tela) side
    escribe sólo por un lado del folio write on o use one side of the paper only
    4 ( Econ):
    el lado de la demanda/de la oferta the demand/supply side
    blind side
    B (aspecto, ángulo) side
    hay que ver el lado positivo de las cosas you have to look on the bright side of things
    todas las cosas tienen su lado bueno y su lado malo there's a good side and a bad side to everything
    Luisa tiene su lado bueno Luisa has her good points
    por ese lado te conviene aceptar from that point of view it's to your advantage to accept
    1 (bando) side
    ¿tú de qué lado estás, del suyo o del nuestro? whose side are you on? theirs or ours?
    igualar a dos goles por lado they drew/tied two goals each
    por el lado materno/paterno on the maternal/paternal side
    por el lado de mi madre/padre on my mother's/father's side (of the family)
    (sitio, lugar): he mirado en or por todos lados y no lo encuentro I've looked everywhere and I can't find it
    ponlo por ahí en cualquier lado put it over there somewhere o ( AmE) someplace
    ¿por qué no vamos por otro lado? why don't we go a different way?
    va a todos lados en taxi she goes everywhere by taxi
    me he pasado toda la mañana de un lado para otro I've been running around all morning
    vas a tener que intentarlo por otro lado you're going to have to try some other way
    E ( en locs):
    al lado: viven en la casa de al lado they live next door
    nuestros vecinos de al lado our next-door neighbors
    el colegio nos queda aquí al lado the school's very near here o ( colloq) is right on the doorstep
    al lado de algn/algo (contiguo a) next to sb/sth, beside sb/sth; (en comparación con) compared to sb/sth
    se sentó al lado de su padre she sat down next to o beside her father
    ponte aquí a mi lado sit here next to o beside me
    al lado de él or ( crit) al lado suyo hasta yo parezco inteligente compared to him even I seem intelligent
    a su lado me siento segura I feel safe when I'm with him
    todas las cosas que he aprendido a su lado everything I've learned from (being with) her
    viven al lado de mi casa they live next door to me
    me queda al lado del trabajo it's right by o very near where I work
    eso no es nada al lado de lo que él tiene that's nothing compared to o with what he has
    de mi/tu/su lado: no te muevas de mi lado don't leave my side, stay close to me
    de lado ‹meter/colocar› sideways;
    ‹tumbarse/dormir› on one's side
    ponlo de lado a ver si cabe turn it sideways, maybe it'll fit that way
    de medio lado at an angle
    llevaba el sombrero de medio lado he wore his hat at an angle
    por otro lado (en cambio) on the other hand; (además) apart from anything else
    por otro lado, estas cifras tampoco son muy significativas there again o however o on the other hand, these figures are not very significant
    por un lado …, pero por otro lado … on the one hand …, but on the other hand …
    por otro lado yo ni siquiera lo conozco apart from anything else I don't even know him
    dejar algo de ladoor a un lado to leave sth aside o to one side
    dejar or ( Esp) dar a algn de ladoor a un lado: últimamente lo están dejando de lado en la oficina lately they've been leaving him out of things in the office
    sus amigos la están dejando a un lado her friends have been giving her the cold shoulder
    estar al or del otro lado (CS, Méx fam); to be over the worst, be laughing ( colloq)
    ir cada uno por su lado: mejor vamos cada uno por nuestro lado y allí nos encontramos it's better if we all make our own way and meet each other there
    se pelearon y cada uno se fue por su lado they had an argument and went their separate ways
    aunque viven juntos, luego cada uno va por su lado although they live together, they all lead their own separate lives o ( colloq) they all do their own thing
    mirarle a algn de lado ( fam); to look down on sb
    por cualquier lado que se mire whichever way o however you look at it
    saber de qué lado sopla el viento to know which way the wind blows, know how the land lies
    * * *


    lado sustantivo masculino

    a este/al otro lado del río on this/on the other side of the river;
    hacerse a un lado to move to one side;
    echarse a un lado [ coche] to swerve;

    [ persona] to move over;

    ¿de qué lado estás? whose side are you on?;
    cambiar de lado (Dep) to change sides (AmE) o (BrE) ends;
    ver el lado positivo de las cosas to look on the bright side of things;
    por el lado de mi padre on my father's side (of the family)
    b) (de papel, moneda, tela) side

    2 (sitio, lugar):
    a/en/por todos lados everywhere;

    en algún lado somewhere;
    en cualquier lado anywhere;
    ir de un lado para otro to run around
    3 ( en locs)
    al lado: viven en la casa de al lado they live next door;

    los vecinos de al lado the next-door neighbors;
    al lado de algn/algo ( contiguo a) next to sb/sth, beside sb/sth;

    ( en comparación con) compared to sb/sth;
    de ladometer/colocar sideways;

    tumbarse/dormir on one's side;
    de lado a ladoextenderse/cruzar from one side to the other;

    por otro lado ( en cambio) on the other hand;

    ( además) apart from anything else;
    por un lado …, pero por otro lado … on the one hand …, but on the other hand …;

    dejar algo de lado to leave sth aside o to one side;
    ir cada uno por su lado: cada uno se fue por su lado they went their separate ways
    lado sustantivo masculino
    1 side: a este lado del río, on this side of the river
    a un lado, aside
    2 (lugar) place: idos a otro lado, go somewhere else
    3 (camino, dirección) direction, way: nos fuimos por otro lado, we went another way
    4 (aspecto) side: tiene un lado salvaje, he has a wild side
    por un lado..., por otro lado..., on the one hand..., on the other (hand)...
    ♦ Locuciones: al lado, close by, nearby: mi casa está ahí al lado, my house is just over there
    al lado de, next to, beside: al lado de ella, tú eres un genio, compared with her, you are a genius
    dar de lado a alguien, to cold-shoulder sb
    de (medio) lado, sideways: saludó friamente y miró de medio lado, he said hello coldly and then looked away
    ' lado' also found in these entries:
    - ancha
    - ancho
    - aparte
    - banda
    - chalet
    - collado
    - cuestión
    - derecha
    - derecho
    - emplazar
    - estar
    - ir
    - izquierda
    - izquierdo
    - justa
    - justo
    - ladearse
    - mano
    - moribunda
    - moribundo
    - parte
    - sacudir
    - siniestra
    - siniestro
    - apartar
    - colgar
    - colocar
    - contramano
    - contrapeso
    - contrario
    - cruzar
    - cualquiera
    - dejar
    - dormir
    - echar
    - enfrente
    - explanada
    - hacer
    - inclinar
    - llegar
    - ninguno
    - ocupar
    - opuesto
    - orillar
    - otro
    - paralizar
    - pasar
    - robar
    - través
    - across
    - alongside
    - arrogant
    - aside
    - astir
    - beside
    - breadth
    - bright
    - bring out
    - brush aside
    - bury
    - by
    - crack
    - cross
    - dash
    - directly
    - disturbing
    - downside
    - dwarf
    - either
    - embankment
    - flank
    - flip side
    - graph paper
    - graze
    - hand
    - lay aside
    - lay down
    - move along
    - move over
    - nearside
    - next
    - next door
    - noplace
    - off
    - offside
    - out
    - outside
    - over
    - pace
    - part
    - past
    - pull over
    - push aside
    - put aside
    - right
    - right-hand
    - set aside
    - side
    * * *
    lado nm
    1. [costado, cara, parte lateral] side;
    me duele el lado izquierdo my left side is hurting;
    el supermercado está a este lado de la calle the supermarket is on this side of the street;
    el lado más áspero de la tela the rougher side of the cloth;
    un polígono con cuatro lados a four-sided o quadrilateral polygon;
    este cuadro se puede colgar en el lado de la chimenea we can hang this painting on the wall behind the fireplace;
    a ambos lados on both sides;
    al lado [cerca] nearby;
    yo vivo aquí al lado I live just round the corner from here;
    al lado de [junto a] beside, next to;
    [comparado con] compared to;
    la zapatería está al lado de la joyería the shoe shop is next to the jeweller's;
    Juan, al lado de su hermano, es muy alto Juan is very tall compared to his brother;
    al otro lado de on the other side of;
    la mesa de al lado the next table;
    la casa de al lado the house next door;
    los vecinos de al lado the next-door neighbours;
    no te vayas de su lado do not leave her side;
    en el lado de arriba/abajo on the top/bottom;
    de lado [torcido] at an angle;
    el cuadro está de lado the painting isn't straight;
    mételo de lado put it in sideways;
    dormir de lado to sleep on one's side;
    el viento sopla de lado there's a crosswind;
    atravesar algo de lado a lado to cross sth from one side to the other;
    echarse o [m5] hacerse a un lado to move aside;
    poner algo a un lado to put sth aside o to one side
    2. [lugar] place;
    por este lado no oímos nada we can't hear anything over here;
    debe de estar en otro lado it must be somewhere else;
    columpiarse de un lado para o [m5] a otro to swing to and fro;
    estuve todo el día corriendo de un lado para otro I've been running around all day;
    hacerle un lado a alguien to make room for sb;
    iremos cada uno por nuestro lado y nos reuniremos en el hotel we will go our separate ways and meet up later at the hotel;
    si cada cual va por su lado, nunca sacaremos este proyecto adelante if everyone does their own thing, we'll never make a success of this project;
    por todos lados everywhere, all around;
    por todos lados se ven anuncios de este nuevo refresco there are adverts for this new drink everywhere
    3. [bando] side;
    y tú ¿de qué lado estás? whose side are you on?;
    estoy de su lado I'm on her side;
    ponerse del lado de alguien to take sb's side
    4. [línea de parentesco] side;
    por el lado paterno on my/his/her/ etc father's side
    5. [aspecto] side;
    siempre ve el lado negativo de las cosas she always sees the negative side of things;
    la entrevista se centra en el lado humano del campeón the interview focuses on the human side of the champion;
    por un lado [en primer lugar] on the one hand;
    [en cierto modo] in one sense;
    por otro lado, Am [m5] de otro lado [en segundo lugar] on the other hand;
    [además] in any case
    6. Comp
    dar de lado a alguien, Méx, RP [m5] dar a alguien por su lado to cold-shoulder sb;
    dejar algo de lado o [m5] a un lado [prescindir] to leave sth to one side;
    Méx, RP Fam
    estar del otro lado to be over the worst;
    mirar de lado a alguien [despreciar] to look askance at sb;
    RP, Ven Fam
    pasar al otro lado to kick the bucket, to snuff it;
    RP, Ven Fam CSur Fam
    ser o [m5] patear para el otro lado to be one of them, to be queer
    * * *
    m side; ( lugar) place;
    al lado nearby;
    al lado de beside, next to;
    al otro lado de on the other side of;
    de lado sideways;
    por todos lados everywhere;
    ir por otro lado go another way;
    mirar a otro lado look the other way;
    por un lado … por otro lado on the one hand … on the other hand;
    dejar a un lado leave aside;
    dar a alguien de lado leave s.o. out;
    estar del lado de alguien be on s.o.’s side;
    ponerse del lado de alguien take s.o.’s side;
    cada uno va por su lado everyone goes their own way;
    mirar a alguien de (medio) lado look sideways at s.o.;
    por el lado de mi padre on my father’s side
    * * *
    lado nm
    1) : side
    2) parte: place
    miró por todos lados: he looked everywhere
    al lado de : next to, beside
    de lado : tilted, sideways
    está de lado: it's lying on its side
    hacerse a un lado : to step aside
    lado a lado : side by side
    por otro lado : on the other hand
    * * *
    lado n
    1. (en general) side
    2. (lugar) somewhere / nowhere / anywhere / everywhere
    por un lado... on the one hand...
    por otro lado... on the other hand...

    Spanish-English dictionary > lado

См. также в других словарях:

  • theirs — S3 [ðeəz US ðerz] pron [possessive form of they ] 1.) used to refer to something that belongs to or is connected with people that have already been mentioned ▪ When our washing machine broke, our neighbours let us use theirs. ▪ Our house is… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Right — • Substantive designating the object of justice Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Right     Right     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • their — strong,; strong, determiner (possessive form of they) 1 of or belonging to them: They washed their faces and went to bed. | The twins spend all their time together. 2 used to avoid saying his or her after words like anyone , no one , everyone etc …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

  • Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… …   Universalium

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